Cross Edge: Through the battle with UOM. After extensive twinking, planning and effort, I managed to actually beat him.
Marie is currently a death machine thanks to a synthing accident which provided me a weapon that is significantly better than anything I expect to see for quite a while. She has more AP and hits about twice as hard as anyone else in the party. It is glorious. General PC thoughts at the moment.
York: Odd range, but fairly solid. Survivability combined with hitting like a truck is always a good thing. Wishes he had accuracy.
Miko: Has really petered off at the moment, possibly due to underdeveloped skills. Mediocre in all regards.
Morrigan: Fairly high damage and Burst/Down/Guard damage, but is shockingly fragile. Got access to her Swimsuit early though, which is highly obnoxious, despite tanking her HP.
Marie: Kinda so-so. Her costume made her shockingly durable for the time you get it, but her attacks aren't fantastic? The only reason I'm hyping her right now is a death weapon. Not bad, though.
Lyner: Super tank. Okay damage. Stands in the front and gets punched really well.
Aurica: Heal bitch. Moving on.
Misha: Magic attacker. Better than Marie when equally equipped, I'd say?
Shurelia: See Misha. Has a problem with AP costs at the moment.
Ayatane: Haven't found his niche yet. Elemental physicals, I guess? Weirdly high Magic stat that doesn't seem to do anything? Might be a Magic tank thanks to his Int?
Felicia: Shockingly solid without my interference. Less durable than the tanks and gunners, but more durable than the other second rows, fast, and has damage. Also, early swimsuit hype.
Etna: Haven't really worked out her niche except for making me hate spears.
Prinny: Haven't really worked out his niche.\
Meu: Fun times. Still working on her Niche a bit, but she falls between Raze and Lyner in terms of damage and survival. Wants a weapon that gives her slots, though.
Zelos: York, but with less solid attacks, I want to say. Higher damage potential, possibly, due to a cracked out Str stat.
Raze: Second-liner who might be able to swing the front line. I want to say he does less damage than Felicia, but is a little more durable?
Lily: See Misha. Saddled with one magic type unfortunately, but gets some minor props for parasitic healing. Gets another slop for Boost Rouge being kinda... lame.