LFT: Defeated Wiegraf and Elmdor. Pretty frustrating.
Tried it with Squire Ramza with Punch Arts first. Wiegraf outdamaged Ramza too badly and I kept fumbling the counter-attacks. So no go.
Knight Ramza with Punch Arts. Still the same result. Couldn't heal enough since Wiegraf outdamaged me.
Monk Ramza with Battle Skill. Wins! Punch Arts Chakra now outheals Wiegraf's damage, so I can punch him once, lick my wounds, then punch him again later on. No Auto-Potion changes my strategy significantly.
So he changes. Uh.
Summoner with Time Magic. Speed Save, Short-Charge, Move-MP Up. Knows Leviathan, Odin, Golem, Fairy, Mog, and then an assortment of the weaklings. Haste2, Slow2, Stop, Don't Act.
Agrias with Punch Arts. (Chakra) All Holy Knight skills. Weapon Guard, EXP Up, Move+1.
Thief with Punch Arts. All Thief skills, all Monk skills. Abandon, Maintenance, Ignore Height.
Knight with Jump. All Knight skills, all Jump levels. Weapon Guard, Equip Spear, Move+2.
Strategy 1:
Ramza runs up to Velius. Speed Break.
Thief runs up to Velius for twin stabs.
Velius runs up to Summoner/Agrias/Knight, Confuses them, Summoner Slow2s my team and Agrias kills Ramza with Crush Punch. Ouch.
Strategy 2:
Ramza runs to the back, casts Chakra to restore his health to full. Velius runs up and tries to punch Thief, but misses. Thief gets to his back for twin stabberies, Agrias Lightning Stabs (Silence!), Summoner Haste2s, Knight Speed Breaks Velius.
The Demons walk up and nuke Agrias and Thief with Dark Holy and the Dark Flare things. Velius nukes Ramza. No more revivers. Crap.
Summoner unleashes Odin-ly hell to take out the demons in two goes, and on the third unleash kills Velius. Knight dies just before Velius does. Ramza's just about to crystalise but I win!
Then comes Elmdor, and they kill Rafa before I even get a turn. wtf