P4: Managed to beat the steamhouse as well as the optional boss in the Castle. Also roaming around completing quests, for all that the Angel Statue is proving, difficult. I know what I need to get, it just refuses to show up. On the other hand, the game has handed me two very nice SP boosting weapons for my main healers, so it's all good. I also like the fact that most of the S Links I've been going for so far have had nice secondary effects, from raising stats to unlocking fun options in battle.
That said, Sun is proving to be trickier to move forward on than anything else I've tried thus far, which is irritating. Spent almost no effort on Priestess and it's at Lvl 5, while Sun's been my secondary priority and it's only at 6 (granted, first priority was Strength, and it's maxed). Hermit, the one really worth caring about, is at 3, and I know roughly what to do to get it to 4. Just need to pump in the legwork. Sun may be about to drop in priority since it seems a decent number of S Link options fade away on rainy days, and that's one of the few I have that doesn't, meaning it can wait. Likely means a Chariot or Priestess focus, followed by Magician and Emperor, determined mostly by who has been asking for, and levelling up on, my sundays.
Anyways, hitting mid June and the plot is beginning to say that I'm going to have a new dungeon soon.