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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #175 on: January 04, 2008, 12:10:25 AM »
On the other hand which I just noticed: If he's not lying and he's just a vanilla townie, he MIGHT be a safer lynch, because hey, at least we're not killing a power role, but that's a bit cold-blooded.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #176 on: January 04, 2008, 12:19:28 AM »
Uh. First of all, in every game with clear villain roles so far, the scum were given a list of "safe" roleclaims that no townie had been assigned, so they could make believable nameclaims. Second, the introductory flavor clearly states that ordinary people are being turned into Dungeon Dimension crawlies, so an innocuous name is no defense anyway.
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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #177 on: January 04, 2008, 12:47:31 AM »
Doesn't do much good at this point, Tom i believe is just playing bad town.
I suggest Everyone look Closely at it, many of you have said he's playing bad town but your voting for him anyway
If he is probably town, admittedly a bad one, why vote for him? theres scum out there who would be better targets than a bad townie.

The point is, as Tai mentioned just a bit earlier, a townie playing that badly is going to draw a lot of attention in subsequent days just by existing, like Super in the FFT game did.  He derailed part of the first day, most of the second, and most of the third day from actions that made him look like scum even though he was just a townie playing badly.  Getting rid of that kind of distraction is, in my opinion, one of the better ways to use a day 1 lynch when we don't have any real evidence to go off of anyway.  Now, if there were someone I was certain was scum instead of just having a hunch, then I'd be all for attacking someone else.  But that's not the case here.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #178 on: January 04, 2008, 12:53:21 AM »
This is your thirty-minute warning. If anyone has any last-minute comments, now's the time.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #179 on: January 04, 2008, 01:19:28 AM »
HAMMER. Stop talking.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #180 on: January 04, 2008, 01:46:53 AM »
Day one final votecount:

Carthrat (0): Cmdr_King, EvilTom, Corwin, EvilTom
Cmdr_King (0): Yakumo, IhatethisCPU
Corwin (0): Excal
EvilTom (0): Shale, Strago, Taishyr, QuietRain, Carthrat, Hunter Sopko, IhatethisCPU, Cmdr_King, Excal, Yakumo
Hunter Sopko (0): Nitori, Kilgamayan, Excal
IhatethisCPU (2): Cmdr_King, Bobbin Cranbud, Smodge13
Kilgamayan (0): Hunter Sopko
Nitori (0): Excal, Smodge13
Otter (3): Strago, Nitori, EvilTom, Corwin
QuietRain (0): Taishyr, Hunter Sopko
Shale (0): Carthrat
Smodge13 (1): Kilgamayan
Strago (0): Smodge13
Taishyr (0): Quietrain, Bobbin Cranbud
Unoriginal (0): Unoriginal, Carthrat, EvilTom
VSM (0): Cmdr_King
Yakumo (0): Smodge13

And so the citizens gathered before the Patrician's Palace for the first summary judgement of street justice. Amidst the blistering summer heat, tempers flared, accusations were hurled, denials and comdemnations were voiced. At first unfocused, the myriad voices in time agreed that they'd better find a scapego--er, suspect to focus on if they were to learn anything conclusive.

Given the state of rampant fear and paranoia, it wasn't much surprise that it was a foreigner that the fearful citizens turned against, one whose ways and mannerisms were strange to them. A seemingly harmless little man, with glasses and the look of someone from the Counterwight Continent, across the ocean. "I'm a humble tourist," he declared, but this plea was lost in the din. "He talks funny!" shouted one bystander. "He hasn't even got real teeth, I saw him take 'em out just this morning!" added an innkeeper whose roof the tourist had the ill luck to stay under while in the city. In the boiling cauldron of unrest that Ankh-Morpork had become, even this was enough to send a man to the gallows.

In the end, the reserved actuary met his fate calmly, solemly declaring that it was a noble death to give one's life for a greater whole, and voicing his fervent hope that something beneficial could be learned from his execution, however misguided it was. This disquieted a few members of the mob, but not enough to save the poor Agatean visitor--which is all he was, as became apparent when his swinging body failed to transmute into some otherwordly horror after death.

EvilTom, aka Twoflower, Tourist (Town-aligned, Vanilla Townie) was lynched!

It is now night. Please send in night actions if you have not done so already.

Edit: On the advice of my co-mod, cardflips will include roles.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 02:06:51 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #181 on: January 04, 2008, 03:48:29 AM »
Sobered and a little alarmed by their execution of an apparent innocent, the townsfolk slept uneasily that night, each grappling with visions of monsters in human garb coming to claim them in the night.

They had good reason to fear, as it turns out: Night Watch officers going about their rounds in the early morning found none other than their own Commander Vimes slain in the street, throat neatly slashed. There was no sign of a struggle; whoever killed him clearly took him by surprise. This came as a shock to the city as a whole--Sam Vimes, who evaded countless attempts on his own life in the course of his duty, slaughtered by monsters? Well, perhaps it wasn't quite that simple...

Curiously enough, another body was found sprawled in the street nearby, though this one was mangled nearly beyond recognition. It was the presence of a familiar glass eye that eventually led to this second victim's identification: Mister Teatime (pronounced "Teh-ah-tim-eh," as he was always quick to remind people), the one member of Ankh-Morpork's Assassins' Guild so dedicated to his craft as to frighten even his fellow assassins. Since the Guild had long since stopped taking requests for Vimes's inhumation, it seemed likely the slain assassin had been working on his own. Well, they needn't fear this particular loose cannon any longer, that's clear enough.

Smodge13, aka Commander Samuel Vimes, Copper (Town-aligned, Cop), was killed overnight!

QuietRain, aka Mister Teatime, "Teh-ah-tim-eh" (Self-aligned, Serial Killer/Ghost (evades attempts at investigation)) was killed overnight!

It is now day two. You have 48 hours until the deadline.

With sixteen alive, it takes nine to lynch.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2008, 03:50:33 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #182 on: January 04, 2008, 04:09:19 AM »
Well, I feel stupid. .-.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #183 on: January 04, 2008, 04:11:27 AM »
...well if that ain't the biggest mixed bag I've ever seen. On the one hand...<censored>. We lost a cop before he'd even gotten any results to breadcrumb. Yech.

On the other hand, we say goodbye to a freaking serial killer, and judging from the flavor ("mangled beyond recognition," and all) we have the scum to thank.

So...hell, I'll take it, I guess. In other news, that quick pileon of Tom I mentioned before looks worse to me now, although not all that much - he really wasn't doing himself any favors at all yesterday.
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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #184 on: January 04, 2008, 04:57:17 AM »
Hum.  Down two townies and a serial killer... well, not too horrible as Day 1 outcomes go, although I hold little faith on useful night actions having taken place now.

Of course, with half the living players or so having voted for Tom, sifting through that mess for useful information will certainly be a task and a half.

... and Otter never DID talk...
I feel like this is going nowhere fast...
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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #185 on: January 04, 2008, 05:16:04 AM »
Mrf. Yeah, weird night. The serial killer role sounds nasty enough that I'm glad it's out, but losing the cop is a nasty blow. And I was decently confident in EvilTom being scum. Blech. Confident, cocky, lazy...

Firstly: Where is Otter?
Secondly: Either way we have two confirmed townies, even in death. Perhaps looking at what they focused on aside from EvilTom will help? I'll look into it and post the results if no one else does in about five hours, I need food and sleep. Primarily the latter, class was hell today.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #186 on: January 04, 2008, 05:19:58 AM »
*blarg* The only one even pinging for me right now is Corwin, and that's entirely because his initial vote for Rat was... I dunno, something struck me as off, and because of available lurkers Otter seems like a strange one to vote for.  In other words, not a CASE at all.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #187 on: January 04, 2008, 05:40:20 AM »
...A cop and a SK killed? How weird. (and sucky, since the cop couldn't do anything. On the other hand, at least the SK didn't get much of a chance to cause chaos.)

As for today...I want to see if I can get a response out of people that just didn't seem to be around much for what has transpired day 1. Otter is prime here, obviously, but his silence is so extreme I'm willing to bet there are mitigating factors behind it, so I want to turn away from him for a bit. The person I want to turn to here is Unoriginal, who has barely done anything and also failed to vote yesterday. I believe he said he was going to read over the topic, so I'd like to see what he gets from it.

Other people I'm looking at are Kilga/CPU for doing largely the same thing, but they were better about it if only slightly. (Kilga came in near the end, CPU at least voted). I'd like to hear from all three of these people today, hopefully.

##VOTE: Unoriginal
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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #188 on: January 04, 2008, 06:29:03 AM »
Ergh what.  I totally didn't realize this was starting so soon, and I also haven't been around for the past two days due to personal stuff (I wasn't even home last night, I stayed over with some high school friends in the city), which is why I just now received Cid's PM.  I am in fact really sorry about this, especially to Cid, since I did sign up for his game and then, y'know, wasn't here when it started; this is sucky behavior no matter what the reasons were.  So I'm gonna read the thread now and I'll try to start making meaningful contributions to the discussion as soon as possible.

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #189 on: January 04, 2008, 07:31:57 AM »

Dead serial killer is good, I suppose.  Probability alone means QR was more likely to hit Town than Scum (and how!  Vimes, dead?  Flavor-wise, that would be Town's deathknell).

I'd like a bit of explication on the Serial Killer role, though, since I haven't seen it at work very often.  Did QR likely know Tom was Town, in which case her jumping on the wagon and attacking him at some length and depth was the equivalent of a Scum-led train?  If so, that *somewhat* alleviates the suspicion on the Tom voters.  I understand we can't know exactly what she could know in this particular game, but how does it *usually* work?

Anyway, dead cop is very, very bad, especially since he never had the chance to investigate even one person.

The person I want to turn to here is Unoriginal, who has barely done anything and also failed to vote yesterday. I believe he said he was going to read over the topic, so I'd like to see what he gets from it.

Other people I'm looking at are Kilga/CPU for doing largely the same thing, but they were better about it if only slightly. (Kilga came in near the end, CPU at least voted). I'd like to hear from all three of these people today, hopefully.

##VOTE: Unoriginal

CPU did at least vote - for a person who flipped Town, near the end of the day.  Not saying this is a huge scumtell or something (Principle knows Tom did himself no favors as the day wore on), but voting for the wrong person doesn't seem to me hugely better than voting for no person, if not outright worse.

I'm going to continue to

##VOTE: IHateThisCPU

at least for the moment.  Posting "sorry I'm lurking but" and "go ahead and prune me" are... not really productive for Town.  The latter especially seems like a decent Scum gambit: pretend to be a willing martyr so people don't lynch you.  And yes, I'm fully aware of the irony of ME saying that after the Suikoden game, but a) it was probably a bad idea there and b) I had a very specific reason for doing it relating to the bevy of power roles we had available.  Here, it's at best the same "bad Town play" as Tom - and unlike Tom's play, it would be at least decent for Scum.

So, CPU: Please take the next time you have access to post whatever thoughts you can on the situation, rather than to apologize for your lack of content!
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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #190 on: January 04, 2008, 07:43:14 AM »
Quick clarification post before sleep: A self-aligned player is a faction unto him- or herself, and wins separately from town and scum. Unless Cid is Bastard Modding or gave her an investigative power, QR wouldn't know who the scum are any more than a vanilla townie would. In particular, the Serial Killer role generally wins only when everybody else, town and scum alike, are dead. Knowing who's who would be a really nasty advantage for the killer, since they could choose targets to string out the game as long as possible.
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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #191 on: January 04, 2008, 07:59:08 AM »
I guess I'm going to second the voting for Unoriginal for saying nothing interesting at all, not even, as someone coined it earlier, 'rote townisms'. (Thanks, mystery man, I'm going to be using that all the time from now on.) Otter claims he is doing stuff. Let's face it, he probably will, blah blah etc. Also, may I laugh *uproariously* at QuietRain being the SK? Thank you.

##Vote: Unoriginal


Smodge NK doesn't tell us much. My memory of his posts is that he's said squat of import. Pity he was the cop, but what can you do? It's down to wit, brains, and cunning from here on out!

At present there is little I can make of the voting order for Dread Thomas. His play was certainly dreadful, and any scum could've seen that early and predicted him being a viable target, right on top of it being day one to boot. What I can try to garner information from is what people were actually saying.

It strikes me that as far as Day One's go, there was actually plenty to talk about. There are lurkers- great, let's keep calling them out. There were a few things that seemed odd to me.

-Corwin's comments to/about me.
Rat... well, he's more than happy to have Tom lynched, and as he knows him well I think he also must think that Tom's playing a bad town game. Whether Rat wants him dead to help town or because it's easy is anyone's guess.
Finally, if you believe Tom is irredeemable this game and this feeling is shared by the others, he can be ignored with relative safety. His single vote won't matter for a while.

No, I can't, and even if I could, the rest of town probably won't. You said that bad townie play shouldn't be excused, but that seems to be precisely what you were suggesting here, framed in a seemingly acceptable format. Your text felt like it was telling me what I thought, which really, really rubbed me the wrong way. You still didn't really give a reason why you thought he was town over scum.

-VSM. If anyone is guilty of "hay guys I'm here" posts, I'd say it was him. Start of the day: He says he doesn't have anything to say. Middle of the day: He basically said that he agrees with what's being said to date (and in doing so, says nothing.) End of the day: Tells us what we think of Tom like so:

Tom makes a role-call and role-claim and no one disputes it. If we still vote for Tom, we're essentially saying either A)Tom is Twoflower and Twoflower is Scum. B)Tom is Scum and Twoflower is an acceptable Scum Alias. or C)Tom is lying about being Twoflower and is also Scum.

Nobody was going to dispute a vanilla roleclaim. There was *one* thing he said that might be interesting: That people who voted for Unoriginal because he voted for himself might seem suspicious. This just seems like reaching into a barrel and pulling out something random to me. I'd like you to talk about who you think might be scum, or at least who's acting strangely, or what you'd like to see... or anything, really.

-Shale. Didn't say too much early on (jokevoted eviltom, funnily enough). Tried to 'buy time' for DreadThomas so other people could post. Seems a bit strange but okay... in the end, he hasn't come out with much, except consolidating his vote on EvilTom with a reason early on, and then taking it off later. Not much content. Posted a summary post today and a rules clarification before he left. This might be a bit hypocritical of me, but it does strike me as padding, as they say. I'd like to see more out of you.


Basically, right now I'm looking for people who played day 1 timidly and without vigor, as well as lurkers. Stabbing the latter now, you cannot get away with this forever. If there's anyone I've missed who fit these criteria, please point them out for me so I can stab them, too.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #192 on: January 04, 2008, 08:09:35 AM »
Quote from: Rat , I think
Nobody was going to dispute a vanilla roleclaim. There was *one* thing he said that might be interesting: That people who voted for Unoriginal because he voted for himself might seem suspicious. This just seems like reaching into a barrel and pulling out something random to me. I'd like you to talk about who you think might be scum, or at least who's acting strangely, or what you'd like to see... or anything, really.

Saying people who jump on small arguments are suspicious makes me suspicious? (Well, maybe. I'm jumping on a small argument. ^_~)

My view right now? I dunno who is scum. I'm liking Sopko more for town, if he really did see Rain and suspect something was fishy with her, but on the other hand, if he's Scum, he might be playing EXTREMELY well. The optimist in me says to trust him, though.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #193 on: January 04, 2008, 08:11:39 AM »
To be honest, that move in particular didn't really ring anything with me, but it felt like the only thing you'd said that could be from you yourself.

I didn't see anything fishy with Rain, to be honest. I think an SK wants to root out scum as much as a townie would; I mean, they're probably concerned about the possibility of getting NK'd. I haven't made much of Soppy, myself, so we'll see.

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #194 on: January 04, 2008, 10:54:25 AM »
As far as Rain, the her sarcasm directed towards Otter seemed off. Enough attention had already been paid to him on that regard, and opposite of a move to vote on lurker grounds, she threw that in, which seemed more to shape opinion of him negatively without arousing too much suspicion. Day 1, I wasn't really going to argue but merely ask a defense, and her defense was enough for me. I was off, but with the self-aligned SK, it seems not too far.

I'm still a bit suspicious of Corwin. I'd come up with scenarios in my mind to explain their back and forth together if they'd both been scum or if Corwin had been innocent and Tom the scum, but the other way around never occured to me. He is my prime suspect at the moment, as he tended to stoke Tom's fire early on and really get him started to my recollection.

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #195 on: January 04, 2008, 11:22:15 AM »
My mistake. It was Smodge with the back and forth with Tom.

However, the reason Corwin's name was linked to Tom's in my mind was for the right reason.

It actually makes both Tom and Corwin look pretty bad.
here:  So... if Tom is scum I must somehow be one as well? And vice versa? How does Tom failing at counting to three implicate me in any way? And yes, this was before my post here which could be seen as a defense of Tom, so what's the deal?

The first one was mine, on Tom's pointing out of Cranbud's putting the vote to three in addition to Corwin when Cranbud didn't.

The second is Corwin's response. The reason I was thinking the way I did in my previous post was as follows. If Tom and Corwin are both scum, providing Cranbud isn't, it's a good way of getting heat off your ally, provided Cranbud had actually put the vote to three. If Tom was scum and Corwin wasn't, it's a rather nice play on Tom's part as the mistake would be intentional to draw a connection between them and implicate Corwin later on Tom's misgivings.

For Tom though, maybe I was giving him... way too much credit...


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #196 on: January 04, 2008, 12:51:01 PM »
Some quoting from posts that caught my interest as I started catching up today.

If we don't have any leads on Sunday, feel free to prune me, since I probably won't be contributing anything that'll be useful.

From CPU, at

Well, who am I to stand in the way of another suicide? He's not the only one of us who doesn't have all the time in the world to read the thread and participate, but others at least try and contribute meaningfully, not post once or twice a day with no content whatsoever. CPU's getting my vote once I'm done reading the thread, barring any scumtells I spot or that have already been pointed out.

Shale's move to unvote Tom before hammer... well, turns out Tom was playing a bad town game, as I expected, but with a couple hours left and no other candidates (seems like going after lurkers didn't take off after all, sadly) lynching was the preferred option to the alternative. A bit strange. His later responses don't convince me that it was a particularly good action, but that's likely a disagreement with style (ie not artificially keeping day 1 going once the outcome's been all but decided) rather than any scumminess. Yes, we can certainly use the time to talk, but lacking any kind of effective weapon to pressure people we want to hear from the most into responding kind of makes it largely moot. They know they aren't going to get voted in that situation, after all.

That said, I still don't like Corwin's response to my query, which he basically said it was for one of the reasons I didn't like in the first place.  So that doesn't put him in hammer range.  So what?  Is the only suspicious vote the one right before Hammer now?

That's Yakumo, at

He's missing the point, perhaps on purpose, that the're no particulat significance in the order of votes except how they appear to us. There's no reason vote three would be more suspicious than vote four, or vote two. Those votes before hammer do get examined more, yes, but that's only due to the possibility of scum hammering in a patsy. Still, someone had to have been vote #1,2,3... all the way to the last.

Secondly: Either way we have two confirmed townies, even in death. Perhaps looking at what they focused on aside from EvilTom will help? I'll look into it and post the results if no one else does in about five hours, I need food and sleep. Primarily the latter, class was hell today.

From Tai, at

By all means, if you think something of value would come out of it. Metagaming or not, I'd tend to doubt it. The only one I've seen with any decent (if incredibly warped) intuition was smodge, and he's going for the #1 lurker that's asked for assisted suicide the previous day.

So. Haven't seen anything particularly scummy so far. Otter finally checked in, and the response is reasonable enough to give him more time for content. Thus, it is time to add to the discussion on pruning CPU (or getting him to post actual content at last) with a FoS on CPU.

Unoriginal... if CPU does his part and you've remained lurking, this will switch over to you. Or FoS, in other words.

On Rat's post here: and bad town play and consequences. I suppose I should have been clearer. When I think someone is town, not scum, but also happens to be playing a bad town game... it's not an easy call for me to make. There's justification for pruning, yes, and I accepted that Rat (and some others) might've been going on that. However, can you deny that by accepting that it's bad town play, by your pruning, you're giving scum a pass that day? Lurking scum would get a free pass they wouldn't otherwise have, if they had sufficient votes on them. I chose this latter option, while understanding how the former is also viable. That's not akin to excusing bad town play, which means you give Tom a pass for no valid reason. As for my reason for thinking he's town? I did say it: first, from his other games; second, from not believing fellow scum wouldn't stop him in time if he were scum.

Another thing Rat's post makes me consider is VSM, and how much he actually said. Something to look at later.

I'm still a bit suspicious of Corwin. I'd come up with scenarios in my mind to explain their back and forth together if they'd both been scum or if Corwin had been innocent and Tom the scum, but the other way around never occured to me. He is my prime suspect at the moment, as he tended to stoke Tom's fire early on and really get him started to my recollection.

Sopko, here:

Okay, that's pretty much a lie. Using 'recollection' to sneak it in doesn't work. I haven't made a single post attacking Tom, and in fact have defended him to a degree back when it wasn't already a done deal, and might've done some good if people went for my suggestion to go after lurkers instead and ignored Tom and his bad play.

Also, Sopko's words sound to me like he's decided either I or Tom must be guilty, and is now trying to find reasons why. That's a classic scum tactic -- town looks at who seems guilty from their actions and words, not decides guilt and then looks for proof.

##Vote: Sopko

How ironic that I find something scummy-looking right at the very end of the thread I've been reading. Made me change my vote from CPU while typing this up. I do see Sopko's follow up post where he catches his mistake. Super made a lot of mistakes in NR, too, when he couldn't focus on the game enough. I'm told it's also something scum do more often than town, since their arguments have to be made up -- scum know the person they're going after is town, after all. Even though Sopko's follow up acknowledges there's no reasonable attempt by me to goad or otherwise bury an unfortunate townie, he nevertheless continues trying to tie myself to the affair from yet another angle. No, I'm not convinced.

Still, plenty of time in the day to change my mind. This vote should be incentive enough, and start the discussion.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #197 on: January 04, 2008, 01:06:52 PM »
Mmm, I see where you're coming from, Cor. Pruning is really a necessity to me, however; it's not really possible to ignore them, and it's difficult to draw the line between a town playing really badly, and a scum slipping up and flailing shortly thereafter.

I totally agree with you on the importance of what Soppy just did, however. Frankly, if anyone was 'stoking Tom's fire' there, it was probably me. And besides, his logic seems impenetrable to me. Even if Tom *had* turned out to be scum, I don't have a clue how that implicates Corwin. In fact, if I'm reading what he said right, if Tom was scum, then...

Option A) Corwin's post is designed to defend Tom by drawing suspicion... onto Corwin, who is scum! 
Option B) Tom made an intentional mistake, so Corwin would look bad... and appear scummy!

His case against Corwin really does seem built out of Tom being scum to me; I think this was misguided in day 1, but fine. To continue being suspicious of him under the grounds you've stated seems stupid to me.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #198 on: January 04, 2008, 01:53:43 PM »
Okay. Analysis of Smodge/EvilTom's posts done, and... not too much info. WARNING: THIS POST IS LONGISH. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. BRAVE READERS SHOULD CONSULT A DOCTOR BEFORE READING THIS POST. Also, I skipped posts that were just continuations of arguments, so no, this is not a full bibliography. Feel free to check the remainder yourself, I may have missed something.

EvilTom: The Arguments/Case for/against.

EvilTom had: the jabs at Carthrat early on (Here and here, both during the jokevote phase), a quick jag of conversation with Smodge re: lurkers, a break, then the vote for Unoriginal, switching his vote off Carthrat (here). After this, Strago attacked him (here); EvilTom's reply was this. In this, he stated his reasons for his vote on Carthrat, and he also switched his vote back to Carthrat. (Strago replies to the commentary here.)

And then EvilTom suggested either lynching Otter or going for a No-Lynch, and got in an argument with Smodge over it that ended up making EvilTom looking really bad. I don't think many people bought the baiting defense, but I guess that's what he was trying to do? Mrf. Didn't feel like it to me. Too bad the only person it baited was the cop, who proceeded to die on us. That argument continued for a while, Carthrat steps in with his attack (Here) and EvilTom replies in two posts with this. After a bit more in terms of arguments, QR steps in with this post, and from there... well, in come the votes (after Carthrat/EvilTom argument; see below). Mmm. The posts against EvilTom merit further analysis, but that's outside the scope of what I was looking at here.

EvilTom: His outside commentary

The primary digging he did that wasn't directed toward QR or Smodge (whose roles we now know) was Carthrat; however, that was mainly in argument with said Rat. This argument begins here, with Carthrat's post and continues for another ten or so posts onto the next page.

Secondly, there is this post here, in which Tom makes notes on people beyond the arguments with him (in specific, pointing out VSM, Unoriginal, and Sopko for "... not standing out. They seem to be playing perfect scum by hiding under the radar, following established lines, posting *just* enough to stay out of LAL, but not getting involved in anything heated (ie. me)." (EvilTom) Four people he considered safe were Smodge (later shown as town), QuietRain (SK/Ghost), and CK/Shale. ...Mmm. Worth keeping in mind, but hardly a cause in and of itself for concern regarding any of them.

Mmm. EvilTom pointed out something here regarding Bobbin Cranbud/Corwin; not sure how important it is, but there is some relevance, as while votes can be removed... such early decisions tend to stick until a better case is made for someone else, so it may have been a form of scum hedging bets in case another target did not turn up? Mmm, that merits keeping in mind. Forgot that this was later proven incorrect by Sopko, here. Mrf. Another mark against him that I had forgotten about by the time I decided to keep my vote on him...

Finally, he pointed out that some people seemed to be voting him on the principle of "bad town". The only name he mentioned in this post was my own, and that in reference to not being sure if I was voting him for being scum or bad town. Belayed reply: I thought you were scum. Last two games, you gave me a solid town vibe very early; this time I got nothing but negatives.

Smodge: As Above, So Below

As for Smodge, most all of his posts were focused on EvilTom, which... doesn't help matters, since we didn't get a clear view of his thoughts on anyone beyond him. He commented on Otter, but seemed willing to give him a free pass since it seemed like a role problem; we now know that wasn't the case, so I'll be keeping an eye on him. Then again, I'm not one to talk, I suppose...

However, he too did a late-day analysis: consisting of this one and the two below it (interrupted by two posts by EvilTom). His main suspicion lies on IhatethisCPU, which... mmm, there's a case, but he seems to mainly have connection problems. I dunno.

Still, for reference, this is pretty much it in a nutshell. Conclusions? ...Not much: EvilTom pretty much was looking at those who didn't get involved in the argument against him, while Smodge was looking at the lurkers. Doesn't feel useful, either way.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #199 on: January 04, 2008, 04:19:10 PM »

(Mid-day update courtesy of the Cid still being sick).

Hunter Sopko (1): Corwin
IhatethisCPU (1): Bobbin Cranbud
Unoriginal (2): Nitori, Carthrat

With sixteen alive, it takes nine to lynch.

There are 35.5 hours until the deadline.