
Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 686990 times)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6200 on: December 14, 2009, 01:36:25 AM »
Personally I thought the chapter system was the best thing about DQ4. Getting to play short, diverse scenarios with a variety of PCs was neat, and there was never any serious need for grinding or the usual DQ problem of "okay, where the hell do I go next?" Taloon's chapter was especially neat because the gameplay actually emphasized the money making part moreso than fighting monsters as a primary goal. The main game didn't have anything especially interesting, but at least it wasn't so long as to wear out its welcome and the DS version gives it actual polish and fast gameplay speed.

As for DQ6, the remake isn't even out in Japan yet, so we'll have to see how much it fixes up the original's issues. Hopefully at minimum it'll tone down Mudo (making him the hardest boss in the game was just cruel) and adjusts the NPC dialogue to make where to go next more intuitive.

Also, re: the DQ6 job system, the thing about it is that unlike, say, the FF5 or FFT job system you can't really experiment with it but instead have to plan out how you're going to build your characters short term, as you get nothing out of the jobs except stat modifers (mostly penalities for early jobs); the point is to get good high skills in the long run, especially from advanced clases. Of course, since the game doesn't list exactly which skills you get from what job this means the key to optimizing your job choices is to FAQ things ahead of time. The game's also hard enough to seriously punish anyone who dicks around with suboptimal job selections, both in terms of randoms and bosses.

This kinda ends up making or breaking the game's gameplay (plot is a complete lost cause). Personally I FAQ'd the jobs to carefully decide on everyone's progression and enjoyed managing my PCs through some pretty rough dungeons without dying or grinding, on the basis of optimized skillsets from job paths. On the other hand, someone who just guesses  or tries experimenting on job selection will die a lot and get frustrated if he picked some not so good ones, only to discover it'll take ages to go level up the good jobs, either that or it's impossible until he progresses further in the game. I also relied heavily on FAQs to get through the DQ trademark "here's a wide open world with NO instructions on what to do, have fun!" bullshit section.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6201 on: December 14, 2009, 02:57:25 AM »
Touhou Odyssey: Floor 7 boss beaten, moving on to floor 8.

Floor 7 boss isn't... that hard, once you get over the "holyfuckshit" nature of his gimmick (and notice the pattern of BOOM->three physicals->BOOM->etc). It's a matter of setting up a few PCs to live and swap in/out buffers/healers/damagers to bring him down over time.

Downside? Next floor has ID-using randoms. I do -not- approve.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6202 on: December 14, 2009, 03:00:28 AM »
Valkyrie Profile DS: C Ending get!  That was the best ending only cause its the only fate fitting of Wyl after all that...yeah.  The final level was a total joke, though.  Yeah, they want you to go C -> B -> A, but the game doesn't really do a good job of telling you to do that, nor implying A Route is harder and...ugh.  Just so many issues the game could have avoided with simply better hints, better polish, etc.

Started the SG a bit...

Its...brilliant so far.  The game going out of its way to make fun of itself is exactly the kind of thing this game needs!  Starting from scratch is kind of meh, but not being forced to use Wyl = yay!  I just want the new PCs though <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6203 on: December 14, 2009, 05:19:09 AM »
PWI:  My faction finally won a Territory War against Legendary.  Kind of anticlimactic since we just blitzed them when they were defending another faction at the same time, but a win's a win.  Now we're stuck in the middle of the map with nowhere to go but through Nefarious.

Blademaster is currently level 85.  Spent the whole weekend scrambling to learn Bolt of Tyreseus skill for TW, then didn't even get to use it.  :(

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6204 on: December 14, 2009, 06:14:16 AM »
Mana Khemia 2 - Beat Raze Path, yay. I got the Lily ending, which was predictable but amusing enough. Final levels were 64% grow book completion or so, final time about 36 hours.

Enjoyable overall game. There's a bit too much synthing, which, despite the fact that it is GREATLY IMPROVED from the previous game (it's all in one room now + ability to synth things you're missing) is getting a bit tiresome, and the game could really stand to be more challenging (even on Hard Mode). Still, I think I have an overall more positive opinion of it than Mana Khemia 1, even though the gap is not large.

Cast is the big reason. The MK2 writers seemed to really know what they were going for (a fun little trainwreck which keeps the player off balance without ever going too wacky or perverse), and they walk a fine line with it, and do it well. The cast is almost strictly considerably better than in MK1. Nobody quite replaces Tony and Renee I guess, but there's more than enough to make up for it elsewhere.

Serious plot barely exists. Barely existed in MK1 too, but there's even less of it in 2. They do lack the creative things 1's plot did, instead going for something fairly generic? Well, maybe not entirely. I did like that they made Raze the one to get possessed and go a bit crazy; feels like in most RPGs this is something reserved for the main's best friend. But other than that, it's fairly generic; they just have fun with it, even in the game's big scenes there is always some lampshade hanging or just the writers having fun. For a not-really-a-spoiler example of what I mean, at one point, an NPC utters the cliched line to the main characters, "You have to stop [the villain]. For me. After all, it's half my fault that he's ended up this way," before poking fun at the drama with a "No, a half is probably overstating it a bit. Maybe a third? Nah... closer to a fifth." The game always keeps its sense of humour and it makes me smile. Probably one of the funniest games I have played, overall.

Character stuff. I'll slip in gameplay notes here too, since ripping off the Meeple style is fun.

Raze: It's not my style to respond directly to others in these rants, but I feel the need to do so here. CK interprets Raze as enjoying the trainwreck; I get the opposite impression entirely. Raze rarely seems to be having much fun at all (except when he admits that, against all logic, he likes his friends). Instead he comes off as delciously passive-aggressive, which makes sense given that Lily has been kicking him around for a decade. He's normally polite and reserved, but he snaps at points ("You're really stupid, you know that?") and he whines endlessly in his diary entries. Anyway, I found this very amusing, and liked how they avoided turning him into a Ryudo, a Vayne, or (vomit) a harem anime main, all of which seemed like strong possibilities.

Gameplaywise... good HP, mainly, and Analyse is of course something I use on everything. Aside from that, a bit underwhelming. Falling Leaves was nice and cost effective, at least, for all that it competed against better timed cards (Lily and Et's GT, or simply more raw damage in the case of magic) which didn't help it.

Lily: It's no real secret at this point that I love Lily. I've ranted about her already. She seems to exist to keep the player just a bit off balance with her perverse insanity. Her character quests, particularly the first three (I felt they just couldn't raise the bar after those) were delicious. She's an insufferable bitch, but half the fun is watching what trouble her insufferable bitchiness (not to mention her twin fetishes for Raze and Punis) will get her into. In some ways she pretty much runs the party through sheer force of will, and everyone else just seems to find ways to cope (Raze by being passive-aggressive, Yun by keeping a low profile and not sweating the small stuff, Et by being too obivious to see the barbs Lily hurls, and Puniyo by being a trainwreck-enjoying little bastard... but I'm getting ahead of myself). Anyway, she was handled just about as well as I can imagine someone like that being.

Gameplaywise... MVP for over half the game because her MT/GT is just so damn powerful and cost-effective. Nobody else gets any wide-range attacks without falling back on common skills, and those are much more expensive and eat accessory slots. Bizzard Axel in particular was just ridiculous offence (did it need to do that much damage?) while Rainy Mega Spear was the king timed card for randoms. I only started getting money out of Glacier at endgame, but it's obvious how that's going to be useful. Giving an accessory slot over for fire common skills is a no-brainer to avoid ice resistance (most ice resists are fire weak) but honestly, it says something that I nailed ice-resisting enemies with Blizzard Axel often enough through early and midgame anyway.

Et: Relatively speaking, I have a bit less to say about Et, but she was also enjoyable. To some extent she's a bit like Lily, except she's not mean because she's selfish, but just because she's oblivious. The girl just wants to have fun, and there's basically no slowing her down. Despite Lily and Raze mocking her intelligence, they rarely seem to actually get the better of her, while she leaves both of them twitching messes at one or two memorable points. Her last character quest was a particular highlight. Also wow, sooo happy they avoided her falling for Raze, which I expected she was going to for like, the whole game. Et just doesn't roll that way.

Gameplaywise, the best of the three fighters, which is a bit of a backhanded compliment since I feel the mages dominated this game. Still, she could rack up lods of damage with No-Hand Loop + Twinkle Moon + Lock-On + timed cards out the ass. Just needed GT bigger than Et Circle Waltz. Fortunately said GT did at least come with some heavy-hitting timed cards, so when you did face groups close together, nobody was better against them than Et. Game-best speed also helps if nowhere near as much as it did Nikki due to the new mechanics. I wish she'd been given a big ST smackdown move but she probably didn't need one on her offence.

Yun: I sorta feeled they misfired with Yun a bit. He's obviously the party straight man, since nobody else is, and parties need a straight man... but he's just kinda boring about it. I'm not sure. Pretty sure the party dynamic gets worse if you just remove him, but I was still left wanting more.

Gameplaywise, he's... well, bad for quite a while. Even later (Speedy Flame Bomb goes such a long way), I mainly pencilled him in as an item-boy and somebody to cast Boost on Puniyo and Et. He lacks big damage, he lacks timed cards, and for most of the game he lacks GT. Even his HP is worse than you'd think. The way MK2 works, a fifth warm body is sitll hugely valuable, although I wish his D-support actually halved damage. I don't care to count how many times I subbed him into an attack to watch him die. Well, less than it might have been since the game isn't too hard, but yeah.

Puniyo: Aw, isn't she cute. Cuteness that hides PURE EVIL! Nah, evil certainly goes too far for Puniyo (except when she's selling her brothers into prostitution, anyway), but... she just enjoys the trainwreck far too much, and is rather mean about it. She isn't even remotely believably 5 years old, but it doesn't matter. She worked really well for delivering some extremely mean lines. Jiro deserves a lot of the credit here, as he translates everything with such a deadpan smile it's a little disturbing ("My sister says that no matter what happens, she will take care of your corpse"). Other two punis worked well too. I can't say I cared for the scene in which she tried to talk, or her plot about realising she is human, however (Although I DID enjoy EVIL PUNIS). No loss, the rest is what dominates and is too fun.

Gameplaywise, she goes from being the clearly inferior mage (her healing isn't nearly as valuable as Lily's crowd control, and her stats are considerably worse) to the clearly superior one once Taro's Sternness or whatever it's called enters the picture. It nicely coincides with the part of the game where Common Skills start getting cost-effective enough to use regularly. They still eat up equipment like no tomorrow, and finding the right mix for Puniyo is often difficult, but it's doable with a little crafting on synthesis. Doublecast MT makes for great control, doublecast Flare Rain both hurts and makes many painful timed cards, doublecast Plasma Ray racks up big damage, swap accessories around if you want different elements and all is good. Obviously the lategame MVP, this isn't even especially open to debate despite game-worst HP (although her Guts mitigates this somewhat).

Flay: Ah, what can be said about Flay? He was great in Mana Khemia 1. And... he's still great in Mana Khemia 2. But they managed to come at him from a different angle instead of just recycling him, which was a concern. Flay's crazier than ever, and now he's in charge of education. What results is a logical extension of these propositions, but that doesn't make it any less insane. It's just aamzing to see all the stuff he does without being fired, but we can blame that on Zeppel turning into a colossal pussy over the past 15 years.

Reicher: PEDO VAYNE. Actually he kept me amused for a while just because of that. He does look and sound a lot like Vayne, just replace the mild-manneredness with an extremely creepy man who always looks like he's about to rape someone. Usually Raze. His serious plot I've touched on already, whatever to it. He does give us one of the game's few excellent boss fights, though.

Music was largely pretty forgettable, but I thought they had some pretty good electric guitar work in there at least. I dunno, not too enamoured with the Gust sound team overall, but on the other hand, very little about the soundtrack bothered me, and it avoided any bad battle tracks which is always crucial.

Gameplay was good fun overall, as the MK system tends to be. I really like the mechanics of switching, supporting, and timed spheres in particular, so it was good fun to be able to play with them again, and play with them more and earlier than in MK1 (yay fourth PC by the start of Chapter 2). I liked that the game did away with night bonuses (or near enough that I didn't notice them) because I wasn't fond of that mechanic.

Weaknesses of the gameplay... well, I mentioned them at the top. There's not enough gameplay (synthing is too large a time sink) and too much of what exists is easy. Mana Khemia games resemble Pokemon games, to me - I live for the boss fights, but I only get one every four hours or so. That's just not enough. I even did all the job bosses this time (synthing jobs can bite me) but I don't actually remember any of them except the harpy who summoned other harpies and even she wasn't great. It doesn't help that quite a few chapter bosses in Raze's path were just inexcusably bad. If MK2 had a step back from MK1 in any meaningful way gameplaywise, it is probably this, since MK1 had quite a good run of chapter bosses who threatened me, while MK2 never really got rolling in the same way. Chapters 6 and 7 had competent bosses but not really great (C1 was similar), and I only three times felt in real danger of losing: EVIL PUNIS, Kamil Rider, and Reicher. Granted, all of these fights were awesomely fun (Reicher in particular was notably better than the MK1 endgame bosses to me; graaah Fantasy Lightwave). Didn't actually die (much like in MK1) but got deliciously close.

So yeah, overall it was certainly an enjoyable experience. I had it pencilled in as a 7 for sure but I will think about it as an 8. I'm certainly not as 100% behind its gameplay as I am G3/MMXCM, but it may be good enough in the writing department to make up for this. Will probably wait to see Ulrika's path, which Ciato will play and I will watch. :)

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6205 on: December 14, 2009, 06:47:09 AM »
PEDO VAYNE is awesomely creepy
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6206 on: December 14, 2009, 07:04:07 AM »
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories-

All right, I beat the game once (and started a second playthrough) so let me see if I can conceptualize how I actually feel about the game. I'll break this into two sections: spoiler-free and spoileriffic.


For those of you with short attention spans, let us sum up the millions of words I'm going to be using in the following review/description/ranting: Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a spirited effort at reinvigorating the Silent Hill series through a "re-imagining" of the original game that, while held back by a number of hitches (mechanical and otherwise), still manages to deliver an intiriguing, engaging and emotional experience that is well worth taking part in if you are a fan of the series, the genre or seeing the evolution of what gaming can be.

So, what makes Shattered Memories a "re-imagining" of Silent Hill 1? Well... quite a bit honestly. The game essentially uses the basic premise of Silent Hill 1 (Guy is on vacation with his daughter, gets in a car crash and sets out to look for her; also, monsters) as a starting point and then goes its own way with it. And by "goes its own way with it," I mean, "goes on to be a completely divergent gameplay and plot experience that bears very little similarity to Silent Hill 1." Honestly, I've debated whether or not the game could have been its own IP rather then cozying up to Silent Hill, and I've been left... a bit unsure. As it stands, it would have inevitably drawn comparisons to Silent Hill in the first place so... well. Why not attach yourself to the IP and focus on telling the story you want to tell? I can't really fault them, especially given they blatently and repeatedly emphasize that this is not a remake of Silent Hill.

Anyhow, what this amounts to is that this is not a Silent Hill game in the same vein that you've come to know and love. There is no horrific, blood and guts strewn industrial otherworld. There is no lead pipe or shotgun to help you fend off monstrous horrors from beyond the veil. There is a disturbing lack of strange archaic puzzles the involve running clear across the city to get some obscure emblem to use in opening a door. Of course, at the same time, we've still got the important focal point of what made Silent Hill, Silent Hill: the cerebral experience and a sense of psychological horror.

To this end, there are two major gamplay elements: the Psychology system and the Nightmare sequence.

The Psychology system is the game's major selling point, and is boldly touted in the game's opening as a warning that "the game plays the player." To that end, the game monitors actions in two ways: during "intermission" style sequences with a psychologist, you are asked to perform a variety of tasks and asked a number of (occasionally uncomfortable) questions by the very... intense... Dr. K and during the game, the game monitors your actions (what you look at, how much time you spend dawdling, etc). As a result of these tests and observations, the game changes the memos, phone calls and characterizations of those you meet over the course of the game to try and personalize the experience for the player, increasing the impact of the story and atmosphere for the player.

Speaking from one and some odd playthroughs, the effect is fairly impressive on the whole. You can really sense the influence of you answers and actions in the memos and phone calls, which serves excellently to enhance the sense of creepiness and discomfort that the game revels  in. There are occasions in which the effort feels a bit heavy-handed (although the most blatant example is still quite cute). Overall, this is one of the strongest attempts I've seen at a "responsive" game, but we'll see if that holds up through multiple playthroughs.

The Nightmare sequences are the answer to Silent Hill's clunky and, honestly, outdated combat system. Once you enter the otherworld (an icy wasteland of questionable form and function), you are set upon by hideous creatures known as Raw Shocks (who, it should be noted, change shape and design in accordance with the aforementioned Psychology system). So, what do you do? Pull out your nail-board? Punch their ticket with the 100's of handgun bullets you picked up? Nope. You run like hell. You see, poor Harry? Doesn't have a weapon to defend himself.

"Run Daddy! You can't fight them!"

Barreling down hallways, clambering over fences, sliding under overhangs... the only way for Harry to survive is to escape from the nightmare before the Raw Shocks can catch him. Of course, the man doesn't just lay down and die if he's jumped by a Raw Shock. He does his best to shove the creature off with all his might (executed by the player enacting the movement with the Wii-mote and Nunchuck) and resume his frantic flight. Players can also gain a temporary reprieve by finding flares, whose intense heat cows the creatures, buying you a chance to orient and flee at a slightly more leisurely pace.

The sequences are actually quite refreshing in the current survival horror environment. The limited lighting, the illogical terrain, the strange room builds and the relentless nature of the Raw Shocks (as well as their uncanny ability to be behind the door I want to go through at any given moment...) serve to get the blood pumping and add in a bit of primal terror by forcing you into the flight response when something attacks you. It is quite easy to get turned around when avoiding or tossing Raw Shocks off, and it is very difficult to check your map when being hunted. I've heard a lot of people refer to the sequences as frustrating and tedious, but I never really found that  to be the case. Check your map before the chase gets started and focus on moving in the general direction of your escape, and you should be able to make it. In addition, there are some environmental cues to help you out. Similarly, I heard complaints about people having issues shoving the monsters off, but I didn't suffer anything near as drastic as the complaints. As long as I used controlled movements and emulated the shove (pushed both Wii-mote and Nunchuk firmly in the correct direction) I typically got monsters off in, at most, two or three pushes.

Of course, that doesn't mean the sequences are perfect. They are fairly repetitive (world freezes over, monsters show up, Harry runs like hell, Harry escapes and finds a puzzle). The change in scenery is inconsequential to your method of escape. Only one chase really breaks the routine, by forcing you to take some specific actions, but overall, the chases were all pretty straightforward. Adding in some variety (forcing you to use collapsible terrain, requiring hiding, requiring some puzzle solving) would have been a worthwhile addition. The big screw up, however, is the relative sense of safety that the nightmare sequence provides.

While the environments are unsettling and the memos/discussions with the psychologist can serve expertly to make you uncomfortable, the game lacks a general sense of danger once you realize that the nightmare sequences are the only places you are in danger, and most of these are offset by a short cutscene. This is a real missed opportunity here. If the nightmare sequences could begin suddenly and without preamble (as well as dropping the monsters on you immediately), the combination of creepy/unsettling environment punctuated by moments of intense terror would have been perfect. As is, you end up playing the game in two modes: exploring and being creeped out but never experiencing a real gutshot and the frantic, adrenaline rush of running like hell. It would have been fantastic if the two modes ever collided,  but, alas, it was not to be. A real missed opportunity here, and one I'd been afraid of since I  heard about the system.

Speaking of missed opportunities though, another common complaint about the game is that its too easy. The chase sequences, on the whole, never proved too difficult (I think I died... three or four times on the whole?) and the puzzles themselves are... simplistic. Most of it is just Wii-mote manipulation (can you figure out how to unzip a girl's jacket?). Frankly, the only areas I had trouble with were those that gave me little to no indication of what the hell I should be doing or where I should be going (I'm looking at YOU Art Room). While they did cut out endless backtracking  (a good thing), I wouldn't have minded if the key were occasionally a room or three away instead of just ten feet away. Or if a puzzle were a little more complicated then "twist knob, rotate plank." There are a couple decent ones, but overall, they were all elementary.

Let's move onto controls for a moment. I'll say, upfront, that I had issues with the Wii-mote spazzing out, but I think this had more to do with my sensor bar placement than the game.

On the whole, the controls were pretty intuitive and comfortable, with the added bonus of all the Wii-mote movements adding another level of immersion to the game. Harry himself is moved with the Nunchuck stick, while you control the flashlight via moving the Wii-mote, which was damn skippy. The movements on-screen correlated pretty directly. I occasionally had issues in tight spots though, which was annoying. Interacting with objects works similarly, with the Wii-mote serving as Harry's hand. The interactions are pretty simple (grab handle with A+B, pull cabinet open, etc), but, again, it serves as a pleasant sort of immersion and never really felt like it got in the way. There are a couple of other sequences where the Wii-mote use really shined, but I don't want to spoil them. I consider them really fantastic, though.

I will briefly say that the inputs to bring up Harry's notaniPhone (your all purpose in-game menu/map/phone/memo system) annoyed me a bit, with my hands proving a little too small to comfortably bring the phone up, but that's more an issue with the Wii-mote itself. Still, having some small ability to map the phone somewhere else would have been nice.

Graphically speaking, the game was a mixture of ups and downs. The lighting was fairly gorgeous and realistic (if irritating in very dark areas), the shadows looked great (although they respond  to Harry's movement rather then the flashlight) and the snow was phenomenal. I'll also admit a certain level of surprise at the detail of signs, posters and the like, with pretty much every single one (and there are a lot of them) being readable. Of course, on the back end of all that are somewhat awkward looking character models, a number of graphical flubs (certain areas lighting up in the dark, clipping, etc) and, to reinforce this again, the occasional feel of wanting to strangle the developers for making certain sequences insanely irritating to navigate with the limited light that Harry's flashlight provides.

Unfortunately, discussing the plot here is a little difficult in an effort to avoid spoilers (keep in mind here, I'm only working off one ending. The others might alter my opinions here). On the whole, it is a solid work. The reveal can be guessed ahead of time (I started considering it a possibility about halfway through the game, but was never really decidedly sure, nor was I sure of the implications of it), but it does allow you to make sense of the purposely confounding story progression. The ending I received was absolutely fantastic, and among the best and most moving I have seen in a game in a while. It was a really beautiful end to the game, and it was the sort where, suddenly, everything started to make sense. Honestly, its worth it to just see  the ending.

The character work is acceptable, although suffers a bit from the fact that you spend very little time with any given character. The major exception here is Dr. K (is that his official name? I'm blanking at the moment and I don't recall it being stated in the game), who is absolutely fantastic. He is, quite seriously, among the most interesting characters in the game. His interactions with the player are masterfully done. Although you'll begin to wonder who on earth pays this man, he functions expertly in making the player feel uncomfortable. He digs at your answers, pressures you, questions you and, through it all, you get a deep sense of accusation. Absolutely phenomenal work. Really. He's amazing. And his role in the finale was incredible. I do have a major complaint in that I feel Harry isn't given time to really reflect on his situation, which I feel is a missed opportunity. It didn't need to be much, but it feels off that Harry never reflects on OH GOD MONSTERS ARE ATTACKING ME. He does, wisely, never really bring it up to others, but a lack of self reflection is a drag. Really, I feel its a bit symptomatic of the game's breakneck pace and relative length.

So let's touch on that. The game is short. I managed to beat it in... 6-8 hours? I do think the game has a pretty high level of replayability (multiple endings, seeing how the psychology system effects the game, finding secrets, etc), but the short single playthrough length seems to bug a lot of people, so keep this in mind when making the decision to buy or rent the game.

Sound wise, the game is on par with the rest of the series. As always, Akira's work is enjoyable and all of it well deployed in-game. Sound effects are shiny and well used, lending nicely to the eerie atmosphere. All the voice work is solid enough with Dr. K standing out as fantastic.

...what? Sound isn't my specialty.

So there you have it! I enjoyed the game. I think it is a wonderful title with some unfortunate flaws that really hold it back from being the pinnacle of the series. Nevertheless, there was some absolutely stunning work put into the game (again, the ending was fantastic) that demands I recommend that anyone whose willing to give it a shot pick it up at Blockbuster and give it a weekend of your time.

Spoiler oriented discussion a bit later. >_>


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6207 on: December 14, 2009, 12:38:21 PM »
Moved up to Pokeymans Platinum.

Um, wow. Awesome game. I now am the proud owner of a Gallade. Its father is the proud owner of an Attack IV of 27, so I'm satisfied. My Gardevoir ended up with the lowest SPatk possible. Um, wow. So I'm re-doing that.

GTS is a bit wonky. Everyone wants darn legendaries. A few of the Jap ones have reasonable trades (Aipom for a Combee? I'M GAME.), but there's a lot that makes me suspect cheet is in play. (I refuse to believe in level 1 Manaphys)

Currently sporting: Rapidash, Staraptor, Gallade, Torterra, Pachirisu and Gastrodon for a team. Pretty solid team so far. I plan to exchange Pachirisu at a later point, because it's lagging behind in its unevolvedness now that everyone else has reached their FINAL FORM. Rapidash was MVP for sure. Flame Wheel is overpowered off of Ponyta's Attack.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6208 on: December 15, 2009, 12:53:56 AM »
ToG- The prologue should have been the main game. Richard and Sophie, you two also need to stop Dragon Balling.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6209 on: December 15, 2009, 04:59:05 AM »
Touhou Odyssey: Recruited frog goddess. For someone who's so ridiculously durable as a boss (I must've pumped out at least 200k damage before she fell) she sure doesn't have much HP as a PC. Only Patchy fares worse. Anyway, ran through floor 9, beat up moon rabbit (on the second try; easy-looking fight that just snowballs in meanness as time goes on) and got Ran. ...Full-party ATK/MAG buffer? YES, thank you. Also found accessory of GRAND PAPILLION.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6210 on: December 15, 2009, 05:56:14 AM »
Arad Senki: Silver Night is the most annoying dungeon I have ever had the pleasure of running thus far. Fuck those damn blimps, seriously. I'm probably going to rue the day I have to go ba-- Fuck, I need to come back here if I want the Hyper Jammer. DAMN IT!

Nonono.  Screw that Fighter that throws homing discs.  Yes I know -thiscomp- but still.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6211 on: December 15, 2009, 09:49:43 AM »
Beat both Mana Khemia 2 and Suikoden:Tiekreis today.

Final MK 2 party was Raze/Lily/Puniyo/Ulrika/Chloe/Enna. Thought about subbing in Pepperoni for Lily, but figured that I probably wasn't too badly hamstringing myself with going with the awesome character instead. Final dungeon was very pretty, although needing to go back to synth was annoying (An annoying that is completely irrelevant after tackling the Tiekreis final dungeon though!). Generally agreeing that Lily was the MVP the majority of the Raze path (Taro's Sternness was a very late thing for me). Less of a clear MVP on the Ulrika; clearer LVP though! (For that it was clearly Yun on Raze's path, Goto is nothing but a 5th warm body in battle. Shit for MT/GT since it's a completely non-spammable unfocusing attack. Shit for stats. Shit for ST damage. Shit for utility. Shit for swap skills. Goto was useless in battle and story!). Anyways, Raze's path kind of crushed Ulrika's if only for the characters. Ulrika's had ze plot, but that falls apart halfway through anyways.  If it was only on reflection that I figured that the reason that Flay was brought to the academy was theoretically supposed to solved in Ch 5 or something? Well, it had fun battles, unlike...

Tiekreis- Tiekreis did two things amazingly. 1. Overarching plot was absolutely fantastic. The game had several excellent arcs, and actually had the major villain have a great motivation, and do something really fucking evil in order to get his way. The overall plot flow made this game. 2. Pretty as fuck. Man, I didn't really expect this from a DS game, but the backgrounds were absolutely stunning. Most PS 2 games could take lessons from Tiekreis' background designers.

The flip side is that Tiekreis probably did two things that I really was not enamored with 1. Erratic game flow. Split into 4 parties and have each party fight 1 pathetic fight each. Then have 1 party go through a lot of dungeon that doesn't really give you much of anything at all, while facing a ridiculous horde of boring as fuck randoms. Yeah. 2. Characters felt superinterchangable in battle. So, yeah, by the end, basically everyone has a major physical tech, a major magical tech, some sort of healing, etc. Except for the best of the best, niches were things that didn't feel like they didn't exist (Other than the people with the Damage+Unbalance to themselves sucking badly in a non-Eunice party). The game eschews things like elements, variations of MT, MT status, and doesn't have many quirky techs. Throw in endless randoms at times, and the battle system just felt like a slog.

Game was about a 6. Too much slog to really rise above stuff, although the overall plot was awesome, awesome, awesome if jerky thanks to the erratic game flow.

And random visual notes that contrast nicely in the two games.
MK completely eschewed making either really any actual villain or PC manas uh...non human. How odd considering that the majority of them I think are supposed to be non-humans.

Tiekreis, unlike most Suikodens, actually have you an awesome number of non-stock human PCs. This is something that just generally is off in most Suikodens, but they like to give you a few token members of other races if they aren't part of the big 5. Elves and Kobolds seem to barely rise above 5 PCs in like all the games total. Tiekreis is nice and gives you...6? of the Merkin, 5? of the Tattooed Tribe, 7 of Vaslof's Tribe, 4 or 5? of the Roar. Maybe about 25% of the cast, which is pretty awesome compared to most Suikodens.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 09:54:49 AM by Dhyerwolf »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6212 on: December 15, 2009, 11:13:34 AM »
Well I might just be getting Silent hill after what you just said Andrew. Even though I've always loved the clunky fighting so its a shame it was removed.

Anyway I've been gone a while but the most noteable games I played were.

Resident evil 0 - Best RE game period. Near everything is perfect from the excellent opening on the train, to the dropping of items, using them on the move and the great ally AI (Better then RE5 thats for sure).
The only weakpoint was the villain Marcus as all he seems to do for most of the time was watch a camera moniter laughing (oh and sending monkeys after Rebecca)
Used Becca for 99% of the game as Billy is a HP god who doesn't need any help whatsoever.

Resident evil 1 remake - Unlike the orginal which was very bad this is infact quite good. The Crimson head aspect is great as it did stop me from going to certain area's becauce I knew that a crimson head might rise there.
Finished the game with both Jill and Chris and man is Chris a chump.
Jill gets a grenade launcher and both shotguns early and can open simple locks while getting the help of the awesome Bazzer, Chris meanwhile gets ......... A flamethrower for a boss fight Jill can clear with two flame rounds anyway.
Oh did I mention you have to face the hardest boss as Chris while as Jill, Bazzer kills it instantly.
Wesker's as cool as always wearing shades in the dark.

Resident Evil 2 - Played Clair A, Leon B. Clair A is simple and overall quite easy, hell you don't even face the final boss for petes sake. Leon B is hell in comparison as Lickers appear right near the start of it and Mr X chases you throughout the game. You also have a couple more boss fights and do face the final boss.
Also in a exception of the RE law that women must always have better weapons, Leon's custom guns are actually better then clair's exclusive weapons. Short game but made up by the B section.
Villain is lame though you do get to meet the pathetic excuse for a humen being the police chief. Though how a man nearly charged with rape several times became the police chief boggles the mind.

Resident evil 3 - Nemesis makes the game. Better combat and being able to dodge really improve the game too. Villain cast is also really good with the mentioned Implacable Man Nemesis and the unkillable and badass Nicholai (I mean the man survives the petrol station blowing up.... while inside! An explosive to the face that sends him through a window on the third floor of a building and a massive massive zombie attack at the umbrella building) .

Resident evil CV - Regardless of what people say I found it passable. Beyond saying its passable I don't have much to say really. Average game is Average.

Resident evil 4 - Considering how I love the others you'd expect me to badmouth 4, well not so as I love it and thought it was a great action game who some very nice campy characters.
Leon is perfect also as his lines such as "LUIS!!!!!!" and "MIKE!!!!!!!!" join well together with his other lines from RE2, the great "NO!!!!!!!" and "ADA!!!!!!!!!".

Resident evil 5 - This on the other hand I found bad. Gameplay is like RE4 yes but I found it to be a pile of crap in all other areas. Also has that chump Chris in it as the main character.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6213 on: December 15, 2009, 01:27:30 PM »

Tiekreis, unlike most Suikodens, actually have you an awesome number of non-stock human PCs. This is something that just generally is off in most Suikodens, but they like to give you a few token members of other races if they aren't part of the big 5. Elves and Kobolds seem to barely rise above 5 PCs in like all the games total. Tiekreis is nice and gives you...6? of the Merkin, 5? of the Tattooed Tribe, 7 of Vaslof's Tribe, 4 or 5? of the Roar. Maybe about 25% of the cast, which is pretty awesome compared to most Suikodens.

6, 5, 7, 8.  I think.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6214 on: December 15, 2009, 05:18:10 PM »
Touhoddysey: Both boss Suwako and boss Nitori can hand me my ass on a silver platter. Joy. Exploring floor 9.

Gonna set up my list differently.
Rank 1: China, Patchy
China's TANK SUPREME with status healing and self healing. Patchy blows up planets.

Rank 2: Marisa, Reimu, Komachi, Chen, Alice, Yuugi
Marisa is an excellent random clearer (fast as hell, solid MT damage) who can Concentrate->Master Spark on bosses. Kinda limited against bosses otherwise, though. Reimu is also excellent on randoms, and has more durability and buffs to aid against bosses. Komachi has GODLIKE HP and uh no defenses. period. But her skillset inflicts ID and one skill is MT paralysis/poison/ID/stat downs and is positively delicious. Chen is ball lightning. Alice has solid MT damage, great ST damage and can inflict debuffs randomly to further aid. Yuugi -breaks your face-. And can Paralyze just to rub it in.

Rank 3: Remilia, Rumia, Youmu, Aya
Remilia's tanky with solid damage, but is horrendously one-dimensional. Rumia is the opposite - pretty cool skillset, good damage, but frail and not fast. Youmu is AWESOME for one hit. Then she swaps out because she can't do more without focusing which is a waste of a turn. Aya has very fast middling MT damage - Chen for randoms, but Chen can do what Aya does a bit better half the time (eliminate the dangerous random).

Rank 4: Sakuya, Minoriko, Cirno, Iku
Sakuya... has her MT speed buff. The rest of her skillset kinda sucks, Soul Sculpture being kinda competent MT. She's tanky though? Arguably a 3. Minoriko is a ST cleric type, not terrible but too many bosses are MT spammers and she doesn't like getting hit. The healing's nice though. Cirno is THE STRONGEST. Also can inflict paralyze/speed down, but the odds seem low. Not bad, but not really exceptional. Iku is a good source of MT damage and is also arguably a 3, but slow and not durable.

Rank Wriggle: Wriggle
Even Wriggle is theoretically usable - Poison, tanky stats... but she's just not as good as the rest.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6215 on: December 15, 2009, 07:00:40 PM »
Final Fantasy- Dawn of Souls version. Easy type? As noted in chat super started me on this. I demanded a white mage of course ^_~ Apart from that I was flexible and open to advice on party choices. Ended up with Warrior, Monk, White Mage and Black Mage. I named them them as DL peeps after tradition >.> So I ended up with  Super, Tai, myself and Meeple to start my journey with. Impressively Meeple managed to die on the way from Cornelia to the place with the ship so we had to head back to Cornelia to revive him <.< Sleep's been proving extremely useful for keeping him alive now though =-) Surprisingly I'm not as frail as Meeple!~
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6216 on: December 15, 2009, 07:50:34 PM »
DMC4: Played a bit more of this recently, trying to get a few more A Ranks...evidently, I never got Charge Shot 3 for Nero, uh, yeah, gonna need to fight Berial or something wtih that and see how much it does.

Also, fuck Fausts and Mephistos.

VPDS: Got up to Lenneth in the SG...she kicked my going back to the beginning, so I can get better equipment, levels, etc.

Maid of DOOM!!! is awesome on that note.  Lancer Range and Swordsmen movement, and comes with a 150x3 WEapon that can SC? YES PLEASE!  Also a 60 Energy, 30 hit SC that's hilarious to watch considering her design...

The other PCs were...well, something new, besides the Mage cause, hey, ANOTHER MAGE, and he comes with nothing but FIre Storm and Poison Blow or something like that!  Uh, yeah, sticking with Fauxnel cause better quotes, more spells (at the moment), and...ok, that's about all that matters.

SG is proving better than the rest of hte game on 2 points:
A. Best writing in the game by far.  Tri-Ace is good at the whole "Not take self seriously, and just let go" thing.
B. FIGHTS END QUICKLY.  The thing lacks a Plume cause it'd be broken especially so by these standards!  But fights don't last more than like 5 turns anyway, so its really not a big deal.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6217 on: December 15, 2009, 10:07:37 PM »
I recommend not relying on maid of doom too much.  She doesn't get new equipment for like, ever.  So she quickly becomes a burden on the party.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6218 on: December 16, 2009, 12:33:48 AM »
P4: Beat the Killer! Hot damn. Overall liked the execution of the whole reveal, but the motive was kind of... bland. I kept trying to find something cool about the -why-, but even the -how- was pretty lame. Apart from expert acting ability, the Killer relies so much on luck to pull off the crime such as it was, that the Killer came off as pretty impotent when I finally learned what the Killer was -doing-.

Luckily, my ability to spot a literary setup is pretty good, so I had the Killer pegged from the beginning, and the best part was going through the game thinking 'Ooooh! Nice one, P4, I'd have never expected the Killer to do -that-!(or, more accurately, *act like -that-!)'

Unforunately, I fucked up in the 'epilogue' and gave myself the normal ending, so I had to do the Killer fight -again-, and it was just too late at night to do that AND finish the frue ending.

I'm going to beat this damn game -today- if it kills me! >:(

Actual fight: Killer is pretty easy in-game, though would make a good duelist. Pretty much destroyed the bastard at Level 72 with Yukiko's ridiculous healing reserves. She really complements an all-fighter team. The follow-up fight to that was a little more challenging and I had to revive two people and use a Soma, but other than the annoying Silence, it was cake. Double-acting makes it a VERY good duelist, and I'd probably support ranking it for more High Godlike fun.

Rise >>>>>> Fuuka.

Also... in one of the endings that I've seen so far, Dojima mentions a senpai detective who told him something to the effect of 'Everything has another side you can't see' and for some reason this brought to mind Suou Katsuya, but maybe I'm crazy. I just played P2 and it just reminds me of something he said to Maya in one of the later dungeons. Meh, probably coincidence, but now I'm curious if this senpai is supposed to be a reference to some other SMT game due to the way it was brought up. It just sounds reference-y because the segue into the quote seemed a little out of place for the conversation he was having with Souji at the time.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6219 on: December 16, 2009, 12:47:10 AM »
I recommend not relying on maid of doom too much.  She doesn't get new equipment for like, ever.  So she quickly becomes a burden on the party.

This is only true if you plan to do more than ~2(?) cycles of the SG. If you only do 1 she is indeed as awesome as Meeple notes. Besides, part of the fun of the SG is just using who you like, anyway.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6220 on: December 16, 2009, 01:52:49 AM »
Also... in one of the endings that I've seen so far, Dojima mentions a senpai detective who told him something to the effect of 'Everything has another side you can't see' and for some reason this brought to mind Suou Katsuya, but maybe I'm crazy. I just played P2 and it just reminds me of something he said to Maya in one of the later dungeons. Meh, probably coincidence, but now I'm curious if this senpai is supposed to be a reference to some other SMT game due to the way it was brought up. It just sounds reference-y because the segue into the quote seemed a little out of place for the conversation he was having with Souji at the time.

The answer should be "yes, because it'd be cooler that way."
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6221 on: December 16, 2009, 03:16:44 AM »
VPDS: Hrist is awesome, that is all.  Arngrim's scene was slightly less amusing; I'll try him out next fight at very least, just so I can see Final Blast.

Rhapsody: This game is so hard.  I mean, it tossed a near OHKOing boss at me, but they realized how ludicrously hard that would be that they made it losable!  Oh, I won it, but it required shear pure luck of spamming spells such that the enemy was in range!  Man, I don't know how much more of this game I can take; its getting to the point where its TOO HARDCORE FOR ME!

...oh yeah, just got to White Snow, should say that shouldn't I?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6222 on: December 16, 2009, 03:42:23 AM »
TO tier thoughts.

Mostly agreed, though I'd switch Chen and Aya. Chen's offense hasn't held up and haste is a decent fallback option for boss fights when Aya's damage is nerfed by resistances or something (actually, it's usually better to just have her haste Patchy/Yuugi/Remilia anyway, as far as total damage is concerned).

Anyway, hacking through the mess that is the floors 10-12 chain right now. Apparently I can also go back for a Nitori/Sanae combo, so I'll do that next.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6223 on: December 16, 2009, 03:52:14 AM »
Maid of DOOM!!! is awesome on that note.  Lancer Range and Swordsmen movement, and comes with a 150x3 WEapon that can SC? YES PLEASE!  Also a 60 Energy, 30 hit SC that's hilarious to watch considering her design...

The other PCs were...well, something new, besides the Mage cause, hey, ANOTHER MAGE, and he comes with nothing but FIre Storm and Poison Blow or something like that!  Uh, yeah, sticking with Fauxnel cause better quotes, more spells (at the moment), and...ok, that's about all that matters.

The maid becomes useless pass cycle 4. Her lack of hits and innate element in her attacks hurts her a lot later on.
On the other hand, the lancer old man is a must use. He blasts out crimson jewels as if no tomorrow. It is not hard to have him act 9 times a round once you get a hold of how he works. And consider you can reuse Soul Crush after disconnecting combo, it is possible to get like 6 Soul Crush a round.....

ToG- How could I forget about Gekos?? Now my codes works fine, this shortens my delay on FF13 by a great margin. And gee, a shota out of unexpected place, I am pleased.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #6224 on: December 16, 2009, 04:14:19 AM »
So, after testing out a bunch of burned PS2 games for CT, I have a question I hope mc can answer.

Why do game developers hate the second memory card slot?
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[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.