Devil May Cry 4: Yes, I got a 360. Yes, I'm playing a new game again. No, its not an RPG. But yes, it is good stuff, at least so far.
Up to Chapter 6. Plotwise, last thing I remember happening is Nero getting ready to shoot Dante, only to watch Dante jump off a cliff into a forest only cause he could.
Initial thoughts?
Well, controls are nice and smooth, which is expected; DMC1 did it well, and DMC3 did it even better (DMC2 I can't remember, but that game is so easy you DON'T CARE), so yeah, no surprises here. Naturally, this is a good thing!
Nero is a nice unique character, though, he's a bit awkward for a starting character in a DMC. I tried using him like Dante at first, and despite the Sword and Rapid Fire Pistol (which fires somewhat slower than E&I, but then, I suppose that's the point), he really does handled differently. I've gotten use to him, and have more or less gotten a handle on Devil Bringer, but yeah, he's weird to play as when you're use to Dante.
One thing I don't like about him, though? General lack of variety. This does make fights using him a bit more repetitive than Dante or Vergil, both of whom thrived on variety in all forms.
...actually, that explains one DMC2's flaws right there, thinking on it, since DMC2 Dante had a fundamental lack of variety (DMC1 Dante AT LEAST had Ifrit...and the excuse of being the first in the series, so it had no standards to live up too. DMC2? Hay look, swords with varying power/lengths lol!)
Not liking the fact that there are ACTUAL PUZZLES. Mainly the Gyro thing. Hopefully that'll be gone.
Plot is...mildly interesting. As in, a huge step up compared to DMC1-3. Admittedly, DMC1's plot was just tossed in there for "Whatever, just an excuse to kill demons", DMC2's is more like a half written script, and DMC3 didn't even try to take itself seriously (Jester is really the only proof you need.), so you watched its plot just for the humor and the "oh wow, did he just decapitate a demon with a MOTORCYCLE?" moments.
DMC4 seems like its actually trying with an actual plot, but at the same time, trying to hold itself from ruining the DMC feel. Could play out to be interesting. Angus is really creepy though...but at the same time, awesome in terms of design when you think about the big picture (Big Burly Black Guy...whose both a MAD SCIENTIST and a Priest...and he has a stutter...not to mention a rather wimpy voice...)
For the Not Actual Plot aspects of Plot scenes? Game is still over the top and stylish. Nero's good at pulling those one liners that Dante often did in DMC1/3, and he generally does feel like Dante at times, even though he's clearly not. Just oozes with style, which is what the series does best!
So yeah, generally good so far. Has some minor issues that DMC3 never really had, so its feeling clearly overall worse in the end but...that's not really a bad thing. Trying to redo DMC3 (let alone one up) is really damned hard, so at least capturing most of what DMC3 had is enough, which DMC4 is doing well.
Really, though, I just want to get to the Dante sections cause that sounds like when the game really picks up <_<