Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 687238 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #125 on: January 08, 2009, 02:51:45 AM »
TotA - Natalia get!


Natalia is a spoiled bitch and gets into slapfights with Anise of all people. *Facepalm.*

On the other hand, TotA battle designers didn't really think the whole "fast ranged fighter in a free run system" very thoroughly. Oh well. *Snipesnipesnipe.*
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #126 on: January 08, 2009, 05:38:34 AM »
Elite Beat Agents: DONE. Finished Jumpin' Jack Flash on Hard Rock after a few near-misses (and a lot more horribly pathetic misses), and did it with a perfect run. I think that's the first time I've ever gotten a perfect for my first clear of a song. Sweet.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #127 on: January 08, 2009, 08:31:23 AM »
Fallout 3 - Finished the main plot.  The ending is fucking stupid.  Not only the whole OH NOES SUPER MUTANT ALLY ADDED LATE TO THE GAME THAT WE HAVE ALREADY MADE A BIG DEAL ABOUT BEING IMMUNE TO RADIATION WASN'T THERE WHEN WE WROTE THE ENDING BUT LOL WE LEFT IT THE SAME WAY ANYWAY.  Not just that shit.  The fact that like I could easilly put together enough shit to be nearly immune to radiation anyway and had enough Rad-Away to party all night inside a reactor and come out of it completely unmutated.  Fail ending.  Fail.

So yeah you spend the whole game hearing about how weird it is that the Super Mutants seem to be flocking from all over to the Capitol area.  You never find out why.  FEV that was being developed on the east coast just around the time the war started is apparently being tested inside at least one vault under Vaultec supervision, where it is actually a government contract.  What.  The whole Super Mutant plot makes no sense at all and isn't even remotely explained.  I would say it is fine to have some mystery in a game, but when you talk about it all the fucking time and it is in a series that actually does have explanations for everything in game presented in very organic narative style you have failed. 

So plot is bad in Fallout 3.

The gameplay is not Fallout style gameplay.  There is binary choice and most situations are resolved by optional shortcut or just shoot your way through the entire dungeon.  There is lots of dungeons.  It is still kind of alright.  As a sandbox RPG type thing that Bethesda do, it is worse than Morrowind (and Daggerfall by default, but not going to hold it up against that).  Better than Oblivion though.  Not hard.  Not going to get you credit.

So ultimately, it is an alrightish sandboxy kind of game that sucks horribly as a Fallout game.  Better than I expected because I didn't think it would be alrightish, I was expecting an abomination.  Go it.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #128 on: January 08, 2009, 08:32:00 AM »
Yep, it's time for the official Mana Khemia rant! Sooo yeah. Completed, 45 hours or so, around 97-98% Grow Book completed. Bit less on one or two PCs. Didn't get the 13500 AP skills and a few other things. Hardest bosses were the ones in Chapter 6, 8, 9 probably, though 11 wasn't bad either. 6 came the closest to killing me - very, very close, and I had a few other scares, but no actual game overs, which is rare for me, but easily explained by the fact there's really very few battles capable of it. More on this later.

The game was a fun little romp. I was pretty skeptical for a while, but that's because the game is a bit of a frustratingly slow starter. So much of the battle system doesn't enter the picture early - skillsets practically don't exist, switching doesn't exist, Burst Mode doesn't exist (by the way, Burst Mode sucks anyway; I still hate the assignments involving it). And plotwise, the first three PCs just happen to be three of the worst; Jess and Nikki almost put me off character quests entirely. It's saved by the promise of CTB and Flay being just that awesome, at least.

Once it gets going, well. Gameplaywise, it's a very neat little CTB game. Pretty much the standard package (think SH2), with a couple very nice twists which raise it well above that. One is timed cards. These are basically extra attacks, independent of character turns, that slip into the turn gauge; think FFT Sing/Dance, except it keeps going no matter what happens to the original caster, for a few turns. Your own timed cards made for interesting attack options; the enemies' made you scramble to find ways to defend against them. The second very neat thing was the switching system. You could switch a la FFX, except that when a character switched out, they had to stay out for a while, so it wasn't a free lunch (neat idea). But you could also switch in as support; offensively, you could switch a PC for another mid-attack, and the new PC would add a weaker attack of their own, or you could switch a PC mid-enemy-attack, and the new PC would automatically defend. This is handled very well, and my only complaint is that it's rather broken; characters didn't need to act as soon after support-switching as they did. Still, the additional strategies it provided greatly improved the game, especially once you get character-specific supports.

Challenge-wise, the game was uneven. Midway through the game I read a review which raised my eyebrows a bit at the time, it called the challenge highly unbalanced, ranging from unbearably easy to unbearably hard. Most of the time it is very easy. Randoms in the day aren't Grandia level (they take a hit and thus need thought to take down efficiently), but they're still not much. Randoms at night are much better, but mostly just annoying resource drains, still unable to actually threaten you. And resource management in a game with fixed encounters? Doesn't work. And makes the game not fun, because as soon as you start trying to avoid those encounters, you ensure that every fight you DO get in will be them ambushing you, which while not fatal, is very annoying indeed (MK run command being broken helped, though). (Fixed encouters remain an unimpressive idea to me, but MK needed them with its dungeon retreading, that or encounter control.) Bosses, on the other hand... after a poor start (and ultimately an unimpressive finish) are very potentially menacing, easily outstripping the best "major" randoms AT NIGHT, and they don't get night bonuses (which is good because that would just make them nightmares for a first-time player). They do fine damage, have lots of timed cards to threaten you with, have more than adequate durability, and generally feel like the parade of Godlikes they are despite the increasing amounts of broken you have. Fortunately they are very fun, but god knows they would be frustrating as hell if you slacked on your Grow Book too much, and it's pretty easy to let that happen, and explains the experience of the reviewer I mentioned.

There's also job bosses. Apparently I fought all the wrong ones because they were terrible, but reading up it looks like there's some very cute/powerful ones. I don't really care for optional bosses as a general concept, and the fact that you could go into a job not knowing whether you'd get one of the scrub bosses or one of the badass ones seems undesirable.

Item creation's the other big part of the gameplay. It pretty much necessitates a lot of time being sunk into it, unless you want to be underlevelled, potentially badly. It's a bit cumbersome at points. By far the biggest issue is the fact that you need to go back and forth between two rooms to do it; that was completely unnecessary and certainly added to annoyance. Tieing stats to it as strongly as the game did also struck me as a bit of a mistake; the biggest fix I'd have made is to make the grow book non-linear, so that you could miss one item and not potentially be out an entire stat/skillset branch for it. And the interface could be better; no fast scrolling was bad, no alphabetised way to look up items in the encyclopedia also bad. The Ether Level system was poorly explained, and made getting certain abilities VERY cumbersome (also I really don't want to keep spinning that gauge every time I synth an item with a new recipe, thanks). Besides that, it was reasonably addictive, and the item gathering/synthing system made sense, and it didn't actually need a FAQ - I mentioned the encyclopedia, which ruled. I was usually content to put in an hour per chapter on it, occasionally even a bit more. If you focussed on really important stuff you could probably get away with much less and only suffer for it a little, if you kept your eyes open for what is really important.

Polish-wise, I already mentioned one or two issues, the other big one I can think of is the Grow Book itself is rather annoying to move about in. You can't zoom out far to see what you haven't learned, and you have to move around the sphere-grid-like book on the existing paths you've opened, instead of scrolling over to the node you're interested in. Since the grow book is branching, this is a needless annyance. And you can't see the HP/SP of swapped-out party members. Otherwise? Can't think of any major polish issues. The card gauge, in particular, deserves some praise - you can easily see where most attacks will place you before you make them. And character switching, which involved using L/R to choose characters and a button to sub them after an attack/in anticipation of a defence, worked especially smoothly.

Plotwise, the game barely has one (it's not horrible, it's just barely paid attention to). It's more of a character game, and while MK's style of characters and interaction isn't as appealing to me as it is to some, it had a few really excellent characters to keep me interested. This seems as good a time as any to get into the traditional character stuff. Minor spoilers only, mix of plot and gameplay reviews here. More extensive DL rankings are posted at Contenders.

Vayne - As I've mentioned before, I found it annoying that Vayne just seemed so perfect/talented at everything. This actually ends up getting excused in a reasonable way, though, so eh. He's still a bit of a SI and still a bit of a ditz and still has girls falling over him for no real reason (though it's not as bad as it could have been). Okay character but clearly the worst of the males to me.
In-game, crowd control man. His skillset took a while to get going but once it did all the options for crowd control were just sweet. Wasn't too notable otherwise... his A-support was good, so that combined with his crowd control meant I often A-supported him after Nikki in randoms. Also Analyse is helpful of course.
DL, Heavy, slow overkiller.

Jess - Didn't find her quirks too interesting, so... yeah, she bored me. Her serious plot sorta came out of left field and I don't think it was especially handled well but maybe CQ5 would have helped.
In-game, timed healing rules. MK bosses have good offence and for much of the game your non-Jess healing is just AWFUL, so she's invaluable. Otherwise, is a mage, and like all the mages, had damage issues for me. You can twink her by monkeying with combat skills a lot depending on the weakness you expect to face, but this is very cumbersome due to how common skills are handled. Second best D-support was nice, too - often she could MORE than erase the effects of the attack she is brought into, something no other character can claim.
DL, High Middle, timed cards make her a good healer, and she dodges turn 2.

Nikki - The other bland token female early on. Nikki's design is vaguely annoying, as is her place in the plot. Two things about her are cool. One: giant hammers that raise speed. Two: being the only PC to figure out that Muppy is Pure Evil, and the comedy that ensued. Her character quests probably bored me the most.
In-game... well, obvious MVP early, I've been over that. But she never gets bad. I've seen some antihype for her and frankly I find it baffling; Nikki is probably the most important PC in randoms, because she's so damned fast, and the way MK battles work with switching and A-supports, you can use her to sub in others. Against slower enemies you can A-support people in off her and they STILL outspeed any enemies (and they're going sooner than they would have otherwise); against faster she's probably the only one going before them. Other than that, had good ST damage, and could sometimes charge for some crowd control safely, and both Bear moves were very nice indeed, but she wasn't special overall, probably the worst raw skillset of the fighters. Speed though. Worth considering for MVP on that alone.
DL, solid Heavy, speedy 2HKO or ID.

Pamela - Pamela feels like she should be amusing, and occasionally she had a line which was pretty hilarious, but most of the time I found her very bland.
In-game, one of the PCs I used less. She's certainly not bad... No Bullying! can be twinked out to be insane in particular, and physical immunity has uses, as does Seeker... but generally I found the mages a bit less good, and Pamela didn't offer as much unique as Jess or Roxis did. Also, don't get the hype for her D-support, immuning stuff is better than halving it, yes, but not hugely. I think I'd heard "Pamela D-support" more in my time in DL chat than Muppy or Jess which is nuts.
DL, Heavy/Godlike, Malik variant.

Flay - Flay is the man. Easily the best character in the game, he was constantly hilarious. Very much lives up to the standards set by Mystere or Gordon. Brilliant VA helped, but it was hard not to smile at... just about everything that came out of his mouth. His character quests were predictably hilarious (I got his ending). Not an especially serious character, although it was amusing and fitting that he was pretty much the "leader" of the group most of the time. To the Flay Cave!
In-game, Flay could really only do one thing, but he did it well. Massive ST damage! Oh, good durability too, sure. His GT was almost non-existant, and he was slow, but goodness, Raiden Charge, his timed-card attacks, his other moves... they all spelled extreme pain. Unleashing him on bosses was very satisfying. In randoms he is saved by the switching system, though less good there anyway.
DL, Low Heavy, Vayne Lite with more durability.

Roxis - I kinda liked Roxis. Roxis is antisocial, full of himself, and... you know what? People TREAT HIM THAT WAY. They mock him, they bring him down of his high horse whenever possible. They like the guy, since he's decent at heart, but he gets what's coming to him and it's very satisfying. Unsurprisingly, the highlights are his Mana and that character quest with Pamela and Flay. You know the one.
In-game, Roxis has two tricks which make him the best mage in my mind. Never mind his stats are probably the best of the bunch, too? But anyway, the two tricks are Chrona Drive (and to a lesser extent its inferior versions), which is pretty much the most damaging attack through most of the game once all its timed cards are played (GT to boot!), and Purifying, which helped ease the stress of oh-god-enemy-timed-cards, which were by far the easiest way to die in most MK battles. His supports are two of the worst but who cares.
DL, High Middle I think, decent blitzer with some status spoiling.

Anna - Vaguely there; you can tell I don't like the girls as much in this game. Though she was probably the best of them. Her quirks were endearing enough, and it's rather amusing how she turned into this unstoppable force of nature if she got the wrong idea in her head. Which she often did, because her common sense was in the negatives. Anna for plot Godlike? I think so.
In-game, neat. While probably the least damaging fighter, it wasn't by much, and she had quite a few tricks to make up for it. Quick Dream was hax when you first got it, her GT ID move was awesome; I had more luck with it than the stat topic suggests. Very solid supports, too - sometimes you just need that extra turn RIGHT NOW.
DL, Middle, kinda boring but can scrape a fast low 2HKO off middling durability.

Muppy - Okay, his recruitment scene? Gold, pure gold. I can't hype it enough. He's adorable and cute and PURE EVIL but laughably ineffective so people generally don't figure it out. A character who just worked, probably my second favourite PC. Props to El Cid for avatarring him.
In-game, LVP. Mage who offered the least, and badly underlevelled for the first few chapters after getting him due to starting with crap AP. That said, MK isn't bad on character balance, and this LVP had something he was MVP at, unquestionably. That was his D-support. Make TWO PCs immune to damage, AND, as the third, half it? Nuts. I used him just for that plenty, even if he didn't make my final battle party.
DL, Light, what I'd expect without his D-support.

Tony - I love Tony. He just tries SO HARD to be this total jerkass but he keeps putting his foot in his mouth. He's not so stupid as to be unaware that he seems to keep ending up the butt of all jokes, and that his best friend is constantly mocking him, and it makes him ANGRY. ... but in a cute way. Like Flay, he's awesome in most scenes he's in, though he doesn't have as many of them (still more than you might expect). Too bad he didn't find a way to stick around in the plot after he graduated (and the game hinted that he would, too!), but eh, eight chapters of awesome is good enough.

Renee - And it's pretty hard to love Tony without loving Renee. At first I thought she would just be the dull voice of reason to Tony's villainous schemes, but as the game grew on it became increasingly obvious that she wasn't following him because she was weak-willed, but because she just enjoyed poking fun at him so much. Tony/Renee/the party made for highly amusing three-way interaction.

Zeppel - I'm pretty surprised we didn't get more from him. Felt like the game was setting him up as reasonably important - he's Vayne's teacher, and the guy who found him... but then he barely has any scenes lategame. Not sure what's up with that. Also, it's sad that I identified with his position more than anyone else. I don't think this game is aimed at me, in terms of storytelling. <.<

Isolde - It's funny. She's kinda the closest thing MK has to a main villain - she has that creepy music that plays whenever she appears, and is certainly the character who takes the most aggressive action against the PCs (Tony doesn't count). Which is to say MK doesn't do villains. Her motivations are questionable but she ends up sympathetic enough; I did like her scene in the ending. Also, MK not doing villains? It's actually kinda refreshing. Probably the most notable thing about the game plotwise.

Guess that's everything. 7/10 seems about right. The game sort of feels like the bastard child of Shadow Hearts 2-3 and Pokemon, with a few mutations thrown in. Fun CTB gameplay (SH) heavilly emphasising boss fights (PKMN) with insanely quirky characters (SH) in a very light-hearted world (PKMN). It ends up in the same ballpark as those games, to me. Glad I played it, will play again, would recommend, will buy if I see it.

16k, not my biggest rant, but it'll do. ^_^

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Mad Fnorder

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #129 on: January 08, 2009, 08:33:34 AM »
Soulcal 4 Online:

I've decided to venture out into playing Soulcal 4 on THE INTERNET. I've learned two cardinal truths that reinforce the one high theory I have about fighting games.

1. People have terrible taste. I don't want to see your Squall custom, I don't want to see Fishnet Mitsurugi, I don't need your naked chicks. Afro Voldo, you're all right.

2. People are terrible at this game. Stupid combos, canned strings, stuns that are mashable by a goldfish swimming into the directional pad. They've all developed a crutch on absolutely terrible tactics that don't work in "real life", where guard impacts do. Moreover are the "Online Frame Traps" Where the couple of dropped frames turn simple moves (Siegfried Neutral K near a wall, for example) into infinite block strings.

Theory: Precision Fighting games suck online.

Honestly, I've been having way more fun since I stopped playing Cervy and Maxi and just started playing Scrub Astaroth against all comers. I've also won about three times the matches. ITS A LOW AXE. YOU BLOCK IT. IT IS NOT SO HARD.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2009, 08:45:02 AM by Mad Fnorder »


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #130 on: January 08, 2009, 08:43:24 AM »
Fnord, you have a 360? Gimme your gamertag and we can get something cooked up. I swear I don't suck!

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT

Mad Fnorder

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #131 on: January 08, 2009, 08:45:27 AM »
Sorry, I have that... other system. Otherwise I'd love to play actually intelligent opponents.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #132 on: January 08, 2009, 08:46:23 AM »
Oh man you just completely put me to shame there.

So yeah, you might want to check out AI2 then if you can borrow it easilly NEB, it is the closest of them to MK, can probably skip the other games though.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #133 on: January 08, 2009, 08:48:18 AM »
Damn. Well, go to DLC4 then! We won't have frame delay there~

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT

Mad Fnorder

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #134 on: January 08, 2009, 08:55:17 AM »
I should be able to make part of it. I have little excuse. I'll have to practice!


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #135 on: January 08, 2009, 09:36:23 PM »
Oh man you just completely put me to shame there.

So yeah, you might want to check out AI2 then if you can borrow it easilly NEB, it is the closest of them to MK, can probably skip the other games though.

I have a copy of AI2 I'm not doing anything with!

NEB: There is fast scrolling in the item menus.  Hold Square and hit Up/Down, IIRC.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #136 on: January 09, 2009, 12:18:36 AM »
Ah, cool. Unintuitive and needs more L/R, but good to know.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #137 on: January 09, 2009, 12:24:44 AM »
Ah, cool. Unintuitive and needs more L/R, but good to know.

Weren't L/R used for other things?  Don't remember.  Maybe in older Gust games and they figured changing the buttons would be a bad idea (which it is).  I think other Gust games also put a message at the bottom telling how to fast scroll too, though they really should've put one here.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #138 on: January 09, 2009, 02:47:06 AM »
TotA - Akzeriuth plot's hightlight: that kid dying onscreen. Effective, gutsy and elegantly gruesome to nail the coffin on how horrible the disaster was.

Downparts: mostly everything else. The cast rode the idiot ball like the town bicycle 24-7. I know that Luke just leghumped Van all over and was a complete puppet, but for god's sake. The entire party could've done SOMETHING about Luke's fishy behavior. THEY SUSPECTED SOMETHING WAS WRONG FROM MORE OR LESS THE BEGINNING. I'm not asking for averting a disaster, they couldn't know the entire city would be destroyed. But the mission was a fucking delicate diplomatic affair which would set a war ablaze if it botched. Them not closely watching - and cleaning up after - the inept ambassador of goodwill that could completely screw it up with basically anything he said was a complete idiot move, particularly considering the amounts of informed intelligence present there. And Natalia sure as hell should have had the hindsight to think something could go horribly wrong, considering she was in the know of at least a little bit of the whole thing, especially considering Van was under freaking parole, and I'm not getting started on Ion. I wouldn't mind if the party tried to kick Luke into his rightful place and failed, but just conveniently leaving Luke alone with Ion (who didn't even ask -why- Van wanted the door open. Christ) and then chewing him out like they had absolutely no responsibility? Fuck you. Argh, idiot plot.

EDIT: Yeah yeah, I get it, Asch, you're Bleedball.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 06:32:50 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #139 on: January 09, 2009, 09:10:53 AM »
Honestly, I've been having way more fun since I stopped playing Cervy and Maxi and just started playing Scrub Astaroth against all comers. I've also won about three times the matches. ITS A LOW AXE. YOU BLOCK IT. IT IS NOT SO HARD.

I always teleport through it and then kick you right in your fucking dome. And whenever I teleport I like to yell "DRACULA POWER ACTIVATE!" just to make sure everyone knows they telegraph fucking everything.

But, yeah, online SC4 kind of blows. I've had a few good games, right after it came out, though. One of which was against an awesome Amy player. The match ended in a Rocky III freeze-frame ending.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #140 on: January 09, 2009, 09:30:23 AM »
TotA - Akzeriuth plot's hightlight: that kid dying onscreen. Effective, gutsy and elegantly gruesome to nail the coffin on how horrible the disaster was.
Somehow I get the feeling I didn't see the same scene as you. All I remember was an incredible display of stupidity from the party. "Maybe we can save him from sinking by using healing artes."


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #141 on: January 09, 2009, 03:12:16 PM »
TotA - Akzeriuth plot's hightlight: that kid dying onscreen. Effective, gutsy and elegantly gruesome to nail the coffin on how horrible the disaster was.
Somehow I get the feeling I didn't see the same scene as you. All I remember was an incredible display of stupidity from the party. "Maybe we can save him from sinking by using healing artes."

Lawl, I remember that part. Healing arts! To save a drowning kid! It's foolproof!

I was still waiting for Luke to say something like, "Maybe we can swim out to him!"

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #142 on: January 09, 2009, 03:14:07 PM »
Portal:  Finished.  Level 19 was awesome.  Game overall was good but not great.  Not seeing the game of the year hype it got.  Maybe because all PC games are crappy and anything halfway decent looks great by comparison.  </troll>

BvS:  Pulled off a 3rd place day, and got a Golden Star of Power.  Looping to Season 4 today.  Will go Whiteeye again, so I can become tri-blooded, just in time for them to get rid of Arena.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #143 on: January 09, 2009, 04:53:38 PM »
MK- Mostly done with C4. Solid enough game, need to p lay more.

OB- Been messing with this as I use the new mechanics guide to relaly break down the game. Fun things: Fogel no takey damage from physicals (85%ish reduction) and Gares against holy is NDF. 2x weakness on that HP is not good.
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<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #144 on: January 09, 2009, 08:43:17 PM »
P4:  Finished.  Got the (I guess) regular ending instead of the obscure one.

I don't share everyone else's opinion about the game - it's Persona 3-- instead of ++.  Which isn't to say the game isn't good, it just doesn't hit the same notes that P3 did.

P3 had perfect pacing, P4 does not.  The dungeon crawling is much less enjoyable in this game, while the social linking is better.  Therefore, it drags the game down when you have to spend days in the dungeons instead of talking to your friends.  This is alleviated somewhat later in the game when you can afford SP healing from the fox.

Although the game seems easier on paper than P3, it ends up being harder.  Personas are generally better than in P3 (physical immunity and no weaknesses is so easy to get).  But changes to the down/1 More system, lack of initiative on the main, and very low chance of getting a preemptive attack on enemies hurt.  Oh, and status/ID is really accurate now!  That's great when you use it, not so great when enemies use it.  Should also insert rant about the lack of Homunculus in the game.  Think I found a total of 3, and that was in the lategame.

P3 had a much better atmosphere.  Everything was more ominous and exciting.  It's just hard to get enthralled with the concept of people getting thrown into TVs to act out sitcoms.  P3's music was also much better.  The only songs I liked from this one were the opening theme and the strip club.

Final time was 75 hours.  Main was level 75.  Used Yosuke, Kanji, and Yukiko for the final, just because they were my lowest level characters.  They were about level 65.

Plot bosses were quite competent overall, even the first two.  Eye in the Sky was oddly enough one of the weakest bosses in the game.  Still decent, but the only reason I had any difficulty with him is because I went in with very low SP on my characters.  Hardest boss overall was probably Castle, followed by Void Quest.

Maxed Fool, Magician, Priestess, Hierophant, Chariot, Strength, Star, Moon, Sun, Judgement.  Justice at level 9 (cries), Empress/Lovers/Hermit level 7, Temperance 5, Hanged 4, Fortune 2, Emperor/Devil/Tower 1.  Never found Death.  Best S. Link was Moon.  All skills maxed except Diligence, which was level 4.  Finished all the quests except for the remaining Hermit ones, Feed the Cat 2 (how much can that thing eat?), Quest 4 (get liquor from Konishi Liquor - could never find it), and two others that I assume are followups to the liquor one.

The characters:

Main:  Weaker than Minato, and less personality in general (although there are some amusing things you can say during the Culture Festival).

Magician:  Was Junpei, except without the development that made Junpei a good character.  Very boring.

In Battle:  Great earlygame, due to healing and Dekaja being useful (WTF Heat Riser!!!).  Terrible midgame due to a total lack of useful skills.  Mediocre at the end.

In the DL:  Has some tricks and decent durability, but no serious offense.  Middle.  But at least he's fast!

Chariot:  Loved her character design (the round face), good voice, amusing dialogue.  Best character overall.  Was also impressed that they didn't run the kung fu thing into the ground.

In Battle:  Useful physical attacker early on, and Ice seemed to be the element most likely to hit a weakness.  Overall though, a pretty terrible skillset.

In the DL:  Tarukaja and Power Charge is pretty much a OHKO for Middle.  Doesn't have enough variety to survive in Heavy.

Priestess:  Also a boring character, although I liked the laughing.  SNRK!

In Battle:  She's slow and frail.  But good magic damage combined with huge healing reserves make her very valuable.  Basically she ends up being an inn (!) for characters to rest at after battle.

In the DL:  She's slow and frail.  DL does not favor these things.  Competent Light, but her magic damage isn't good enough to win any Middle matches.

Emperor:  I had a love/hate relationship with this guy.  The way he was drawn made him look unrealistic, and the majority of the time he was saying cliche tough guy things that were just groan-worthy.  Yet when he showed his tender side it was very good, and it goes without saying that he had the best Shadow scene of anyone.

In Battle:  Huge HP, but no good physical skills to use with it.  Good magic skills, but no magic stat to use with it.  He's pretty much LVP - there's always someone who can do what he can do in a better fashion.

In the DL:  Eh, Middle I guess.  Has to hurt himself to do any decent damage in Heavy, so no.

Lovers:  Pretty good character, when she wasn't gushing all over Senpai.

In Battle:  Tended to repeat herself too much - kind of annoying.

In the DL:  Well, if you average her stats with Fuuka's, then she's High Godlike!

Star:  Starts out awesome, then the beauty pageant happens and he breaks the Speed of Awesome.

In Battle:  Starts with Mediarama, and learns Matarukaja early.  Yeah, fricking incredible overall.  Really needed more than 8 skill slots, everything he learns is good.  MVP.

In the DL:  Good Middle, lightning weakness holds him back from greatness.

Fortune:  Kind of a lame character, but is pretty cute when actually being a girl (like at the beauty pageant).

In Battle:  Yeah, Hama/Mudo skillset in a game where those skills are godly.  Good stuff.  A bit frail, but fairly fast.

In the DL:  I can actually see her winning some Heavy matches, but probably isn't champ material.  Too good for Middle.

Overall, the game is an 8.5 out of 10.  I actually wouldn't recommend it to people who didn't like P3 - there's not enough different about it from P3 to change your mind.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #145 on: January 09, 2009, 09:33:37 PM »
Final Fantasy XII: Did a lot of traveling and then beat up Cid for the first time.

The area after Phonon Coast turned out to be great in that it doesn't have any really annoying enemies (fliers and elementals) and the enemies have good loot. This is great since some areas offers rather poor loot compared to the difficulty of the enemies, so I toke the opportunity to stock up. I've also been able to finally buy a lot of self gambits and teleport stones.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #146 on: January 09, 2009, 10:32:44 PM »
EBA: Okay, I wasn't done before. I am now, though. Maximum ranking (amazing how quickly those 30,000,000 points built up, given that two days ago I only had 50), all stages finished, Commander KHAAAAAAAAAAAAN unlocked, even S-ranked a few of them. Awesome game that I am extremely behind the curve on hyping, but it deserves hype nonetheless.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #147 on: January 09, 2009, 10:34:26 PM »
TotA - Akzeriuth plot's hightlight: that kid dying onscreen. Effective, gutsy and elegantly gruesome to nail the coffin on how horrible the disaster was.
Somehow I get the feeling I didn't see the same scene as you. All I remember was an incredible display of stupidity from the party. "Maybe we can save him from sinking by using healing artes."

The kid dying was cool, is the real thing. The party was immensely stupid, but the display of stupid doing nothing to save the kid (which would be downright cheating) just helped make the scene better. It's not what the party did, but what happened to the kid while the party just kept passing the idiot ball along.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #148 on: January 09, 2009, 10:34:45 PM »

Completed my Pacifist run(0 kills), got all the ribbons, got all the posters... basically meaning I've done everything you can on Normal but get the weapon and enemy info.

Very, very good game that feels like it highlights something I've been mumbling about for ages; Computer power needs to reach for a while past the graphical wall, until fairly so-so at graphics people can easily make high end graphics. Iji does spectacularly well with style despite fairly low end graphics, every effort was clearly put into it, but you can just feel how incredibly well done it would be if graphics modeling could get advanced enough for someone to morph sprites fluidly, for instance.

I say this because it's a Game Maker game, done by...I think it's a dozen and a half people or so counting the VA clips?...and it's one of the best platformers, just for overall design, I've ever played. Simple, yes, there's nothing original in it, sure...well, it does take some of the neater aspects of some FPSes for it's skill system. But that's original implementation, not original idea.

The execution? Excellent. The game's style is excellent despite relatively simple graphics. The music...well, it's heavy on the rock angle, but I find multiple tracks great and nothing bad myself, certainly better than I expected.

The plot? Massively detailed. Tons of logbooks everywhere express it. These logbooks change if you pacifist or scorched-earth. The plot changes everywhere depending on if you do this. There are lines for if you kill one or the other of the races without killing the other. Almost every logbook is either relevant or extremely good at fleshing out the respective races you encounter-usually both. The gameplay changes to reflect the plot on pacifist.

The gameplay? There are seven skills. They start at L1, cap at L10. You get five levels per sector(stage) to put to these(less on higher difficulties; one of my few complaints). These are all balanced close enough so that building up any given one is perfectly reasonable(Exception: Health is better than the rest, although you will miss secrets if you overbuild it because you won't have points for the others.). Capping one off gets you a special bonus, but the skills are designed to work best in tandem, balancing out this advantage. The skill system is really excellently done.

The stage design is excellently done. Pacifist feels reasonably difficult, like you're still playing a platformer based on getting through hoards of enemies, without feeling like there's an enemy blocking this god damned corridor how the hell do I get around this with half my life left argh. Areas are designed with shortcuts/goodies based on some skills but none of these will ever keep you from getting any weapon(except the joke weapon...<_<). Ribbons, the plot relevant collectable, are not locked behind any area you can't reach at L1 with all skills, IIRC, but Posters, the collectable designed to get you into the game's hidden area, are usually awesome physics puzzles that require you to note the elements of pretty much all the game's weapons closely(or find the sekrit book that hints a lot of this).

The game also has three higher difficulties and a true final that you can only fight on replaying the game(That is plot relevant without being a ridiculous mangling of the old boss. Yay.).

There are 16 standard weapons. They are all reasonably balanced(Though the Splintergun deserves mention because it's not only the worst weapon-not by much, but the worst-but also because the AI will quite happily, due to some slight oversight with AI coding, sometimes kill it's self with it).

There are VA clips for a character that will only appear if you're pacifist playing.

This game is just well done. Period. Very, very good. 9/10 or so? Yeah.

La Mulana:

Completed. Final time, 32:14.

Okay, where to begin.

First off, this game is a good platformer. Very good.

Combined with an average adventure game.

You know, like The Dig.

Actually it's a lot like that, even down to having a few puzzles that are holding down a pressure-sensitive panel by jamming a rod into a crack that apparently has no gap in it, somehow.

You still there?


._. Still going to rant.

Okay, first off, the platformer gameplay.

Superficially it resembles, oh...Castlevania.

In depth, it resembles Castlevania 2 except better done. Same sort of depth of area to explore. Same sort of interesting weaponry. Same sort of penalty-to-death-without-major-risk idea. In this case, you get an item-in fact it should be your first major goal, besides getting the item that lets you save(This takes two minutes. They were just being cute.) that lets you warp out of an area at any time, and after you get the Glyph Reader(Which should have been standard but takes fifteen minutes or so) you can read tablets in areas that will let you warp right back.

So basically the game is mostly focused on exploration. Getting beaten up, increasingly as the game goes on, is less risk and more time waste; just, be careful.

Within that, enemy designs are great, bosses are usually great fun that require a try or two, the one area filled with eleven subbosses and no warp out was fun, etc, etc, the gameplay has no complaints. There are absolutely tons of items that improve the slow, sluggish Lemeza and basically if you get them all he feels kinda insane compared to how he felt at the start, a cute effect. Basically, the platformer gameplay is the height of what you could expect from a game that mimics older platformers, and is quite good.

Then there's the puzzles and exploration aspects.

Now, make no mistake. For the first four areas of the game, I loved the puzzles. I loved the exploration.

The puzzles can be really great. Area 2 is translating the tablets and figuring out how they relate to a weird switch puzzle in the area for instance. Area 1 has a bunch of simple puzzles, Area 3's puzzles are weird but mostly simple enough, ditto 4. These areas are 100% non-linear, you do not have to do them in any order.

So once you get those done, the doors to the "rear" open up(Hard to describe, just think of it as another area of the game, that happens to thematically darkly mirror the "front" areas.).

The game goes all to hell at this point.

First off, "rear" areas cannot be Grailed to.

There is a way to, oh yes, there is. You get it...with about 80-90% of the game completed. Most of the time, you're hiking in. Sometimes, hiking in is pretty convenient(the one for Area 2's rear is a screen away from Area 2's Grail Tablet marker.). Sometimes it's not(Area 3 is like five screens? six? away, and there's a second entrance in the same area that's more of a pain in the ass to reach...).

Well, that's okay, right, the game's still non-linear, right? You don't have to explore certain areas in order, right?

Actually now you do. From what I recall, you have to start the "rear" from the Pyramid, work through it, go through Confusion Gate as a passing through thing(although you could do it at that point), go to Graveyard of the Giants, clean that out, etc, etc, basically you go on a straight line to the double jump item with a couple of areas you can explore after that.

But you're eventually going through Confusion Gate to do everything else. The game pulls this again with Tower of the Goddess.

Well, that's okay, right? The areas are all equally good, right?

Wrong, both of the forced puzzle areas are badly constructed.

Not hard. I mean, hard too in the case of Confusion Gate. Badly constructed.

Confusion Gate's first puzzle requires you to climb an invisible ladder.

You will never get anywhere in Confusion Gate without doing this.

This is the hard element-you might figure it out, but it's a royal pain in the ass.

No, the badly constructed element is the guy that gives you a six screen speil about what he wants you to do with various puzzle hints that then will not repeat it; Every other person in the game so far has repeated himself. Didn't write it down? Recall it wrong? YOU'RE FUCKED HAVE FUUUUUUUUUUN yes that caught me.

A later puzzle? Requires you do backtrack and get a pointless, irrelevant key item before you can solve it. You could easily solve this puzzle by accident otherwise. You could easily solve this puzzle on purpose otherwise. Nope, you need to go back and find the door that appeared out of nowhere that apparently has no relevance to the puzzle. FUCKING INNOVATIVE THERE.

Tower of the Goddess? See the first Confusion Gate problem. A tablet details-fairly plainly, if you can figure out what area it's relevant to-what to do there.

Then it sinks. Can't reread it. Didn't think it was going to be important because it was just a random tablet? Didn't fix the whole hint in your mind? Don't remember stuff from area 2 that it is pertinent to? AGAIN SUCKS TO BE YOU. Technically you can still beat the game on these two, sure. If you jump in front of the right random thing or whip a pot that had nothing in particular in it earlier in the game. So dumb luck.

The game is laced with little tiny "Screw you~" like this towards the end. The final boss has a puzzle to defeating it. It involves finding at least one of two tablets that are midgame and earlygame respectively. This is not an easy boss, you are screwed if you try to bruteforce this. There are several items, including Life Jewels, the game's life ups, that are permanently missable(Well, okay, the Dimensional Corridor one is accessable by getting hit at the peak of your jump by an enemy...), permanently screwing you out of Hell Temple.

Not that you want to go there anyways, even I'm not stupid enough to try that.

Anyways, this is particularly frustrating. It's teeth-grindingly maddening to go through a well constructed, puzzling area like Tower of Ruin, to go to Confusion Gate, which is horrid in the sake of "challenge" that is much more likely to be solved by dumb luck. Going from Dimensional Corridor(Fun miniboss rush) to Chamber of Birth(Warp puzzle that I was lost in for a while, has a puzzle that involves climbing a ladder through the ceiling to the floor-to get a damned map!) is similarly horrid.

The game also has a bad habit of trying to punish you for bruteforcing puzzles, yet sometimes requires you to do exactly that-there are statues throughout the game that just shoot at you for beating on them, for instance, but there's a set in Temple of Moonlight you have to beat with Shurikens to advance. This is also stupid, and there's no real excuse for it.

As I said to Alex, the lategame almost feels beta, like they tested out earlier areas, and some of the later areas, then just said "Fuck it, Confusion Gate, Chamber of Birth, Tower of the Goddess, Shrine of Mother, they're all fine, let's ship it.". (Shrine of Mother is woefully, horrifically boring. True Shrine at least has an interesting design. Standard is just.....boring.)

It's like drinking one of the best milkshakes you've ever had, only to occasionally get chunks of prickly pear in your mouth. With spines attached. I don't care if they added to the flavor of the drink, in the creator's opinion! They still hurt. ._.

So, taken on the whole, 5/10, on the high side for that. I don't regret playing this at all, but for completely oscillating reasons. If you don't mind FAQing things that are stupid, it goes up a few points. If you play this, set a timelimit for how long you wait until you ask help for a puzzle(Say, 20 minutes). You will enjoy the game greatly. Don't do this and you will likely hate the game. Giving it a try is, regardless, not a bad idea.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 10:46:36 PM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #149 on: January 09, 2009, 11:21:11 PM »
Sage that was a HUUUUGE post~


I think the Pamela hype is based of her self support - though Jess/Muppy have godly party supports people were probably having her for her self worth i.e she can stand alone, Jess/Muppy can't. Need to actually play the game myself to form a full view but yeah.

"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"