KAIZO 7th Dragon:
I will do my next recording soon enough... But I don't quite know who to take.
GUILD RPGDL (so far!)
Yours truly [ みつなり, Samurai ]
Tallychu [ Tal, Princess ]
Nitori [ にとり, Princess ]
Tonfa [ トンファ, Knight ]
Dune [ Ko, Fighter ]
Taishyr [ Tai, Rogue ]
Jo'ou Ranbu [ Snow, Mage ]
Xeroma [ Xeroma, Samurai ]
DjinnAndTonic [ Djinn , Healer ]
Hunter Sopko [ Soppy , Fighter ]
Bardiche [ バーディシュ , Mage ]
Tai already wanted in, so that leaves 3 more possible spots for my next video. If you're not in Guild RPGDL and want in on the next video, let me know and tell me the class you want:
Fighter / Rogue / Mage / Samurai / Healer / Knight / Princess