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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #550 on: January 10, 2008, 04:12:26 AM »
Actually, yeah, I do have a question for you. What's your opinion on Carthrat? I'm curious if my neutral read is shared by anyone or if it's just my gut twitching at me; I have little to back it up, and so I'm kinda wondering on this.

Hell, he's kinda like me as well - neither he nor I have been really commented on at all, aside from his post on me. Any real thoughts as to that? It would seem as if Carthrat and I would be accused more of sliding under blind spots by never really being commented on, but Otter at least seems to think otherwise. It's... weird. Dunno how else to parse it.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #551 on: January 10, 2008, 04:54:44 AM »
Carth strikes me as... sort of neutral, with tendencies toward townieness. He strikes me as someone who produces a fair amount of good content, but now that you've focused my LASERS OF PERCEPTION on him I do find it somewhat odd that nobody's accused him of "slipping under the radar," despite how little attention he's received. Then again, that honestly just makes me think back a bit harder on Otter, who is the one using that language to indict Excal. Grah, obviously I need to look harder at some of Carth's content, since I don't have the strongest of impressions on him. I don't know if I'll be doing that tonight, though, as I am bone tired and my brain is definitely not functioning at peak efficiency right now. Where is everyone? Is it even worth staying up any longer, at this point? What's going on!


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #552 on: January 10, 2008, 05:14:04 AM »
I could be persuaded to move my votes to Fnorder if I have to, but honestly, I don't think we'll win the day that way.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #553 on: January 10, 2008, 05:14:23 AM »
Also, in a second, my avatar is going to change to the Scarlet Spider.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #554 on: January 10, 2008, 05:29:26 AM »
##Vote: Fnorder

In the interest of saving Excal, who I strongly believe is town, I'll throw my vote in now. Fnorder has been dodgy, the foreknowledge of the Cranbud thing is pretty damning on it's own, and I'm just not buying the vanilla argument. Vanilla or not, you could be a little more supportive of the town and it's cause, and just giving up on defense is also not helpful and unnecessary.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #555 on: January 10, 2008, 06:12:51 AM »
People *keep* accusing me of slipping under the radar, or so it seems to me. I've even pretty much asked for thoughts on me before. I don't think I can be accused of trying to stay low, and if it's happened incidentally, well, that's that. Analyze away!

Case against Excal is one I think I've covered peripherally before (that it seemed likely that one person voting for VSM was scum.) I'm no longer sure how much I agree with this, owing to both Excal and Kilga looking relatively solid lately. If I did have to pick, I admit I would pick Excal (and did, earlier today!)

Tai, there's a technique you've used before that's based on giving each person one other living townie and asking "If this person was scum, who do you think it would implicate?" It is a little smokescreeny, but I think it can produce some interesting responses; I'm not sure of your criteria for matching up people, but I think I'd like to see this again.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #556 on: January 10, 2008, 06:27:09 AM »
From posts, you've been open and available. I think the "slipping under the radar" feel is that no one's even really commented on you. Same as me, in many regards. I am still working on looking over you and Corwin, no fears on that end, but the end-of-day threat has me looking over Excal/Fnorder/Otter more. ...despite analyzing them all already. ...I think I may be a bit OCD over trying to play this.

If people want to see that question setup again, I'll do it, but last time I used it it just got people up in arms, which didn't help the situation much whatsoever, I fear. (I died that day or the day after, I think, so I didn't track if whoever was scum decried it or not. Something worth checking, but that requires old forum use).


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #557 on: January 10, 2008, 06:39:10 AM »
Finally at work. Man, why are people ignoring Otter? I see Tai's dropped a vote on him, from skimming, but otherwise the discussion seems to be entirely Excal/Fnorder.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #558 on: January 10, 2008, 06:54:03 AM »
To me, at least, it's because both Fnorder and Otter *have* been guilty of lurking in the past, but the posts Otter *has* made have more powerful stuff in them than Fnorders. On the basis of *today* alone, Otter is ramping up more points than Fnorder, but previous precedent compels me to keep my vote where it is.

Nonetheless, it would be really, really cool if Otter posted.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #559 on: January 10, 2008, 07:19:19 AM »
Hmm. Near the end of page 36, Strago comments on Otter as I'd expect from someone who's voting for him and trying to build the case further. Once again, I feel it's coming down to a somewhat shaky case against essentially a lurker (how can you look at Otter in this game and dispute that, anyway?) and another player who seems to be looking better the more we focus on him? I'm not nearly as confident about Fnorder as I was (and still am) about VSM, but I really don't want to give Otter a pass for constantly not being here, and the various things that unsettle me where it comes to him only boost that. Most of them have been mentioned, and I figure it's time to comb Otter's posts to see whether there was anything we missed so far. I feel there was, but don't want to commit before a rereading.

On themed analysis: to me, it's more a matter of when not to believe a roleclaim, Rat. Scum might eventually slip, and it is yet another area they might slip in and I wouldn't be able to catch it without this information. Would I rely on it solely, or even for the most part? Hell no, but why not have it factor in some way? In other words, it's not to substantiate claims, but to disprove them if scum tries too much and overshoots.

Don't really understand Kilga's post at the bottom of page 36. I suppose if anything he's being consistent in his voting, but I feel that he's making the wrong call. Don't understand what second-guessing Kilga has to do with an attempt to use a roleblock by him, and would like an explanation (not necessarily by Kilga himself) on this.

Otter's in his LAL mode, VSM? More like he's coming under fire from LAL. His vote on me a few days back also had nothing to do with lurking. If Strago's post re: Otter near the end of page 36 and Tai's mid-page 37 post don't do it for you, nor my previous ones, coupled with the lurker accusations, you'll just have to wait for my eventual Otter analysis. I feel he more than warrants one, now. Just one thing, though. While I can't reconcile Otter's seemingly-random votes and sporadic posting as town play given his previous games even if he's swamped with RL, it might just be scum play, the economy mode edition.

Sopko's vote on Fnorder is... eh. I think it says something on Sopko, but it's not the time to be looking at him closely again, I feel.

Again, on Otter. People, can anyone actually do the opposite from what I've been pushing for, and make a case for Otter? I.e. why he should live? Because he's not making any effort towards that end, his last post is over ten pages ago and it's been over 26 hours since his last post by my count. We are[/]i largely lynching Fnorder for not participating enough, but do we think we can win the game if Otter's on our side but just not, you know, by our side? At all?

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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #560 on: January 10, 2008, 07:21:22 AM »
I'll agree with Rat. I'd rather vote on someone whose content points to scumitude (Fnorder), not on someone whose lack of content points to it (Otter).


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #561 on: January 10, 2008, 07:24:50 AM »
On the other hand, Otter's claimed to be vanilla town and the Mathematician (What a weird role.... What book is that from?) The only time I've seen a quiet Otter, he was the town doc. So I really dunno what's up with him.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #562 on: January 10, 2008, 07:29:35 AM »
If Otter were here he'd vote for himself, then go after you for saying that. Joking aside, anything you have to contribute to the Fnorder analysis, Sopko, aside from what's been said before?


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #563 on: January 10, 2008, 07:35:54 AM »
I can't really make much of a case for Otter to live, I'll grant. He does have some decent posts but, yeah, lurker etc. etc. etc. Him or Fnorder dying today are both acceptable to me-

-oh, good one, VSM! I've also seen quiet Otter when he was, you know, scum. Cor seems to have caught a slip out of you just now as well.

As an aside, given the vote spread on Excal, I don't think he's *really* a candidate for getting lynched today. It's telling that both the other lynchees are voting for him, and, well, VSM's vote counts double. If you had to pick between Otter and Fnorder, VSM, who'd you take down?


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #564 on: January 10, 2008, 07:48:58 AM »
Alright, now that I'm back from work, I suppose it's time to get some posts out there that I've been stalling on for a little too long.  Namely, my own complete look at the end of Day 2, and my response to Fnorder.

So, let's start with Fnorder.  This'll be short, simple, and brief.  It'll also be my last comment unless something new comes up.  Why?  Because his last response isn't trying to refute me, it's simply an iteration that he's town, and that he won't provide any other service to the town besides defend himself.  There's nothing I can say to that, because it's the equivalent of saying nothing.  So, unless someone manages to look scummier than him, I'm going to leave my vote where it is.

Now, moving on.  There's this matter of Day 2.  Why is it so important?  Because it seems to keep on coming back to haunt me.  I've got four votes on me, and three of them seem to stem directly from that one vote.  So, let's start off by taking a look at what that count was, shall we?

Final votecount:

Cmdr_King (3): Strago, Shale, Mad Fnorder, Hunter Sopko
Corwin (1): Otter
Hunter Sopko (0): Corwin, Yakumo
Kilgamayan (1): Bobbin Cranbud
Nitori (6): Anonymous, Mad Fnorder, Taishyr, VSM, Corwin, Strago, Yakumo
Shale (0): Cmdr_King
VSM (5): Kilgamayan, Nitori, Carthrat, Excal, Cmdr_King

Alright, so of the eleven people still alive, we had all eleven of us with a vote count here.  CK had Strago voting him for pretty good reason, with two votes in rapid succession from Shale and Fnorder, and then Sopko came in after his role claim, and it was a claim of Tracker, which is not only almost certainly town, but also a hard one to pull off because you can't be sure who'd be looking at who, or acting on what.  Very easy to get caught up in a lie.

VSM had, of the presently living, Kilgamayan, Carthrat, and myself voting for him.  He also had the scum, Nitori voting for him.

Nitori had, voting for him, four of the presently living.  Taishyr, Corwin, Strago, and VSM.

Finally, you have Otter, who was sitting off in the corner, voting for Corwin.

Now, ever since then, the theory goes, that the scum had at least two people on VSM.  Otter, hasn't really moved too far beyond that supposition, all told.  Otter has been the leading proponent of the two scum on VSM theory, and VSM has seemed to have picked it up himself.  Now, let's look at Otter's reasoning for this theory though, shall we?

Since I'm pretty sure of VSM's innocence right now, it seems obvious that scum would be DESPERATE to tip the balance his way (and knock out a double-voter, although this claim didn't come up until afterwards) rather than lose Nitori, a scumbuddy.  This makes me think I could probably find some scum in the VSM train; not ALL of them, since they obviously wouldn't want to be that conspicuous about it, but some.  So let's home in on that list: Kilga, Nitori, Rat, Excal, CK.  Two of these suckers are dead (Nitori, scum, and CK, town watcher).  That leaves Kilga, Rat, and Excal.  Is there some scum in there?  It seems probable enough to me, and I've had my eye on Excal in particular for a while.

While I'm at it, let me try to break down what I think of the scum's game plan when they realize that one of their own is getting train'd.  The first order of business is to find someone ELSE who's drawing suspicion and put down some more pressure on them.  Hopefully you'll outweigh the train on your guy, and even if you don't, odds are you're gonna get a helpful roleclaim out of that which will help you target your NKs in the future.  It seems apparent to me that both CK and VSM were innocents and possible victims of this scum strategy; although VSM ultimately came closer to saving Nitori for 'em, the CK push did get a roleclaim which probably led to his nightkilling.  Makes PERFECT sense that they'd knock him out; with our cop dead, a watcher is one of the few remaining tools we have for finding confirmed scum.  As such, I'm gonna keep in mind not just Kilga, Rat, and Excal, but also the later CK voters: Shale, Fnorder, and Sopko.  Is this a big accusation thing where I'm saying all of you are scum!!?  No.  But my basic suspicion level has been ratcheted up a notch for all of you, and I freely share this fact along with my reasoning.  In case you're wondering, Strago isn't on there because he looks better to me; he was the first voter, for one thing (it's easier for scum to build on someone else rather than start something new, if they're trying to compete in terms of size against another train), and for another thing he withdrew and voted for Nitori.  Scumbus isn't impossible, but looking at the timing of things, I'm -more- inclined to trust him, although obviously I'm not -sure.-

I've bolded the part I felt needed emphasis.  Namely, that what Otter's working off here is a supposition of what the scum would do.  Specifically, he's saying, that in this situation the scum would try to find a reason, any reason, to protect their own.  Though, he's also saying at the end that a scum bus isn't impossible, after ignoring looking at the people who'd be a part of that.  The other interesting thing is his claim that the scum would want to prevent a train on their own.  Once more I ask, what train?  Heck, what does he even mean desperate?  Cranbud, confirmed scum, DID NOT VOTE in the tiebreaker, even though he could have readily have stepped in and broken the tie.  Yes, he would have had to tap dance, and he may have gone down anyways.  But Nitori wouldn't have been confirmed, and it would be one more non-scum dead.  So, obviously the scum weren't desperate to avoid having Nitori axed.

Another odd thing is, what train?  Nitori was at two votes, neither of them was very strong, either.  VSM and CK were both in the same situation, and arguments were actively being made against them, while the votes on Nitori were effectively LAL votes.  Not to mention votes on a few other assorted people.  That's not a panic situation, that's a situation where dead weight is about to get cut off for you.  Especially given his role was next to useless at this point, and Nitori is generally one of those people who're quick to go.  Otter claims the scum would be quick to defend him?  I'd suggest that they'd sooner wish to be the ones to gain credit for his capture.

So, I'm going to engage in some speculation here.  Sure, it's a bit WIFOMy, but then again, so was Otter's original speculation.  And if it's good enough to get me this close to a noose, then it's good enough for me to dabble in myself.  I'd suggest that, in fact, Nitori was set up to be bussed.  That he was the lone scum to vote for VSM, because he was to do it in a way to grab attention and allow people to reasonably vote for him.  This would distract from a scum slipping in a vote for CK, to try and hide out there.  Shale, Fnorder are Sopko are all excellent candidates for that, as they voted pre roleclaim.  Sopko, oddly enough, is less likely as he came in after the role claim, and so his only purpose there, if he was scum, would be to have a safe haven.  We also know that Cranbud was trying to hide by defending VSM, and voting his tormentor, which means that Otter could similarily have tried to hide, were he scum, by voting for a random third party.

But, the real scrutiny should go to the Nitori voters.  Sopko, started the arguments for CK, and then cut out after the role claim came in, the only one to do so.  Taishyr, even though he jumped in before going for Nitori was cool, could also have been doing it to start a bus, and try and gain credit for it.  VSM, I think looks the best of them, as he was under fire and made this vote in self-defense.  Though, again, if he is a scum aligned double voter, then that moment where he turned the tides onto Nitori could have been planned ahead of time.  And then there's Corwin, who came in and tied everything up.

You have to admit, it'd be a good place to be the morning after.  If Nitori wasn't bussed, then you weren't part of the crew that brought down VSM.  And if he was, well then you were part of the crew that managed to catch scum.

And finally, one last point.  VSM, in your big look at the people who voted for you?  You missed the Rat.  I'd just like to say that, as long as you're gunning for me, you might as well look at all the other options first.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #565 on: January 10, 2008, 07:53:48 AM »
And now that I read what was going on during the time that I was writing that, I'd just like to say that I'm not going to say too much about Otter.  Not only has he not said much at all, but two of his three real posts have gone after me for having the audacity to sleep at the wrong time.  So...  I'm just a tad bit biased towards him at the moment, suspect my LAL may have a bit of OMGUS in it (though, time is helping that), and honestly believe his slip in acknowledging Cranbud's "reveal" is smaller than Fnorder's knowledge of what Cranbud 'really' looked at.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #566 on: January 10, 2008, 07:57:00 AM »

Otter's latest post. He proposes theories re: Bobbin mention, one of which is that Bobbin could've used his claim as an attempt to clear Strago. Well, he could just as easily have done it the other way around, to cover for Otter who really needs the help this game. This is also the post that holds his roleclaim, and why exactly would he offer it there? I suppose I could see it if he were trying to make a case against Strago this way to try and give his theory more credibility, but no, he goes and votes Excal.

Moving on (or back in time, really). Otter jumps on Excal, and only Excal, for slipping under his radar. I suppose it could be that due to not paying attention that much Otter is finding Excal specifically to be lurking, while ignoring people who post sporadically but he isn't expecting more from them either due to their character or timezones. If this is true, then part of my case on him relies on exactly that. If not, I'd want to see what makes Excal special on this count.

His request from Bobbin to give more Kilga analysis (pre-Yakumo roleclaim) seems good, and I'm bringing it up for completeness's sake. I suppose it could be twisted to actually implicate Otter... eh. Good scum play would involve trying to act like a townie, and people would notice if a player (especially a normally good, active one) were focusing on some players at the expense of others. For more on this, see the point re: Excal earlier.

Some posts of excuses I'll skip in this look at Otter's posts.

Claims he's certain of town making a good call in the Nitori vote. Does so after the fact, while letting his vote sit on me the entire time and not participating. Singles out Kilga, Rat and Excal for reasons I could see, at least at the time... but votes Excal and never so much as mentions Kilga and Rat in a bad light after that.

Other things of note? Jumped on me for preferring to try and go after mildly-suspicious people rather than examples of bad play. Bobbin agreed with him, draw from this whatever conclusions you could. I think that's what I was thinking of we've missed before, though giving Kilga and Rat a free pass despite then making up two out of the three prime suspects he originally named while gunning after Excal... actually, he is gunning after Excal Bobbin-style, across days. I find that quite suspicious.

Please comment, humans.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #567 on: January 10, 2008, 08:15:22 AM »
I can't really make much of a case for Otter to live, I'll grant. He does have some decent posts but, yeah, lurker etc. etc. etc. Him or Fnorder dying today are both acceptable to me-

-oh, good one, VSM! I've also seen quiet Otter when he was, you know, scum. Cor seems to have caught a slip out of you just now as well.

As an aside, given the vote spread on Excal, I don't think he's *really* a candidate for getting lynched today. It's telling that both the other lynchees are voting for him, and, well, VSM's vote counts double. If you had to pick between Otter and Fnorder, VSM, who'd you take down?

Probably Otter. Fnorder is defending himself more. Also, I can buy him being told he has no powers, but at least he gets to talk in small caps.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #568 on: January 10, 2008, 08:21:06 AM »
Claims he's certain of town making a good call in the Nitori vote. Does so after the fact, while letting his vote sit on me the entire time and not participating. Singles out Kilga, Rat and Excal for reasons I could see, at least at the time... but votes Excal and never so much as mentions Kilga and Rat in a bad light after that.

I may have missed this. This reminds me a LOT of the sort of thing he does. Can you link?


Also, I meant to have in my previous post, what "Slip"?


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #569 on: January 10, 2008, 08:25:03 AM »
That's a nice post, Corwin.  And, between what you stuck up, and the way Otter very effectively tried to set the tone surrounding Nitori's lynching, I think you're right.  He is a scum doing a little dance.

That said, I'm also convinced Fnorder is scum.  And...  I want to think a bit about where I want to put my vote.  On the one hand, Otter's a lot more dangerous.  But...  yeah, no.

Fnorder may be closer to lynch, and I may feel a lot better about that one slip of his, than about Otter's more coincidental stuff.  But, Otter's more dangerous, and if you're right, I don't want him helping to pick any more night actions for them.

##Unvote: Mad Fnorder,  ##Vote: Otter


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #570 on: January 10, 2008, 08:26:00 AM »
He already linked the second half of it, VSM.  It's at the top of his post.  And I quoted the first half of it in my megapost above.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #571 on: January 10, 2008, 08:26:36 AM »
...Well then. Firstly, to Excal, something that bears mentioning.

That he was the lone scum to vote for VSM, because he was to do it in a way to grab attention and allow people to reasonably vote for him.  This would distract from a scum slipping in a vote for CK, to try and hide out there.  Shale, Fnorder are Sopko are all excellent candidates for that, as they voted pre-roleclaim.  Sopko, oddly enough, is less likely as he came in after the role claim, and so his only purpose there, if he was scum, would be to have a safe haven.

You mentioned Sopko twice here. Since Sopko did vote post-roleclaim here, I believe, I think the first Sopko you intended to be Strago? Please clarify, this does not parse correctly.

Secondly... I voted Nitori because I considered him the most likely to be scum at the time. I didn't buy CK being scum too much, nor did I buy VSM. Nitori had made what, to me, looked like the one real slip - a scummer over-extending for a reason to vote on someone. Faulty logic is... well, still bad, but a pure reach vote looks worse, and that's what I saw Nitori doing; the justification for his VSM vote was non-present.

This being said... with what you and Corwin have brought up, plus my own view on Otter... yeah, vote definitely stands. Also, Corwin, you're better than me at analysis. Maybe I'll get back up to my self-standards after finals, but still, sheesh.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #572 on: January 10, 2008, 08:29:03 AM »
Yeah...  I have a bad habit of mixing those two up.  Strago was the one who switched post role claim, and made the initial arguments.  Sopko was the one who voted for CK post role-claim.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #573 on: January 10, 2008, 08:32:54 AM »
Ah, I see. I missed the sentence "Does so after the fact".

Actually, looking back over the post, he's got some framing in it that I don't like.

##Unvote: Excal


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #574 on: January 10, 2008, 08:38:36 AM »
Here's where I am at, right now.

Well, since Cranbud was a scum rolecop, the scum already know exactly what he found out.  They have all that information already.  Now, Cranbud could have been lying during his public reveal about what results he got, so we're the uncertain ones; it seems in our best interest for me to try and eliminate as much of this uncertainty as possible.  My instinct is to say that he was trying to use the accuracy of that information as a way of clearing himself, and that he obviously wouldn't waste an investigation on a fellow -scum,- so he wasn't lying and Strago is clear just like me; however, if Strago were scum, Cranbud could have actually investigated me and some third person, then mentioned Strago's name in a vague way like that to throw us off.  Paranoia tells me this is -possible.-  However, I have to say I kneejerk to the more simple conclusion: he investigated a couple townies and tried to use the information to save himself.

Needless to say, he was right about me; I say this in the interest of helping the town eliminate uncertainty about the situation, and because the scum already know anyway.  I will confirm that I'm a vanilla townie.  Specifically, I am Bursar the Mathematician, although I haven't read the books and so I don't know much else about him.  Regardless, as far as this game is concerned, I'm pure vanilla.

So, might as well share some thoughts.  Kilga looks pretty good right now; the claim added up.  Strago looks good to me, since I think Cranbud investigated him; he's probably got a role, too.  I want to hear a lot more from Excal, and in fact, looking over the voting record, I'm still suspicious enough of him to vote the same way I did yesterday.  I might change it depending on his responses, but I'd really have to see 'em first.

This is actually a really aggravating post on re-read. The claim is... kinda off-the-wall. There's not a lot to it other than "And it's vanilla", which, I don't want a vote a guy for not having a sexy role, but it's.... still a weird role to even exist.

The second thing I have against this is, the first paragraph is kind of brain-washy. The entire thing is framed..... very well to casually deflect attacks from himself by pretending they already don't exist. Which is.... clever, regardless of alignment. But I'm really not happy with it. Why does he assume he's clear now? That's the thing that bugs me. What has he done?

My thing is, at 4 votes, I would be hammer. So I think I'd like someone else to weigh in before I actually, you know, go and do that. 'Cause I'm thiiiiiiiiis close.