Pokemon Platinum: Version Hatbot
1. Starter is ditched once I catch my first pokemon.
2. I attempt to catch every pokemon I encounter. If I accidentally KO it, I must hunt it down and catch it.
3. Once my party hits six pokemon, every time I catch a new pokemon, I must ask Hatbot whether he goes in the party or into my box.
4. If Hatbot decides it goes in the party, I ask Hatbot who to remove.
5. If the pokemon has multiple possible evolutions, Hatbot decides which path it takes.
6. I will attempt to avoid overlevelling.
Current Status: Up to Heathome. Fantina has high levels. >_>
Current Party
Bronzor L19
Rotom L21
Golbat L21
Psyduck L11
Gastly L16
Gligar L18
The Box of Shame: Turtwig, Ponyta, Machop, Shellos, Shinx, Burmy, Geodude, Starly, Hoothoot, Nosepass, Parchisu, Buneaery, Silcoon, Cascoon, Shieldon, Togepi, Budew, Bibarel, Buzil, Roselia, Eevee, Ralts, Combee, Chingling, Kricketune