
Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 686686 times)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2125 on: May 02, 2009, 12:11:37 AM »
Star Ocean 4 Abridged:

Narrator: So our heroes enter Tatroi, a typical Fellpool city that clearly wasn't in the original Star Ocean!  When last we left...
Girl's Voice: AAAAAAH!
Narrator: ...damn it, I wasn't finished!
Meracle: Hey, did everyone here that? That sounded like a scream for help!
Faize: Yes, but it lacked that sense of urgency for it to be a distress call...
Girl's Voice: Someone save me! Please!
NOTE: The voice sounds completely insincere and like its bad acting.  The "Aaaah!" sounded like that too.
Reimi: Edge, someone's in trouble, this is your time to shine!
Edge: Angst. Brood. ...does anybody have a spare sharp pain of glass? My wrists are lacking in scars...
Reimi: ...*sigh* Alright, we're going to help her!
*Team rushes to alley way where a bunch of hooded freaks are torturing a girl*
Reimi: Get your hands off her!
Lymle: You are bad people, 'kay?
Bacchus *in stealth mode*: I'm afraid you'll go no further.
Girl: Oh, you've come to help me!
Reimi: I hear a battle theme coming on, we're gonna have to do this boss ba-...
*Edge comes in out of nowhere, sword in hand and kicks the shit out of all 3 guys single handedly without breaking a sweat, in a plot scene, while the SO1 Battle theme plays*
Meracle: Wasn't he angsting just a few seconds ago?
Edge: ...what the hell am I doing? Why am I doing this? ARGH! I SAID I WASN'T GOING TO INTERACT!
Meracle: Ok, so it wasn't just me, just checking!
Girl: Hi, my name is Sarah Leremey! I hope you don't mind my incredibly over the top high pitch voice that sounds 100% fake!
Bacchus: You know, if you don't want to kill them, you could have at least tied them up and handed them over to the law enforcement on this planet...
Sarah: Wow, you're big and weird looking
Bacchus: Uh...oh, right, I can be scene *goes back into stealth mode*
Sarah: He disappeared!
Faize: Both of you are absent minded...
Reimi: So...are you alright?
Lymle: Hey! Her wings moved! She's got real wings, 'kay.
Meracle: Wings? Like a bird? .....CHICKEN!!!!!!
Sarah: I'm not a chicken! Say, haven't I seen you two before *looking at Edge and Reimi*
Reimi: No, we haven't met...
Sarah: Aha! I know! You two are from the Muah, I've seen your statues in the Purgatorium!
Reimi: Muah? we've heard that name before haven't we...

*Flash back to moment Meeple didn't mention earlier*
Lizard Freak: Yes, you have two descendants of the Muah with you! Fine specimens indeed!
Edge: ...what the hell are you talking about?
*end flashback*

Faize: Purgatorium? I think I know what our first big fetch quest on this Fanservice Planet is!
Sarah: Yes, let me show you my thanks by guiding you there!
Reimi: *smacks Edge over the head with a mallet* You aren't the leader right now, I am, SO SHUT UP!
Edge: *recovers immediately* I STILL REFUSE DAMN IT!
Lymle: Sarry's nice, I want her to be with us, yay!
Reimi: ...ok, since my idiot of a best friend won't stop, I guess we have no choice but to decline your offer.
Sarah: Oh, but I can at least tell you you'll need a Bunny to cross the desert!

*Sarah leaves*
Reimi: So...a bunny...where can we get one of those?
Faize: Hey, lets ask that tent outside of town about it!
Meracle: Oh! A bunny is a big thing that hops, and is really tastey!
Bacchus: So basically that thing we saw not too long ago?
Meracle: Yep!
*They talk to everyone at the Nomad tent...or so Meeple thinks*
Meeple: Well, that did shit for me, I guess I'll explore some and find the right person to speak too..
*Does so for about a half hour, finding nothing*
Meeple: ...I'll talk to those nomads ONE MORE TIME!
*Does so, gets a different conversation from one of the guys he was CERTAIN he talked too but apparently talked to the adjacent person 3 times despite Edge's position indicating otherwise*
Meeple: ...the conversation detection system in this game really sucks...
*back through the 4th wall*
Random Nomad: Oh, yeah, ask the Elder about it! He'll know!  He's on the other side of the tent, sleeping!
Reimi: Sounds like a plan!  Oh yeah, my leg is acting up again...this is clearly not a sign of bad things going to happen soon, nope!
Elder: *starts speaking some weird language that's a combination of spanish, japanese, ebonics, and fucking retardness*
Faize: Great, an ancient language.  You know, the kind our translators can't do shit with? Bacchus, you understand him?
Bacchus: Not at all.
*Random girl comes out of the tent*
White Haired Girl: Hi there, this is my Grandpa! He only soeaks the ancient tongue and knows a lot about bunnies.
Lymle: But we cna't understand him, 'kay.
WHG: Oh, don't worry, I can translate for you!
WHG: You indeed need a bunny to cross over the desert...but you can't have ours! ITS OUR LITTLE SPECIAL FLUFFY KINS!
Faize: how are we going to get over the desert?
WHG: Oh, you can go catch a bunny yourself in the forest over there! Now that you spoke to me, I have triggered their existence!  Here's how you catch a bunny! *Summons her own*
Reimi: Is that a summon?
Bacchus *still in seatlh mode*: (No, a summon requires a contract)
Reimi: Ah! Right! Lymle only has a flaming dog for that right!
Lymle: Bunnies are cute.
Faize: Anyway, what she did was Transfusion.  You see...
*For the next 3 hours, Faize starts technobabble, mysticism, etc. about Transfusion, despite there being an underdeveloped civilzation right in front of him*
Reimi: FAIZE! YOU MORON! You just broke like every single Sci-Fi law in existence!
Faize: Oh, oops, guess I got carried away...say, can you teach me that?
WHG: Not unless you become part of our tribe!
Faize: ...maybe I will then!
WHG: Anyway, take these; its reigns required for taming a Bunny!
Reimi: Great! Lets get going then!

*the team leaves*
WHG: Wait! You with the green hair, please come here!
Faize: Huh? Me? Ok...
WHG: You're so hot and sexy...I want you to have this black cloak!
Faize: Uh, ok...
WHG: It'll double asmaking you look friendlier to bunnies!
Faize: Useful...well how do I look?
WHG: ...well, good as I had hoped...
Lymle: Hey Faize, you're taking forever, 'kay? Also, that thing you're wearing looks stupid, 'kay?
Faize: ...that girl over there said the same thing.
Reimi: Oh, Faize, where have you been...AWWWWW! THAT BLACK GARMENT YOU'RE WEARING LOOKS CUTE!!!
Faize: ...
Meracle: Anyway, meow, we need to go get that Bunny!
*in the Forest, lots of Pink bunnies are there*
*Meracle: *somehow dons a knife, fork, and napkin* TASTEY BUNNIES! YUM! HERE I COME!!!!!
Faize: NO! We aren't trying to EAT them, just capture them!
(The above two lines actually happen in game)
Bacchus: Well then, I suggest we go get those Bunnies now...
Faize: Right! Everyone, lets go!
Reimi: Awww, I feel...cliched damsel in distress like *She faints*
Edge: Reimi! Are you alright?
Meracle: Oh no! She has a fever or something!

*Tatroi is on fire, people are being turned to demons, etc.*
Sarah: HUH!!? What the...oh, it was just a dream.  That's clearly not foreshadowing though!  Seems the people next to me are energetic too though...
*next door*
Edge: Reimi, please tell me you're alright!
Reimi: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! Please forgive me.  Vincent, I FUCKING HATE YOU.  But I'm still sorry.
Faize: It looks like she's having a bad dream, and not apologizing to us...
Bacchus: By my calculations, the nightmare is she's forced to play the role of Lucrecia in Dirge of Cerberus.
Meracle: OH GOD! Is there any fate worse than that?
Lymle: Reimi's all hard, 'kay? Normally she's soft...
Edge: Huh? *takes her glove off* OMG SHE'S TURNING TO STONE! BACCULUS!!!!!!!!!!!
Bacchus: Wait! Come down Edge, its not Bacculus.
Edge: ...oh, what it is?
Bacchus: Just an epidemic with similar effects to Bacculus on this very planet.  Its called...STONE SICKNESS!!!
Reimi: Something like this...can't kill me...don't worry...Edge...also, STAY AWAY FROM ME HOJO!
Faize: ...are we really going so far as to have the same problems in a game that's suppose to take place several hundred years into the future, just for continuities sake?
Bacchus: Yes, we are, except here comes the retcon; THE DISEASE IS...
Sarah: CURABLE!!! There's a remedy!
Lymle: Sarry!!!
Sarah: If you want the remedy, lets go to Astral Castle, the King will give it to you!
Edge: Ok, lets go for Reimi's sake.
Sarah: Oh, how weird; she had no incubation period, but the disease is spreading slowly...but that's not a big deal, just weird!

*on the ship*
Faize: ok, why do you have wings instead of a tail?
Sarah: Oh, I'm a Featherfolk, aka "Sacred Wings" aka people who can fly aka I can't fly cause I'm the token useless one in the present day.
Faize: So...basically you have wings and they're useless, but everyone else in your race can use them?
Sarah: Yep!  But hey, I'm friends with the King of Astral, so all is good!  Oh yeah, can you stop by Tropp after this on the way to Purgatorium and meet with Eleyna?
Sarah: Well, a powerful seer...
Faize: Ok, we'll do it.
Sarah: Hey, there's the castle!
Edge: Reimi, hang on, we're almost there!

*in the castle*
King Astral: Yes, I'm the king.  Yes, I have long white hair and am incredibly attractive...but my skin is dark, see? So I can avoid cliches of being an evil douche as a result!
Sarah: Oh king, please give my friends the cure to the Stone Sickness.
King Astral: Ok, sure, but...why didn't you just ask a simple Pharmacist?
Sarah: Cause you control all the medicine now due to your douche predecessor not trying to help out people who were in need, so you instead sell it cheaply...
King Astral: Ah, right, forgot about that...
Sarah: Oh, by the way, I think the Demon Lord is rising again!
King Astral: *Gasp* Not...ASMODEUS!!!
Lymle: What's an ASMODEUS!!!?
Bacchus: According to my calculations, he's the primary antagonist throughout most of the first Star Ocean game, however, since our game is a prequel, you are going to forget I said any of that.
Lymle: 'kay.
Sarah: He's been doing acts behind the scenes, and there's an evil group dedicated to reviving him!
Meracle: Well, good! IF he does things in secret, we won't have to worry about him if he's not here!
Faize: I don't think it works that way...
King Astral: Nevertheless!'ll take time for the medicine to finish, please wait in the castle until then.

*later that day*
Edge: Yawn, angsting is tiring.  I'll just brood in the sunlight...huh?
*Big bald black guy appears below the balcony running*
Edge: ...wonder who that is? Eh, not my concern.
Faize: Hey, the remedy is ready! Lets go get it!
Edge: Oh, right, ok.
*back at the throne*
Edge: Something happen?
King Astral: Yes, the BLACK EAGLE!!!! has stolen your remedy and all the ingredients for it! No, its not a major loss, except that hundreds of people are going to die.
Edge: Oh...what's this guy look like?
King Astral: Dunno...oh, he has a black eagle tatoo on his back.
Lymle: What did Edgie do?
Faize: I think he saw the guy and didn't do anything to stop him...but really, considering the plot scene, can you blame him?  He had no clue who he was and didn't think much of him, and lets face it, would YOU jump off a balcony that high?
Bacchus: Either way, we have to chase this guy.  My scanners indicate he ran to the Colosseum!

*at the Colosseum*
Lymle: Everyone here looks scary, kay.
Meracle: Yeah, everyone's serious about winning.
Faize: Edge, enter.  If you fight with all your advanced styles, you can't possibly lose.
Edge: But I might screw up this planet like I did the other by introducing a foreign fighting style! Yes, my sword fighting style can DESTROY THE WORLD!
Faize: ...well, if Edge won't enter, I will!  I have all the same advantages, except I'm not angsting, so I can HELP A FRIEND IN NEED! Also, I have you to thank for my sudden spontaneous actions Edge.
Sarah: Actually, you know, if you act for good benefits, you can't be held responsible for things that happen after, especially if you don't know the outcome.  Its better to act than to run!
Edge: ...ok, you're right; its easy to run, but Reimi needs my help, I'LL FIGHT!
Edge: *sigh* Guess I gotta do this...I INVOKE THE POWERS OF HORRIBLE VOICE ACTING! AID ME!
*Battle starts*
Black Eagle: OH DEAR GOD! That voice acting and fighting style...I CAN'T COMPETE WITH THAT COMBO! *loses*
*fight ends*
Edge: Now give me the materials!
Black Eagle: I don't know what you're talking about.
Edge: *gives him an evil stare*
Lyas: Aha! We found him!
Edge: Huh? I saw you at the castle...
Lyas: Ah, good job, you're Edge right? You stopped the criminal!  I must thank you, we are like peons compared to you!
Edge: No, I didn't do much, I shouldn't have-...
Lyas: NONSENSE! You saved the day! Thanks to you, hundreds will be cured.  You're a hero!
Edge: No, I'm...not a hero...
Lyas: Oh, right...YOU'RE A SUPER HERO!!! Everyone, give your applause for our new SUPER HERO Edge!
Crowd: Edge Edge Edge! Edge Edge Edge!
Lyas: Oh, right, here's the potion; it belongs to you.  Now, HERO, go heal your friend!
Edge: ...I'm...not...a....*sigh*

*back with Reimi*
Edge: Reimi, drink this, please!
*Reimi recovers instantly, her neck glows pink*
Edge: You're alright, thank goodness!
Lymle: Reirei's squishy again!  She's not hard anymore, but she's squishy, 'kay? </actual line of dialog>
Sarah: Wow, she recovered way too fast, its really weird!
Reimi: Huh? I did?
Sarah: Yeah, and your disease acted weird too...
Faize: Its that symbol on your neck, isn't it?
Reimi: Oh, I...guess I gotta come clean about my CLICHE SPECIAL ASPECT!
Bacchus: Oh, this should be interesting.
Reimi: Ok, basically, our planet sucks and no one can live there.  So they started genetically creating SUPER HUMANS to live wherever possible, based on people from an ancient race that suddenly vanished from Earth.  But every single person failed...except for three successes.  Normally, we are exactly like regular humans, but when we get EMOTIONAL!!! we gain super powers!
Edge: ...and you're one of the three?
Reimi: Yes, I was the first.  The second was Crowe.
Edge: Crowe? Really? That's a surprise!
Reimi: And you're the 3rd, Edge!
Edge: ...
Reimi: Did I say something wrong.
Edge: ...I dunno, maybe just that I'M NOT NORMAL IN ANY SENSE OF THE WORD.
Faize: I think he's handling it pretty well...
Reimi: We each have different special traits, the three of us.  Me, I adapt to scenarios incredibly well.  So when I was sick, I could have survived that no problem.  YOU GOT THE MEDICINE FOR NOTHING! What did you think I meant when I said "Something like this can't kill me?" YOU THINK THAT WAS ALL TALK? I WAS BEING SERIOUS DAMN IT! LOVE ME!!! ;_;
Edge: So...why did they do this to us again?
Edge: So...uh...when did you learn about this? Cause we've known each other our entire lives, and never once did you tell me this...despite me directly one told me in fact...actually, THIS ISn'T MAKING ANY FUCKING SENSE AT ALL! ARGH! It was easier just angsting about trivial manners...
Reimi: Well, basically, me a bunch of friends went to this polluted place...they all died cause we were morons, but because I'm SPESHUL, I lived!  Everyone wanted me dead and blamed me...except my parents, they said "You'll bring happiness!"  So I've been living off those words!  I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you guys this until now...
Lymle: Reirei is Reirei, its ok.
Bacchus: As I said, meeting you has brought warmth to this cold steel body of mine.  </actual line of dialog>  Now I must be going.
Faize:  Bacchus is getting bashful! Now excuse me, I don't want you to see me getting bashful either, so I must be going. </Also rough line of actual dialog>
Sarah: I say we girls go and let the two main characters have a tender moment, eh?
Meracle: Have fun you too ~_^
Lymle: Bye-bye!

Reimi: ...Edge, do you hate me?
Edge: ...what do you think?
Reimi: Ok, good, you don't!
Edge: ...
Reimi: Listen, Edge, I'm sorry.  But my power actually makes me worried.  Cause you see, if everyone were to catch a disease, everyone would die...BUT ME! I'd be living alone! I could never live with that pain!
Edge:'re practically immortal and you're upset over THAT? I mean, you haven't even told me what my special powers are!
Reimi: Oh, right...and I still won't! Anyway, but my powers can only benefit me see.  You, on the otherhand...
Edge: I still don't know my powers, remember...
Reimi: THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOUR POWERS! ITS ABOUT YOU BEING YOU!  Listen, because of what you DID, you saved so many people!  Me, I can't do that.  You're special cause of WHO you are!
*Reimi passionately hugs Edge, the two get dangerously close to kissing position several times*
Reimi: You've done nothing wrong.  You'll be back to your old self eventually!
Edge: ...its going to take a while though...
Reimi: Well, we still have like 40 hours of this game left, so you'll have plenty of time, don't worry!

*outside the door*
Bacchus: Hmm...I don't think they're going to do "it" this time...
Faize: I'm curious about this "mating" ritual that Earthlings go through...but it seems that isn't the case.
Lymle: Huh? What are you all doing?
Faize: ...say, does this scene we're parodying actually happen in the game itself?
Sarah: Of course not!
Faize: Oh, right...also, I have another thing I must question about this plot.
Bacchus: What is it this time?
Faize: So Edge, Reimi and Crowe are 3 special humans given special powers by scientists from this thing called "Project Hope", right?
Bacchus: Yes?
Faize: And all their powers are supposedly different in terms of what they specialize in, right?
Sarah: I don't see where you're going with this.
Faize: That's cause you're from an underdeveloped planet! But anyway...didn't...this series...already do this EXACT SAME PLOT TWIST? Like, ONE GAME ago?
Bacchus: AH! But that game takes place like 700 hundred years in the future!  So you see, it is a completely different scenario!
Faize:, I'm...oh screw it.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2126 on: May 02, 2009, 04:32:11 AM »
FINALLY got around to Chap. 41 of SRW @G. God, Frost Brothers and a Psycho Gundam THEN a bunch of Mycenae with HP Regen L... my resources were feeling pretty strained, what with the necessity of Focus and Strike against the brothers. Heero and Kouji top my kill list - Heero got a ton of Buster Rifle MAP kills, and Kouji is in Mazinkaiser which is pretty self-explanatory.

I don't know how Zechs, Puru, and Harry are my next three though. Well no, Musashi is higher than Harry, but I don't use him any more, and I think he came with a ton of default kills.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2127 on: May 02, 2009, 04:47:12 AM »
System Shock 2-Headed to the other ship. Maxed out Strength and Endurance, probably going to max Heavy Weapons whenever I get the cyber modules for it. Then...I dunno, put some more into Standard maybe? Now that I have grenades out the ass the launcher has really come into its own, it just tears the shit out of everything. I've been drowning in Nanites recently so I've been splurging on ammo, still got about 800 left though.

For the next OS upgrade I chose the two implants option, which really I should have gotten much earlier. Dunno what I'll take for the last one, none of them really seem that necessary.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2128 on: May 02, 2009, 09:06:49 AM »
System Shock 2-Headed to the other ship. Maxed out Strength and Endurance, probably going to max Heavy Weapons whenever I get the cyber modules for it. Then...I dunno, put some more into Standard maybe? Now that I have grenades out the ass the launcher has really come into its own, it just tears the shit out of everything. I've been drowning in Nanites recently so I've been splurging on ammo, still got about 800 left though.

For the next OS upgrade I chose the two implants option, which really I should have gotten much earlier. Dunno what I'll take for the last one, none of them really seem that necessary.

ewwww Heavy.

Well, Fusion Cannon is at least, if not as good as EMP Rifle for certain things, a tolerable substitute(And one that lets you plink down Rumblers and massacre standard hybrids, I suppose, which EMP doesn't.). And the game sprays like 200 Prisms on you for the last quarter or something. Just make sure you actually get a cannon, otherwise all you did was boost your Grenade Launcher's power by 33% due to how weirdly screwed up the thing is.

(For you see first mod on the Launcher's a 100% boost and not 10%. Second is like 128% or something weird. Heavy to L6 boosts it's damage by 75%...the base damage. Also none of this applies to Disruption Grenades which you can't boost because another bug. Kinda a wonder how playable/good this game is with things like this floating around in the code.)

Well, and you got a Stasis Field Generator. Actually, tell me how that is, it didn't sound like much, but.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 09:11:33 AM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2129 on: May 02, 2009, 09:49:14 AM »
FE8. Playing a game with random party members as chosen by Hatbot.

The party so far:

~Has been growing like herself. Desperately needs more strength, but I know she'll get there. Her speed and evade keep her well off.

~Quickly becoming one of my better troops. Colm is gaining stats like crazy. His strength is surprisingly good on a thief, and he's gained defense most levels, too, so I can safely barrel him into enemies and tear them up. This pleases me.

~Well.... he's been gaining speed, which I dunno if he normally does or not. This is a real blessing, though, as his stat gains have otherwise been mediocre aside from power and HP. Still, in lieu of having an actual tank, I just plug him into holes and let him get beat up.

~Hasn't gained enough levels to really note yet. I'm sure glad he's there.

~Ditto. Although her strength seems MUCH higher than I remember. I think she must have gained it every level up so far. I hope Hatbot lets me turn her into a swordy class instead of a Sniper.

Also using Moulder for now because fuck Vulnerary spam.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2130 on: May 02, 2009, 10:03:53 AM »
Machine Gun breaks SS2.  Standard is best.

FF7:CC - I am still doing missions.  Someday I might proceed the plot.  maybe.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2131 on: May 02, 2009, 10:06:25 AM »
Machine Gun breaks SS2.  Standard is best.

Not to mention it's good before L6, too.

Although the people that hype the Pistol as #2 weapon in the game just because it gets armor pierce/anti-personel bullets scare me.

FF7:CC - I am still doing missions.  Someday I might proceed the plot.  maybe.

Ehhhh it eventually hits a point where you can't do any more and have to. Good design. >_>
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2132 on: May 02, 2009, 10:24:34 AM »
I may get sick of the game and stop playing it by that point though since handhelds always do that.  I still haven't finished SO2 and I only have one more of the fields to do.  Keep in mind that I have played SO2 just a bit short of the number of times Super ahs, which is a pretty absurd number.

Pistol is good.  I dunno if I would say #2 overall, but it is in good running for it due to the broken of Machine Gun.  I mean you have good skill in it already, which really sky rockets the function (Same goes for Shotgun really).
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2133 on: May 02, 2009, 01:37:47 PM »
Well, I hope there's an Assault Rifle somewhere in the Richenbacher, because like hell am I trying to run all over the ship to find one. Not to mention needing Repair level 4. I know there's a Fusion Cannon somewhere, but again, I have no idea where it's exact location is and I don't want to run around. I've noticed some EMP rifles around but I don't really need them, it seems. Weak robots die in a few AP rounds anyway and the bigger mechs are easily handled by Mr. EMP Grenade. Or regular grenades if I don't want to use them.

Never picked up the Statis Field thing, I hear it sucks anyway.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2134 on: May 02, 2009, 03:26:43 PM »
You may as well just continue the plot with CC, Gref; the game is really damned short, and you can keep doing missions forever, so if you do care about fighting Minerva or whatever, you can do it at the last save point.

(I don't mean "Stop doing missions altogether!"  I just mean set a cap, like "Only do 10 missions per save point!" or "Only do missions that are Normal difficulty or less" what have you.  Missions can get addicting, so these things are needed <_< )
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2135 on: May 02, 2009, 03:43:37 PM »
FF1 Romhack by user MC50: This user sent me a FF romhack he made, and I have taken it upon myself to play it before finishing FF Plus Plus, which I have been stuck in for a long time. >_>;; Anyway, I've been idly talking about in chat, and I decided to post my thoughts about it, being an avid player of both good romhacks and VERY SHITTY romhacks/games, so I know what I'm dealing with here!

The sprite-work could use a bit of touching up, actually. I can easily tell they're made from scratch, the DRAGON sprite (Meep) looks like the best out of all the ones I've seen >_> I took a look at the Weapon and Spell Database text file that was in the .rar, and based my party based on the most balanced set up I can devise from it. Meeple also told me not to use the PRIVATE class, well, in actuality, he does seem really boring and generic compared to the DRAGON. Apparently monster stats have been altered, so I expect to see a tougher Garland.

Anyway, looking not shitty so far, the script HAS indeed been changed, and I'm likin' it. :3 Good job MC50!
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2136 on: May 02, 2009, 03:58:33 PM »
The missions are alright, it can be a bit grating when you have to spend 5 minutes pummeling a boss that never hits you, but yeah I won't do Very Hard missions any more.  Otherwise, it isn't really a question of the Missions boring me, just general handheld gaming doesn't do it for me.  They are not comfortable like sitting at a couch and playing or sitting at a desk with keyboard/mouse.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2137 on: May 02, 2009, 09:45:39 PM »
Star Ocean 4 Abridged:

Edge: *Yawns* Man, I can't sleep, I think this is a good time to go outside and brood some more about how much my life sucks.
*Bandits appear out of nowhere*
Bandit #1: HA! Its the guy from the Colosseum!
Bandit #2: Yes! And we know your secret!
Bandit #3: Yeah! We know how you won!
Edge: ...wait, you mean you know about...ok, but can I ask why none of you have tails or wings like the rest of the people on this planet?
Bandit #2: Anyway, give us that special sword of yours! It glows and powers up and such!
Bandit #3: Yes, its all that sword's power!
Edge: ...uhh...I bought this sword in this town.  The basic weapon shop sells it everywhere.
Bandit #2: You fool! You mean that isn't the "Famed Sword" Veinslay that was behind the King's Throne that's slightly better!?
Edge: ...there was...well, thanks for telling me!
Bandit #3: Screw it, GRAB HIS SWORD ANYWAY!
Edge: *tosses guy over his shoulder* No.  Its not my sword that gave me power, its what I did with it!  Also, even though this sword is not high-tech, I'm going to pretend it is, and use this moment to whine about how my actions here clearly do play a dangerous impact on this world, or any underdeveloped planet. YOU'RE JUST LIKE THAT PSYCHO-BITCH ON ALTERNATE EARTH! ONLY WANTING TECHNOLOGY FOR YOURSELF!
Bandit #1: Hiss! GET HIM!
Edge:  You guys do realize you have no chance, right? I mean, I'm a main character, you're just generic nobodies who don't even have nametags. *to himself* Crap, 3 on 1, this isn't going to be easy.

*The 3 bandits get shocked out of nowhere and die*
Edge: ...did I do that when I jumped into a defensive stance or...
Not-Nedian Pink Haired Girl from Before: Hi, I just saved you.  My name is Myuria.  Yes, I'm telling you it now only so we can cut the stupid generic name bullshit.
Edge: Ok, works for me.
Myuria:  Anyway, we keep running into each other!
Edge: Yeah...and you keep saving me when I don't ask you to...
Myuria: You're an Earthling, I can tell by your armor!  You're just like that other guy...except he had red hair.
Edge: CROWE!!!!!!!!!!!
Myuria: Ah, so that's his name.  Good, NOW I KNOW WHAT TO CALL HIM WHEN I GO TO EAT HIS SOUL!
Edge: Wait, you want to kill him?
Myuria: Yes, and eat his soul...
Edge: Somehow, I don't believe you're going to do that; you look more like the "Blast him into oblivion" type.
Myuria: ...ok, you got me there.
Edge: Why do you want to kill him anyway?
Edge: ...Crowe, who is my best friend by the way despite me always wanting to be better than him cause its a cliched scenario...not to mention Reimi is also SUPPOSE to be my best friend...actually, I'm not sure what the fuck is up with whose my friends anymore.  But enough of that banther!  CROWE WOULD NEVER RAPE SOMEONE LIKE YOU!
Myuria: Wait, Rape? Oh heavens no! All he did was kill my lover.
Edge: ...oh.  Well, I can sort of see him doing that...but I still don't believe you!  I BELIEVE IN CROWE!  I believe in Reimi and my friends too!
Myuria: What about yourself?
Edge: Oh, I fucking hate myself, and can't trust myself anymore, so I only trust my friends.
Myuria: Oh, well...just to destroy your views of trust, OBSERVE THIS FLASHBACK THEN!
*still shots show her in an escape pod, a ship blowing up, and Crowe laughing like a mad man*

Edge: do realize I can't actually see those, and they're just there for the player to see, right?
Myuria: Yes, I do, but now I have to go.  When we're done on this planet, I'm going to follow you.
Edge: In otherwords, you're inevitably going to become a party member, only so you can find and kill the person I'm trying to reunite with?
Myuria: Yes, yes I am.  And I'm fully aware how cliche that is.
Edge: Ok, just making sure.
*the next morning*
Meracle: Edge, wake up! We got a problem!
Edge: Huh, what?
Lymle: Sarrie's gone.
Edge: Where's she go?  I certainly hope that WIDE OPEN WINDOW HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!
Meracle: *holding a large fork and knife* Yeah, she wasn't here this morning and NO! I DIDN'T EAT HER!
*Everyone stares at her*
Meracle: Huh? Oh...uh...these...they're...heheheheh ^^;
Reimi: Well, she can't fly despite her wings so it probably doesn't...
Faize: I'm back from looking around, and I found this guy with a feather.  Oh yeah, it seems she got kidnapped.
Edge: Hey now big guy, cheer up! I'm suppose to be the whiny little bastard here!
Bacchus: Oh, my mistake.
Reimi: We should go look for her.
Faize: I agree, but suddenly, I have decided that Edge is in charge again!  Yes, this suddenly happened when you were incapacitated, Reimi, and couldn't be acting leader, as Edge is leader again.
Edge: I am? Oh, er...I mean...uh...yeah, lets...go...find Sarah?
The whole team: OK!
Edge: But first, I think we should stop by our ship.  I WANT TO DO SOME ITEM CREATION!!!

*on the way to the ship, as they cross the bridge*
Lymle: Hey, no one is at the tent, 'kay?
Faize: I'll go inside and look! I'll be back!
*Faize goes inside the tent, Lymle follows*
Faize: OH MY GOD! There's soup being cooked and the beds aren't made! I clue what this implies...
Lymle: No one's here...
Faize: Why did you come here Lymle?
Lymle: I wanted a cape just like you have, 'kay? It looks ugly on you, but it'd look cool on me, 'kay? </rough actual line of dialog>
Faize: Oh, well, I just came here to thank everyone, but they're not here, SO LETS GO!
*at the Calnus*
Edge: ok, I press this button here and...wait, A PLOT SCENE!? How bad can it...
Welch: HIYA EDGE!!!
Edge: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Welch: Hey, what's with the Death Wails? You gotta cheer up! Stop being so down.
Edge: Its called post Heroic Blue Screen of Death Angst, these things don't recover very fast...
Welch: Yeah, well, you gotta be cheerful.  HERE! Observe this Cheerleader chant about the SRF to cheer you up!
*She does an actual cheer leader type thing.  No, I am not making this up*
Welch: THere, feeling better now?
Welch: Oh, good! An improvement! Well, later!
Edge: ...can we finally make stuff?

*bunch of item creation nonsense later where nothing of note was made*
Reimi: So we went back to the Calnus when we were suppose to go look for someone we have no leads on how to find them, right?
Faize: Well, clearly, we should just go over the desert cause we haven't done that yet!
Bacchus: That would be a fine idea!
Meracle: Yeah, lets go A BUNNY!
Faize: Hey, there's one right there! Edge, being the leader, you're the one whose going to ride it while we just sort of tail end it somehow...
Edge: ...why do we have to ride the pink one?  Can't we look for a black one or something?  I'm still somewhat emo, so pink really doesn't fit me.
Lymle: Bunnies are always pink, 'kay?
Edge: ...stupid lagomorphic *grumbles*
*Edge jumps on Bunny, gets over the sand dunes*
Edge: Ok, there's a chest and...wait, I have to get off the Bunny to get it? Ok *gets off, Bunny runs away* ...crap, we're stuck here.   Well, might as well run around opening chests, harvesting and mining.
*He does that, accidentally steps into quicksand, ends up back at the entrance despite the quick sand being on the complete opposite side of the desert.*

Edge: ...ok, so there is a way out of here, just requires getting my boots full of sand.
Lymle: That's great Reirei!
Faize: ...doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of you being an archer?
Reimi: Doesn't Opera from Star Ocean 2 use her gun like a club most of the time?
Faize: ...touche...
*Edge runs back, gets bunny, hopes over some more quicksand*
Edge: Ok, we're leaving the desert and...
*Insert Disc 2*
Bacchus: It would appear to properly progress through the game, as much as just moving from one area to the next, you would have to place another disc in.
Edge: Couldn't they have chosen a MORE LOGICAL POINT, like when Reimi got healed or something?
Reimi: Quit whining and put the disc in!  I need to get more plot scenes so I can get to my own self loathing damn it!
Edge: No! I refuse! ...Meracle, you do it.
Meracle: Ok, MEOW!
*disc is changed, game starts up right at the desert entrance*
Bacchus: Well, it seems we've gotten over that external game interference, shall we continue onward?
Faize: Is there anymore plot between now and when we save the game and turn it off?
Bacchus: No, no there is not.  Just a bunch of harpies, more desert, and...
Bacchus: ...those...
*battle starts*
Faize: Hark! It is an omen! As hymns resound that shalt be offered as a sacrifice upon the feast of Madness! CARNAGE ANTHEM!
Thief #1: I DON'T WANNA DIE!
Thief #2: I DON"T WANNA DIE!
*battle ends*
Faize: So in the 2-3 hours playing this game, did we accomplish anything?
Bacchus: Besides a bunch of random encounter slaying? No, not really.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2138 on: May 03, 2009, 03:05:57 AM »
SS2-Completed...I guess?

Help me out here. Is it just a glitch, or is there really no ending? I mean, get to the final boss, blow up the giant head and then...boom, back to the main menu. Is that supposed to happen?

Maxed out Standard and Heavy, because I had the modules to spare. The Assault Rifle was pretty damn good, though I was really short on pistol ammo by the time I found one. Never bothered with the Fusion Cannon.

Game was good. The atmosphere is wonderful. The RPG-lite system grafted onto a decent FPS makes for good times, it really feels like a proto-Deus Ex at some points. It kinda suffers the same problem that most survival horror games, have, though, where sure it's scary when you're running around with nothing but a wrench, but then you become a total badass and enemies are just minor roadbumps. Shodan was okay, I guess, but I don't get the massive hype she gets as a character in some circles.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2139 on: May 03, 2009, 05:41:25 AM »
Left 4 Dead - First of all, huge thanks to Laggy for the game. Second, who else plays PC version here?

From the 360 version[rental, quite a while back] I had cleared No Mercy and Death Toll on a pub server, this one I died but the group I was with[Laggy/laggyfriend/Eph/myself, though for a long time laggyfriend was a bot] cleared Dead Air. Never even seen Blood Harvest, though Laggy mentioned it was pain.

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2140 on: May 03, 2009, 11:39:20 AM »
SS2-Completed...I guess?

Help me out here. Is it just a glitch, or is there really no ending? I mean, get to the final boss, blow up the giant head and then...boom, back to the main menu. Is that supposed to happen?

Maxed out Standard and Heavy, because I had the modules to spare. The Assault Rifle was pretty damn good, though I was really short on pistol ammo by the time I found one. Never bothered with the Fusion Cannon.

Game was good. The atmosphere is wonderful. The RPG-lite system grafted onto a decent FPS makes for good times, it really feels like a proto-Deus Ex at some points. It kinda suffers the same problem that most survival horror games, have, though, where sure it's scary when you're running around with nothing but a wrench, but then you become a total badass and enemies are just minor roadbumps. Shodan was okay, I guess, but I don't get the massive hype she gets as a character in some circles.

That's a glitch. Try tapping the Credits button on the main screen. If that doesn't work, you need to look up the video fix.

The ending's short but there definitely is one. (Entertaining too.)

Assault Rifle is the best weapon in the game. This is mostly due to Anti-Personel shells, which are broken elementally and deal 4x to Annelid/Hybrid type enemies. You can imagine how many enemies are one or the other.

Shodan's cooler before *MASSIVE SPOILERS*. After that she just stops trying to hide the contempt and it stops being as neat.

And yeah, the game just isn't as scary later. Although I think that's what Impossible is for. Impossible is, hilariously and rather fittingly, mostly a durability and skill cost nerf. Enemies don't deal any more damage and don't move any faster or take damage better or anything but now you have 10 HP(+2 per Endurance, IIRC? It's something silly like this.) and hitting L6 on anything is something you do at endgame at best due to 1.8x skill costs. And there's less security terminals and things cost more from Replicators.

Initially I disliked the skill nerf conceptually, but after playing I have to say it sounds like a good way to make the game continue the same feel throughout. Not that I'm good enough to play that, I suspect, but.

Oh, and;

I've noticed some EMP rifles around but I don't really need them, it seems. Weak robots die in a few AP rounds anyway and the bigger mechs are easily handled by Mr. EMP Grenade.

You don't EMP Rifle mechs. Well, I mean, that's a nice bonus, it makes total hash of them... but it's not really why you use it, there's not enough of them.

You EMP Rifle Assassins. They're half-mech and get two-three shotted by it, EMP Rifle has a blast radius so the bouncy little bastards can't get away, and firing it point blank still doesn't hurt you. Oh, and it fires faster than a Pistol.

(Works on Midwives, too.)

I'll admit, it's not an Assault Rifle, but the L6 Heavy option is Energy-classed and...also just kills mechs, kills mechs worse than the Rifle and in exchange does...terrible damage to Spiders/Reavers and maybe can kill a Rumbler in a bit over half a dozen hits. Woo. (And as I said, it's impact on the 'nade Launcher for damage is just not that huge.)

Drat Laser Pistol actually does about as much damage in Overdrive with L6 Energy as the Fusion Cannon does with it's main mode(Fusion Cannon comes out better, higher RoF in that mode. Laser Pistol has free ammo though.).

The Exotic ultimate is worse, of course. It could have been good if it did a god-damned thing to Reavers and you could use it for the penultimate dungeon to WHEEE KILL EVERYTHING FAST at the cost of all the Worms in the game, but as it is it's actually quite horrible at this, Reavers take like half a dozen shots of it to bring down unless you're using Anti-Human mode(which OHKOs you if you're in the blast ^_^). And it eats four worms a shot. With no recourse to lower ammo consumption. Woo-hoo.

Also Viral Proliferator, the L4 Exotic, can one-shot/very high two-shot Spiders if it's fully modded and you have Sharpshooter, from point-blank safely, with an AoE, which is like the one good thing the Launcher does. And it only takes one Worm to do this. And 86 less Cyber Modules+50-or-so from not having to boost Research to 5, just 3.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 11:55:04 AM by SageAcrin »
<RichardHawk> Waddle Dee looks broken.
<TranceHime> Waddle Dee does seem broken.

"Forget other people's feelings, this is fun and life is but a game and we nought but players in it.  CHECKMATE!  King me and that is Uno." - Grefter


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2141 on: May 03, 2009, 03:47:00 PM »
Okay, found the cutscene files and just watched them in WMP. I had no idea they even existed. The "...Nah." made me chuckle, and the Stinger at the end was funny. The credits were pretty amusing.

Welp, onto the Orange Box I guess.

Edit-Welcome abord, Xer! What difficulty have you guys been playing on?
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2142 on: May 03, 2009, 07:58:39 PM »
Bought Left 4 Dead on the PC after finding it worked on my lappy.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2143 on: May 03, 2009, 08:41:15 PM »
Man, I should buy L4D on Steam now.

But I won't.

Edit-Hey I'm playing Half-Life 2 and after I reloaded the AI's been turned off what the hell's going on?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 08:46:04 PM by AAA »
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2144 on: May 03, 2009, 08:52:57 PM »
You should because it is on sale for today at $23 and it would make 4 people with it in the DL. :(
<Eph> When Laggy was there to fuel my desire to open crates, my life was happy.  Now I'm stuck playing a shitty moba and playing Anime RPGs.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2145 on: May 03, 2009, 09:00:11 PM »
Actually I just got my first paycheck from the new job today so why not

Also apparently I have to run Half-Life 2 in 32-bit mode. Y'all games just can't handle the 64-bits
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2146 on: May 03, 2009, 09:02:27 PM »
What's your Steam ID Trips?

<@SageAcrin> Where you realize that, when you think about everything that's said about this person...
<@SageAcrin> It adds up to one thing.
<+Ranmilia> MEGA MAN PLOT


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2147 on: May 03, 2009, 11:03:37 PM »
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2148 on: May 03, 2009, 11:04:34 PM »
my steamID is madfnorder. I'm busy tonight but I'd be up for PC L4D in general.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2149 on: May 03, 2009, 11:23:26 PM »
I bought L4D today as well. Steam ID is Veryslightlymad as normal.
I managed 3 achievements in 2 levels before I set it down for a little while. I'm supposed to play with a friend or two tonight.