Ma spent most of the time at home prior to the split, though she always had stay-at-home jobs or part time work like babysitting or Avon-style stuff. 'Course, now she works for with me.
Speaking of which, it's four hours and counting to the start of "Me Want iPhone, Round 3" with the release of software 3.0. If those of you in the US suddenly get the feeling that a few hundred people are wishing all of you dead, don't take it personally, it's not aimed at you directly. Unless you're getting an iPhone 3GS. Then it is. You jerks.
(Not sure how close this is getting to breaking company policy, but there are a few notable features with the software and the 3GS that won't be available at launch. ETA is late summer. I can't tell you what they are, but here's a hint: Think of the most wanted features mentioned that weren't on 3G. It's probably those.)