This will be fine once he can come to work with me. Until then, though... he's locked up in the kitchen/bathroom, which have been stripped bare just for him. >_>
I forgot to mention that he chewed apart one of the iPod-computer connector cords! It was an impressive thing. I'm just glad he thankfully destroyed the headphones (~$10) and the iPod cord (we have another) instead of my iPod, which was connected to the headphones and also in the purse he chewed up.
He totally set us up. The first night, he slept on the floor next to me for about 4 hours, then decided to get up and pounce on crickets. He never chews a thing during the night. So... we figured if we picked up stuff and put it more-or-less out of reach, it would be fine! Except he has no qualms jumping up on the table, apparently. Luckily, he took the odd papers and things and left behind the new Darkstalkers art book, the Arkham Horror board and its pieces, and the 100+ WoW TCG cards that were *also* on the table. At least his taste isn't expensive. >_>
And thank GOD he is properly potty trained.
Makkotah: Yeah, that's why he is absolutely not allowed in the bedroom unsupervised. Way too much dangerous/expensive stuff in there. We did a basic sweep before we let him free, but we underestimated his ingenuity. We'll definitely be spending this weekend making the rest of it more dog-okay, but there's no way to totally puppy-proof it soooo... time for my books to smell like bitter apple!