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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #825 on: January 16, 2008, 12:12:52 AM »
Oh, and if I were to pick someone to vote for, it would be Tai slightly over Rat, as I see Tai doing what he's doing as preying on the weaker player in addition to the case Rat set up against him.

Also, Tai, why are we assuming Excal would've been voted off today? The only person that seemed to have any conviction in voting him was Sopko - Strago had a "gut feeling" and you and I only did it in the interest of avoiding No Lynch. Excal's last post for the day was before the first vote on him - I'm sure he would've had SOMETHING to say today were he still alive.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #826 on: January 16, 2008, 12:21:43 AM »
I suppose your death doesn't alter the situation very much, but if Rat were to go down I'd be left fighting you and Tai; the case against Tai before today was microscopic at best (I can't even remember one) and the only person to present a case against you was me, and I'm the only one who didn't see it as a weak one (at least at the time). That would be notably harder for me to wriggle out of than if I still had Rat floating around, and Rat is a far more likely lynch candidate today than you.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #827 on: January 16, 2008, 12:55:06 AM »
I don't think there was much of a case against me before today, either. In fact, excluding day 1, I'm pretty sure nobody, at all, has voted for me. Same could go for Tai. The only reason I feel like I'm a lynch candidate is for much the same reason I want to lynch Tai, i.e. exclusion of other possibilities.

The main thing at the moment seems to be that I haven't engaged scum, particularly the recent Excal lynch. I honestly don't feel this amounts to very much.

Kilga raises the point that had there been no lynch, Excal may well not have been voted off today. I dunno, all the people *not* voting for him would come under fire, including himself. Besides, hammering scum looks pretty good; if you're preparing for an endgame scenario. It just gets really WIFOMY around here. I don't *really* think I'm such easy prey, either, which is skewing my views on how good an idea it would be for scum, too. >_>

VSM, are you around? The way things are going, you may well be the one making the hammer, so, yeah, we want to know what you think above all as the only confirmed townie.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #828 on: January 16, 2008, 03:04:23 AM »
I'm here, but I'm stuck in pretty well where I was earlier. I can't really see any big tells.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #829 on: January 16, 2008, 04:27:16 AM »
Two comments:

1) Kilgamayan, you consider yourself the weaker player here? I'm not sure I agree or even understand that. If you're town, don't just say stuff like that, convince me you're town. Argue my arguments back! Give me what you can! This detachment is... asdf.

2) Aside from Excal dropping out of Random Mafia? Had Excal not been lynched, I myself would've seen it as a fairly strong indicator that he was scum - town had a fairly good stretch of time in which to vote, but we got... so very little. I don't know why anyone else would give him a pass based on it or even consider him remotely cleared because of it.

As regarding my analysis: Okay, assume I'm wrong and, say, Carthrat is lynched, or Strago. Carthrat flipping would draw the attention of Strago to me. Strago flipping keeps Carthrat's attention on me. Either way, both Strago and Carthrat seem focused on an either/or situation involving him and I. I'm... well, I'm voting for you, no? I don't believe that setup at all. Either of their flips would draw the other's attention toward me (on the assumption they're town, which I feel Carthrat is; not sure I'm as comfortable saying that about Strago), and while I feel I've defended myself adequately...

Mrf. Going to go for a walk soon, I've been sick in this room for too long and I need the fresh air bad.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #830 on: January 16, 2008, 07:45:17 AM »
I don't feel we're getting anywhere. VSM and Kilga are both seemingly reluctant to post much. I don't have anything really new to say on Tai; everything he's done today could be for either side, and I never expected him to just break down on the spot under my trembling finger. Deadline fast approches and I'm going to come out and say it's time to cast your votes.

If anyone *does* have something to add, I feel that now's the time (and that we've had *plenty* of time to get things out there at this juncture.)


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #831 on: January 16, 2008, 08:13:11 AM »
Two comments:

1) Kilgamayan, you consider yourself the weaker player here? I'm not sure I agree or even understand that. If you're town, don't just say stuff like that, convince me you're town. Argue my arguments back! Give me what you can! This detachment is... asdf.

I'm putting it out there more as a potential reason you're going after me. The stronger the player, the more likely they are to defend themselves properly, and being made to look a fool in one's attack of a player that (a) is innocent and (b) can argue the point well is not good for one's health this late in the game.

As for attacking your arguments, I've been bringing up your decisions as to who was going to die when because I feel like your initial scenario post was just looking for something you could use to make me look bad rather than actually looking through all the possibilities and choosing the optimal one for scum me.

2) Aside from Excal dropping out of Random Mafia? Had Excal not been lynched, I myself would've seen it as a fairly strong indicator that he was scum - town had a fairly good stretch of time in which to vote, but we got... so very little. I don't know why anyone else would give him a pass based on it or even consider him remotely cleared because of it.

I hadn't noticed Excal had dropped from the other game. :G

I don't see how people having the opportunity to vote for Excal but not doing so makes him look worse - VSM didn't knock him off and I think we can all agree that he's town. It makes other people look asleep at the switch or otherwise apathetic.

As regarding my analysis: Okay, assume I'm wrong and, say, Carthrat is lynched, or Strago. Carthrat flipping would draw the attention of Strago to me. Strago flipping keeps Carthrat's attention on me. Either way, both Strago and Carthrat seem focused on an either/or situation involving him and I. I'm... well, I'm voting for you, no? I don't believe that setup at all. Either of their flips would draw the other's attention toward me (on the assumption they're town, which I feel Carthrat is; not sure I'm as comfortable saying that about Strago), and while I feel I've defended myself adequately...

If we have yourself and myself left alone with either Strago or Carthrat, I'm willing to bet they go after me instead of you because you've done a lot less to make yourself look bad in this game than I have.

- Town Strago would see my attack on him as ridiculous and probably try to get back at me for it. This is less OMGUS than it seems because he knows he's town and he's seen a pathetic argument against someone he knows to be town from someone he's not sure of.
- Town Rat...I know he said he thought I looked better at the beginning of the day and then went after you, but he still went after me the day previous, and that's not something I'd feel comfortable chancing on the last day if I were scum.

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #832 on: January 16, 2008, 08:41:33 AM »
Argh, I can't guarantee I'll be back before the deadline.

##Vote: Taishyr

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #833 on: January 16, 2008, 09:32:31 AM »
I still say my #1 choice is Rat, but he seems to have put himself into the clear somehow. O_o

This is a consensus vote. I don't much like it, I'm not even sure it makes sense, but I'll trust you guys here.

##Vote: Taishyr

God help us all.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #834 on: January 16, 2008, 10:19:48 AM »
Final votecount:

Kilgamayan (1): Taishyr
Taishyr (4): Anonymous, Carthrat, Strago, Taishyr, VSM

And so the citizens gathered one more time to determine which of their own would be executed this evening. There remained few enough among the city's prominent citizens to choose from by this point, to be sure. The benevolent Patrician Vetinari seemed beyond reproach, and it was perhaps no surprise that the decisive vote fell to him. Would it be the golem? The orangutan? The aging pensioner? Or the assassin?

Perhaps the choice should have been obvious a long time ago. Perhaps the man chosen had simply been too good at blending in with the crowd. But, as Lord Downey was marched to the gibbet, it became apparent that the city had made a terrible mistake in overlooking him for so long. Without the presence of The Duck to lead him, the last of the monsters lost all restraint. And, with loss of self-control came loss of form. The old assassin's quiet facade melted away into that of an otherwordly horror! With a piercing wail, he became a shapeless mass of extraneous limbs and tentacles, pocked with dozens of superfluous fanged mouths and twisted mandibles and suffused with contempt for all that lived--truly this was an abomination not to be suffered by any self-respecting reality! The remaining citizens fell upon the creature, intent on wiping the extradimensional menace from their city once and for all.

Taishyr, Dungeon Grue, has been revealed! It is not dark. ;_;

Alas, what could he do against such numbers? His host had known much of killing...but the poisons of the Guildmaster whose body he'd subverted were of no use against an unliving automaton; as the golem was Lord Downey's bane throughout the week, so would it be his end as well! A colossal, two-handed strike from Constable Dorfl's clay fists smashed the horrible wailing creature into the pavement, finally putting a decisive end to the invasion. The people could breathe easy once again.

Well, for the time being. Ankh-Morpork has a knack for finding trouble like this. Of course, Havelock Vetinari did manage to survive a world of upheaval yet again, and there is perhaps no one more skilled in putting the city together after such disturbances. The people should be able to rest easy and rebuild for, oh, maybe a month? Certainly half that much, at least. A week at the worst.

Taishyr, aka Lord Downey, Assassins Guild Leader (SCUM, Docbuster) was lynched!

The game is over. Town wins!

Full role details to be posted in a moment.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #835 on: January 16, 2008, 10:22:12 AM »
Awesome. Sorry Rat!


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #836 on: January 16, 2008, 10:22:50 AM »
Go town~!


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #837 on: January 16, 2008, 10:32:46 AM »

Tai played very well. I would almost certainly not have voted for him had Kilga died earlier and some vanilla lived instead. He was, to put it plainly, the least suspicious person to me all game until the very last day. And I was dreading the idea of him turning up town and me needing to defend myself.

Which, I think, would've been hard if not impossible; too much of what I said about Tai could hit me, too. That's why I fished for Tai's thoughts on me on the off-chance he was town, so I'd have some collateral from the man I just killed. I really didn't have a case on him at all until today. I just couldn't go after Kilga or Strago, it just didn't make sense given what we'd seen so far.

Well played, everyone.

(I'll be back on MSN in a while, to those who care.)


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #838 on: January 16, 2008, 10:34:12 AM »
Taish might have beaten me, too. As I said, I'd have voted for you first. I'd have to debate Taish and Kilga for the second spot. Strago, for whatever reason, was clear.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #839 on: January 16, 2008, 10:44:57 AM »
"Dear Dread Thomas.  You're good at picking up the small hints, and you are an utterly lethal player.  And boy, are we glad you always target yourself first.  Don't worry, we love you as you are and hope you never change.  Kisses, the Scum"

"Dear Quiet Rain.  This is our admission of complete and utter respect for, and soul numbing fear of, your analytic abilities. Also, we don't like competition.  Love, the Scum"

"Hey Smodge, liked the stats for showing us who to go for.  But didn't like your tricks.  All in all, don't blame us, but we're not too sorry to see you go.  Sincerely, The Scum"

"To Unoriginal and IhatethisCPU, Okay. Regards, The Scum"

"Dearest Nitori: Shit, that really was an accident, we had hoped the noise for CK/VSM would divert enough attention. Um. Thanks so much for your help the first day, and we promise we'll win this for you. Love, your Scumbuddies"

"Dear CK. We're glad you didn't see anything. And, forgive us, but we'll be making sure you don't. Do, The Scum"

"Dearest Bobbin. You sir, are a legend amongst us, and your magic was truly of aid. Sadly all legends must die, especially when a cop slams a book in their face. We'll win it for you yet, though. Love, your Scumbuddies"

"Dear Yakumo.  Though two eyes we can blind, your third eye yet saw true.  So we had to be somewhat more thorough in shutting that one.  Congrats on the catch, though.  Love, the Scum"

"To Otter. Staying silent? Can't blame you, this is a mess! Still, we would like to ensure this silence... Regards, the Scum"

"Dear Corwin: Mmm, the oddball kill. We should have no-killed and let Kilgamayan sink Strago, but hey. You were also in the way. Hugs, the Scum"

"Hey, Mad Fnorder! The scum tried, they really did. But in the end, we couldn't save Death.
Just as well, we were betting you were a Beloved Princess. Ah well, the act was well and good. Kisses, the Scum"

"Dearest Shale, Well. So determined to use your head, you drown out what your gut says... Mmm, I suppose it's expected from a master of Headology. Still, perhaps removing your head will teach you to rely on your gut... in the afterlife. Love, the Scum"

"And you, Dearest Excal. I have but three words: being sick SUCKS. Love, your Scumbuddy"

"Ah, Hunter Sopko: I'm afraid that in this world of magic and Narrativium, we have no need of computers that can correctly analyze what people are. Plus, ew, mice. Regards, Scum"

"And to VSM, Kilgamayan, Carthrat and Strago...

well, I did what I could, but I'm afraid that it wasn't enough.

Oh, and our choice of humans to possess was simple! We took the ones that didn't taste like cardboard.

Still, you guys won fair and square. As a gift, I left you some almond pie on the counter! Do try a slice, it's quite tasty.

Love, Taishyr -Scum"


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #840 on: January 16, 2008, 10:52:25 AM »

Town roles:

1: Commander Samuel Vimes, Cop (Smodge13). Standard sane cop.

2: Constable Dorfl, Bulletproof Townie (Strago). Standard BP Townie. Messed with Scum's game a lot in the end, I think, since they couldn't nightkill him and no Townies seemed eager to help lynch him.

3: Corporal C. W. St. John "Nobby" Nobbs, Rolecop (Yakumo). Conditional rolecop. Sneaks into someone's house while they're away at night and learns enough about them by poking around to know their power role if they're using it, basically. Fails if the target stays home/is Vanilla/has a passive role, same failure message for each. Happened to be used at just the right time on just the right target to nail Scum.

4: Generic Swamp Dragon, Ghost (Unoriginal). Baffles investigators. As with the other Ghosts, Unoriginal was not told of this detail; he and CPU/Fnorder were told they were Vanilla. Obviously the rolename makes this an obvious candidate for Bomb, and this is what the role was before I had to cut down the number of parts. The killing roles went first when that happened.

5: Granny Weatherwax, Cop (Shale). Another sane cop.

6: Hex, Slow Cop/Miller (Soppy). Learns one aspect of a target each night, with the procession being rolename/alignment/role type. The order is odd, yes. One more thing to mess with peoples' heads, as the role was supposed to look bad. Oddly, the Miller aspect never mattered since no one ever investigated Soppy.

7: Mustrum Ridcully, Watcher (CK). Standard Watcher, sees whoever the target acts against and whoever acts against the target. I would've let this ignore Ghost immunity if CK had targeted any of 'em, but he didn't.

8: Susan Sto Helit, Ghost (CPU/Mad Fnorder). See role #4, as this one worked the same way.

9: Havelock Vetinari, Doublevoter/1PG Governor (VSM). Gets two votes; the second shows up as Anonymous. The one shot of Governor will overturn a lynch and make a game-day end without one, but cost him his extra vote. Not really worth the trade, unless he really, really needs to prove he's Town.

10: The Librarian (Jack of all Trades). Ook. Has one shot each of Cop, Doc and Roleblocker.

11: Twoflower, Vanilla townie (EvilTom). Self-explanatory!

12: The Bursar, Vanilla Townie (Otter). Ditto!

13: Rincewind, Vanilla Townie (Corwin). As above, so below.

14: Seargent Fred Colon, Vanilla Townie (Carthrat). Nothing to see here, move along, folks.

Scum roles:

15: Lord Downey, Docbuster (Tai). When sent on the nightkill, ignores Doc protection. No limit on the number of shots. Kind of a tease, since Town only had one shot of Doc power.

16: Seargent Angua von Uberwald, Framer (Nitori). Called the role a Framer, but it would actually make people investigating the target give no result (as though they'd investigated a Ghost--so Kilga's lategame speculation was right! In a way). Scum hit on the idea using this to cloak themselves from cops on day two, but it turned out to be irrelevant since Nitori got lynched that day.

17: Ponder Stibbons, Rolecop (Bobbin Cranbud). Standard Scum rolecop; investigate a player, learn their power role (or lack thereof). Contrary to Cranbud's claim, the target did not have to be inactive for his ability to work. That statement--and the rest of his roleclaim misdirection--was a nice bit of tomfoolery that left Town running in WIFOM circles for the rest of the game.

18: The Duck Man, Godfather (Excal). Standard godfather role...which somehow managed to attract the attention of almost every cop in the game. @.0


19: Mister Teatime, Serial Killer/Ghost (QuietRain). More like a self-aligned Vig, really. Can refrain from nightkilling if so desired. Also pierces Bulletproof status, making QR the only way for Strago to die short of a lynch (another reason Scum shot themselves in the foot by killing her night one).


So yes, heavy on the investigative side, but Town has no killing roles and only one shot of doc protection. Even with plenty of tools to offset all the cops (three Ghosts, a Framer, the Godfather, a Miller) I'm not sure it balanced out. Scum did an excellent job of not looking like Scum, at least! In particular, I have to commend Tai and Excal for convincing everyone they were townies until they were lynched more or less at random.

I'll post all the night actions in a sec. In the meantime, yay Tai for posting the eulogies I consistently forgot to include in the flavor text. Hey, at least I remembered Glory to Airyduck, right?


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #841 on: January 16, 2008, 11:02:03 AM »
I'm 2 for 2 in surviving and winning board Mafia games. >_>


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #842 on: January 16, 2008, 11:03:06 AM »


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #843 on: January 16, 2008, 11:03:20 AM »
What were the removed roles?


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #844 on: January 16, 2008, 11:06:14 AM »
Go town, not that i helped much.
Good game scum you played well
Curse you QR for killing me the same night i investigated you.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #845 on: January 16, 2008, 11:08:48 AM »
Oh yes, cut roles! Before I had to rebalance things on account of having six fewer players than anticipated, these were also floating around:

Captain Carrot, Beloved Princess. I had to smile when someone in scumchat (Excal, I think?) theorized the existence of this role.
Doughnut Jimmie, standard Doc. Cut for obvious reasons, given Town already had heavy investigative power on their side.
Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler, Scum Roleblocker. You can't perform your night actions on account of crippling indigestion!
The Luggage, Bodyguard...who can only protect Rincewind. Without knowing which player Rincewind was or what his alignment was! Goes self-aligned SK if Rincewind is killed. Again, cut the killing roles first
Nanny Ogg, Mason Founder. This one needed to be cut, for all that it would've had a chance of failure and some roles would have been explicitly blocked from it (Dorfl, Luggage, Hex, Teatime). >.>
Magrat Garlick, Vanilla Townie.

Some roles were also initially in different places (Fred Colon was Vanilla Scum at first).
Granny Weatherwax was also initially a Psychiatrist, but was switched when the Luggage got cut. Seemed moderately pointless to have a Psych around for just one other power role.

Death was never going to be in the game, no. Awesome as he is, I couldn't think of a role that was both appropriate and balanced.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 11:11:10 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #846 on: January 16, 2008, 11:11:04 AM »
Excal was going to -claim- Captain Carrot, and speculate he was Beloved Princess.

Another thing that didn't pan out.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #847 on: January 16, 2008, 11:13:21 AM »
How about the NARRATOR for Death? He could totally announce the dead.


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #848 on: January 16, 2008, 11:22:08 AM »
Huh. I totally should've used Death in the flavor text, yeah. It would've fit perfectly, and doesn't Death at least have a cameo in every book? That was me kinda failing at being creative, I think.

Anyway, night actions below!

Night 1:

1. Smodge13: Investigate QuietRain (Attempt fails: target is Ghost).
3. Yakumo: Investigate Excal (Attempt fails: target remained home).
5. Shale: Investigate Excal (Result: Town-aligned).
6. Hunter Sopko: Investigate QuietRain (Attempt fails: target is Ghost).
7. Cmdr_King: Watch self (sees nothing).
10. Kilgamayan: Does nothing.
15. Taishyr: N/A
16. Nitori: Sent on Nightkill, targeting QuietRain.
17. Bobbin Cranbud: Investigate Otter (Result: Vanilla Townie).
18. Excal: N/A
19. QuietRain: Kill Smodge13.

Excal somehow attracts the first two of what are not even his last investigations. Yeah, this was a good game to be the Godfather. Quietrain, attempting to whack Scum, hits a cop instead. Oops! The Scum then kill her on account of being too perceptive to live, basically, essentially doing Town a favor since she's the only one who could NK Strago.

Night 2:

3. Yakumo: Investigate Bobbin Cranbud (Result: Rolecop).
5. Shale: Investigate Bobbin Cranbud (Result: Scum).
6. Hunter Sopko: Investigate Excal (Result: Duck Man, Beggar).
7. Cmdr_King: Watch Strago.
10. Kilgamayan: Investigate Shale (Result: Town-aligned).
15. Taishyr: Sent on Nightkill, targeting Cmdr_King.
17. Bobbin Cranbud: Investigate Strago (Result: Bulletproof)
18. Excal: N/A

Yakumo uses his power role on just the right to target at just the right time. Cranbud is lynched the next day, though not before tossing out enough misinformation (and enough truth mixed in!) to leave Town confused for a very long time. Also, Excal gets investigated again!

Night 3:

5. Shale: Investigate Otter (Result: Town-aligned).
6. Hunter Sopko: Investigate Excal (Result: Town-aligned).
10. Kilgamayan: Protect Yakumo.
15. Taishyr: Sent on Nightkill, targeting Yakumo.
18. Excal: N/A

Yakko pays the price for ratting on Cranbud. ;.; Kilga tries to use his Doc power but gets shut down by Tai.

Night 4:

5. Shale: Investigate Mad Fnorder (Attempt fails: target is Ghost).
6. Hunter Sopko: Investigate Corwin (Result: Rincewind, Wizzard).
10. Kilgamayan: Roleblock Strago.
15. Taishyr: N/A
18. Excal: Sent on Nightkill, targeting Corwin.

Kilga uses his roleblock on someone whose alignment he's not sure of. Hilariously, the Scum had talked about having a no-lynch night, maybe trying to NK Strago as a gag, and if they'd done it this night, it would've worked on account of Strago being roleblocked.

Night 5:

5. Shale: Investigate Taishyr (Result: SCUM)
6. Hunter Sopko: Investigate Taishyr (Result: Lord Downey, Assassins' Guild Leader)
15. Taishyr: Sent on nightkill, targeting Shale.
18. Excal: N/A

Shale investigates Tai just in time to get killed by him. The next night's events are pretty much inevitable given that Soppy roleclaimed on this day.

Night 6:

15. Taishyr: Sent on nightkill, targeting Hunter Sopko.

Aaaand, Soppy is prevented from discovering Tai is Scum and announcing it to the town.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 11:28:26 AM by El Cideon »


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Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« Reply #849 on: January 16, 2008, 11:29:57 AM »
Fred Colon was vanilla scum?

You mean I was almost scum... again?
