
Author Topic: Discworld Mafia is go!  (Read 110909 times)


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #225 on: January 05, 2008, 04:19:34 AM »
Ooookay no no no no no. CPU, if you'd rather not play, that's cool. Please make like Unoriginal and drop out, though, because I don't want to waste our lynch on someone who would just as soon not be playing. So let's all please hold our horses and regroup before sending CPU to the gallows, since there's a possibility that it'd get us literally nowhere at all.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #226 on: January 05, 2008, 04:27:31 AM »
...What Strago said. The impulse to lynch him is a bad one; better if we can use our lynch on someone else, I feel, if CPU really just wants out. I'm looking over the case made by Strago against CK, as well as a few other lines of commentary, and I'll weigh in with a vote once I'm done.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #227 on: January 05, 2008, 05:32:20 AM »
Nitori (plus everyone else I guess): My lack of posting yesterday was due to a recently acquired job, which I didn't know I'd have when I signed up for the game. I am still going to participate as much as I can, I just won't be online for 14 hours a day as I thought I'd be initially. :V

Sea Kay: I disagree with two of your assessments:

- There was a fairly legit case against Otter. I'm probably alone in this opinion thanks to my seemingly unique "relationship" with him, but I know, between his public LAL crusades and our private conversations, that he would never have gone an entire day without posting if he could avoid it.

Regardless, this is going to lead to yet another stupid "I refuse to stop talking about it!" smokescreen on my part if I don't cut myself off from it right now, and it's not terribly important to the situation at hand, so I'm going to move on.

- Smodge's vote for Finali was a joke. "First from the list of" does not demerit the purpose of the list itself, which was finding people that hadn't posted anything yet. Obviously one cannot vote for several people at once, so if you have such a list and no one stands out to you then "first on the list" is as good or bad a reason as any. The problem was that he was picking out people who hadn't posted the first 8 hours of the game. That's just silly. As such, not knowing how Smodge plays but not recognizing him from the games I was in, I took this action as over-eager to the point of naively trying to blend in with the town crowd (ironically while everyone else was still gag voting).

Thoughts on Unoriginal: I was going to go back and look at his posts to get an assessment of him because I kept seeing his name come up and I realized that I couldn't think of a single thing he said but looks like it's too late now. >_>

Thoughts on IHateThisCPU: Best left ignored unless he refuses to ask for a mod kill. Assuming he's town, he should realize that his team is better off with him dead, as letting him sit there to rot will do nothing but cause distractions.

Thoughts on EvilTom voters: Even if it is hard to blame anyone for voting for him given his Day 1 actions, at the very least, I think it's still worth looking at the group of 3 that jumped on him in rapid succession near the end of the day. (even if one of them was CPU). I will do this in my next post: I'm stopping this one here so people know I'm still very much paying attention (or at least as much as I normally do :B).

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #228 on: January 05, 2008, 06:35:37 AM »
Fire One: IHateThisCPU

If he has found himself unable to participate as much as he deems necessary, then he needs to ask for a mod kill.

Conclusion: If he refuses to ask for a mod kill then he's either an anti-town role or simply spiteful to the point where he's trying to hurt his team (which is a huge no-no, both in terms of the rules and sportsmanship). Either way, he would need to be offed.


Fire Two: Cmdr_Kng

Page 1: Gag vote.
Page 3: Analysis of votes through the first 12 hours of the game. Relatively pointless (though at least he admits it). Not much offered with it. Votes for CPU to get him to talk then switches to VSM for the same reason. Explains the idea behind the analysis later.
Page 4: Explains to VSM his rationale behind his distaste for VSM's attitude, though about 15 minutes after Sopko did essentially the same thing.
Page 5: Re-explanation of idea behind list. Still unwilling to commit to changing from VSM.
Page 7: Fairly empty post asking Tom to calm down.
Page 9: A summary of the situations of Tom, Otter, CPU, Unoriginal and Nitori with a "I'm going to wait and see before I make a commitment" claim attached. Notable for being posted at a time when there wasn't that much time left for worthwhile discussion, as someone else (Sopko?) already pointed out.
Page 10: Vote for Tom.
Page 13: A small commitment toward Corwin. A notable improvement from his past noncommittal posts.
Page 14: Oops, Strago did this page summary thing already. :V A response to Strago's attack. Notes that he put data out for others to analyze. Drops a bunch of names but, sadly, refuses to commit to any of them.
Page 15: Admits to posting very little actual content, which is followed by an attack on me. I must admit I can't blame him, as I have not exactly been the ideal townie so far this game.

Conclusion: I don't like the lack of content, admitted or no, nor do I like the Page 14 pokes. If CPU gets modkilled or otherwise dies and he flips town I wouldn't have much of a problem placing a vote here.


Fire Three: Excal

Page 1: Gag vote.
Page 4: Attack on Sopko. On one hand, I agree that Sopko was overzealous in his vote for QR. On the other hand, it's quite possible that Sopko's play was simply making him stand out in a bad light as it has in past games, and perhaps Excal is simply jumping on the opportunity. Later talks to VSM about Day 1 discussion philosophy.
Page 7: Coins the "rote townisms" phrase. Indirectly proposes the lynching of Otter and highlights a couple of other people that haven't been doing much. Questions Corwin's motives for joke voting someone with two votes already.
Page 9: Makes several observations about Tom's situation while opening up the possibility of him throwing his hat into Tom's ring.
Page 10: Tom vote coupled with Day 2 thoughts. Asks for game structure clarification while criticizing Shale's unvote decision.
Page 11: Reiteration of previous post. Once clarification is made, he backs off Shale.
Page 12: Answers my Edit question.
Page 14: Picks at lurkers and a few talkative people.
Page 15: Responds to Shale's question about Sopko while apparently oblivious to CPU's post (or maybe he simply didn't care). Interestingly enough, given the nature and phrasing of the question, if Sopko flipped scum it would make Shale look pretty bad in my eyes.

Conclusion: Doesn't seem worthy of suspicion; the only things I can find on him are paranoia over attacking Sopko and the fact that his stance on Otter never came up again despite his "let him talk or let him hang" attitude. Definitely the last of the three I would peg as scum. Still was worth the look, though, if only for the potential Sopko/Shale tie that I hadn't noticed before. Also, get your Phoenix Wright avatar back. >_>


Unless something notable happens between now and when I get off work tomorrow, I will focus on Corwin then. Right now, though, I want to go putter around 4chan and then to bed. D:

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #229 on: January 05, 2008, 06:45:51 AM »
Mod note: I am taking CPU's last post as a tacit request for removal. At the least, such behavior ruins the game for everyone. I am presently looking for a replacement player for him, rather than simply tossing out another modkill. Hopefully I'll have it sorted out tonight (already had an inquiry). In the meantime, I'm discounting all votes for him because either the role will be modkilled or replaced by someone else (and the latter case would warrant coming in with a clean slate). Please ignore his last post and do your best to route the discussion back to more constructive threads while I sort this out. Thank you.

I will have an updated votecount in a moment.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #230 on: January 05, 2008, 07:04:42 AM »

Cmdr_King (1): Strago
Hunter Sopko (1): Corwin

With sixteen alive, it takes nine to lynch.

Due to the considerable derailment caused by CPU's suicide rush, I am pushing the deadline back by twelve hours. Thus, it is now 33 hours until the deadline. I have also decided to implement the "No majority by deadline = no lynch" policy beginning on the next game-day, as this seems to force more active discussion (as opposed to having people let the deadline do the work for them).


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #231 on: January 05, 2008, 07:11:52 AM »
Last mod note tonight, really: Mad Fnorder is taking over CPU's role. You may now return to your regularly scheduled paranoia.

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #232 on: January 05, 2008, 07:21:17 AM »
A post before bed- I've been reading the topic with a spectator's eye, not a player's, so it's taking a bit of time for me to get through this.

The two things that stick in my head are that Carthrat seems to be playing more...aggressive than normal? I know it's common sense lurker smiting, but something about it seems off to me. Secondly, after re-reading his analysis, I'm taking a long look at CK. Will start dropping vote-bombs in the morning.

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #233 on: January 05, 2008, 07:59:40 AM »
 I have to agree on the Shale thing, Kil. He's come to my defense a few times in this topic and, believe it or not, it hasn't sat well with me.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #234 on: January 05, 2008, 08:07:46 AM »
For what it's worth, I've only ever seen Rat when he was scum, and he wasn't really that aggressive, so either he's changed his posting habits, or he's not scum.

I'm glad we have the extra time, because I'd really like to hear more out of Fnorder once he catches up.

Does Unoriginal dropping out tell us anything we don't already know?


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #235 on: January 05, 2008, 08:14:02 AM »
Fnorder: Do you mean 'more aggressively than a normal mafia player' or 'more aggressively than he ususally plays'?

Soppy, why do you find Shale's defence of you suspicious? I'd also like to make a blanket request for people to post links to stuff that's deeper in the threads if it's at all possible; its a pain to search post-by-post. I still don't like the way you conduct yourself, and your recent post here just isn't making too much sense to me either. You noticed the Shale thing? But I thought the Shale thing was that he looked bad if you flipped scum! (I'm not sure why, but that's what Kilga said! Can anyone explain this to me?)


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #236 on: January 05, 2008, 08:21:11 AM »
It can also be read in reverse, that if Shale flips scum, then I look really bad due to him consistantly coming to my defense.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #237 on: January 05, 2008, 09:36:54 AM »
Not a ton of opinions yet, but I'll post some random comments to various things.  As I was reading I was like "Okay, lemme hit reply and vote for Unoriginal!  Wait, no, gone.  Okay, lemme vote for CPU!  Wait, no."  CPU unfortunately made it harder for us by attracting attention with his sudden "I hate this game, I don't care how it ends" thing.  Examining all that talk doesn't get us much; I think the townie move there was definitely to vote for him, since letting an actual scum get away with that kind of an excuse because "it's probably just a bad townie" is a TERRIBLE mistake, but it hardly guarantees anyone as a townie just because they voted for him.

I will say that Kilga's gotten better at Mafia whether he's townie or scum, because he's -acting- like a much better townie than he did last time I saw him play as an actual townie.  As a result, for once I'm not seeing much of a reason to go after him right now.

I will also say that "common sense lurker smiting" might seem boring or "off" to you but it's actually really good play, Fnorder.

Quote from: VSM
Unoriginal's "Vote for himself" thing seems ultimately benign. Frankly, I'm more worried about anyone who voted for him over it.

Can you justify that?  Even as a joke you should really never do that.  Voting for him looks about right to me.

Quote from: Corwin
Finally, if you believe Tom is irredeemable this game and this feeling is shared by the others, he can be ignored with relative safety. His single vote won't matter for a while.

Argh argh argh.  Never ever use this reasoning.  It's so bad.  Remember that time when we didn't kill Sopko in FFT because of this reasoning, and we kept him around, and his vote killed townies until days later when we finally killed him?  Yeah, that was STUPID, I agree.  Never suffer scum to live.

In fact this is so bad that I'm going to throw down my first vote of the game over it.  It's scummy to infect the game with bad logic; if no one calls you on it, you can slowly convince people to do things on the grounds that it's "good play" when it blatantly isn't.  ##VOTE: Corwin

Quote from: Shale
##Unvote EvilTom

Because he's going down anyway and I want to buy more time for everyone (Otter) to post before the first night. And also because that train above me is rather disquieting.

This is also bad and makes me raise my eyebrows a bit.  Unvoting because "They'll get lynched anyway" isn't a good policy.  You also did this right after it was announced that Tom was -1 to hammer, which makes it look like you were ducking out of the train (that you started, by the way) in order to avoid suspicion later when the guy flipped town.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #238 on: January 05, 2008, 10:16:44 AM »
Another day, another reading through pages of posts to follow. At least it's only a couple this time.

Remember that time when we didn't kill Sopko in FFT because of this reasoning

Well, no, since I wasn't in FFT. I'll have to take your word for this reasoning being bad, I suppose.

And now, on to reading.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #239 on: January 05, 2008, 10:28:42 AM »
Well, isn't it obvious? If someone is confirmed scum or highly suspected scum, then by killing them instead of some less-guilty seeming townie, you may eliminate scum and may eliminate a lousy townie, which means that some *other* townie can keep talking and contributing. You also prevent the scum from shifting things with their vote, nonlogic, and whatever role powers they might have (if they're actually scum).

Basically, kill suspicious people! It's our purpose as a lynch mob! Isn't that the whole point of all the discussion?


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #240 on: January 05, 2008, 10:37:52 AM »
Can you justify that?  Even as a joke you should really never do that.  Voting for him looks about right to me.

Mostly because, well, it was the first few minutes of the game, and I don't think he was in any danger to actually get lynched over it. It's just a "hey, look at me, I'm throwing an even wackier vote!" thing. Since he's in no danger of dying over it, it's benign.

On the other hand, he quit playing. So maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #241 on: January 05, 2008, 11:01:50 AM »
Excal: Why doesn't QR's flip put Sopko in at least a somewhat better light? He went after someone who turned out to be anti-town, and there's no way it was a scumbus.

Shale, here:

I know it's not addressed to me, but I felt like commenting here. QR was anti-town, yes, but scum wouldn't know that about her role. Therefore, Sopko could be town going after someone suspicious, or scum picking someone who isn't scum. Either of those options is equally likely, so I don't think it colors him in better or worse light at all.

Reading on I see Excal and Bobbin respond along similar lines.

And now CPU is voting for himself, and calling us all idiots. What the fuck? I only have one vote, and I want to kill scum with it. Look, I might be being hypocritical here, but suddenly what Corwin said about ignoring sucky players looks a whole lot better.

Anyhow. Corwin, Soppy and Shale are people who have actually been talking who I'd consider for a vote right now. Corwin because of his odd way of putting words in my mouth and a few arguments early on that didn't really make sense; Soppy for not even knowing *how* to make sense, and Shale for cleverly disguising a lack of opinion in a few paragraphs of posting.

Rat, at

Since Otter's vote for me was the most recent one by the time I looked at the page today, I read it before going back to where the thread was yesterday for me. I find it striking that Rat seems to be agreeing with my logic to a degree, or at least understanding it. Does it mean Otter gave him a free pass while voting for me, and not even mentioning Rat in that post? Or is it not as bad a move as Otter claims? Bobbin seems to agree with Otter, and Rat did play in the FFT game, so if this is really a bad tactic he'd actually know this.

I gain much amusement from Rat complaining of me putting words in his mouth. So should you all! : This is only one of the many examples of him doing this very same thing, and far more blatantly than anything I did. (That last posts feature QR mentioned for looking things up really does come in handy.) Well, hypocrisy is not something I'd like to base my vote on, but if it were, Rat would get my vote for what he said in the first post of his I'm quoting here. : Rat's comment on my response to Otter. Rat says it's obvious (I assume he's talking about Otter saying that what I did was a bad move). If it's so obvious, why do I have you quoted above, where you indicate readiness to agree with me on leaving the bad players and ignoring them while going after scum? I can't reconcile what you're saying here and what you said earlier, and I'd be curious as to whether Otter or Bobbin could, as those who pointed out the badness in my approach.

Would still like to see Sopko explain his logic before I decide whether to keep my vote on him. I've seen him post, but my request seemed to have been ignored.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #242 on: January 05, 2008, 02:09:04 PM »
This is also bad and makes me raise my eyebrows a bit.  Unvoting because "They'll get lynched anyway" isn't a good policy.  You also did this right after it was announced that Tom was -1 to hammer, which makes it look like you were ducking out of the train (that you started, by the way) in order to avoid suspicion later when the guy flipped town.

Uh, I kicked things off with a jokevote, but I didn't seriously consider Tom a reasonable target until he started talking up No Lynch, which was after he'd gathered other, serious votes. Moreover, by dropping off the train I got more attention than I would have if I'd stayed on. Furthermore and moreover, I not only visibly dropped off the train but did so without arguing for his innocence, which is pretty stupid if I was trying to absolve myself of guilt for a mislynch, don't you think?
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #243 on: January 05, 2008, 04:32:50 PM »
And now CPU is voting for himself, and calling us all idiots. What the fuck? I only have one vote, and I want to kill scum with it. Look, I might be being hypocritical here, but suddenly what Corwin said about ignoring sucky players looks a whole lot better.

Rat, at

Since Otter's vote for me was the most recent one by the time I looked at the page today, I read it before going back to where the thread was yesterday for me. I find it striking that Rat seems to be agreeing with my logic to a degree, or at least understanding it. Does it mean Otter gave him a free pass while voting for me, and not even mentioning Rat in that post? Or is it not as bad a move as Otter claims? Bobbin seems to agree with Otter, and Rat did play in the FFT game, so if this is really a bad tactic he'd actually know this.

His explanation, if you look a few posts down, is that he's just disgusted with the whole thing.  I originally went back to quote that and point it out, but now... eh, I don't know, reading it again, it's a pretty dramatic flip-flop, which does look bad. : Rat's comment on my response to Otter. Rat says it's obvious (I assume he's talking about Otter saying that what I did was a bad move). If it's so obvious, why do I have you quoted above, where you indicate readiness to agree with me on leaving the bad players and ignoring them while going after scum? I can't reconcile what you're saying here and what you said earlier, and I'd be curious as to whether Otter or Bobbin could, as those who pointed out the badness in my approach.

Like I said, it *appears* to be an emotional response and that's Rat's claim.  I can certainly sympathize with being disgusted there (note the reason for my LEAVING my vote on CPU: "distrust and disgust"), but at the same time, Scum could certainly play the emotionalism card to get away with slipping in an incentive to bad play.

More interesting to me is that Yakumo ALSO got a free pass, slipping past both you and Otter, for lamenting attacks on the nonproductive/lurking masses:

Blargh.  Why did he have to go and do that?  That's just what we need, our ranks getting thinned out because people don't want to play the game they signed up for.  And CPU's getting jumped on for basically the same reason, which makes sense but still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  Mrf.

Just ten posts above, I explained to Rat why targeting the bad players/nonproductives was downright necessary for Town, and nine posts above, Rat acknowledged same.  Also explained why the way CPU was playing was not just annoying and bad, it was also SUSPICIOUS.  I find it a little strange that Yakumo would come back so soon saying it leaves 'a bad taste in his mouth.'
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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #244 on: January 05, 2008, 04:57:48 PM »
It leaves a bad taste in my mouth not because we shouldn't do it, but because I'm reasonably sure that in doing the 'right' thing we're going to take down a townie that should never have bothered to sign up in the first place if he didn't think he could keep up with a game like this.  I didn't really mean that I was going to look at anyone who voted for him any better or worse because of the circumstances, I just really disliked the fact that we were going to have to do that.  Thankfully, we don't have to anymore.

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #245 on: January 05, 2008, 05:20:10 PM »
Carthrat/Otter- To clarify, I meant that Carthrat seems a bit more bloodthirsty than their usual style of play, in that he's focused every powerfully on the lurkers, and had one paragraph about non lurker targets today, calling out Corwin/Sopko/Shale. This could just be a style shift- in fact, given his tendency to be scum, he could be playing this way because he's not? Arg, logic loop. Still the vibe I'm getting, and he is pushing the conversation pretty well.

About the current suspects:

Corwin has these big posts full of quotes that makes them look quite intimidating and legitmate. Sopko has been relatively shot in the dark. Usually I'd just say Townie Fight and move on, but something doesn't seem right about this one. I'm not advocating the imminently dumb "Lynch one, then if we miss, lynch the other!" tactic. I guess Sopko seems scummier from what we CAN see, but there's a lot of smoke on Corwin's side, so I have much less certainty of a read on him.

Shale has been quiet, but I don't disagree with the one play he's made (pulling the vote off Tom before the Hammer). Would like to see his opinion on more stuffs.

Nitori has been quieter, and also has given very very little over both days. Guess I'll Spin~ a vote over.

Why not vote for Corwin or Sopko, before someone asks? Because the only person who seems to have made a solid opinion on the topic is VSM.

##Vote Nitori


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #246 on: January 05, 2008, 08:19:20 PM »
Hmm.  Despite some ongoing reservations about Corwin, the case between him and Soppy seems vaporous at best and neither is something I'm really willing to jump onto barring a choice between it and not lynching anyone on current evidence.

And honestly, there aren't any serious lurkers right now.

So, a new track of attack, although one that's currently in use.  People that have been posting without really posting.  In other words, the under the radar folk.  That leaves us with (just glancing through the thread, mind, not point-by-point analysis.)

Shale- While he did unvote Tom to give Otter a chance to post, on the whole has been very quiet this game and hasn't really formulated any particular cases.

Myself- Well shoot, that's basically Strago's whole case isn't it?  No need to summarize.

Excal- I honestly have to keep reminding myself he's playing, and can't really point to anything he's said, although he's generally giving off an innocuous impression.

VSM- Largely has posted saying he doesn't really want to commit without a very solid case, as well as putting out questions for other players.  It's worth noting, however, that this is fairly classic VSM playstyle anyways.

Hmph.  So, among these... well, there's not a case per se, that's the point.  But looking at them, the one I do think I'd like to hear from more, right now?

##Vote: Shale
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #247 on: January 05, 2008, 10:44:00 PM »
As promised!

Fire Extra Stage: Corwin

(Links to posts in question provided when post is worth linking to)

Page 2: Gag vote that brings Carthrat's total to 3. Mockery of Smodge for compiling a list of lurkers in the first eight hours of the game.
Page 7: Explanation of vote provided at Excal's request with a promise to read and post attached.
Page 9: The post promised on Page 7. Covers several people with several opinions that, at the very least, don't look pasted from other players' opinions, and includes a vote for Otter (a fairly easy target, but at least it's a vote). Personally, I find the phrasing of

QR makes several points, especially in her latest post, and yet most of them go along the lines of "bad town play or bad scum play". Well, yes. QR is entirely right -- I just happen to think it's the former. Does it mean town should let him live? In the absence of any target whatsoever, maybe. But we have other options open for us, so far.

confusing, mostly within the last three sentences. Cor, did you mean to say "Does it mean town should kill him"? Letting Tom live "in the absence of any target whatsoever" doesn't seem like a "maybe". If Player X is the only visible target, why not vote for him, even if it's a very strong possibility he's only a target because of bad town play?

Anyway, this is followed by a response to a question of Carthrat's. It looks like he could be clarifying my confusion here but I'm not entirely sure. >_>

Page 14: Big ol' post. Nothing really stands out here as suspicious. I hate having nothing to say about something this long, but...:V

Page 16: Pseudo-defense from an Otterslaught with another promise to read and post attached.
Page 17: [url=]Big ol' post #2
. I noted the Ratflip post-Otterslaught myself.

Conclusion: I think the "third vote on Rat" case is rather silly myself. I understand his reasoning about excusing-bad-town-play-but-not-really, as I think he was merely advocating voting lurkers over bad town play for pressure and not for actual lynching. (Clarification on this point would be nice.) I also understand Otter and Rat reacting the way they did to it though. As it is, I'm not particularly suspicious of Corwin on the whole.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #248 on: January 05, 2008, 10:44:53 PM »
Oh for the love of Benji.

That should read:

Page 16: Pseudo-defense from an Otterslaught with another promise to read and post attached.
Page 17: Big ol' post #2. I noted the Ratflip post-Otterslaught myself.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #249 on: January 05, 2008, 11:13:54 PM »
Hm, okay. You’re right, I have been too quiet so far; I’d point out that I don’t often contribute much in the early game, but I’m being lazy even accounting for that, so it’s no excuse.

Let’s see. Otter’s being his normal aggressive self, mainly against what he sees as fundamentally bad play. In fact, only against bad play so far; you’ve been in the game for a while now, care to share your thoughts on town/scum?
Also, this grates:
Remember that time when we didn't kill Sopko in FFT because of this reasoning, and we kept him around, and his vote killed townies until days later when we finally killed him?  Yeah, that was STUPID, I agree.  Never suffer scum to live.
Yeah, but you’re responding to an accusation of bad play, not confirmed scumminess.
(Also, it was one townie, who very likely would have gone anyway if we’d killed Soppy instead of Andrew – who was also scum – that round. But I digress.)

Other people. I stand by my suspicion of the rapid-fire votes for Tom from CPU, CK and Excal late in day 1. Of those three, CPU/Fnorder is a blank slate at the moment; I don’t have a read on Fnorder yet, and I’m inclined to judge him more on his own actions than CPU’s - CPU acted much the same in this game as he did in NR, where he was town. That’s not worth a complete pass – the instinct to overlook someone entirely for chronic bad play burned me with Nitori in PW – but I didn’t see anything uncharacteristic from him, and that’s half the trick in spotting scum.

Excal looks…somewhat town to me. Not decisively so, but he’s made some well-founded arguments, is generally behaving rationally and his post count isn’t horrifically low. Not a whole lot there, but nothing that is there sets off bells.

CK I tend to agree with Strago on; he looks the worst of the three. He’s done a lot of little things that amount to very little indeed. With the topic young, votelists don’t tell us anything that somebody who cares couldn’t find themselves with minimal work, but they do make it easy to look like you’re contributing to the discussion without having to actually analyze what anybody says. He didn’t cast a serious vote on Day 1 until the pile-on on Tom, and in his last post he outright said he was following a trend and putting some pressure on lurkers instead of making anything like a case.

Need to read more closely what Corwin, Taishyr and VSM have written. They’ve posted a decent amount of content but I don’t have a firm impression of them.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.