I'm not too sure how the JET program works, but if your mail is post dated prior to the due date for many things (like scholarships, what have you), they generally accept it as bona fide. I hope it all works out for you. Having a plan and it backfires because of resource gathering is frustrating. I know a student who had to stalk a professor because they offered to write a letter of recommendation, look over their paper for graduate school entrance AND modify their CV to look more alluring. Yet the professor kept giving them half or inadequate commentary, return or progress. And essentially, if a professor is willing to take on responsibility like that, they shouldn't have too much impeding on their schedules to do so.
I love the Holidays, I hate Holidays in stores. It comes faster than I'm willing. Putting up the Christmas tree, decorations and etc. are fun because they're collaborative and I get to see the creative side to my family when it happens. It's fun. Worst part is taking them down because it just becomes a hassle as the former is much easier. Thanksgiving is going to be big here, Christmas is going to be big. This is unusual since we've been lax on gift giving etc. over the years because of tight disposable income. Who knows. I'm just ready for the sweets. :] Also ready for my Spring semester student refund, tax refund and whether or not I'm able to go to Egypt and Barcelona. Egypt for school, Barcelona as a grad present. Learning colloquial Egyptian and I need a fellow speaker to help me out. I should stalk Fatma's father, but I should realistically stalk her. Father never taught her his native language. How unfortunate for her --- and with future retrospective, me.