Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 686685 times)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2250 on: May 07, 2009, 10:08:15 PM »
Trance refuses to do the game in the sane order and wants to grind for promotions before Kary.

You know, I'm not sure I've ever actually fought Kary before promotions. Maybe the first time I played the game and it didn't occur to me to sequence break anything, but that's about it.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2251 on: May 08, 2009, 12:30:41 AM »
Star Ocean 4 Abridged:

Episode 9 - Lets Talk About Things No One Understands

Edge: Ok, so where is this Sanctuary?
Bacchus: We can either take the road there or transport directly to that spot in mere seconds from Centropolis.
Edge: Right, lets do the transporter thing!
*at the Transporter*
Transporter Girl: I'm sorry, this thing doesn't work.  Please take the LONG TREACHEROUS ROAD to the Sanctuary that people haven't used in millions of years.
Edge:'d I know things wouldn't be that easy?
*at the road, they reach a wall blocked by vines*
Reimi: Um...sir, how do we get past here?
Old Guy: Oh, you need a Wind Ring of course!
Myuria: Why can't we just use a Fire Ring to burn down the vines?
Old Guy: What do you think this is? POKEMON!? NO! YOU MUST USE A WIND RING!
Arumat: Or I could use my Scythe and CUT DOWN THEM IN NO TIME.  I mean, these are vines we're talking about.
Lymle: Where is the wind ring, 'kay?
Old Guy: Oh, the Chief of the Flora/Fauna lab should have it! He's back at Centropolis.
*at Flora/Fauna research*
Edge: Hey, you, Chief guy, where's the Wind Ring?
Chief: Oh, I had it...but I buried it in a grave years ago.
Edge: Oh, yeah, THAT makes a lot of what grave?
Chief: I'm sorry, I don't know, it was years ago! I'm shocked that guy even remembers.
Bacchus: The Cemetery is located on the complete opposite side of this town, may I advise we head over there?
Edge: Isn't this entire artificial planet kind of, you know, IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY And we're forced to take our time looking for one freaking ring?
Bacchus: That is correct.
Edge: *Sigh* lets get this over with.
*at the cemetery*
Some Other Guy: Oh, yeah, I saw the ring! It was buried in a grave stone over there!
Edge: Right, lets check that gra-...huh? There's a note here.
Note: DO NOT DEFILE THE GRAVE OF THE DEAD! HEED THIS WARNING! YOU ARE FOOLS TO DO SO! By the way, the Ring is with the Unyielding Gravekeeper.
Myuria: A riddle, how cute.
Arumat: You don't sound very convincing.
Bacchus: Analyzing seems the ring will be in the tree just up those stairs.
Edge: So the unyielding Gravekeeper is a tree?
Bacchus: Yes.
Edge: And no one sees anything wrong with this?
Bacchus: By my calculations, if a tree can be a villain, it can be used for a completely worthless fetch quest riddle.
Edge: Good point, lets just get that ring.
*Team gets ring, runs back, takes down vines*
Edge: Ok, FINALLY, we can progress!
Meracle: Hey look! An old guy! MEOW! Lets go talk to him!
Sarah: Oh dear, I think that guy is an ene-...
*Battle starts, Stab the Sword of Justice from Star Ocean 2 kicks in*
Sarah:  Say, why does the music sound different?
Reimi: Its Star Ocean 2 Fanservice world, of course they have to have music that is from that game here!  Anyway, lets just kill this-...
Meracle: Falcon...PAWNCH!!!!!
Wizard: I can't die...yet...
Reimi: ...fight...
"This Game's Winner is...MERACLE!"
Meracle: Meow! I did it!
*fight ends, team reaches the last room*

Bacchus: My censors indicate the Grigori is over there!
Edge: Is there any reason you had to tell us that?   I mean, we can plainly see the guy right in front of us...
Bacchus: No, no there was not.  I guess even my Cold Hard Steel Body is impulsive.
*they confront the Grigori, who will be known as Koala Bear cause I can't remember his actual name, just that it resembles that*
Koala Bear: Rar! It is you pests again!
Edge: Wait, you guys actually share a single brain?
Koala Bear: Yes! Though, we don't share a personality, so unlike my bug freakish sister, I will not be hurling Kingdom Hearts quotes at you.
Edge: Ok, good.
Koala Bear: Now, you will submit to our-...
Edge: I thought you said no Kingdom Hearts quotes?
Koala Bear: ...ok, FINE! You will ACCEPT our divine rule and how we will recreate the universe! All is one! One is all! We are that all that is one that is all that is...
Reimi: I think he started an infinite Ko loop...
Koala Bear: SILENCE!!!  Now, you will die!
Edge: Nah, it is YOU who will die! We won't fall for your same mind control trick again!
Koala Bear: Oh, but we won't fall for YOUR trap a second time either! Activate INSTANT PWNAGE PLOT MOVE!
Everyone: Oh god! We must suddenly drop unconscious due to this mist!
Koala Bear: Don't worry, you will all keep your will.  It is a shame you didn't leave or we could have spared your lives for just a few more minutes.  Now, I will conveniently leave while you just sit there unconcious and not actually kill you and-...
*Arrow gets shot RIGHT IN HIS FACE*
*symbol on her neck is glowing*
Koala Bear: WHAT!!?!
Reimi: Easy. I knew you'd start ranting when you thought we were all dead, so I just played along.  See, I'm a little different than other people. Now get up everyone!
Edge: Huh? we're fine? Sweet! Thanks Reimi!
Reimi: Edge, how you feeling?
Edge: *powers up his symbol* LIKE I'M READY TO KICK HIS ASS!
Koala Bear: Oh poo-poo.
*Cue really fucking annoying boss fight*
Edge: You know what? This fight pisses me off! But I have one trump card up my sleeve!
Arumat: And what might that be, amateur?
Edge: Stampede Blast!!! -> Did I hit him? -> Yes ->  Mystic Cross!!!  -> Is he dead yet? -> No -> Is he close? -> Yes -> SHORYUKEN!!1
*Koala Bear goes into death animation*
Arumat: I'm not sure what the hell happened, but I can't argue with the results.
*after fight*
Koala Bear: NO! If you, WOMAN, didn't exist, we would have succeeded faster!
Myuria: Yeah, well, too bad, Reimi does exist, and it sucks to be you.
Koala Bear: The Light, THE LIIIIIIGHT!
*he dies*
Edge: Reimi! You did it! Its all thanks to you you did it!
Reimi: I...did it, didn't I? Me and my power saved everyone? I don't believe it!  I really can bring happiness to people, I CAN BE A SHINING STAR OF HOPE!
Lymle: Reirei is happy, so I'm happy too, hurray.
Bacchus: It seems Giotto is fond of our efforts as well.  In fact, he's going to pay all our expenses in town when we go back for some rest!
Edge: So basically, everything is for free?
Bacchus: That is correct.
Myuria: So...anyone wanna tell him that this will last only until the end of this long plot scene?
Arumat: Let the kid enjoy his moment; it'll be that much more amusing when he realizes its completely meaningless later.
Lymle: I'm hungry, 'kay.
Meracle: If you're hungry, I'm famished!
*Meracle eyes Sarah*
Sarah: Huh, is there something wrong?
Edge: Anyway, lets get some rest!

*that night, in the inn*
Edge: Huh? You're up too Reimi? Couldn't sleep?
Reimi: Yeah, I just got up myself.
Edge: Had a nightmare, eh?
Reimi: ...what makes you think THAT!?
Edge: Cause you seem to have them all the time? I've known you for like ever and every other day you'd come whining to me about bad dreams you've had.
Reimi: ...did I really do that?
Edge: Yes, did you forget or something?
Reimi: Evidently.  Anyway, it was just a dream about Mom and Dad.  One I've had a lot.  Only now I can look at it and be happy about ti for the first time. I can also say this for the first time. "Mom, Dad...thanks."
Edge: Heh, yeah, I should say that too. "Mom, Dad, thanks for the SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME POWERS I have and this sweet looking crest on my hand!"
Reimi: You know, I use to hate my body and-...
Edge: told me this already.
Reimi: I'M TELLING YOU AGAIN EDGE! But anyway, now I see there are advantages to BEING IMMORTAL!!! Not being able to die from natural causes is so nice! I use to wish I was born a normal person, and always hated my parents for that but...NOT ANYMORE!  I was also jealous of you Edge cause you came to grips with your own special powers that are still really kind of vague so easily, when I've been angsting about it my entire life.
Edge: I'm sorry for being so accepting?
Reimi: But not anymore! I was able to protect everyone thanks to that power! Even the person I love want to be with the most!
Edge: Oh, whose that?
*Reimi puts her hand on Edge's*
Edge: ...oh.
Reimi: Edge, I never noticed how firm your back is...and warm too. </actual line of dialog>
Edge: Huh? What's that suppose to...
*Edge notices Reimi is sleeping on his back*
Edge: ...oh.

*the next morning*
Bacchus: It seems "Ex" wants to tell us the exact plans for taking out the Missing Procedure, it is advisable we go meet him.
*at Monitor Room A, there's a fuck load of Nedians Morphus*
Edge: Are all of these guys going to become Party members or something? Cause I didn't realize this was a Suikoden...
Giotto: Oh, them? No, they're just going to be cannon fodder soldiers that will assist you on your mission to take out the NOX OBSCURA!!!! *insert ominous music here*
Myuria: The who of what now?
Bacchus: No data of such a thing exists.
Giotto: Of course not, "Ex" only learned of it 5 minutes ago, which is why he didn't tell you before hand.
Edge: How convenient...mind telling us what it is?
Giotto: Basically, Missing Procedure creates Grigori, Grigori grab life energy, send it to Nox Obscura, Nox Obscura takes Life energy, amplifies it, sends it to Missing Procedure, where it creates more Grigori and...
Reimi: In otherwords, its an infinite loop of EVIL?
Edge: Didn't we already have one infinite loop reference in this episode?
Reimi: Yes, but this time, ITS SERIOUS!
Giotto: In short, that's correct.  The Nox Obscura is also some really fucked up condensed black hole, for that matter.
Arumat: So all we gotta do is blow up the Nox Obscura in order to stop the Missing Procedure? That sounds easy enough!
Giotto: Ah! Its not that simple! We MAY be able to stop it! But we have to SUCCEED first!
Edge: ...isn't that the case with everything?
Giotto: Yes, yes it is.
Edge: So...what is this Nox Obscura anyway?
Giotto: Look at this computer screen?
*picture of an ENTIRE BIG EVIL PLANET appears*
Arumat: You know, maybe blowing that thing up might be a little harder than it sounds.
Edge: Hey, is that the Cardionan Ship STUCK IN THERE!?
Bacchus: Yes, it is.  It seems their destination was the Nox Obscura.
Reimi: So their destiny was extinction? Its so sad!
Edge: I know. THOSE EVIL BASTARDS were all killed and wiped off...and we didn't get to kill them ourselves.
Giotto: Oh yeah, the planet is heading towards your Solar System, it seems to want to *close up to Giotto* EAT. EARTH.
Edge: ...
Reimi: ...
Giotto: Oh, don't worry, you still have time.  Ok, here's the plan!  In this big planet, there's literally ONE Lifeform, located directly at the center.  We're going to bombard the planet with everything we got, penetrate it, and fire a photon torpedo right in this small area, hitting the middle of it, causing a chain reaction, causing the Nox Obscurus r to self destruct.
Edge: ...uhh...I think you're looking at the wrong plans.
Giotto: I...huh? How'd this read out of the Death Star get in here?
"Ex": OOOH! I got you good Giotto! Oh yeah, thank you Edge for reviving my sense of humor! Ohohohoho!
Giotto: ...can we get serious?
"Ex": Er...right, I'm not suppose to be in this scene, later!
Giotto: Ok, the REAL plan is that we all land on the planet, head right to the core, and destroy it! Just one of us has to make it there, so the rest of you can all be dead.  Oh, yes, we'll grieve for your losses, but as long as one of you makes it nothing else matters!  I of course will be stationed nicely on this planet safe from harm while you all go on this suicide mission!
Lymle: I think I get it.
Meracle: Yeah, I understand everything, meow!
Sarah: I...could you go over that again!?
Lymle: Sarrie, you're over there, 'kay?
Meracle: Yeah, stop getting in everyone's way!
*Meracle and Lymle drag Sarah away*
Giotto: Anyway, we have finished upgrading your ship, OUR NEW HONORARY COMRADES, and it now has really awesome lasers that can help out in a fight.
Arumat: Well about time!
Giotto: Oh, and...good luck out there! (you're going to need it.)
Edge: Thanks!
*They shake hands*

Myuria: Lets see.  We've already had lots of Star Ocean 1 fanservice, and now we have to invade some other planet helped by a bunch of my kind who are clearly NOT from Star Ocean 2.
Arumat: Are you implying something?
Myuria: Oh, I'm just wondering what half assed Star Ocean 2 Fan service they can cook up in the next 5 hours.
Arumat: Is it possible they might actually avoid the fanservice, and come up with something actually original for once in this game?
Myuria: No, I've lost all faith in their ability to be remotely creative back on Roak.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 12:32:52 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2252 on: May 08, 2009, 01:07:17 AM »
I got bored and edited my Complete Objective* Tier List For Warriors Orochi 2.

Infinity +1 Broked:
Yoshitsune (Sho) Mina(mi)moto, Himiko, Ling Tong, Sun Wukong, Kunoichi, Motochika Chokosabe

Massive Broked:
Cao Ren, Katsuie Shibata, Sun Jian, Xiao Qiao, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Masamune Date, Zuo Ci, Kanetsugu Naoe, Tadakatsu Honda, Wei Yan, Pang De, Yukimura Sanada, Ginchiyo Tachibana

Very Broked:
Diao Chan, Zhu Rong, Xiahou Dun, Orochi, Jiang Wei, Cao Cao, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang, Zhen Ji, Sun Ce, Sun Shang Xiang, Yuan Shao, Da Ji, Fu Xi, Keiji Maeda, Nobunaga Oda, Mitsuhide Akechi, Kenshin Uesugi, Okuni, Ranmaru Mori, Ina, Mitsunari Ishida, Sakon Shima, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Musashi Miyamoto, Toshiie Maeda,

Sun Quan, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Guan Ping, Xing Cai, Dian Wei, Liu Bei, Zhang Liao, Cao Pi, Zhou Yu, Taishi Ci, Lu Bu, Taigong Wang, Nu Wa, Goemon Ishikawa, Oichi, Magoichi Saika, Hanzo Hattori, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Nagamasa Azai, Nene, Kotaro Fuma

Somewhat Broked:
Da Qiao, Zhou Tai, Zhang He, Zhao Yun, Pang Tong, Yue Ying, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Dong Zhuo, Meng Huo, Kiyomori Taira, Kojiro Sasaki

Not Really Broked:
No, Shingen Takeda, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, Xu Zhu, Huang Gai, Lu Xun, Gracia

Yoshimoto Imagawa:
Yoshimoto Imagawa, Zhang Jiao

*Or something like that
Notes on movements: Masamune Date's damage is boosted by Volley so his R1 gets decent damage. Main issue's a fairly long pause during each and no element attach on it, but it's pretty bloody nasty. Massive Broked.

Infinity +1 Broked houses Motochika, who... has WO1 Diao Chan's C1. Yeah. His moveset's like a weird weird version of Tadakatsu's except with that C1, Technique typing (arguably superior, depends on if you factor in weapon enchantments)

Zhou Tai/Liu Bei down one, Sun Quan and Nobunaga bolded, Cao Cao and Xiahou Dun unbolded. Can't give Liu Bei better than Sun Quan, can't give Sun Quan better than Cao Cao, can't say Cao Cao is anywhere near as good as Okuni/Keiji/Nobunaga, and Zhou Tai fanboyism isn't enough to save him. Xiahou Dun... relies a lot on his C6, which gave me fits during his Dream Mode map. Gut says he's good but likes being able to switch out a bit too much.

Cao Ren bolded, that guy is bloody -mean-. Seriously underestimated him.

Yuan Shao down one, what was he doing in Massive the buff doesn't last long enough anymore.

Archers might arguably want bolding (at least SSX/Ina/Huang Zhong).

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2253 on: May 08, 2009, 01:29:23 AM »

The good news: Broken Steel works now.

The bad news: The first mission broke... MY HEART.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2254 on: May 08, 2009, 01:47:55 AM »
Half-Life 2-Started this up a few days ago, finished it tonight.

Nice "ending" Valve.

Game was an improvement in pretty much every way. Combat was more polished and the weapons all had niches, even though I barely used the Crossbow or Magnum because they had shit for ammo all the time. The story was decent, had some nice humor (...what cat?), but knew enough to stay in the back behind the action. Also had more HSQ moments, like running through Ravenholm. Also had some shitty moments, like in the mines with the neverending procession of fucking quick headcrabs i hate them so much. Best moment was probably when you first get the upgraded gravity gun. Holy shit that thing was fun to use.

Episode 1's next I guess?
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2255 on: May 08, 2009, 02:43:17 AM »
Well after taking your advice OK I crushed the mission after purple was defeated. I also nabbed all his units and base 8-)
I then cleared the soviet story easy enough.

Mt Fuji- Long mission but not that difficult. After killing Shinzo and stealing his base everything became easy.

Easter Island - Easy mission. After their intro you'd think the tesla tanks would be quite strong but sadly for the enemy they aren't. 5 Apoc tanks mauled half of the enemy base and all his ground forces.

New york city - entertaining mission considering that even though the soviet army has smashed all of europe then proceded to destroy a fort on his doorstep, the president only thinks it warrants an alert level 2?

Ending got a laugh out of me as Lenin was put in the SOL's place.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2256 on: May 08, 2009, 02:44:03 AM »
FF5 and FF6. 


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2257 on: May 08, 2009, 03:57:35 AM »
Trance refuses to do the game in the sane order and wants to grind for promotions before Kary.

I've done it countless times before, I can do it here.

Also, to MC50: Greatly appreciate what you did, I'll do my best to complete it. :3
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2258 on: May 08, 2009, 05:22:43 AM »
Meep, you forget about the Cynards and the Four Jewel quest.
And... they translate Baroque Dark into Nox Obscura?? This is sooooo very random.
And Cross Air Raid's translation stayed consistently wrong.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2259 on: May 08, 2009, 06:00:28 AM »
Jeanne D'Arc:

After starting Wild Arms 3 and giving up 4 hours in the game because it bored me to tears, I started Jeanne D'Arc.  I'm happy to see a PSP game that's not a spinoff, a remake, or a port.  So far, I've taken down one of three forts surrounding Orleans.  Except for Jeanne, leveling up Lianne takes priority over all other characters.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2260 on: May 08, 2009, 07:10:49 AM »
WoW: Finally, after a couple weeks of getting to Yogg and having half the raid suddenly go awol, cleared Ulduar.  Well, everything save Algalon, who we're not going to be getting to any time soon.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2261 on: May 08, 2009, 10:08:36 AM »
Mana Khemia- Finished. Got the ending for Jess. In depth rant/ramble once I get on my home PC later. There's no way in hell Pamela is the LVP, she was hitting 6000+ (9000+ with cheesecakes) end game =-) Not even Flaya was touching her kind of damage though sure he was the only other one that came close to impressing me with his figures though he had to use a turn to Raiden Charge to do it (I usually already went in with Pamela at 1 HP for bosses so yeah >.>)~
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2262 on: May 08, 2009, 11:47:12 AM »

After starting Wild Arms 3 and giving up 4 hours in the game because it bored me to tears, I started Jeanne D'Arc.  I'm happy to see a PSP game that's not a spinoff, a remake, or a port.  So far, I've taken down one of three forts surrounding Orleans.  Except for Jeanne, leveling up Lianne takes priority over all other characters.

Can I suggest not puttting too much effort into her? She doesn't turn out all that great.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2263 on: May 08, 2009, 03:26:18 PM »
Mana Khemia-

Rating - 8/10

Pretty much agree with super here damn is this game good once it really gets going. I was going to knock of a point for obscure in game glitches but what solidified the higher score for me was the extra content. It's nice to have a place where you can quickly encyclopedia for all your recipe/monster/item/etc needs plus moar pretty arts and an ending section. That's more extra content still to be added for me as I'll need to play again if I want to add all the endings =-) Who knew a story about school could be so enjoyable ^-^ Didn't feel that flowed too badly into the serious plot and the serious plot was interesting enough when it did come along. I cried at Sulpher/Isolde/Jess because as mentioned before I'm just a great big giant sap like that >.> Graphics were colourful enough and the little movie during the ending was nifty. Enjoyed the music too. Gameplay certainly passed the time considering I'd clocked over forty eight hours before I'd finished. Though somehow super managed to beat me in that huh. Yeah the jobs were a lot of fun to do especially the beat the crap out of some enemy for the school ones >.> Something about being able to do those at night too adds to that. Battling/PCs I enjoyed but the fact that I threw a cheap Pamela twink at the game probably has a lot to do with that <_< Still I don't think I was as cheap as I could have been. I tried not to cheese too much, I even beat the game w/o synthing the ultimate weapons~

Vayne- Basically pretty much agree with everything super said here. Don't agree he was MVP material but character wise pretty much spot on. Though thought he did get a bit too whiny at points oh well.

PC: Chaos Devotion and Violent Pillar are nice. Overealm seems kind of nifty too though I'm sure that it's worth using it over just abusing CD or VP right away. Maybe when Vayne gets more SP/speed. Didn't really notice him before those moves.

Jess- I really liked Jess as a character. Unlike super I enjoyed the plot/weaving/interaction between her and Vayne. I felt there was a rallying and an understanding in her final CQ which made up for her harshness in her previous ones - and knowing where that harshness came from made it more understandable to me but eh.

PC:  Effective/useful enough early on with healing/common magic I guess. Probably the best at it though Pamela filled the offensive magic role well enough for me. Fun skill set too with Funny Pouch for candies and tub and tuna throwing~ Benched around Chapter 7 or so once Pamela got No Bullying. I did put Jess back in at various points to test out new stuff she got but didn't get enough boom out of it. Never got Healing Omega or stuff either for the healing/support usefulness. It's not that I don't like Jess or that she's an unsalvagable PC just more that she didn't fit in with the synergy of my chosen team.

Nikki-Was ... there? Didn't really have too much impact on me one way or the other. Thought she kind of existed to be a foil to other characters, it was funny when she got mad/and or sad at Flaya/Muppy's antics. Liked when she spoke up at the Huffin tree and eh didn't really mind the singing. The premise of what she was singing *for* and her hitting on Vayne well I tend not to think too deeply of those kind of things. Easier if I just don't take them seriously >.>

PC: Speeeed. That's pretty much it (though Decoy Shield is pretty nifty before Muppy's D Support and ending up switching her in for the final so that I'd have more control over shielding for Pamela but eh)

Benched in the later chapters for the most part though.

Flay- Joachim. That is all.

PC: My favourite alongside Pamela and Roxis. Raiden Charge + Screw Driver + make things asplode. Has HPs + DEF too. Star Shot was kind of useful for multi hits to help build up the burst bar early on too. He's kind of slow though and had some SP issues for me early on but these are trifles compared to what he's worth.

Pamela- Liked her. CQs with characters like Anna were pretty amusing. I understand some don't like her in MK but eh Pamela's always had a penchant for making you do stuff like making places clean and tidy and cute for her, as well as monsters/guys falling in love with her. I remember stuff like that from AI3. So I don't see much of a difference. I suppose the sad face until you cheer me up by doing stuff to make me happy thing could be seen as emotional manip but I felt that they didn't overuse sad!Pamela to that extent though.

PC - Got No! Bullying Chapter 7 (was hitting anything from 2700 - 3000+ damage or 5000+ in burst w/th enemy breaked, w/e even then for big numbas), physical immunity chapter 8, Kiss2Everyone/Seeker Chapter 9, the Grudge Chapter 10. Win.

(like Flay has the slowness issue but again well worth it I feel. Could be argued HP issues as well but I kind of wanted it to be low myself >.>)

Roxis. Is. Awesme. That is all.

PC - Retraction + Chrona Drive are awesme. One time Pamela and Flay were close together so Roxis retractioned them so that they both got another turn o_o

Anna- Missed the Anna hype wagon for some reason. She would be the neutral for me. Not sure that I like the bossiness/telling everyone what to do aspect of her and the I cut everyone to pieces while amusing and kind of win was also kind of silly. Though once the beginning was past and I got her going in battles she started to grow on me.

PC - MT elemental protection + HBC/DBC <3 Balancedtoro~

Muppy- I don't trust this thing ^_~

PC - Experiments ongoing.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 03:42:12 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2264 on: May 08, 2009, 03:31:36 PM »
I understand some don't like her in MK but eh Pamela's always had a penchant for making you do stuff like making places clean and tidy and cute for her, as well as monsters/guys falling in love with her. I remember stuff like that from AI3. So I don't see much of a difference.

That would be the problem.  I mean characters are rehashed often enough in lots of series.  Pamela never differs no matter what game it is though.  Not even in the slightest way.  To be frank, I am kind of fucking sick of her after 4 games.

Edit - Audiosurf - SO I know a few other people play this, is it just me or does everyone have a decent percentage of songs have tracks that are really bumpy or do I just really like songs with that much stronger consistent bass line than most?  Also this game badly needs a way to just pick like a folder and all it's sub directories and just throw that on with Random on.  Yes it is basic media player functionality, no I don't care that is kind of what I want the program to do.  With fun.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 04:24:58 PM by Grefter »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2265 on: May 08, 2009, 04:51:02 PM »
A lot of the songs I run have that bumpy feel too, yeah.  But then, I used to play percussion instruments and I like songs with a solid beat to them.  I'll second you that a random feature would be nice, yeah.

Though if there's one thing I hate about Audiosurf it's the spins. >_>


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2266 on: May 08, 2009, 05:27:23 PM »
Eh? MK Pamela is fundamentally different from the other two appearances. MK Pamela is much more manipulative and has a slightly cruel bend to her (BEAR RANT). AI Pamela was way more innocent.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2267 on: May 08, 2009, 06:29:15 PM »
I am officially at the Pharos. I think this is the last dungeon? If so, I am happy. Decided to drop all Questing after that stupid white chocobo one at the Paramina Rift.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2268 on: May 08, 2009, 06:55:00 PM »
Eh? MK Pamela is fundamentally different from the other two appearances. MK Pamela is much more manipulative and has a slightly cruel bend to her (BEAR RANT). AI Pamela was way more innocent.

Good, so it WASN'T just me who felt AI Pamela was somewhat different than MK Pamela.  AI Pamela was more like an innocent ditz that a subverted bitch (for lack of a better explanation.)
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2269 on: May 08, 2009, 08:34:19 PM »
*Audiosurf demo played*

This will be bought soon.

Oh and I totally have the highest Easy score on the The Bleeding by Five Finger Death Punch in PA.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2270 on: May 08, 2009, 09:20:19 PM »
I am officially at the Pharos. I think this is the last dungeon?

Close. There is actually one more dungeon after that, but it's remarkably short by FFXII standards.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2271 on: May 08, 2009, 11:11:52 PM »
Yeah thought it would just be strong percussion tunes that do the bumpy highway thing, but the game seems designed for Techno in mind and I wasn't sure if it was really intended.  Drum and Bass might have such a high BPM that it doesn't bounce the same way jazz/blues/fun/alt rock stuff does.  For example Rain in Blood by Slayer didn't really do it, so spammy metal might have the same effect I was expecting Drum and Bass to have.  So probably the slower beat with strong bass line that does it.

That said, if you want to try really freaky feeling tracks, I am loving playing Tom Waits on it because it tends to be really bouncy and coupled with the fact that he doesn't often have a great deal of instrumentation over the strong bass line since his voice is the primary instrument (and the tendency towards Bar tunes anyway, his more folkish stuff doesn't do it as much), so since the game sets the highway speed based on your non-bass line instruments (usually your lead instrument) it goes on speed based on his singing.  So you have this really consistently bumpy highway and the tune lurches along just in bursts while he sings and then slows down again.  It is a really weird feeling.  Warning probably has potential to give you motion sickness
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2272 on: May 08, 2009, 11:14:11 PM »
L4D- Beat blood harvest with Trips/VSM, Xer, and Andy. It was a lot of fun, and since it was co-op it didn't matter how completely bad I was.

Persona 4- Fell asleep in the middle of the first boss this morning, more due to being tired though. Interesting premise but we'll see.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2273 on: May 08, 2009, 11:59:01 PM »
Persona 4- Fell asleep in the middle of the first boss this morning, more due to being tired though. Interesting premise but we'll see.

P4 has an 80% accuracy Sleep attack. It's super-effective vs. aiels. Rank.

ToV: I think I'd be inclined to allow the cast to use Altered Artes in their main combos. It requires equipping two skills, but the entire cast gets those skills on unique weapons as far as I can tell, so I'm inclined to allow it because of this. Also, with enough button-mashing, Rhythm + Magic Combo + Light Magic + Spell End + storebought Wonder Symbol would definitely allow Rita to lock down enemies with a spell chain. The Wonder Symbol is also semi-unique. Less than half the cast can equip them. And they're storebought. I see no reason not to allow them for ToV (other Tales games only have one or two Wonder Symbols AFAIK. ToV is the first game to give an infinite supply.)

Of course, this is completely contrary to Pyro's current stat topic... The new damage average would probably look something like Yuri > Rita >>>>> Judy > Karol > everyone else. I'm thinking that allowing the Altered Artes waters down the non-Yuri fighters' damage variance, but it increases their hit count, effectively turning them all into ID whores with Fatal Strikes. Estelle's damage would get worse, and Repede still has his invincibility loop, I guess. I need to see how viable that invincibility loop is in-game. Also, does his invincibility null status? I think he may have gotten poisoned during it once?

I'd see Judy's damage as quite a bit higher than Pyro's topic, too. I finally got Aerial Dash and Jump Cancel, so it's much easier to make long air combos with her now. I'd guess that her damage about doubles the other fighters, but still pales compared to Yuri/Rita. So she becomes an average-damage ID whore who wins WTA vs FE sword fighters. You could also argue that she's fast and evasive. Beats Healers with an eventual Overlimit. She may want to opt for a staff to get the TP cost reduction under those circumstances. It doesn't really drop her damage very much, at least. She just doesn't translate well in the DL, even under my generous interpretation. Decent Middle. Unless, of course, I allowed "Mad I-No skill", then she could probably scrounge up a OHKO ridiculously-long combo...



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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2274 on: May 09, 2009, 04:00:08 AM »
Djinn man. You have nooooooooooooo idea how messed up everything gets if you allow common skills. There are a massive number of useful skills and an exponentially larger number of setups. Oh and Yuri goes all "IT'S CLOBBERIN TIME" because he gets OL Boost and BA Force. That gives him way more damage than adding an Altered Arte into a combo does for everyone else (and adding an Altered Arte doesn't boost the damage average much. Karol still gets more out of Charged Reaper Knock, for example).

Rita's overall damage if she burns all her SP on that type of spellcasting is actually kind of low, Djinn. She gets more over three turns if she goes with three Heavy Magic Meteor Storms. Though her one-turn Magic Burst styled damage would be respectable.

Invulnerability is invulnerability to everything, including status.

Djinn, I have all the skills for Judy and I'm about average for using her. Your mileage will vary but I'm not going to give her credit for insane combos that I can't pull off. Feel free to post a combo in the average if you want. Though hey Yuri has an easy enough infinite (not until he runs out of TP, literally infinite) combo to compare against her.