Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 685952 times)

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4725 on: September 20, 2009, 11:27:59 PM »
MK2 - Raze path completed! Final was a better fight than anything in MK1's maingame. Now, for Ulrika being retarded.

EDIT: Feel like a rant based on one path! Okay.

Remember how MK1 had basically no real pretentions and the fact it was surprisingly honest was actually pretty refreshing in spite of the stock lots of things?

Well, MK2 sorta follows on that lead. However, it has one glaring difference: the setting is even less serious in spite of the apparently more pressing situation overall. This brings us to the cast: instead of everybody being quirky as heck, everybody is -clinically insane-, and the game just sorta revels in the absurdity of it all. This makes the tropocalypse that is Gust writing even more pronounced, so I hope you don't come into MK2 expecting liking the cast off the bat. If you hate anime tropes, bring your venom, because the trope abuse makes MK1 look inspired by Jane Austen. On the other hand, on Raze path, the absolute insanity brings an oddly entertaining set of dynamics as long as you don't expect much in the way of heartwarming (or good writing). Raze, as a main, while bringing an entirely different personality than Vayne, fills the role of straight man far better, and is actually mostly a better character. But I think I should do a char-per-char breakdown to explain how this goes. So:

Raze - Remember how Vayne was sort of a doormat, way too normal and a bit of a moron (and far too skilled at everything he did to make this believable until the big reveal in MK1), and just sorta went along with the flow due to being so clueless about everybody else being unbalanced? Yeah, Raze doesn't really work like that. He is sort of a jerk. I'm not sure if Gust wanted, but lacked the writing strength to make him this overly sarcastic type with three billion one-liners to insult people with at first, thus settling with someone who's just generally non-plussed and effortlessly blunt, but the way he pans out interaction-wise is sorta refreshing. He doesn't try to own people by dropping sarcastic thirteen-year-old-GFAQs poster-sig-bait at all. He's just uncomfortably honest and so desensitized to the madness around him (after all, he's been taking care of his openly deranged master for over a decade now) that he just goes through the motions. He will complain about being dragged into shit he has nothing to do with, but he'll follow and finish the job, because, well, that's what he signed in for, and he doesn't mind it too much. In general, he's a fairly competent and self-aware guy who actually has common sense, and he keeps the entire cast from entering a deadly spiral of madness and destruction just by being the one with his head screwed straight. His "serious" plot was honestly a bit of a head scratcher due to not making a lot of sense, and Gust writers really need some bludgeoning for the handwaving around how he ended up getting the subdued dislike towards Mana, which was the catalyst to the whole plot, because that was admirably stupid. On the other hand, the way he bridges his party together is pretty good, and a main with that much common sense and such a hands-off approach to things is rather uncommon, let alone in a Gust game. Also, it doesn't hurt that the entire party acknowledges his lack of tact, instead of glorifying it as "zomg cool and badass". They keep around because Raze, even not being the best of human beings, is a pretty reliable fellow. Well, Lily pretends otherwise, but Lily is um special. Speaking of which!

Lily - Okay. First thing: she's a tsundere openly in love. As in, madly in love. As in, she -desperately needs to get laid- in love. She doesn't even pretend she doesn't want in Raze's pants, but gets embarrassed when she says it anyway. In precision, she's a tsundere who is almost entirely dere to her love, and entirely tsun to everybody else (and sometimes her love when she catches herself stuffing her foot into her mouth). This would be fine and dandy for a typical anime relationship, if it wasn't for one tiny problem: Raze just doesn't like her that way, if he even -does- like her at all (well, the fifth CQ does note, in a rather non-romantic way, that Raze does care about Lily, but she's just his master and sort of a friend. And the ending even lets you know that he actually noticed it a long time ago, but he just has too much fun pretending he doesn't). So, you have a girl who is prone to watch one romantic movie too many, who is exploding with hormones and with highly violent tendencies trying her hardest to get into the pants of someone who probably would first turn into a hermit than get into that whole dating thing. The whole dynamic has trainwreck written all over it, and Lily finds increasingly creative ways to put her foot stomach-deep into her mouth while involving more and more people in her insane antics, and Raze just goes through the motions because he's been dealing with Lily being crazy his whole life. The loop from karmic justice to gratuitous karma assholery in her CQs - and the fact that not only they're the stage for Lily to grow increasingly hilarious, but also the best chance for other PCs to get some spotlight in ways they wouldn't otherwise (Puniyo's fun factor is -made- by Lily CQs, for an example and everybody involved has entertaining interactions with her. She has quite a nice chemistry with the cast) - just made Lily the biggest surprise in Raze's cast for me. Probably one of the most entertaining examples of tsundere that I've seen recently, particularly because she's dropped into an atypical tsundere scenario where she's not fulfilling male fantasies via author railroading, but just getting herself into the kind of trouble that would be seen in a Looney Tunes cartoon due to PSL. In fact, this is pretty refreshing in Raze path: while you can spot the harem anime setup from a mile away, the deliverance ends up quite different mainly due to the focal character in it. Bottom line is: Lily is a barrel of monkeys. Her worth is mainly running off trainwreck value, but it's a pretty nicely assembled trainwreck.

Yun - I put him third because there's not much to write about him and a break from WoTs is nice. He's pretty much sorta there. He's sort of a straight man at base, but Raze path didn't need a second straight man. On the other hand, his later CQs are pretty entertaining and a bit endearing, but that's mostly due to the character that starts showing up there. Entirely inoffensive, at least, although Et CQ4 showed a side of him a lot of people probably wish it didn't exist - on the other hand, when the sanest character in a CQ is LILY (and purely out of spite and jealousy to boot), you know everybody's gone clinically insane. Although you have to wonder about Lily when she hires someone for five million bucks for the sole reason of wanting to get into Raze's pants.

Et - Ah, Etward. She is the reason why you don't give inhuman strength to a world-class ditz. Et is a walking earthquake disguised as a typical anime girl. Remember how Anna turned into this force of nature that needed a country-sized army to stop when she got the wrong idea in her head? Well, Et is more or less like this, but she does it without any sort of catalyst. She's the type of person who would walk into a wall and unwittingly break it down (actually, I'm sorta surprised she never did). Her CQs mainly focus on how much torment she puts her little brother into without noticing (although I really have to wonder how Enna is still alive. Man, Et kidnapped him to play with him and forgot him inside a bag for -six days-. What the christ) and on how braindead she is. While it boggles the mind how freaking stupid she is and how hazardous the combo of inhuman strength and mental retardation in a pretty teenage girl is, she has her moments. Particularly, CQ4 and especially 5, where you finally realize that she might actually not be as stupid as you think, even if she is far from bright... because of how badly she led on the whole workshop just to have some fun. And that led to a few absolutely hilarious moments between her and Lily to boot. Didn't expect to like her, but it was just funny to see her antics escalate.

Puniyo - The other cast surprise. I expected her to be a simple "look girl with punis and she can't talk! Look at her be cute and boring" type that anime tropes tend to churn out every now and then. Then Lily CQ2 kicked in and Puniyo, Master of Love was born. And they kept going with the idea. Puniyo is very entertaining due to how she has a lot of ideas and insight that no five-year-old should have even if she had a sister who was into yaoific. Actually, I honestly think she has her Punis read WAFF fanfiction for her at night (and they cut the naughty parts out), because nothing else explains those CQs. Her own CQs were honestly underwhelming, because the Puni gang picking on her just isn't good material for her to be insane at, although Raze being turned into a honorary Puni was cool. On the other hand, Puniyo CQs also meant more Lily screentime. So, not too bad. Puniyo is actually fairly fun, and she shines as a support character on other people's antics. Her Punis were underused, though.

And that's more or less it. Gameplay-wise, the dynamics sorta changed a fair deal. You get less skills, and subsequently less variety. However, the skills you do get also last you a whole lot longer, and Common Skills stopped being a complete ripoff as well. The focus seems to be on how there are two distinct parties with wildly varying dynamics, and that should be neat to see unfold (Raze's party is quite cohesive in its offensive strength and it has very good timed sphere cannonning, for an example. Raze has strong ST offense, a very cost-efficient timed sphere skill and some turnhaxing with the Jade Shift clone. Et is what happens when you give Anna timed sphere skills, better attack and buff up the Quick Dream clone enough to keep it high-profile at practical offense for the whole game. Lily is a highly cost-efficient, offensively versatile ice mage who has cheap, adequately damaging skills of the ST, GT, MT and timed sphere variety, along with good speed. Yun specializes in fire offense+knockback, along with having Defense-busting. Puniyo is a healer whose healing skills are probably the best in the whole game due to also doubling up as revival and full status healing, and she is also the best CS user in the game due to party-best M.Attack and CS doublecasting, which puts her offense into skyrocketing standards). Not to mention the PCs' base stats now matter a lot more than equipment boosts, and your equipment now plays subtler roles on your effectiveness, which ties into Alchemy being more involved and detailed. I dunno, but I liked the distinct dynamics presented, and they feel quite elegantly done. The way they handled carryover can die, though, and they fumbled up some item availability. If you don't do carryover, you don't get the Grow Book entries from the first playthrough to the Extra scenario, and there are a couple items in Ulrika route that are insanely rare in her playthrough and are required for some of her synths, so you need to carryover to get those before the Extra scenario. That was a gj.

Currently a 7/10 or so? Would be 8/10 if not for the retardation of carryover and how forcing two playthroughs for the true ending is a poor design decision. Could change.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 01:15:36 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4726 on: September 21, 2009, 12:27:54 AM »
That'll be nice. Got past the mission, clearly don't understand how ZoC works as I failed to see its effects about half the time. Berserkers were hardly the issue, it was the eight move Geomancer assholes.

Went into the fight after (BRAAAAAAAAAAINS), finished everyone off, saw the reinforcements appear, went ", can't be bothered" and turned it off. Will deal with it later, hardly a difficult mission but.

Current Builds:
Clarissa: Dandelion Shot/Sacred Slayer OC/Decelerate/something. Turn whoring ++; if she can't Encourage a group she just Turn Shifts to get herself and someone else into better positions to do so. Decelerating ranged whacks is fun, too.
Felius: Sentinel/Halberdier EQ/Gadgeteer OC/Decelerate. He has a decent counter rate (well, from my luck?), is tanky as hell, can dish out group heals. Damage isn't there, but.
Labyrinthia: Arcanist/Fantastica OC/Elementalist OC. Kinda bad in theory but she's got an option for any situation, which is pretty useful.
Tony: Avatar/Massive Overkill OC/Teleport 2/Math Skill OC. 'nuff said.
Levin: Secutor/Martial Mage OC & EQ/Move Through. Effectively just whoring out good offensive stats, movement and speed.
Generic 1: Geomancer/Elementalist OC. Mainly there to assist with the magic offense. Might dip into Sacred Slayer for the undead map.
Generic 2: Secutor, waiting on multiclassing her. Whack!
Generic 3: Excavator/Gadgeteer OC/Decelerate. Ranged Decelerate+items+movement.
Generic 4: Sentinel/Arts Support/Zone Support/Fantastica OC. Zone whoring, if physicals really fail he can just use his magic for something.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 12:38:57 AM by Taitoro »


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4727 on: September 21, 2009, 01:02:57 AM »
Eh, it seems like I'm less at a constant threat of being wiped out than I usually was in the NES version.  I'm guessing this is mostly just a faulty memory.

The remake is definitely easier than the NES version for the first four chapters.  Increased gold/exp does that.  C5 feels pretty much the same to me,  minus the AI. Though knowing what to get and what to skip really makes things go by quicker.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4728 on: September 21, 2009, 03:42:15 AM »
Jesus, Snow, MK2 characters don't deserve that much text. Nevertheless, it should be interesting to see how you react to the second cycle.

MK2: So, the party's in a dungeon, at the scene of a recent battle. Someone spots a blood trail: "Let's follow it!" Cue the game telling me to go to a dungeon halfway across the world map. Wow, that must be one tough guy.

Well, sort of, as it turns out. He does beat the hell out of any other Raze plot boss, that's for sure. Ghaleon should sue him for stealing Chaos Shield, though.

Anyway, time for the final chapter. Went into the last dungeon and wandered around for a few minutes--Jesus, they just throw AP at you in there--before finding a random red glowy thing in one corner. I decided to see what it was and oh god punis from hell. I got one action in and then they murdered half my team. Yeah, I'm guessing that's an optional fight.

How does one activate the task board abuse that Tallychu spoke of in chat? I set everyone to work on something, went out to kill stuff for a few minutes and then came back to the workshop, but nothing happened.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4729 on: September 21, 2009, 04:08:03 AM »
Jesus, Snow, MK2 characters don't deserve that much text. Nevertheless, it should be interesting to see how you react to the second cycle.

I think 25% of the reason I wrote that wall was for you to react like that. Another 25% was for Andy when he beats Raze path and the rest was for me to sort out how I feel about the tropoclysm. It was fun to type anyway.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4730 on: September 21, 2009, 04:30:48 AM »
SRW@: Stage 25? 26? About to get Asuka. Great Mazinger is absolutely freaking ridiculous and it needs to permanently join so I can smash the game with it. Voltes is pretty good, Dancougar is almost identical to its @G self which means terrain ratings hate it and it hates them back.

I really wish the game would stop making me use the decombined Combattler machines. "Run away and hide from OHKO damage" is not a fun way to spend a level.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4731 on: September 21, 2009, 04:34:38 AM »
MK2: So, the party's in a dungeon, at the scene of a recent battle. Someone spots a blood trail: "Let's follow it!" Cue the game telling me to go to a dungeon halfway across the world map. Wow, that must be one tough guy.

Oh good, I wasn't the only one to notice that.

Anyway, time for the final chapter. Went into the last dungeon and wandered around for a few minutes--Jesus, they just throw AP at you in there--before finding a random red glowy thing in one corner. I decided to see what it was and oh god punis from hell. I got one action in and then they murdered half my team. Yeah, I'm guessing that's an optional fight.

How does one activate the task board abuse that Tallychu spoke of in chat? I set everyone to work on something, went out to kill stuff for a few minutes and then came back to the workshop, but nothing happened.

It's not optional, I don't think.  Even if it was it drops half the cast's ultimate armors so you want to kill it.

Task board works on some weird time system that I haven't figured out.  Go fight more or something I don't know.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4732 on: September 21, 2009, 08:14:00 AM »
*Looks at Snow's wall of text.

You know what, now you put it that way, Ar Tonelico 2 might be a better game if Roze is the main character instead of Croix..... Same arch type, just Croix didn't worked.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4733 on: September 21, 2009, 08:23:44 AM »
That's mainly because Croix was also the self-insert focal point main in a game that follows the harem anime guidelines by the book. Raze wouldn't work if he was contractually obligated to be a romantic interest to half the females in his cast, either (and that he adamantly opposes the idea of hooking up with the trainwrecks he's saddled with, then actually standing up to his word on that, only furthers the case in Raze's favor). The fact that Croix is insanely bland instead of actually being able to convey bluntness hurts even more.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4734 on: September 21, 2009, 08:31:56 AM »
Romantic partners or not, I think not being boldly blunt is the point. Both throw the honest tsukomi at their own insane cast members. But Croix kinda stops there, while Roze beats the point to their face.
Really, I seriously want to see want to see Roze is Luca's lv.7&8 now, it might actually turn that School Game wannabe episode into something entertaining with Luca getting disciplined.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4735 on: September 21, 2009, 04:40:39 PM »
Anyway, time for the final chapter. Went into the last dungeon and wandered around for a few minutes--Jesus, they just throw AP at you in there--before finding a random red glowy thing in one corner. I decided to see what it was and oh god punis from hell. I got one action in and then they murdered half my team. Yeah, I'm guessing that's an optional fight.

Need to beat all 4 of them to open the path to the final.  Each one drops a book that has the best weapons and armor for the cast.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4736 on: September 21, 2009, 05:14:26 PM »
I definitely want to play MK2 now. Cool.

The remake is definitely easier than the NES version for the first four chapters.  Increased gold/exp does that.  C5 feels pretty much the same to me,  minus the AI. Though knowing what to get and what to skip really makes things go by quicker.

Seriously? Do you have any documentation of this increased Exp/gold? Because I noticed neither. In particular, things which stand out:

-In both playthroughs of the game (one NES, one DS), Sofia learned Lightning in the final dungeon, at Level 34.
-In both playthroughs of the game, I was able to finally afford a Liquid Metal Armour after beating Estark, and not before.
-In one playthrough of the game, I did get Snowstorm/Crackle slightly earlier! Had it for Birdsong Tower in the NES version, but not DS (well, rather, got it at the end of the tower there). 90% sure Borya gains it at the same level in both, would need to doublecheck.
-In neither version of the game did I grind. In both versions, I think I killed a roughly similar number of metals overall.

It's possible my luck is super-weird, but I am inclined to doubt it. I rather suspect that you and Zenny are both remembering the game when you were younger and less experienced at RPGs, because I definitely found randoms no harder in the remake (except the Dragon Riders who felt noticeably nerfed., but that had to be a conscious balance choice).

This seems a good enough time to mention...

Dragon Quest 4 - Beat the game last week. Psaro was infinitely improved, definitely have some respect for him as a fight now... which makes sense, as he is balanced for facing AI. Doubling his HP is an obvious improvement that gives him more time to play, but perhaps the bigger change was buffs wearing off, which puts more pressure on your defences even before Disrupting Wave comes into play (though, luckilly, he didn't seem to like to use that for me... not as often as Esturk at least). EDIT: Helped even more that Alena no longer ripped him in half due to infinite Bikill doubling damage on both hits and still allowing the 25% crit rate to go through what the fuck was up with that anyway. Anyway, actually lost a PC and it was a tense moment until I remembered I had that Yggdrasil Leaf. Much more respect for him in the DL if I end up voting on this form, too - a Profound Darkness with generally less damage overall and who waits considerably longer for Dispel, but has a few spoiler tricks here and there at least (Bounce is nice, Kabuff can be rude if it comes into play). He went 0/(some large number) for his status in this game too, though. <_<

Idly, it seemed strange he wasn't called Necrosaro when you fought him? IIRC in the NES version he was called Saro the entire game until you fought him there, and then he was Necrosaro, which made sense given the personality change. Odd that they didn't do that again. Maybe it was just an 8-bit translation thing?

Opinion of the game remains largely unchanged. Chapters are a cool idea which the game deserves credit for but the game doesn't have the writing to carry it at all. I've ranted about the plot already. Gameplay I initially prefer to, say, DQ8 because it really feels like individual decisions make a difference and dungeons are generally rather scary, but devolves to the duller type once you get the ship. Character switching is cool. Neat game, ahead of its time in some ways, needed lots of polish and writing and the gameplay itself isn't fundamentally an interesting system, but still the second best NES RPG I've played. And still gets to hang out in 4/10 with the games which are decent, but flawed.

Now I'm into Chapter 6, which so far I seem unlikely to like much because I have already had to FAQ it twice. Still, gameplay could be interesting again.

F-Zero: Oh god this game is mean. It is an F-Zero though, so nobody is shocked. Up to Expert Difficulty, Queen Cup.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2009, 05:18:39 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4737 on: September 21, 2009, 09:34:49 PM »
Seriously? Do you have any documentation of this increased Exp/gold? Because I noticed neither. In particular, things which stand out:

-In both playthroughs of the game (one NES, one DS), Sofia learned Lightning in the final dungeon, at Level 34.
-In both playthroughs of the game, I was able to finally afford a Liquid Metal Armour after beating Estark, and not before.
-In one playthrough of the game, I did get Snowstorm/Crackle slightly earlier! Had it for Birdsong Tower in the NES version, but not DS (well, rather, got it at the end of the tower there). 90% sure Borya gains it at the same level in both, would need to doublecheck.
-In neither version of the game did I grind. In both versions, I think I killed a roughly similar number of metals overall.

I'm pretty sure something with EXP rates were tweaked.  Woodus has monster EXP/gold rates listed for the NES version and I'm reasonably sure those are accurate.  I'll look it up and compare it when I get home.  Could have messed with how fast you gain levels too, but not sure there. I know the stats were altered between the games, so it makes sense that EXP per level could have been altered as well.

Liquid Metal Armor's cost was doubled in this version, that I'm 100% sure on.  

I ended up at a higher level in the DS version. That was due to having good luck with king metals, which I never usually saw at Gottside/whatever the town is at the bottom of Zenthia. I did end up finishing at a higher level on average in the DS version with a lower time, so donno. It could be misremembering but I very much got the impression that it was easier to get EXP/money in this version of the game.

Edit: No, apparently I'm wrong. I think they did alter the EXP tables some, but it looks like it's the same. I have no idea where I got that impression from then.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 05:04:24 AM by superaielman »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4738 on: September 21, 2009, 10:11:07 PM »
MK2 Done. Final boss covers all the bases pretty well but wasn't especially difficult. Final party was Ulrika/Chloe/Enna/Et/Lily/Puniyo. Time on the counter was something like sixty-three hours.

Complaints noted in ratings topic stand, glad to be done with it, not touching it again. Ultimately, it's a lot like SH3: fun boss fights, but this isn't enough to prop up a crucially flawed product. Pretty much everything else is a downgrade from its predecessor, with the exception of hard mode being an improvement. I just hate the cast and writing too much for it to make a difference.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4739 on: September 21, 2009, 11:22:24 PM »
MK2 - Ulrika Chapter 2! For all that she is criminally stupid, the way how she coerced Enna into her workshop was pretty funny. If she fixed the issues with that personality thing, she probably could make a good Mafia member.

I realize I forgot to post in-battle evaluations for Raze path PCs, which probably is more meaningful to me than GUST CHARACTER ANALYSIS, so, onto the fray:

Raze - Honestly, he is underwhelming in the early game. Analyze is basically all he has at that point, and that's not much, Analyze being neat enough aside. However, his place in the party gets solidified when he gets Falling Leaves, which is a rather cost-efficient timed sphere skill, and its upgrade turns it into quite possibly the most cost-efficient TS skill in the game (Shadow of Light is okay, but not really awesometastic. Jade Shift clone only goes so far), and when you realize that the element he specializes in is the most rarely resisted and that most often hits weakness in the game (Holy). He's also rather tanky, and he gets the most damaging ST skill in his path as well. Not to mention Analyze is always a very good utility skill, and is actually usable for reasons outside analyzing junk. His main weakness is being very poor at crowd control: his only GT skill is Twin Calibur, which, while solid damage, is expensive and has a very small AoE. The lategame Auto Full-Life (INSTANT REVIVAL THAT FULLY HEALS SP IN ADDITION TO HP YES) ability is also pretty neat, and I got mileage out of it for all the big-name fights I had it for.

Et - She was probably my overall MVP: MK2 speed functions fundamentally the same as MK1, more randomness as which PCs go first after winning initiative aside, which means that her game-best speed is put to good use for getting the drop on enemies. She also has excellent Attack (I think she was party-best at endgame) and she specializes in timed spheres more than any other physical fighter in her party (and possibly in the game). She has two main gimmicks offensively: turnhaxing Anna-style and piling up damage on enemies in multiple ways. One of her skills and all her attack supports inflict the Lock-On status on the target, which inflicts damage on the person affected by it every time he/she gets a turn, running off Et's Attack. The other skill that piles that damage up is a "buff" that gives an ally of her choice the Chakram status, which drops a couple chakrams on an enemy every time the character under that status gets a turn. Sadly, this is generally inferior to Lock-On due to a seemingly lower mult, although the fact it has a faster than average recovery tends to help. These options, paired up with Et's already notable focus on timed sphere offense (and she gets decent GT to cover as well) and her highly improved Quick Dream clone, mean she can pile up a whole damn lot of damage very fast. Lock-On and Chakram are pretty neat ways to add offense in the midgame, and in the lategame, when her upgraded GT timed sphere skill and the Quick Dream upgrade kick in, she can just wreak tons of havoc. The defense stats need work, but she also has HP, so it's not too bad. Excellent offense cannon all in all.

Lily - The HP is impressively bad, so that's one stereotypical aspect of a mage down. Being ice-reliant is a mixed bag in MK2 - enemies resist it as often as they have weaknesses against it, so it balances out. What Lily really has, though, is the most comprehensive array of offensive niches in Raze's party. She competently covers ST offense (Frozen Sweets), GT offense (Mega Rainy Spears, Blizzard Axel), timed sphere skills (Mega Rainy Spears) and even full MT (Frozen Cannon). She also has an immunity-busting move that doubles as damage (Glacier/ation), but that's not too awesome due to being a continuous charge-up skill, although hitting chapter bosses with status can be funny. The other nice parts about Lily are that she's also fast, her skills are very cost-efficient and her money skills upgrade the earliest in the game by a pretty notable margin, and she even gets minor SP Regen lategame to improve that cost-efficiency further (spamming Mega Rainy Spears for an effective cost of something like 15 SP with the right setups is pretty hilarious, for instance). Also, getting a MT damage-halving D-Support like three-four chapters earlier than anyone else is neat. Lily shines in the midgame, and works efficiently everywhere as long as she's not facing resistances. The HP can be a pretty big nuisance, but she's not the only one with durability woes in Raze's path.

Yun - Clear LVP. Yun has okay speed and durability, but his skillset badly lags. His charge-up buff skill is impressively useless, and he takes like until C4-5 to get a skill that isn't a waste of space besides Fiery Fist, which isn't awesome damage. His Fire Bomb could've been neat (GT knockback off decent damage!), but it starts up as a double-up skill, and the upgrade comes really late. In the lategame, he finally shapes up into a competent PC, getting GT knockback A-supports and actually strong damage, but he lags heavily for a pretty long time. The defense-busting would be neat if it wasn't a STACKABLE 5% DECREASE WOOHOO. Party-worst SP doesn't help much either. Specializing in fire is as much of a double-edged sword as Lily's ice reliance.

Puniyo - Okay, so she's even frailer than Lily. Oh boy. And she's the party's dedicated healer (one without any sort of timed healing). She's slow. Oh, and she starts with no damage skills at all! In spite of being a potential liability beyond all reason, though, Puniyo manages to pull through. She has party-best M. Attack, and now that Common Skills aren't hopelessly outdone in damage by unique skills anymore, Puniyo can make actual good use of them (Flare Rain and Ice Rain were pretty good offense off her M. Attack, for instance). Her healing is also quite good: Puni Heal and Puni Alheal not only heal HP, but revive and fully heal status at the same time, although the mults aren't that great and Puni Alheal in particular is expensive (on the other hand, MT revival is always neat, and MK2 makes you actually want it often enough). Puniyo also gets good odds of Guts, which helps some, and in the lategame, her CS doublecast skill turns her into a bonafide offensive dynamo (oh, the doublecasting doesn't do anything to casting cost either). Doublecast L4s are about double the damage Raze deals with Drive Calibur (his best attack skill), for an instance. Good stuff. The durability is pretty painful, though.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 12:59:41 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4740 on: September 22, 2009, 08:12:31 AM »
MK2 - Ulrika C3. Goto is ... - nothing less, nothing more. Although I could get used to Ulrika real fast if everybody is going to mock her as badly as this.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4741 on: September 22, 2009, 01:44:23 PM »
Thanks for all the MK2 stuff Snow. Et is CT bait. Yesu.

Puniyo has qualifications for CT bait too though. Decisions, decisons.

Come to the UK game~
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4742 on: September 22, 2009, 02:02:51 PM »
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard - This game is fun with what it is doing.  It is a fairly generic console shooter (post Gears of War) with cover and stuff, controls are shit like every other console shooter is and always will be, but whatever, I can deal with that.  The game being where you are the main character that is avoiding getting killed off is a lot of fun and a great way to package a generic shooter.  With all the fourth wall going on I had the game crash and couldn't tell if it was a joke or if the game had crashed (It did, three times in that spot, it was when an enemy shot a computer, so it was hilarious either way and I was quite happy to wear that as part of the experience to be honest).  But you know what ruins it?  Timed boss fights.  Where the entire fight is mostly just trying to pick at a boss who is hiding behind cover.  You can shift position to get a better angle on him, which after you do he will immediately take cover in a better spot.  You waste more time repositioning than he does and it is a losing battle against a 2 minute timer.  Fucking boring and fucking annoying because he is inconsistent about ducking out from cover (He has no trouble shooting at you from cover just FYI).  I want to love the games fun with the plot, I can tolerate the fairly generic run and gun, but this game is not Prototype I am having a lot of trouble dealing with fucking bullshit bosses that are pointlessly cheap and infuriating.  Fuck I am playing the game on easy, just make him die in one hit like Batman bosses do.  Edit - To put this into perspective, I have already done this fight more times than I care to mention without a timer before because it is a direct copy of the first fight in Dead Rising, except it has a timer, the guy never gets out from cover, you can't have any kind of grenade and your accuracy is shittier so when you do pin him down it is hard to capitalize on it.

Which brings me to
Batman: Arkham Asylum - This is as fun as the word out there says it is pretty much.  You punch guys in the face and the plot is silly and MARK FUCKING HAMILL, SO MUCH MARK HAMILL.  The other VA are all pretty good as well except for maybe Batman (Oh well).  Villain casting is all top notch so far though.  The guys doing Riddler and Scarecrow are both voices I could have sworn I knew from somewhere, but nope.  Both are in things I have heard of, but not watched (or seen in English as the case may be), but that doesn't matter, they are doing seriously classy jobs so far.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 02:05:38 PM by Grefter »
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4743 on: September 22, 2009, 02:44:11 PM »
Thanks for all the MK2 stuff Snow. Et is CT bait. Yesu.

Peppita x Et fanfics/art?


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4744 on: September 22, 2009, 03:22:10 PM »
WA:XF. Act 2-1. ... Am I supposed to level up some before taking that map on? A 7-level difference is kinda intimidating, though the monster might be there to attack them and make it easier. I don't know.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4745 on: September 22, 2009, 04:26:14 PM »
Grandia 3 - "Disc 2 is aimed straight at your jugular" edition.

Anyway, Disc 2 begins in some caverns. Better battle music! Hooray!

I forgot to mention, I got Berserker for Alfina after the Baccula Ruins, so her physical is pretty good.

Pico Alpha & Aton Beta - We've seen these dudes before. They're scaled up with better stats and damage everywhere, but the basic idea is the same. Atons cancel a lot, Alphas like to spam ITE damage. Both are weak to Fire and getting one's head beaten in on with a stick over and over, so Burn and Alfina physicals both OHKO. Not too bad. The real threat is from...
Pico Gamma (1 reset) - They look like their Alpha counterparts except they're white, but they're certainly more deadly. Paralyzer is very competent ITE damage that paralyses, Crackle is even better damage which turns really bad if comboed. They come in large numbers. Potentially scary if their bad durability isn't exploited quickly. (It's the same as the other two enemies'.)

Terrarium. Hect is emo. And HER HANDS ARE SO COLD. Ulf likes food. Shopping occurs, I get a bunch of skills which I promptly don't use. Fiora, Howlnado, and Quake are more notable additions for spells.

Silver Stream. Only one screen but it proves by FAR the hardest dungeon up to this point. Not really shocking, it is Disc 2 and the gloves are off.

Pico Gammas - They're back. They show up with the other guys and help out. We don't like them.
Aton Delta - They have more HP than their counterparts, I basically only one-shot them with Boomor, Hellburner, and Ripple Shot. Their Needle Crush doesn't cancel, but it does hurt, and their GT Fiora is extremely annoying.
Verseshroom - Solid HP. Quake comes off slowly but hurts a lot even to my high-MDef party. Poizn kinda sucks, but is poizn. Stun Spores is modestly competent damage that paralyses.
Gigas Theta - Slow with super high defence and bad magic defence. Hellburner one-shots and Boomor comes close. Their physicals are decent for physicals (evade owns them though) and cancel, while Hyper Hammer does a LOT of damage to everyone around them. I think it may paralyse, but that's memories of past playthroughs. I almost never see it.

Total resets in this dungeon: 5. Yeah. Two against fights consisting entirely of Pico Gamma swarms, the other three against mixes of Gammas, Deltas, and Verseshrooms. Mithril Ring is the accessory of choice here for sure, as it blocks the multiple Paralysis attacks which are potentially very fatal, as well as poison. Alfina alternates between physical (for Aton Deltas) and magical (for Gigas Thetas), Dahna is always magical because she has the fire and this entire dungeon is weak to fire.

PLOT TWIST! Emelious is evil! Alfina CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH, so Dahna derides her truth-handling ability! And bitchslaps her, since that solves all emotional outbreaks. Alfina and Hect both reconcile their clouded hearts, and everyone is happy! Off to what I suspect will be an even harder dungeon! Yay!

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4746 on: September 22, 2009, 04:28:46 PM »
Tai: Levels don't really matter much in XF; enemies are frequently a bit above you. The game shouldn't require you to grind ever; everything you need can be done by changing classes and using some strategy. (And yeah, as you noted, the Kappa is one of the keys to the next battle.)

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4747 on: September 22, 2009, 05:00:05 PM »
The big key to that battle, I found, is to use Lock-On judiciously. The resulting combo attack hits magic defense, so it gets around the obscene physical buffs that you'll run into if you don't charge headlong into the enemy lines.
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4748 on: September 22, 2009, 07:23:31 PM »
Et is CT bait. Yesu.

If I was CT, I'd honestly be a bit offended by that. >_> You have no freaking idea just how brainless Et is.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4749 on: September 22, 2009, 07:25:58 PM »
Beat Tamriel in SO4, did the sidequests to open the arena,  ran some bunny races, stopped caring. Sent it back, and am expecting BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. Actually looking foward to this one.

In the meantime, pain and suffering with Radiata Stories. -_-' What I wouldn't give to play through Mana Khemia 2.
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