Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 687089 times)

Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2750 on: June 07, 2009, 08:16:29 AM »
So we killed General Vezax today. That was pretty cool.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2751 on: June 07, 2009, 08:30:26 AM »
Yeah, but for all it's loot treadmill and twitch gameplay, D2 has a plot that starts and finishes in Normal.  Beating that and stopping is pretty much sufficient amount of Game.  You get to see all the skills, you get to do all the plot, see all the areas, kill all the enemies see all the gear (Exceptional and Elite stuff just looking the same as normal stuff).  Technically, beating Normal will do the vasy majority of players (Like the ones that weren't on B.Net anyway >_>  Probably due to having played on B.Net during Diablo 1 for some).  That and levelling pre-expansion was horrible as well.  I remember the one time I played through Nightmare and Hell on a Bowazon (when ranged weapons were still bugged to be capped in the damage output the weapons were able to have, so Bowazons were apparently bad ideas) I think I got all of 4 or 5 levels after finishing normal?  It was pretty pathetic experience for just retreading the same content and spending a bit longer to kill Diablo than it used to.  Expansion improved things a bit there and made going on to higher difficulties less painful and stupid and the exp curve less retarded (by making Act 5 the only place worth doing anything...).

Honestly there was some pretty big flaws in Diablo 2 every step of the way.  It really is a fun game in spite of everything wrong with it, but that is how Blizzard works really.

Huh.  Leveling pre-expansion was slow, sure, but you could basically advance through the game constantly and keep going.  I very rarely felt the need to grind, though admittedly I also would thoroughly clean out the various hives of villainy I found.  Also, D2 plot hype?!  Sure, the cutscenes were really pretty, but I have no problem saying it was mostly for gameplay, and thus found being able to continue the game but harder appreciated.

And Bowazons?  I dunno, I remember people saying they weren't bad, and I actually played one - my main experience with D2 was with a Sorceress who get to Act 3 Nightmare, and a Bowazon who got to Act 3 Hell.  Basically there were Multiple Arrow Bowazons and Strafe Bowazons, at least from 1.03-1.06 or so; Strafe was better against randoms, Multiple Shot was better against uniques (get a tight grouping and shoot them with like 10 arrows at once at high levels of MS).  Amazons made Hell tolerable for me; the bosses do tend to have moves that can OHKO you and otherwise make like suck, but they're suckers for attacking Valkyries, who start having, oh, 1000+ HP or so on Hell and later.  This is pretty much how I dealt with late Nightmare and Hell; summon Valkyrie, do damage with the Ice-Elemental Arrow for single-targets or high-level Strafe for mobs, let everyone get distracted by the Valk.  Helped keep my sanity, since I was bad at using hotkeys and used the cycle buttons instead.  Only needed three options for right click to cycle through: Strafe, Valkyrie, & Slow Missiles, while left click would be a freezing arrow.  Then concentrate on dodging everything.  Worked out pretty well.  I just hate Act III, and was not going to suffer through it AGAIN.

Sorceress would have been annoying in Hell, due to the elemental immunities they started handing out, everything OHKOing her, no distraction Valkyrie, etc.

I don't know if they changed him later, but I enjoyed the Duriel fight, if that's being criticized as unfun.  It was good to have at least one brutally hard fight in the game.  Him and Andariel were definitely my favorite bosses in the game.

By the time 1.10 came out, I'd lost interest, as there's only so much fun you can have with as simple a game as D2.

(Fun thought experiment: Diablo in the DL.  Destroys bosses who stand still, even some Godlike ones!  Hates the evasive.  Probably loses to Lyn, in fact, as I'd give Diablo's base chance of hit as being in the realm of 30% or so which is going to be a sure miss against her.)


On the PC note, finding Heroes of Might & Magic V kinda disappointing.  AI seems rather braindead; maybe I need to crank the difficulty higher?  The system has some cool tweaks, I'll grant.  But the worst thing - what happened to the little mini-fictions when you visit a location?  Come on, I want the experience of being an adventuring hero with little vignettes about stealing gems from dancing fairies in a mushroom glade or whatever.  You visit a Fountain of Fortune in Heroes V, and a little Luck icon rises up next to your hero.  Very smooth, very efficient.  And soulless.


Since I see some chatter about Persona 4 as well...  random, but after (incorrectly) believing myself spoiled on who The Killer was, went off to YouTube a month or so ago and spoiled the hell out of the game for myself, watching most of the scenes of importance that people uploaded.  Despite fully expecting to be doing this out of masochism and/or snark...  the game seems shockingly good.  Completely and utterly shocking, as Persona 3 is pretty much the anti-SnowFire game, and I'd looked at a few scenes from it as well and thought most of them failed tremendously.  But yeah, basically likable characters help a lot.  Social Links and such a strongly player-identified main character are still not my style at all, so I wouldn't have played the game anyway, but certainly impressed.  And I always like a good murder mystery; seems like this one was well-done.

More generally, I liked Persona 4 thematically a lot, and certainly far more than other SMT games.  Persona 2 played with the consensual reality deal, but not much (go to Rumor monger, buy new reality.  Whatever.), and that's generally a thing that it's easy to get annoyingly sanctimonious about as if it really exists, when it blatantly doesn't (anyone else who's read White Wolf's Mage has seen an advanced form of this).  Persona 3, at least from watching some of the final scenes, seems aggressively stupid in its idea of humanity.  Persona 4, however?  The whole "Reach out to The Truth" thing and the murder mystery strikes my biases for an objective reality with actual truth far more rather than a "woo truth is whatever we say it is go us."

So Persona 4 says that humanity is indifferent between truth and illusion...  but a few people with courage can redeem everyone.  Which is reality, pretty much!  Just replace super-powered high school students with enterprising reporters.  This is my kind of cynicism crossed with hope.  And then make it "real" of course in evil fogs of death that need to be beaten up because it's a video game.  Persona 3 claims that humanity desires death?!  WTF?!  If there's one base hunger humans have, it's to survive, so claiming humanity strongly desires Death directly is just dumb.  And what stops Death from awakening is not anything that translates well to the real world, but the main character being an incredible Gary Stu who's just more powerful than Death is.  Right.  Also said Death is annoying with the "Why do you face me when you know you will perish?" nonsense.  These are superpowered high shcool kids who just knocked over a ton of monsters, stop acting like this is true, game.


Also, the Virgin Megastore in Union Square is closing.  Big huge sales of 30-40% off and all...  in retrospect, probably should have got a fancy headset for 25 bucks, but they're all sold out now.  Anyway.  Picked up some DS adventure games, as the genre translates to the DS really well.  First off was Broken Sword, which I see was re-released now...  I remember a moderately positive review from PC Gamer circa 1997 or so, so yay for extremely delayed playing of it.  I'm sure it'll have Holy Blood, Holy Grail nonsense, but it's potentially cool nonsense, so whatever. 

I also got "Lux Pain," because it had a cool box and it's also an adventure game.  The back of the box made it sound like the X-Files crossed with Phoenix Wright or the like; people are committing mysterious crimes, some strange virus, you need to investigate.  Cool!  Except then I look it up on the Internet after I get home, and it turns out Our Hero needs to infiltrate a Japanese high school to investigate said crimes.  And it's mostly about using the stylus to pull evil worms out of them.  And the translation is incoherent.  ....  you win some, you lose some, I guess.  I just hope that this game's script is FUNNY bad not fail bad.

Lastly, because I know from experience that the price isn't likely to drop at EB anytime soon, and this was a unique opportunity to get it for only 25 bucks including tax or so...  I got...  one of those games.  You know.  And actually decided to play it before the adventure games, due to being easier to drop randomly.  As expected, everyone in this world is batshit crazy, challenging even small children to combat, telling themselves that their creatures like being magically enslaved.  No more.  This world needs a new kind of order...  the young master ULTRA's order.  He'll dominate all the critters himself, and rule with an iron fist.  Restore discipline and sanity to the grass-overridden, decaying roads upon which any simple traveler is likely to be assaulted by ravenous beasts.  With the help of his trusty sidekick, LOKI, of course.  Whose wisdom is certainly trustworthy, and is not secretly plotting to betray the young master.  Which...  I may be glad I named him that rather than IGOR or JEEVES?  Since rather than being the color commentary for my journey a la Joey from YGO:TAS that I expected, he's kinda run off on his own.  Is he actually going to turn out to be a rival after all?  That would be funny if so.  Driven mad with jealous at my superior skills, he can go be the villain's stooge.

Anyway, I've got my penguin, first to be a long line of many slaves to my will, I'm sure.  And a bird, and some lesser beasts, and more importantly a fishing rod.  Now to kind myself some karp...  I hear its power level is unbelievable.

While on the topic: Belated congratulations, Captain K.  Surprised, though, that it seems the tournament was single-elimination?!  That seems really random.  Just do Swiss pairings; everybody can play as long as they like, and you're allowed one loss before you get mathematically eliminated.  Suppose I'm used to Magic: The Gathering tournaments, where Swiss really helps keep the randomness under control.  It only "adds"  two extra rounds IIRC to determine the winner anyway.  (i.e. a 128 person tourney takes 7 rounds single-elimination, or 6 rounds Swiss + 3 round top 8.)

And off topic, since I have a small penguin ruthlessly destroying my enemies...  apparently the story that "Fairy Penguins" were renamed "Little Penguins" as a result of lobbying from the gay community is just an urban legend.  The biologists just liked the name "Little Penguin" better.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 09:07:26 AM by SnowFire »

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2752 on: June 07, 2009, 08:50:04 AM »

Got Tont.
Got the Moon Crescent.


The game has no problem with flinging massive amounts of pain at you.  It's not DDS bad, but...  Imagine seeing two enemies ambush you can each cast Wind L2.  That wipes out 80% of my party right there.
The game encourages running away.  While trying to get through the puzzle on the last floor, I just got sick of the encounter rate and started running away from every fight in the Ancient Temple.
MASH X TO NOT DIE!...  And even then, you sometimes will.
Edward with a Source of Agility or two at an increase of 5 ties him with Annie for your most reliable form of MT damage.  I dunno though, maybe I should test this out with Tont.

Disgaea 2:

Mentalling steeling myself for going through three item worlds for Healer Lovers.  This probably won't end well.


Same old, same old.  I'm considering looping with Wil soon.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2753 on: June 07, 2009, 10:36:47 AM »
Huh.  Leveling pre-expansion was slow, sure, but you could basically advance through the game constantly and keep going.  I very rarely felt the need to grind, though admittedly I also would thoroughly clean out the various hives of villainy I found.  Also, D2 plot hype?!  Sure, the cutscenes were really pretty, but I have no problem saying it was mostly for gameplay, and thus found being able to continue the game but harder appreciated.

And Bowazons?

re: Bowazons.  1.02 was when the bug was around.  So yeah...

It isn't hype for the plot specifically being good, but you know, that is how the game goes.  You play it through, you kill the big bad and then it is over.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2754 on: June 07, 2009, 01:07:16 PM »
Every D2 class, and really almost every major build, has had its turn in the limelight thanks to something being horrendously broken.  It's actually an interesting history.

In beta and at release, Necros were on top due to Corpse Explosion leveling entire areas in a single cast.  People who eschewed that as cheap played spear zons instead and abused Jab, not really broken but noteworthy as the one time spear zons were actually good.  The first major patch (too lazy to look up the actual version number right now) fixed CE and Jab speed, but didn't fix Whirlwind speed, so WW Barb took over the physical end of the game and has never really left it.  Necros still tried to abuse CE, and in realizing they were actually getting kills from Iron Maiden/Blood Golem, helped popularize Thorns on the Paladin end of things.  The original Hammerdin build and various breeds of Sorc also existed around this time as well, but weren't really dominant.

Late in vanilla D2's lifespan, shortly before the expansion was released, various nerfs, the perfection of bots, particularly dropbot, and a better understanding of how the high end drop system worked began to really popularize Magic Find, and the Sorceress ratcheted up in popularity, with Frozen Orb being the build of choice.  Poison Necro (and other classes) also deserves some mention for the brief period of time where Blizzard broke poison mechanics even more than usual and made them able to one shot Hell Diablo with the right setup.
The expansion was initially more notable for its added items than the two new classes.  In particular, the ever-infamous Buriza crossbow and its associated bugs made (cross)bow Zon the most played build by far for almost two years.  Necros and Paladins nearly fell off the map, except for Summon Necro, whose success can really be better attributed to broadband internet exploding in popularity than to any game patch.  Trap Assassin and Fury Wolf Druid enjoyed some limited success. 

Finally the synergy patches (1.09 to 1.10 or 11, I think?) arrived and shook everything up again, making sorcs awesome all around, bugging Bone Necro into usefulness, STILL not fixing WW Barb, bringing back Hammerdin in crazy broken glory, and giving Javazon a day in the sun as well.  Late in the game's lifespan, PvP duelling play finally started coming into its own, and Assassin and Druid mainly found their niches there. 

... I'm a geek.

Captain K.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2755 on: June 07, 2009, 02:11:43 PM »
Lastly, because I know from experience that the price isn't likely to drop at EB anytime soon, and this was a unique opportunity to get it for only 25 bucks including tax or so...  I got...  one of those games.

Welcome to the pain.

While on the topic: Belated congratulations, Captain K.  Surprised, though, that it seems the tournament was single-elimination?!  That seems really random.  Just do Swiss pairings; everybody can play as long as they like, and you're allowed one loss before you get mathematically eliminated.  Suppose I'm used to Magic: The Gathering tournaments, where Swiss really helps keep the randomness under control.  It only "adds"  two extra rounds IIRC to determine the winner anyway.  (i.e. a 128 person tourney takes 7 rounds single-elimination, or 6 rounds Swiss + 3 round top 8.)

They are pretty much going for speed, seeing as how they have a limited number of DS stations to play on (and two tournaments back to back, Juniors and Seniors).  They are, however, doing Swiss for the preliminary rounds at Nationals.  Followed by single elimination for the Top 16.

The tournament thing is still new and experiencing growing pains.  Right now it's just important to be happy we're getting tournaments AT ALL and hope it improves for next year.

By the way, there were approximately 300 people that showed up in Dallas for 128 spots.  Guess how many showed up in Philadelphia yesterday?  OVER 600.  There were people with level 39 Leafeons and Bronzongs with Flash in the top 16.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2756 on: June 07, 2009, 02:22:18 PM »
Oh god don't tell me that Captain K... I don't want to know how many of these guys I could beat if I made time to build a team.

By the way, how do they check for cheating, specifically? I think one of my friends uses AR to stock up on Rare Candies so EV training doesn't take too much of their life away, and I know I have at least two friends interested in Pokemon tourneys eventually - one of them is the 'official' Drexel University champ -.-

More on topic.

GS2: There's a boat with a broken mast... and some pirates... and I need more Djinns.

Anyways, I'm grabbing some numbers for Agatio and Karst down the line, and if there's anything anyone wants between now and then, speak up.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2757 on: June 07, 2009, 03:51:44 PM »
TacticsLayer: This game just got very hard, very fast.

While the game gives you a generous amount of PCs to work with, the enemies are almost always higher level than you are - and there are no grinding stages as far as I'm concerned, so it's pretty much a Fire Emblem related deal. Somewhere along the way, I managed to get a really good person in my party - Kiriko, who ended up destroying pretty much everyone who stood in her way, so I gave her the Idol set to give her lots of destructive AoE. Imagine my surprise when...

I find she's a temp. Well, I'm not entirely sure if she's a temp or if you can get her back later - issue is SHE'S GONE AND SHE WOULD PRACTICALLY BE MY MVP DDDDDD: I also managed to recruit Nana very early on, who is not a compulsory PC but you can get her if you do some certain events. She's being a very solid character - I relegated her as a supporting ranged attacker, casting buffs on people while killing enemies with a slingshot. Well the slingshot is strong.

Char interps so far:

Risa - Healer character because the game pretty much makes her one. Durable but could use a bit more speed.

Yuu - Typical fighter. Kinda tanky and quite evasive, but goes splat against magic.

Nana - Solid offensive supporter. Using a slingshot really offsets her less-than-desirable durability, and she still packs a punch. Especially if you use the buffs - which are insanely important in this game.

Eriko - Like Yuu except sacrifice some physical defense for magic defense and less evade. Requires outfit twinking to make use of her offensive potential.

Kiriko - Absolutely destroys worlds. The idol outfit gives her 2HKO AoE and she already has a surround AoE that mauls things. Way to go NinjaStudios. I hope you can get her back.

Yuka - Spellcaster. Lots and lots of magic resources but has ass durability. Made her a healer because she already mastered her status restoring skills. Basically Mint but with some semblance of physical offense, and can be outfit twinked to give her offense.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2758 on: June 07, 2009, 04:13:59 PM »
Intersting solid D2 stuff.
... I'm a geek.

You missed Weapon Mastery being bugged and doubling Barb damage for almost all of D2Classic (until 1.06?) due to any points in them at all giving them 100% Crit rate.  Amongst so many other really really stupid bugs (Oooh Berserk increasing defense instead of lowering it!  Making the game actually having a character that can take hits in 8 player hell).  There is so very many reasons that Barbs stayed on top of the physical spectrum for such a very long time.  Most of them were bugs though of course.  This is Diablo 2.  Anything that makes you good is a bug or hacked.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2759 on: June 07, 2009, 05:20:08 PM »
Actually that's a 1.09 bug for weapon masteries. Pre 1.06 the bug was that

(a) Weapon Masteries had a hidden 2*slvl crit chance
(B) Weapon Masteries modified your entire damage bonus, not just the base like it was supposed to.  So a Barb with say, 100 power weapon, 100 str, and +100% damage from Whirlwind, and +125% from weapon mastery was supposed to do 100*(1+1+1+1.25)=425 damage, but actually did 100*(1+1+1)*2.25=675 damage.

I had to go read Lurker Lounge archives to doublecheck that formula, but factor in the crit chance and you get OVER 2x the expected damage. So yeah.

Also Snowfire's memory is a bit off, Multishot hasn't been able to hit a single target multiple times since the beta for the original D2 (gee, how the hell did Blizzard not catch THAT). Conversely it was better for randoms in everything except Mana efficiency, since you're firing off a dozen or more arrows in the same amount of time it takes to fire one one arrow normally. With Strafe, the first arrow you fire off is at the normal speed, only the subsequent arrows get sped up. Strafe thus had no chance of keeping up with MS on dps against mobs after they fixed the Strafe bug.

As for Duriel... are you sure you fought him pre-expansion? Charge on Hell difficulty was a OHKO to anything except Battle Orber Barbs who shouldn't be getting hit with Charge in the first place barring lag on entering the chamber. Toss in the small chamber and Holy Freeze and it was a complete screw-over for any sort of ranged build. Your only hope was if you had cold damage, as Duriel's AI won't charge if it's chilled. Otherwise the wind-up time to use an attack will get you killed sooner or later, even in single player with no lag; on Duriel would typically kill you before you even got a chance to do anything unless you were a summon necro or partied with one.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2760 on: June 07, 2009, 07:04:27 PM »
Nah, I fought Hell Duriel post-expansion (I remember because my first experience with Act V was on Nightmare, so I'd definitely have had the expansion by Hell.).  I was more saying that I enjoyed the Duriel fight on Normal when your tools were less, and still mostly enjoyed it at the higher levels.

I never played a multishot Amazon, but my recollection is that at least at one point you could hammer a single enemy with a zillion shots.  Could be wrong, of course.  Also, I thought Jab got modified fairly late?  Maybe 1.04ish or thereabouts?  But yeah, that didn't look abusive from what I saw of it, so I don't know why they nerfed it so hard.  Admittedly the part where "Jab always goes off at same speed even if frozen" was probably a bug.  In the "not a bug but silly" section, the quest in Act V where the reward is the handing out of a new expansion-only class-specific item...  "Oh, I made this just for you!"  Of course she made my Bowazon a Maiden Spear or something.  Not very observant.

Yeah, I saw others using the gloriousness of Corpse Explosion breaking heads on the 1.00 patch.  Good times.  Still, for all the tweaking, Diablo II's balance has generally been pretty good.  That is, you don't need to be playing the "best" build to do fine in single player.  Pretty much any sane build of Sorceress had some merits, for example.  Before they nerfed Static Field on the higher difficulties, some other math majors had the idea of the "Rings & Fields" team (it's a pun off the class on the topic- look up Rings on Wikipedia if you're curious).  One Sorceress poured nearly everything into Static Field, and the other into Nova.  Before Lightning Immune enemies existed, and before Static Field got capped at 25% Health on NM and 50% Health on Hell, this was pretty brutal, actually.  (I stuck with a more standard Glacial Spike spammer, myself.  Hate that 1.10 apparently introduced huge cooldowns for spells, so you can't just panic and send them flying everywhere to hit annoying small enemies like the little goblins with knives in Act 3.)


Also it seems I was right, LOKI is to be my friendly (bitter?) rival.  Huh, faked me out nicely on the input screen, then.  Money is interestingly rare - I can easily see a player blowing it on Pokeballs that don't work and then being kinda stuck, since it seems the only way to get money is to fight the crazed passerby.  Hmm.  Will have to be careful with the Potion use.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2761 on: June 07, 2009, 07:48:57 PM »
Folklore (PS3):

Extremely pretty game with badass atmosphere and fun (if painfully easy) combat. Also features functional costume changes that look damned gorgeous. Music plays to the ambience really well. Off to a great start.

Captain K.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2762 on: June 08, 2009, 12:37:16 AM »
Oh god don't tell me that Captain K... I don't want to know how many of these guys I could beat if I made time to build a team.

By the way, how do they check for cheating, specifically? I think one of my friends uses AR to stock up on Rare Candies so EV training doesn't take too much of their life away, and I know I have at least two friends interested in Pokemon tourneys eventually - one of them is the 'official' Drexel University champ -.-

They plug it into a special machine/DS thingy, and this year it's pretty thorough.  They do check for excessive TMs, Masterballs, etc.  I know some guys got ejected for having more than 1 of "1 per game file" TMs, like the TMs that the Gym Leaders give you.  So yeah, a lot of Rare Candies would probably trigger it.

But yeah, the main problem is getting past the random selection to just be able to play.  A lot of people sign up just to get the Shiny Milotic giveaway (which was a massive mistake to tie to tournament entry).  Only 2 people from Smogon out of about 20 who were there got in, and not surprisingly they got first and second.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2763 on: June 08, 2009, 01:02:23 AM »
They plug it into a special machine/DS thingy, and this year it's pretty thorough.  They do check for excessive TMs, Masterballs, etc.  I know some guys got ejected for having more than 1 of "1 per game file" TMs, like the TMs that the Gym Leaders give you.  So yeah, a lot of Rare Candies would probably trigger it.

But yeah, the main problem is getting past the random selection to just be able to play.  A lot of people sign up just to get the Shiny Milotic giveaway (which was a massive mistake to tie to tournament entry).  Only 2 people from Smogon out of about 20 who were there got in, and not surprisingly they got first and second.

More than one of those TMs? Ew. So, if I happened to have a friend use the TM in his file on a PKMN for my team I'd be called a cheater? Lame. I imagine there are one-per-team limits for a lot of items then.

Aside from that, the giveaway attached to a tourney does sound... ineffective. They ended up getting a bunch of people who probably wouldn't have thought that they could do anything in a tournament I bet.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2764 on: June 08, 2009, 02:01:58 AM »
Yeah Pre-Expansion Duriel was beyond fucking retarded on B.Net.  Fuck.  Normal Duriel was fucking retarded on B.Net.  But yeah, pre expansion online it was zone in, hope he hits the Valk and run in circles.

The time where Zon's ruled and MS spam was king of everything was just post expansion when everyone was just doing Cow Level repeatedly (good layout and situation for it) and Guided Arrow could pierce so it did ridiculous amounts of damage to single targets (that is how they killed Uniques and Champions, MS them to clear off the chaff and then guided arrow spam off screen in case of ES,MS,LE,FE or whatever.  It was a very boring time to play cookie cutter Zon.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 02:06:23 AM by Grefter »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2765 on: June 08, 2009, 03:16:22 AM »
More than one of those TMs? Ew. So, if I happened to have a friend use the TM in his file on a PKMN for my team I'd be called a cheater? Lame. I imagine there are one-per-team limits for a lot of items then.

Actually I think it only checks items in inventory, not actual moves taught.  So yeah, just don't stockpile TMs traded from other games.  I do that on Pearl, and leave my Platinum game "clean" for the tourney.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2766 on: June 08, 2009, 05:33:32 AM »
Barb mastery crits weren't actually fixed until 1.11, I think, which is why I didn't mention them.  They were just taken for granted as part of what Barbs did. 

On the enemy side... Duriel was instadeath before his level loaded for a long time, Bremm Sparkfist was the most dangerous enemy in the game pre-expansion until they took away his Lightning Enchanted attribute (thereby rendering his name and flavor meaningless - and they haven't given him his LE back to this very day, even though it's fixed now and wouldn't be broken!), Lord De Seis could crash your game and permanently corrupt your character, Hephasto the Armorer could oneshot any player, Nihlathak could oneshot any player from anywhere on his level... yeah.

Ancient Kaa the Soulless, on Hell, can spawn immune to all but one type of damage and with 90% resist to that last type.  But no one cares because he's the hardest monster in the game to find and there's no reason to ever seek him out.

Gloams will still oneshot almost any character on Hell (and come in packs that cover the screen with said oneshotting lightning bolts!).  Hydras are still bugged to do massively increased damage vs mercenaries.  D2 is hilarious.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2767 on: June 08, 2009, 05:34:43 AM »
Actually I think it only checks items in inventory, not actual moves taught.  So yeah, just don't stockpile TMs traded from other games.  I do that on Pearl, and leave my Platinum game "clean" for the tourney.

Good. I might try this next year then, already have a few ideas bouncing around in my head that I might try to write down or something. would people react to a Metagross/Gengar lead-off?
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2768 on: June 08, 2009, 05:56:09 AM »
I'd tend to assume EQ/Explosion are incoming and swap to a Gengar if I could >.>
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2769 on: June 08, 2009, 07:31:07 AM »
I would either go for double Protect or Fake Out the Metagross and setup a weather condition.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2770 on: June 08, 2009, 11:16:43 AM »
Chuck Ernst, Zegai and perhaps even Richard out of most overpowered S5 team yeah. IIRC Richard comes in strong but ends up with a few limiting factors that edges him out in favour of three free slot wonders 'n stuff. What was it he was hyped for again - parry/evade (or was that Raven)? Mrmm I should replay the game for a third time at some point.

SO4- Roak. After the battle arena, going to find Sarah now. Perhaps then she'll *finally* join my party! Clocked over seventeen hours now though some of that was run time because I had to go do stuff. In some aspects I think I'm enjoying this game more than SO3 *shock* For example the scale of the game, in the sense that it's giving you a grand adventure ... I've encountered like five planets already (though I'm still on the fifth) I dunno if I'll end up enjoying the battle sytem more than SO3's or not but I'm enjoying it well enough so far. Bacchus is awesme, I put him in the party to try him out when he joined and he proceeded to ream everything with Galvantic Shock, compared to everyone else he was insane. Pretty much the same with Meracle though I haven't experimented with her much (that sounds wrong after what she went through yeah >_>) she totally owned the few randoms I've fought with her so far. Equipping her with the Iron Claw ASAP probably helped with that. Compact Impact's "star effects" reminded me of Peppita ^_^ Current party is Bacchus, Faize, Lymle, Meracle. I picked up some interesting skill manuals like Critical Hit and Stun on Roak too. Yeah I'm probably enjoying this too much >_>

I'm enjoying the little easter eggs in the nods towards previous SO games (for me especially SO3, Welch, Traum, Lias, Peppita (storegirl in Roak), etc - there was something else I picked up on as well but I can't bring it to mind right now - information overload~) I'm picking up on the SO1 and SO2 ones too (not that I've played SO1 just from what I've read) The story isn't the best thing in the world of course but neither is it horrifically bad either, at least I don't think so. It seems to be working well enough. Though the latest plot twist  ... Also I must have some sort of in built sensor to deal with bad V/A or something because after a while Lymle, Meracle and Sarah didn't hurt my ears and I adapted to them <_<

I've somehow accumulated a mass of quests to do even though I wasn't looking for any, I don't know when/if I'm going to focus on those but yeah there seems plenty to do gameplay wise.

Oh and scythe boy can kiss my ass - I'll amateur and civilian you!~
« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 11:46:07 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2771 on: June 08, 2009, 12:29:44 PM » would people react to a Metagross/Gengar lead-off?

In a double-battle, my starter would be even more standard and expected (Crobat/Breloom status-whoring!) so I'd probably aim for Bite+King's Rock flinch on the Gengar and hope the Breloom's Spore goes through before Metagross does anything.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2772 on: June 08, 2009, 01:33:00 PM »
Chuck Ernst, Zegai and perhaps even Richard out of most overpowered S5 team yeah. IIRC Richard comes in strong but ends up with a few limiting factors that edges him out in favour of three free slot wonders 'n stuff. What was it he was hyped for again - parry/evade (or was that Raven)? Mrmm I should replay the game for a third time at some point.

+10-15 levels on Prince, and stupid high parry. 

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2773 on: June 08, 2009, 02:23:38 PM »
Beyond the Beyond - Let's see...  Today's record:

Stormed through the Gaea Shrine, and beat up the Water Demon at level 17.  The Water Demon was actually a hard fight, what with the threat of a 2HKO in Ice Level 2, and me without MT healing yet.  Still, I managed...  And no one died!
Climbed up a plant.  Jack and the beansprout territory, anyone?
Climbed Arawn's Tower.  He still didn't explain why the hell I'm the chosen one.
Broke Samson's curse.  Yay, someone bad is now someone mediocre to good (in that before, he'd often hurt himself attacking or just not do anything, now, he's still just as frail, but he acts constantly without hurting himself).
Beat up some Bandore Soldiers.  Man, this game is just throwing bosses at me left and right now!...  Or are these just minibosses?
Beat up Advisor Glade.  He went crazy, and then got ugly.  It was justified.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #2774 on: June 08, 2009, 04:23:18 PM »
Time for another bout of random insanity

The FF9 Hatbot solo challenge

Rules are more or less what it sounds like. I may make changes to the rules though, if the battles prove impossible (likely). I'll be avoiding powerlevelling, but for the most part this challenge has already inspired much hate. And yes, all of this is done BLIND, so I have no idea whether or not fights will prove to be possible or not. Base rules for now:

1) Each time there is a stall point or major party restructuring, roll Hatbot for solo character. The person placed on the top of the party list is always 1, while the last person on the list is 4. Selected party member must then solo until a stall or restructure

Had 6 resets already and I'm only past the Ice Cavern >_>.

Baku 1:
Hatbot rolled 3, which meant using Marcus. Thankfully. Otherwise challenge would be impossible from the get go if I rolled CINNA. Anyways, stole the Mage Masher since it’s a pretty good advantage if Zidane gets rolled.

Baku 2:
As Vivi, you can go into an item shop and stock up on Potions do so. Marcus can still solo Baku 2 without problem. He doesn’t trip but wastes half his turns with POLY SFX

Steiner 1:
Hatbot rolls Zidane. So! This was pretty much cake

Steiner 2:
Hatbot rolls Vivi. The low HP is hate since it makes the two knights + Steiner put more pressure than if Zidane or Marcus was rolled. I guess its better than rolling Garnet though, although I am pretty sure she can’t lose in this battle.

Steiner 3:
Vivi uses Focus, 2 Fires. That was that

Soul Cage:
Hatbot rolled Steiner. And…this was pretty much impossible. The problem was that Soul Cage is faster than Steiner (roughly 1.5x from eyeing). It drains 24 or 27 HP from Garnet, and yes, if she dies, you lose. Thanks to that speed advantage, if meant that Soul Cage was essentially draining 37 or 40 damage a turn. Steiner only deals 48-52 damage, so trying to win this by RAW damage alone is NOT possible. You will need way too many potions between healing yourself, Garnet and damaging Soul Cage. It’s even worse because the only store was back in Alexandria and you didn’t have that much money to stock Potions then. The only way I can think of was to use Trance’d Steiner, who deals x3 damage, which is a huge advantage. However, Trance Steiner only gets 2 attacks and Soul Cage has 400+ HP. So even at 150 damage per attack, you still can’t win. Steiner pretty much needs a double critical (back to back) to do this reasonably. So uh…screw that. First rule change was made here and I used Zidane to win this fight alone. And its pretty much cake since he gets free Trance. And Trance Zidane is dealing 2x much damage as Trance Steiner.

Soul Cage 2:
The great thing about this fight is that Vivi actually does something instead of sitting on his ass like Garnet. You could just heal Vivi and yourself for the longest time and you would still win.

Baku 2:
Stole the Iron Sword. It’s Zidane only so its not like I could solo with anyone else

Plant Brain:
One death here due to not remembering its attacks. Anyways, Hatbot rolls Zidane, so the set up was simple. Silk Shirt/Back row and then stall until Trance. That gets past Thunder/physical attacks and Blind.

At this point Hatbot rolls Garnet. Massive cussing ensues.
I proceed to navigate my way through the world map. Most of the fights are doable but are VERY slow. Get to the North gate to buy Potions since at this point, very likely you are running low, and Garnet’s MP pool isn’t deep enough at this point to keep on going. At the Ice Cavern, do not fight anything. 3x Blizzards by Flans is more than enough to knock you out. Try to fight Goblins on the world map since they have low damage AND low durability.

Black Waltz 1 + Sealion:
Thanks to Zidane getting solo portions, he was adequately leveled, so this was not even problematic at all.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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