Even if it's a demo, I really didn't dig RE5 either. Controls were sluggish even compared to the freaking classic controller (RE4 Wii) and co-op means more ammo management since the CPU can shoot worth shit. I tried both 360/PS3 demos; PS3 is a bit better since the d-pad doesn't blow. (switching weapons)
MGS4: Played and finished. Not going to mention plot because it's MGS plot and thus is pretty fucking bonkers. If Kojima and Nomura ever get together to write a script, the result would cause mental trauma to just about everyone, Niu not excluded. Gameplay is pretty sweet, definally got the right idea between gameplay-to-cutscene balance........for only the first two Acts. Acts 3-5 are about 3 hours of cutscenes, a "stupid follow the goon" mission, a couple of rail shooting parts, one or two areas of ACTUAL stealth (aka the good stuff), and some bosses. The final cutscene was the most bullshit copout I ever seen in a video game. But at least the era of Solid Snake is finally wrapped up.
Now with my PS2/PS3 backlogged caught up, maybe I'll finish Luminous Arc 2 or Star Ocean 2 remake (need to grab wisemen art. RANK MICHAEL.)