At a friend's house now (and stealing her laptop while she's at uni, mwahaha!), just thought I'd swing by.
Harry Hill yesterday was a total joke (and not only in the intentional way!) - the BBC studio it was being recorded at was also recording Question Time, a political program that was having an interview with Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP (British Nationalist Party, who actually call themselves the British Nazi Party in meetings, stupidly fascist, etc.)
The protests outside the BBC Centre meant that we had to queue for 2 hours longer than expected (and we were already expecting one hour!) in order to get in, then had to wait half an hour inside before going through 2 hours of recording. But Harry Hill himself is even funnier off-camera, and kept making jokes about Nick Griffin - just an example, part of the TV Burp show was a comment on part of a Gandhi documenary, and he had a guy dressed as Gandhi on-stage. After Gandhi walked off, they cut the cameras, and Harry Hill turns around and goes "Okay, bye Gandhi! Make sure you don't walk into the next studio..."
The protest itself was for a relatively good cause (anti-BNP is always good!) but had stupid reasoning (so you're objecting to the guy being put onto a show that's essentially a live interview with the public? gj) and was hilarious for some of the 'slogans' they were using ("The BNP is a Nazi party - Smash the BNP" - and this is meant to be coming from the peaceful side in the argument?). Still, it was pretty fun seeing everything first-hand, and was made even funnier by people texting me and my dad saying things like "It looks really dangerous, are you okay?!" when it was a peaceful protest. o well.
So. Back to training Pokemon and waiting for my friend to get back from uni so that I can go meet people in preparation for the Expo tomorrow. Good times. <3
(And Bard, you need to play more Pokemon, clearly. Togekiss for Godliek.)