
Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 687091 times)

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2850 on: June 12, 2009, 06:37:13 PM »
Mirror's Edge. Beat Chapter 3. Noooooot a game for the easily frustrated. I said before, the controls are super picky and you're presented with an ever increasingly difficult array of stunts to pull off. There's a good amount of checkpoints, but some are spaced out rather wide. So you might unexpectedly be shunted back a fair bit depending. You're still far better off running away from combat too. You're only gonna move into melee if you're otherwise gonna be shot to death while trying to get where you need to go. Fun game! But challenging.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2851 on: June 12, 2009, 06:39:20 PM »
Don't mind Super - he just has an obsession with underaged boys getting laid (Melville, Justin...)
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2852 on: June 12, 2009, 07:24:57 PM »

So...assuming the Seraphic Gate would be hard I took some drastic measures.  Chose my four characters (YAY, I can take Wilfred out of the party!) then proceeded to strip all other characters of equipment, sell that, and buy some good stuff.  Turns out I can upgrade my weapons from 15 WP with no PWS to 120 WP with a PWS for relatively cheap.  *yoink*

Yeah, I crushed the first battle.  Didn't even need to PWS to kill Gabriel Celeste in one collective attack.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2853 on: June 12, 2009, 07:39:23 PM »
Sapphire- Middle.  Damage could be better, but heals, resources work, all that.
Almaz- Lowish Heavy.  Probably musters a 2HKO, defensive gimmick can get him out of a pinch, but largely straightforward.[/quote]

I don't think there's a "probably".  His attack is B ranked (which only one person gets higher), and even if you don't give him the boost for hitting enemies higher levelled than him, he gets an evility that increases non-elemental damage that gives him a boost ANYWAY.

Sapphire- Middle.  Damage could be better, but heals, resources work, all that.

She has like a B ranked skill, so her damage shouldn't be that bad in the DL.  Above Beryl's surely.

Salvatore- wants her boss form.  The damage difference is pronounced, and thanks to her gimmick (halve all damage that isn't a base physical?  Yes!) she doesn't completely fail at durability as a boss.  That said, noticable HP edge even sans gimmick means she's tanky enough to maim her way through Light at the worst, but boss form strikes me as a definite Heavy.

Man, what?  That bsos form gets one rounded if you don't give double credit for the special.  That's not good.  She also has good evade on top of the special halving and I don't think her damage is as bad as you think (though definitely not sure on that).  I probably respect the PC evade more because the enemy is stupid and attacks you from the front all the time while against the boss form you just go behind her.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2854 on: June 12, 2009, 07:57:21 PM »
I never really noticed PCs evading too much, so dunno there.  Beyond that, average damage around the time of Salvatore was... 1200?  1500?  So to her 6k HP you need five PCs hitting her... so yeah, her HP sucks.  .5 PC the way  I scale?  .6?  I tend to kneejerk high for SRPG bosses as a rule, since "gangrape" is often poor strategy, but certainly 10 PCs vs that HP ends badly.  But against people using stuff not a base physical, that's still in the PC range, and the damage is OHKO territory.
Damage-wise, gun techs peak at D power, and Salvatore's Unique is the same, so kinda boned there.  Sapphire... well, I kept Guns on her too, so her Attack-powered Uniques were useless and I didn't even notice one was B power until after I wrote that.  So yeah, she probably moves up, ties Mao, and makes him kinda emo.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2855 on: June 12, 2009, 08:01:21 PM »
Cross Edge: Back up to Prinny fight with the game on normal this time. Things are going smoother, but Prinny is still roadblocking. Think I've got the right team now, though. Just need to grind a bit. Looking like I'm going to set up like this, maybe?


1= Ayatane, 2 = Aurica, 3 = Misha, 4 = York

Should let me blitz down the crabs in three/four turns (which should be fine with Aurica healing), then move to the Sahaugin and then Prinny himself.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2856 on: June 12, 2009, 10:34:56 PM »
More adventures of the Hatbot FF9 solo challenge continues…

Black Waltz 3 (redux):
This was actually pretty damn close. Hatbot rolls Level 5 Steiner for the job. Unfortunately there aren’t any random encounters I am aware of in the near vicinity, so a handful of Potions and an Iron Sword + Killer skills is all I get. Steiner deals a little less than 200 damage per hit. Black Waltz’s damage is easy enough to handle – the problem comes when he hits low HP and starts adding Freeze to his arsenal. At this point, its unblockable and getting hit by it is pretty much death. After 2 tries or so, eventually got a run where Steiner managed a crit + evading a shot of Freeze to bypass him. Very close.

Took some time out at this point and got Steiner leveled up to around 11. Which I felt was good (enemies in the area stopped giving good EXP when fighting solo). I could fight the Mandagoras, but Steiner can’t deal enough to one shot, so I said screw it and left >_>

Step 1: Steiner attacks
Step 2: Steiner heals

Repeat Step 1 and 2 until boss dies. Yeah.

Cleyra’s Trunk:
Still the same party as in Disc 1. So still using Freya.  Had 1 reset on Sand Golem when he counter PAWNCH’d me to death. Learned my lesson there! Rest of the enemies are pretty tame. 

Pretty easy. No thanks to having Freya gained multiple levels along the climb up Cleyra’s trunk. Anyways, Antlion can’t really put a dent on Freya and Sandstorm is easily handled by delaying action until after he takes a turn. Easy.

Beatrix 2:
Still easy. If she had Shock! She never used it. Backrow + Reis Wind + Coral Ring = ??? Profit!

Alexandria Castle:
And here’s the stopping point of the challenge. Hatbot rolls Vivi. This isn’t so bad except Vivi’s HP Pool is really bad. And considering I needed to fight Beatrix at the end of this segment, I have no way of surviving Shock, which deals 800+ damage. I mean if it rolled Steiner, I might have been to get around it with Level Up and HP+10% since Steiner has better HP growth. Zidane and Freya would’ve both been possible, but no, Hatbot decided to roll Vivi. Well crap >_>

Zorn and Thorn:
The only thing you really need to know is that one has less HP than the other! This was actually kind of tricky due to Meteorite’s randomized damage. The max I’ve seen it hit Vivi for was around 432 damage. So he needed to be level 18 before this fight, which is not easy for starters. Thanks to the time limit + his initial starting level into this dungeon low, it’s a constant time battle and for once, 30 minutes feels like its not enough. I need at least 7 minutes to get through the boss. Equip Auto Potion. When the battle begins, use Focus twice and start hitting Thorn with whatever level 2s are available. I wanted to go for an increased damage set up, but the trade off in defense made Light Flare suddenly threatening as well (280+ damage to 500 Max HP?) so that turned out not to be an option.

Beatrix 3:
Can’t win under the conditions of the challenge. Hatbot essentially rolled death =(. I was thinking that you COULD just wait out the battle if she never uses Shock. Except its like her most commonly used move in this last fight. So uh… I ended fighting this battle normally – which with an average level Zidane + over leveled Freya made things very lol. Oh balance

Ralvuimago (redux):
Step 1: Vivi physicals
Step 2: Vivi uses Focus to wait out Ralvulrahava when curling itself

Repeat for around 10+ rounds

Step 3: Vivi casts Blizzara for massive lulz
Got Quina – dice still says to use Vivi for the next portion of the game. Fun. Did some round robin soloing here to get everyone adequately leveled and skilled up to prevent death points like Alexandria Castle from happening.

Not particularly high respect for her damage here thanks to back row + elemental resistance of various kinds. Aimed for halving Water and using Auto Potion again. Focusing saves MP but costs you more time and Potions – more worthwhile just to aim for blitz nuking.

Outer Continent
One reset here due to Cactuars. I completely do not remember their pattern at all, so I ended up killing one under ground. Final attack 1000 needles! Oops >_>

Owl monster around the area also came close to causing me a reset, but I managed to escape before dying. Griffins were also a resource sapper thanks to White Wind. I was almost afraid of running out of Potions since I aimed for using Focus to power up before blasting them to kingdom come.

Also, Hi Potions are now available. Whee!

Mountain Path:
Got Eiko – rolled again, got Zidane. This section is surprisingly nasty, even though Zidane hits damn hard compared to Vivi. I guess it’s mainly due to row difference. One reset to the Troll Monsters here thanks to Solution. Ran out of MP and I couldn’t kill them faster enough before I got countered to death. Equipping for Ice Defense helps, which I’ve learned after this fight! Also helps against another enemy here that uses Blizzara. These guys also cast Vanish – but unlike Trolls, they don’t have Berserk, which helps a lot since you can actually heal in between with Hi Potions if need be.

Um…OW. Front row damage here is nutsy. Auto Potion helps, but at this point, regular Potions really need to go – although they help still somewhat in random fights. Mostly a defensive fight with Earth Defense tossed in since his damage really starts racking in after a while. Swapped to the Rune Tooth here for more damage, and a few MP Attack + Man Eater physicals to the face brings it down. At certain points in the battle, I had to row switch so I could actually halve the damage received while I heal with Hi Potions
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 10:38:24 PM by Tide »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2857 on: June 12, 2009, 10:45:12 PM »
On Fei:

God damn but that IS a good summary!  Almost makes me want to replay the game.

Why is this true.  I wish it weren't true, because I know it'll just be me getting to Kislev, realizing "Eh I've played the good part of the game I don't really want to deal with the rest of this crap" and quitting.  Though maybe if I played it on Frameskip so the text scrolled quickly...


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2858 on: June 13, 2009, 06:29:10 AM »

So...assuming the Seraphic Gate would be hard I took some drastic measures.  Chose my four characters (YAY, I can take Wilfred out of the party!) then proceeded to strip all other characters of equipment, sell that, and buy some good stuff.  Turns out I can upgrade my weapons from 15 WP with no PWS to 120 WP with a PWS for relatively cheap.  *yoink*

Yeah, I crushed the first battle.  Didn't even need to PWS to kill Gabriel Celeste in one collective attack.

The hardest cycle of Seraphic Gate is cycle 5 and 6, where enemies are becoming godly whole you still don't have the godly equips yet. BTW, keep Roienburg once you got him, his ability to harvest Flame Lotus Jewel is obscene. Duck him with Aguste, they are nightmare to everything. Later Seraphic Gate boss fights basically goes like this: Roeinburg and Aguste grinds 200+ hit, Frey does ridiculous damage with Ether Strike. Also, keep a mage around all the time, Guard Reinforce and Reflect Sorcery is your life saver.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2859 on: June 13, 2009, 06:38:30 AM »
I never really noticed PCs evading too much, so dunno there.  Beyond that, average damage around the time of Salvatore was... 1200?  1500?  So to her 6k HP you need five PCs hitting her... so yeah, her HP sucks.  .5 PC the way  I scale?  .6?  I tend to kneejerk high for SRPG bosses as a rule, since "gangrape" is often poor strategy, but certainly 10 PCs vs that HP ends badly.  But against people using stuff not a base physical, that's still in the PC range, and the damage is OHKO territory.
Damage-wise, gun techs peak at D power, and Salvatore's Unique is the same, so kinda boned there.  Sapphire... well, I kept Guns on her too, so her Attack-powered Uniques were useless and I didn't even notice one was B power until after I wrote that.  So yeah, she probably moves up, ties Mao, and makes him kinda emo.

I noticed evasion quite a bit myself, but I guess with something like that it can go either way.

As for boss HP, you can use 10 people and I don't see why you wouldn't.  So yeah.  Not much respect there.

While her damage tech might only go to a D, she does have good stats, which brings her above the lower end of the cast.  I'd kneejerk her at around average or so?  Not bad when you have good HP, good evade, and halve anything that's not a basic physical.

Specials take the stats that the weapon use for damage, so Sapphire's specials use HIT/SPD when equipped with a gun anyway.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2860 on: June 13, 2009, 07:18:32 AM »
KH2: Started! Congratulations, Tetsuya Nomura. You have created a cast of characters I care about less than Sora, Kairi, Riku and Ansem. Would you like a medal?

What's that? You just want me to keep watching them do nothing of importance for three hours before you actually start the game? You're the boss.

It is about selling to yaoi fan girls, fulfilling their desire to peek at a bishie in his daily life.
You should have expected this knowing how much of a yaoi fan Nomura has become.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2861 on: June 13, 2009, 11:59:05 AM »
Ouendan - Holy cripes this is addictive and I don't know how I lived for 25 years without it.

SRWW - Map 3! Valhawk is impressively unimpressive.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2862 on: June 13, 2009, 12:57:37 PM »
Ouendan - Holy cripes this is addictive and I don't know how I lived for 25 years without it.

Ouendan 2 does everything Ouendan does but 500% better...  Not to say that Ouendan is bad, no.  Ouendan is awesome.  Ouendan 2 is just MORE awesome.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2863 on: June 13, 2009, 02:17:20 PM »
I've been:

Playing the usual L4D here and there. Getting a little worse at it as I play it somewhat less than I used to.

Watching Super play Ogre Battle, which is pretty cool and fills up my social meter.

Playing the Sims 3 which is the most soul consuming pointless thing I've ever done.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2864 on: June 13, 2009, 03:10:31 PM »
TacticsLayer: zzzz grinding money

The recruit conditions for Ririka are absolutely ridiculous. I guess it won't be much longer before that time comes, though. Probably will be able to pull it off tomorrow or Monday by worst, as I've been grinding for money for a while now, and catching up on mastering skills. My Heart is obscenely strong and every single goddamn mage character has to have that skill. Meanwhile, Nana absolutely slaughters things.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2865 on: June 13, 2009, 03:51:51 PM »
Don't mind Super - he just has an obsession with underaged boys getting laid (Melville, Justin...)

I am highly disturbed.


Yeah compared to the Leen thing that's  >_>
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 03:55:22 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2866 on: June 13, 2009, 05:07:37 PM »
Okay. I know I've been quiet here, but that's because I've let an old favorite consume me again. Need somewhere to rant on this, it's numerical but not stat-topicable, so....

Space Empires IV random musings!

Earlygame: Only four techs with reasonable research rates and actual usability without high early investment (Stellar Harnessing, a 10k, requires a 50k first - Astrophysics) are Propulsion, Repair, Projectile Weapons, and Ship Construction. Of these, dropping Ship Construction after getting Medium Transports and Light Cruisers might be wise, as price gets prohibitive. At the beginning, you're looking at 2 turns for most techs, more if you aren't finding planets suitable for research. Thusly, once Projectile Weapons and Propulsion hit level 4, switching to research Astrophysics anyway (as well as species-dependent techs) is worthwhile.

Initial Build: Four ships are practical to build off the bat: Scout Ship (basics+6 eng+3 supply), Small Transport (this has two variants: either basics+5 eng+8 cargo (min)+3 supply (max) or 5 eng+11 cargo (max). I'll get back to this later.), Colony Ship (basics+module+5 eng+either Cargo or Supply, will also cover this later) and Base Space Yard (basics+Space Yard). Satellites and Weapons Platforms will be ignored for now.

Cargo Transport and Colony Ship: My general build is the 8 cargo/3 supply for transports, and Colony Ship with Cargo. Assume 25% reproduction in a year (I see minimum of ~33% because I focus on population.) This means a colony's population will grow 2.5% each turn. A colony ship with Supply takes 4 million population (only Cargo is the colony module at 20kt). A colony ship with Cargo (150 kt) takes 34 million (150 kt+20 kt.)

Home planets start with 8000 million people, or 8 billion. Average repopulation in a turn is thus 8000*0.025, or 200. You can thus have ~5 colony ships set out with Cargo and not upset the population's returning to 8 billion next turn. (6th isn't possible; 8000 number is based on population before they're taken), and the extra 1 turn of movement doesn't offset the really miserable starting population for a planet.

Now, Cargo Transports are trickier. 8/3 build takes 240 million people, and has 3 turns extra fuel thanks to supply. 11/0 takes 330 million people, has three turns less. Yes, this disrupts the population regrowth no matter what (and this is why I suggest not pop transporting to nearby planets if you aren't a pop. fiend). However, their trips are usually longer and, more importantly, repeated; they aren't oneshots like colony ships are.

Let's therefore assume that you're doing my standard build (5 base space yards, two colony ship producing planets) and also have a cargo ship moving pop from your main planet every three turns after the first). Base space yards produce Colony Ship every 5th turn, planets build Colony Ship every other. Also assuming that the entire pop crash hits on a designated turn A, and with the 8/3 design:

8000-(34*7)-240 = 7522. Pop regrowth this turn will be 188, setting you to 7710. Nothing gets build second turn, you're safe for another round. Pop regrowth kicks you up to 7903, two colony ships take 68 away and kick you to 7835, and that's within the range to get you to 8000 before the next cargo ship.

What if it's 330, though? Then your initial pop after the drain is 7432. First turn gets you to 7618, second gets you to 7808, which is just barely safe... except then you make the two colony ships, which hits you down below the 7805 threshold.

Obviously, these aren't the only build options; 9/2's not bad either, and it should just barely work out, right? ...actually it does, but only because you're not making any colony ships the turn after; you get to 7871, colony ships knock you down to 7803, your pop near-hits max but doesn't manage to, at 7998. Next turn colony ship steps in and takes 270, kicking you down to 7728, and the cycle continues, but it gets really close to slowly draining population.

Of course there are many other factors; you want a 10/1 at absolute worst, to me, as otherwise your range is pretty much 3 sectors which is no good. 8/3 gives four sectors which is far more useful. Once you have Stellar Harnessing you're not only doing far longer treks, but you're also likely carrying more (and hopefully, you have a Large or Huge planet - pops 12000 and 16000, respectively - fully populated to draw from instead). Still, 8/3 fitting worst-case scenarios and also providing max range for a small transport is useful.

Build Orders: Usually, Colony Ship (x2), Scout Ship, Colony Ship (x2), Cargo Transport, (Colony Ship, Base Space Yard) <-do while Base Space Yard count is 4 or less. Base Space Yards act as an extra, if slow, construction queue; equivalent of giving, say, Sephiroth a second action that goes at 0.2x average speed. Not useful immediately, but if you have five of them, all going at different times, the effect will definitely be noticeable. You can upgrade them later on to produce at 2/3rd Planetary Space Yard speed (as opposed to 2/5ths that rate), which helps immensely as well.

Species Techs: Temporal Tech sounds useful, isn't really. Organic's awesome for reducing reliance on minerals/radioactives, Crystalline lessens reliance on minerals. Religious is surprisingly awesome support, but its one ship part is immense fail. Psychic mainly just shares experience better, which isn't that useful.

Planet Colonization: depends on which game version you're using. Early on, Rock planets were easily the best due to resource/facility balance; however, after rebalance it shifted to Gas Giants, which just hold a facility number advantage (since resources kinda got rebalanced to not bork AI over). Ice is still worst as a starting option, but they tend to have the most ruins on casual observation. And free techs are good.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2867 on: June 13, 2009, 05:33:03 PM »
SH difficulty struck towards the end, where I got bored of the battle system and ran from everything in the last two dungeons and still had minimal trouble.

I did that, but not for the difficulty. Encounter rate and linear dungeons drove me crazy. Same can be said for SH.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2868 on: June 13, 2009, 06:10:46 PM »
SH difficulty struck towards the end, where I got bored of the battle system and ran from everything in the last two dungeons and still had minimal trouble.

I did that, but not for the difficulty. Encounter rate and linear dungeons drove me crazy. Same can be said for SH.

Oh, I ran because the battle system bored me - the fights were taking too long because I used a Coral Pendant on everyone and sucked at hitting the Judgement Ring otherwise! What I meant there was that I still had no trouble whatsoever despite running, so it was SH's typically low difficulty level. ^^


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2869 on: June 13, 2009, 06:30:32 PM »
Don't mind Super - he just has an obsession with underaged boys getting laid (Melville, Justin...)

I am highly disturbed.


Yeah compared to the Leen thing that's  >_>

Everyone's missing the important part of Grandia's ending - Sue grows up to be hot. You'd think this would at least make OK very happy.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2870 on: June 13, 2009, 06:35:13 PM »
Every time a loli grows up, an OK loses his wings. That doesn't make him happy.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2871 on: June 13, 2009, 07:16:33 PM »
Pokémon Platinum- Got around to beating the UE4, so willing to call this one done now (I wanted to check out the beefed up rival, but apparently this involves beating the E4 20 times and I'm just too lazy for that.)

Doesn't feel quite as improved over Diamond/Pearl as Emerald was over Ruby/Sapphire, but still a smoother and more pleasant game.  The Top Trainer Cafe though is about the coolest thing ever and more than makes up for the UE4 being a mere level boost this gime around.  All the gym leaders with teams of five and levels between 60 and 65?  Fun shit.  Best levelling spot ever!

Team as of the UE4.  I added a few moves after the E4 and gained about 10-15 levels, but the actual lineup is unchanged between finishing the game and now.

L68 Garchomp.  Hasty, Earthquake/Dragon Claw/Surf/Crunch.  Sweet jesus, no wonder Garchomp made ubers.  I mean, good lord, you can pick up that EQ TM at the same time you can access Gabites, and it's pretty usable even as a stage 2 evo.  Did not need to evolve earlier than other Traditional Dragons.

L68 Infernape.  Serious, Fist Plate, Overheat/Rock Slide/Flare Blitz/Close Combat.  Really, really good in the aftergame after I gave up on Rock Slide and added Overheat.  Destroys multiple Gym leaders, ie my levelling hos.  Against the regular E4, whether because I underlevelled him or I dunno what, he liked to do things like leave things weak to Close Combat just barely alive and eat murderous OHKO in the aftermath.  Made up for it in round two.

L68 Glaceon.  Quirky, Exp Share, Ice Beam/Shadow Ball/Mirror Coat/Ice Fang.  Existed for one reason; OHKO Cynthia's Garchomp.  Thanks to its defensive prowess, tended to survive anything not backed by an STAB, and there's a few critical pokes with that W4 Ice, so got a few bonuses out of it even.  Sucks at things that aren't "brutally murder E4 anchors" though, those non-Ice Beam moves never saw use really.

L65 Roserade.  Quiet, Rose Incense, Giga Drain/Growth/Energy Ball/Sludge Bomb.  Growth proved pretty useless on this things defense, but otherwise good within its niche.  Things it nails weakness on like to be slower, so pretty effective where it needs to be.  Not really my preferred style (kinda slow, and lacks truly awe-inspiring moves) but the SAtk is pretty hard to argue with, so very good against what it needed to be... except Milotic, but can't win them all I guess.

L65 Crobat.  Adamant, Sky Plate, Aerial Ace/Mean Look/Fly/Confuse Ray.  not really good at OHKOing things... but very good at outspeeding them and 2HKOing.  Has the HP to take out a pokemon or two that way, so not really bad, though boring certainly.  Better earlier in the game, what with the L22 evo and all.

L65 Giratina.  Modest, Griseous Orb, Dragon Pluse/Thunderbolt/Earth Power/Shadow Force.  Underwhelmed against the E4, where stalling out that goddamned Togekiss was all it could do (hadn't used Tbolt on it, stupidly).  Granted, also hadn't learned Earth Power and had Dragon Claw over Dragon Pulse, so some fuckupery on my part all around.  Later, quite solid but never really felt needed between the overwhelming powers of Garchomp and Infernape, though still a great all-purpose backup plan.  Gogo being 3HKOed by STABed weaknessses.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2872 on: June 14, 2009, 03:30:03 AM »
Platinum:  breeding, breeding, for my ultimate Nationals Team of Doom (TM).

VPCotP:  Beat the A ending.  Boss's support didn't like Kvasir's Mead, although the statuses were damned annoying.  Boss was pretty annoying also with MT paralyze.  Spoiler character kept dodging it though and reviving everybody, so he went down in several sieges.  Would have been over quicker but the boss used Heal at ~1000 HP remaining.

I have another file saved at the last series of fights, so I'll plume somebody, get the B ending, and look at Seraphic Gate soon.

PWI:  Level 65 blademaster, level 60 cleric.  BM is stuck in no quest grinding hell, cleric just got the mats for his TT weapon.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2873 on: June 14, 2009, 04:30:28 AM »
PW2- Doing the final case. Wendy Oldbag is awesome, the rest has kind of made me yawn so far.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2874 on: June 14, 2009, 07:38:09 AM »
Maple- Participated in an all Marksmen Zakum run tonight. Was loads of fun. 14 showed, 10 survived. Took 19 minutes. Two screenshots to share. One is the best action shot of them...

And the other is a swarm of Articunos, for the Meeples.