
Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 687278 times)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3100 on: June 23, 2009, 04:15:42 AM »
More CC grinding and materia fusion abuse! I'm now at 7400 HP, and decked out with Curaga and Wall. Which means my next step is to build some MP+ bonuses so I can get through any decent fight without running out of MP. And the step after that is to get an HP Limit Break accessory, because right now I can't even get a solid Power Surge without capping it, but it doesn't seem like there's any easy way to do that.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 04:27:33 AM by Shale »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3101 on: June 23, 2009, 04:23:21 AM »
Mana Khemia- Finished. I liked the end, especially the last conversation between Isode and Vayne. I guess I expected more out of the character end though, but oh well. Once you got the full skillsets for your entire team, the battle system became insanely fun (and broken). Bosses could have good tricks to use against you and vice versa, and sometimes the same strategy wouldn't always work! The battle system is where a lot of the points come from, that and the characters.

The characters are really fun. Muppy needed to be more of an optional than anything... he's just sort of there. Otherwise, the cast is great. Jess is a rare fun girl-next-door type and it's kinda sad they dragged her down with the story they did, but she still shines regardless. Nikki is okay. She's great early then just sort of stays stagnant. Flay is just awesome incarnate. He really needed a scene where he yells "SPOOOOOOON!" Anna was another surprise. Really liked her, and she ended up in my final party. Needed more scenes with Flay. Pamela was a mixed bag. The voice just totally caught me by surprise, but I actually liked it because it was not a typecast at all and still fit the character. She needed to do more though. It was also funny to catch her occasionally being worried about Flay leaving. Flay/Pammy OTP ::Nodnod::  Still on the fence about Roxis. He was okay. I really didn't get much use out of him in battle except for the occasional Purify. Chrona Drive became obsolete quick and Judgement was way too slow. Looking back, after using Pammy against the pre-final boss, I should have kept her in, but Purify is just clutch in a few situations. I didn't even bother using Muppy.

Really enjoyed the game, but somehow I'm left with just sort of an odd feeling about it. It's nothing spectacular and I felt it barely squeaked an 8/10, but after looking at the other games at that rank I ended up putting it above half the games there. We'll see how this settles.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3102 on: June 23, 2009, 04:24:42 AM »

Played and beat Gears of War 1. It's a decent game. The cover system is completely at odds with my usual run and gun style of play in 3rd person shooters, but once I got used to it it worked well enough for what it is. Story is absolute macho bullshit, but it's amusing bullshit at least. Marcus Fenix and his gravelly He-Man "don't even ask about my tragic and complicated past" voice always made me chuckle. Fun enough game to justify a 20 buck price tag if nothing else.

Devil May Cry 4-Awwww yeah. Up to...Mission 5? 6?

My immediate thoughts...Dante needs to shave that peach fuzz off. Like, now. Nero's smartassery is good, I thought they were going to make him a total sap for awhile. Story's the same usual nonsense. Combat is way, way easier than DMC3. (I'm playing on Devil Hunter difficulty) The Devil Bringer is just utterly broken at murdering enemies and the Red Queen's not bad either. Gameplay is otherwise the usual stylish fun, though the platforming sections can be a chore sometimes. The first few bosses I managed to beat on my first try, but Ice Frog gave me a couple game overs before I got his pattern down. Finally got enough to afford Air Hike! Double-jumping is fun and useful.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3103 on: June 23, 2009, 06:38:00 AM »
DMC3 Hard Mode: Why does all my skills in a DMC game suddenly DIE whenever I face an Ice Aligned Boss, at least in Hard modes?  Bael/Dagon gave me more trouble than they oughta have in DMC4, and now Cerberus did in DMC3!  Gigapede was sucky beyond me fucking up at one point taking more damage than I should have, but still beat him in one go.  Also, I am reminded at how the Hell Vanguard you fight in Mission 2 is possibly harder than 90% of DMC2 Bosses -_-

And now, I present to you...Another Series By Meeple...unless popular demand states I shouldn't...

aka Tales of Symphonia 2: Dawn of the New World!

Episode 1: This Is Still a Better Idea Than Final Fantasy 4: The After Years.

Narrator who sounds exactly like Kratos: 1000 years ago, Martel caused the Tree of Kharlan to explode! This caused Sylvarant and Tethe'ala to split.  This resulted in...well, that's really all that happened.  But eventually, the Chosen of Regeneration came, and fused the world's together again!  But those of Tethe'ala looked down on Sylvarant cause of lesser technology, and started oppressing them.  This caused natural disasters around the world for some unknown reasons.  The Sylvarant people decided to stand up and created...THE VANGUARD! And so begins our story...

*Palmacosta, its on fire, image of Lloyd is seen as he jumps into the flames*
Mystery Girl: Oh no! I have to hide from the attackers!
*scene shift*
Random Man: No! Lloyd's attacking!
Random Woman: Emil! Where are you? Lloyd's about...
Lloyd: Lloyd's about to what?
Random Man: Oh shit...
Lloyd: Traitorous scum, DIE IN THE NAME OF THE CHURCH OF MARTEL! *kills the two people*
Random Woman: EMIL!!!!
Random Boy's Voice: MOM!!!!!!
*scene shift*
Mystery Girl: Must...get...away...
Soldiers: WE FOUND HER!
Mystery Girl: Oh no! Ratatosk! Please, help me!
Soldiers: Oh god no!
*flash of light, Soldiers are scene on the ground, a blonde haired boy is sitting there, with the Mystery Girl on the ground too*
Mystery Girl: Did me?
Blonde Haired Boy: ... *he leaves*
Mystery Girl: Wait! What's your name!? I FEEL ODDLY ATTRACTED TO YOU! *red symbol flashes on her face*
*scene shift, Blonde Haired Boy is with those earlier random people*
Random Woman: Emil...I can't see your face! Run! Quickly! GO to Luin and catch up with your aunt Flora!
Emil: No. MOM!!!!!!!!!!!

*scene shift, its in a house, Emil wakes up, with FAR MORE GENERIC CLOTHING THAN WHAT HE WAS WEARING BEFORE*
Emil: Huh? What was that? Is that a monster? Why have I been hearing these things?  Oh, Aunt Flora, what's going on?
Flora: Monsters are in the lake.
Emil: I'm sorry...
Flora: Why are you apologizing? NOW SHUT UP AND STAY IN YOUR ROOM!
Emil: I'm gonna take that as a sign to walk around town like any one would, so bye!
*in town in front of a Lloyd statue*
Emil: Stupid Lloyd, you burned my home town!
Bully #2: Hey! HE DIDN'T BOW!
Emil: Huh? uh, yes, I did...
Bully #1: Nu-huh! We saw you! YOU DIDN'T!
Bully #2: Uh, yeah, what he said!
Emil: But...
Bully #1: You're also the cause of all the monsters in this town! ITS YOUR FAULT!
Emil: I...uhh....
Bully #1: I CAN'T HEAR YOU!
Bully #2: Oh to hell with it, lets kick his ass anyway!
Emil: No! Lloyd destroyed my town! HE'S A MURDERER!
Bully #2: Uh, yeah, what he said!
*Emil bumps into a random guy*
Red Haired Man: What's going on here? You two, what has this kid done.
Bully #1: Oh shit! This guy looks like he has plot relevance!
Bully #2: You're right! LETS GET OUT OF HERE!
*They run*
Emil: Uhhh...
Red Haired Man: You know, you should stand up for yourself.  Anyway, later.
Emil: That guy he's so...strong...I should thank him! Yeah, that's what I'll do...I think...
*Emil catches up with him*
Emil: Uhh....
Red Haired Man: Oh, you again.  If you don't have anything to say, I'm going to ask you something.
Emil: O...k....
Red Haired Man: You're Emil, right? Have you seen a girl with a red symbol on her forehead?
Emil: No...I uh...haven't...I'm sorry...
Red Haired Man: Why are you apologizing? Whatever.  COURAGE IS THE MAGIC THAT TURNS DREAMS INTO REALITY!
Emil: Why did you say that...and why is it bolded?
Red Haired Man: Cause its the theme of the game, of course...despite being said by some crazy guy.  Also, its a hint that you have, you know, get a god damn spine.  I mean seriously kid, what are you? A MAN OR A DOG? Will you stand on your own two feet or get kicked around?
Emil: Huh?
Red Haired Man: This conversation bores me, good bye!
Emil: I...uh...ok...maybe I should go to the lake and check up on the monsters? Uh, yeah, that's what I'll do!  Why? I don't know, but I feel its my fault cause I keep hearing...
Emil: Yeah, that!
*at the edge of town*
Emil: Oh, hi Uncle Aldo...
Aldo: SHUT UP KID! Just looking at you makes me vomit, damned monster kid.
Emil BUt...
Aldo: Get back home! I'm gonna give you a big belt beating when I'm done with those damn monsters which I came back here for support!
Emil: ...oh no, I'm gonna get beaten again...
Aldo: anyway, time to look for help...and I hate you...
Emil: ...yeah, I think...I'll go look for that the Lake

*at the Lake*
Emil: Well, there's nothing here.  I guess they dealt with it all...
*Emil bumps into a large bear*
Emil: Oh god, what can I-...
*Cue battle scene*
Emil: WHAT!? A BATTLE!? And I'm conviently armed with a sword despite never having fought a thing in my life? What does this mean?
Emil's Brain: It means you are basically going to be the most pathetic Tales character of all time in this fight and this is a total plot fight.
Emil: Oh boy...
*Fight ends prematurely*
Emil: Oh no, what can I do.
Bear: BLARGH! *gets knocked down*
Mystery Girl: Boy, can you fight!?
Emil: Uh, yeah, if by fight, you mean flail a sword around like a moron while I cower in fear...
Mystery Girl: ...close enough.  You take the front lines! WE'LL ATTACK HIM TOGETHER!
*they defeat the monster*
Emil: I...won?  But not without your help, so uh...
Emil: What? Have we met?
Mystery Girl: You don't remember? Awww ;_;
Emil: I...what?
Mystery Girl: THanks for saving me!  Maybe you can save me again in the future ^_^.  Anyway, later :)
Emil: Save...again?
*end flashback*
Emil: ...why did I think of that?
Emil: I killed a monster...I think...
Emil: ...ok...

*back at Luin*
Emil: Wait...that girl...she had a red symbol on her forehead!  I better go find that guy!
*at the Mayor's house*
Emil: You! I...uh...
Mayor: Oh, you know Richter?
Richter: Yes, we met briefly.  Anyway, speak up boy!
Emil: I saw the girl!
Richter: WHAT!? YOU SAW MARTA!? WHERE! TELL ME!? *shakes Emil like he's a doll*
Emil: Ow! You gotta let go of me!
Richter: Oh, right.  Anyway, where is she?
Emil: She' the lake...
Richter: I see...well, come with me then!
Emil: What?
Richter: You can help guide me there!  If only you had told me sooner...
Emil: Oh, I'm sorry...
Richter: Stop apologizing!
Emil: I'm sorry!
Richter: ...let's just go...

*at the Lake*
Aldo: Damn it Demon Boy! WHat did I tell you? GO HOME AND WAIT FOR YOUR SPANKING!
Richter: He has been given permission by the Mayor to enter this cave with me!
Aldo: And why should I listen to you?
Richter: Cause I can kick your ass.
Aldo: ...damn, but what about him? He's just a boy!
Richter: You just called him a DEMON Boy, didn't you?
Aldo: I...uhh...
Richter: You backed yourself in a corner.  You are a worthless NPC.  GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!
Emil: ...Richter's pretty harsh...
Richter: Anyway, you're going to have to have fought before, RIGHT!?
Emil: Uh, sort of...kind of...maybe...
Richter: ...I'll take that as a yes...anyway, I expect you to not get in the way, but if things get too hard, I'll bail you out.
Emil: Thank you.
Richter: That's not something to thank me for...
Emil: Oh...sorry...
Emil: SORRY!
Richter: *Sigh* what have I gotten myself into?  Oh yeah, and just so we're clear, I do not despise you.
Emil: O...k...

*in the cave, the two come to a door*
Richter: Ok, there's a strong monster behind here.  You just wait here like a good boy and let me dispatch it.  You'll just get in my way.
Emil: Alright...
Emil: That must be her! She sounds like she's in trouble! I...have to help her!
*Emil rushes in, Richter has Marta at sword point*
Emil: So that's why you were looking for her? You were trying to kill her?
RIchter: Yes, yes I was!
Marta: Please, help me!
Emil: I...I can't beat Richter...
Richter: Shut up! Give me Ratatosk, the Demon Lord!
Marta: He's not a demon lord! He's the lord of all monsters! He's a good guy!
Emil: Rat-....what? You've lost me!
Richter: Stay out of my way!
Emil: NO! I CAN'T! *pushes Richter out of the way*
RIchter: I don't have time for this...Aqua, just kick his ass.
*Aqua appears*
Aqua: Yes sir Richter Lord Sir Master Cuteness!
Emil: A talking monster?
Emil: What?
Aqua: *Sigh* Just shut up and leave! *she blasts him away*

Emil: What he heck happened...
Emil: What?
Voice: Damn it, just make a pact! If you want to fight, make a pact with Ratatosk!
Emil: ...what?
Voice: ...maybe I should appear first...*a large black dog appears*
Emil: ...are you
Dog: No, I'm a Centurion!
Emil: ANother one of those, what?
Dog: ...look, my name is Tenebrae, and if you make a pact with me, things will be a lot easier.
Emil: Oh...ok...
Tenebrae: Good! Its settled!
*Emil gets ABSORBED BY DARKNESS, his clothes change to something far less generic*
Emil: But the room is locked up...
Tenebrae: ...ok, then use this path I can conveniently feel over there.
Emil: the way, why have my clothes changed?
Tenebrae: Because you are now a Knight of Ratatosk!  You need to ahve a certain amount of class! Those other clothes are pitiful! These ones are magical! They won't stain, get dirty, are water proof, never wrinkle, and have other such features that conveniently mean you'll never have to change your clothes ever again!
Emil: So...what happened to my old clothes?
Tenebrae: Oh, the DARKNESS!!! took them.
Tenebrae: ...nevermind, lets just get going.
Emil: Oh, so you're going to help me fight?
Tenebrae: Of course not! We Centurion don't fight! What you need to do is go fight a monster, capture it, and make a pact with it and it'll assist you!
Emil: So I get a monster, and make it your unwilling slave to aid me?
Tenebrae: ...yes, that is one way to put it.
Emil: Ok...
*Emil gets control of a Wolf and an Imp along the way, eventually meets up with Aqua*
Aqua: Oh, you're back! And you have...made a pact? Damn it Tenebrae! Stay out of this!
Tenebrae: Go, show her what you're made of Emil!
Emil: Uh...ok...
*Battle starts*
Emil: I I have confidence...and a deeper Johnny Yong Bosch now VAs me.  I CAN FIGHT!!!!
*Emil kicks Aqua's ass*
Emil: What just happened? I felt like a different person there!
Tenebrae: That's Ratatosk's power! Anyway, there's Richter injured, we should leave.
Emil: But I have to help him! He helped me!
Tenebrae: He almost tried to kill you too...
Emil: But I can't just sit here!
Tenebrae: Well, this decision is going to be something you regret, but if you insist...
Richter: Damn! I was attacked by Lloyd! He kicked my ass...badly...
Emil: The Main Character of the previous game who is mysteriously evil kicked the crap out of a bad ass like you?  So you mean this game isn't randomly making the previous characters weaker for no god damn reason?
Richter: Yes, I expected him to be hit by that, but alas, that wasn't the case! He seems to still have his awesome plot power from the previous game...and he stabbed me in the which I mean literally...
Emil: Um, ok...wait here, I'll get Aqua!
*Emil gets Aqua and brings her to Richter*
Aqua: Oh, he'll be fine!  The wound isn't fatal!  NOW LEAVE! I DON'T LIKE YOU!
Emil: O...k...
Tenebrae: We must hurry and find Marta before Lloyd does!
Emil: Lloyd's here? I...must make him pay for Palmacosta!

*Emil catches up with Lloyd and Marta*
Marta: Damn it, I won't let you get away with this!
Lloyd: Just stand down already, you know you can't win.
Emil: YOU! I'll make you pay for what you did at Palmacosta!
Marta: Emil! You've come to save me again! Yay ^_^!!!
Lloyd: Not Palmacosta again...
Emil: Don't act like you don't know what's going on! You'll pay for killing my parents!
*they fight Lloyd*
Emil: Take this-*gets OHKOed by Sonic thrust*
Marta: NO! Emil! I'll cast Fir-*Lloyd Tiger Bades her, she dies*
Lloyd: *Sigh* Early game level PCs are just too easy...
*after fight*
Lloyd: I'm taking this crystal, yoink!
Marta: No! He stole the Centurion Core!
Emil: The who of what now?
Tenebrae: Simply put, its an egg of a Centurion, they go there when they're sleeping.  And Marta has one fused to her forehead now.
Marta: Yeah, but thanks for saving me again <3
Emil: but I did-...oh, lets just head back to Luin.  But can I ask why there are problems with the world?
Tenebrae: That's cause of the Centurion.  You see, cause Ratatosk is asleep, and the world's are remerged, there's an inbalance.  Normally, Ratatosk helps keep the balance; when the world's were split, he slept, and things were fine, but now he's needed.  Unfortunately, for him to awaken, all the Centurion need awakening too!  Aqua split her ties with Ratatosk, so that's why all these water related disasters have been occurring since the Regeneration.
Emil: ...what?
Tenebrae: In terms players will understand, beating up Mithos in the first game caused other problems indirectly to occur, and this game is going to be about dealing with those!
Emil: Oh...ok...

*at Luin*
Marta: Hey Emil, lets go to your home first! (Yes! I can introduce myself to his parents and show them what kind of couple we are!)
Tenebrae: Marta, you seem infatuated by him already...
Marta: Of course! He's just so cute and brave and he's like my prince! Right Emil?
Emil: I...what?  Anyway, I think we should head to the Mayor's first and tell him what happened (I don't want Marta to see my uncle beating on me either...)
Marta: Oh...I guess you're right (DAMN IT! I was THIS CLOSE!)
New Guy: HOLD IT MARTA! Give us Ratatosk now!
Marta: Oh...hi...Hawk...
Emil: Friend of yours?
Marta: Not really; we were just in the Vanguard together, then I left...
Hawk: Look, if you co-operate, we'll let you back in and all will be forgotten.
Marta: NEVER! Emil, LETS RUN!
Emil: Huh, what?
Tenebrae: Just listen to the woman! (its not like you can win arguments with them anyway...)
Hawk: After the-...blargh my spleen!
Emil: Uh...thanks?
Marta: Damn it, you guys are all the same!  Lets just get the hell out of here! *the trio runs*
Magnan: That's it...people of Luin! YOu are heretics cause you had a traitor here!  For this reason, we shall...BURN THE TOWN! Unless of course you find her, then we Might forgive you.
*outside of town*
Marta: I can't give them Ratatosk, I can't!
Emil: town...they'll burn it, like Palmacosta! Please, Marta, YOU HAVE TO!
Marta: Ok, if its for you, Emil, I will :)
Tenebrae: you do realize you just sent Marta to her death, right?
Emil:  How so?
Tenebrae: Cause Ratatosk is fused with her and to unfuse her, she needs to give up her life force.  This is all cause of your own selfish reasons./
Emil: ...really? Um...shit, what should I do?
*Flash back*
*End flashback*
Emil: ...I have to save her! Lets go Tenebrae!
Tenebrae: Well, nothing wrong can come of this. </sarcasm>
*in town*
Marta: Ok, you can have Ratatosk, ubt you'll have to take my head for it!
Magnan: Hey, I like the sound of that! You over there! Kill her, but do it VERY SLOWLY for exposition!
*Marta bends her head ready to get killed*
Magnan: Anyway, BURN THE TOWN! PILLAGE! KILL! RAPE! ...wait, all the women here are ugly...forget the rape part, just kill them all!
Magnan: Yep!
Emil: No! Stop! Please!
Magnan: Shut up boy! *punches Emil away*
Emil: I...I have to do something!
*Emil goes all crazy, Dark, and such.  His eyes turn red, voice is back to Johnny Yong Bosch.  From this point on, anytime Emil goes into this mode, we'll just call it Dark Emil*
Dark Emil: I said STOP DAMN IT!
*Emil kicks the crap out of a bunch of guards, looking damn bad ass*
Magnan: What the hell?
Dark Emil: Shut up! Now let her go! Or do you value your life?
Magnan: HA! A mere boy can't beat-...
*Boss fight occurs and he loses badly*
Dark Emil: Eheheheheh.  What's that? WHOSE GOT THE POWER NOW!?
*he starts beating the shit out of Magnan*
Marta: No, Emil, stop!
Emil: Huh? What have I done!?
Magnan: RETREAT!!!!
Emil: I...uhh...
Marta: You saved me! You're my prince in shining armor! <3
Emil: ...lets just talk to the Mayor...
*at the Mayors*
Mayor: Emil, please go look into this mess regarding Lloyd.  I can't believe Lloyd would do that to Palmacosta...but now I don't know what to believe, having seen the Church of Martel try the very same thing here.  This is for your own good, cause I know the village hates you.
Emil: This isn't just a convenient excuse to get rid of me, is it?
Mayor: NO! ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! ...oh yeah, and thank you for saving the town.
Marta: Ok, and I'm going with you! Our enemy is both Lloyd, so uh...yeah, that's it! (Also, you're so freaking sexy!)
Emil: So...where to next?
Marta: Asgard of course!

*At Asgard*
Emil: There's a lot of wind here...
Marta: Yeah...hey, lets go speak to the Mayor! He'll know about Lloyd!
Emil: Oh...ok...
???: I'm sorry, but that's a strange looking dog you have there.
Emil: Yeah we-...wait, you can see Tenebrae?
???: I haven't been here in a while! This is my home town! It wasn't called Asgard when I was here though!
Marta: Uh, ok...
???: Anyway, good day!
Marta: ...who was he?
Emil: Beats me, but he could see Tenebrae despite his invisible state...
Tenebrae: How very curious...
*at the Mayors*
Emil: Well, no one's home, lets leave...
Marta: ...
Emil: What? Did I say something?
Tenebrae: No, Marta's just actually thinking about something besides you for once...
Emil: Oh, OK-...wait, what's that suppose to mean?
Tenebrae: You really are clueless aren't you?
Marta: The wind...wind this weakshouldn't do damage to buildings.
*A huge gust appears*
Marta: Oh the Irony! And...wait, oh crap! I'm on a big diet right now! AAAAH!
*Marta gets swept away by the wind*
Emil: MARTA!!! *he grabs her hand and saves her*
Marta: Thank you Emil! And...this is so romantic, holding hands like this!
Emil; Huh? *Notices how they're holding hands, tosses her off* I...uh...I'm sorry! I was just trying to save you.
Marta: Don't apologize, I enjoyed it ^_^
Tenebrae: On a more serious note, we should probably find shelter.  There's a cave nearbye, lets go there!
Marta: *Grabs Emil's hand* Yeah, and its safer if we go like this!
Emil: I...uh...ok, I guess...
Marta; Yay ^_^!
*in the cave*
Emil: So, now that we're here, you think...we can stop...holding...hands?
Marta: Awww, you don't have to if you don't want to? *looks at Emil* ...I mean, just kidding ^^;
Emil: ...what's with her?
Tenebrae: Aha! The wind conveniently died down! Lets go outside and look around!

Marta: Oh no, its Alice! A high ranking officer of the Vanguard!
Alice: Hawkie! Why haven't you found the Chosen of Regeneration yet!
Hawk: I'm sorry, but Colette is nowhere in sight!
Alice: Quiet! First you let Martmart get away, then you can't find Colettie!? SHE'S IN THIS TOWN! GET HER OR I'LL WHIP YOU!
Hawk: Yes ma'am! I-...ow!
Alice: DON'T TALK BACK TO ME! IN fact, I'm gonna beat you up more!
Marta: ...she's a real sadist....DON'T GET ANY KINKY IDEAS EMIL!
Emil: Huh!?
Tenebrae: So the Chosen is here? We should go find her!
Emil: Oh, right! The Chosen of Regeneration traveled with Lloyd! She might know where he is!
Marta: I don't wanna meet her...but I guess we don't have a choice, huh?
*team finds Colette*
Colette: So Lloyd isn't here, aww...
Colette: ...what did I do to you?
Marta: Palmacosta! The world's merged, then a giant tree came and THE ENTIRE THING WENT ON FIRE! And they say its cause you ran away from your duties!
Colette: Its true...
Marta: *shoves Colette* YOU BITCH! I HATE YOU! *she runs*
Emil: ...
Colette: I'm sorry...
Emil I should...go check on her...
Emil: Marta...
Marta: Its ok.  I use to think that Palmacosta was just a sacrifice for a greater good, but...SHE ADMITTED TO BEING THE REASON ITS DESTROYED! IT MAKES ME ANGRY!
Kid: You there! You hurt the chosen! Go apologize!
Marta: Why should I!?
Kid: You...ahhh! Giant Deus Ex Machina Wind! HELP ME!!!
Marta: No! I'll save you!!! *Marta gets herself into a situation where she's saving the kid, but can't do anything to protect herself*
Alice: AHA! We found Martmart! Get her everyone!
Emil: No! Marta!
Hawk: OUT OF MY WAY BOY! *pushes him*
Emil: Oh, god what are we gonna do.
Tenebrae: Well, if it wasn't for that stupid "Centurion don't fight directly" plot point that was mentioned earlier, I'd consider helping you...
Colette: ANGEL FEATHER! *rings come and deflect everyone away, Colette is flying with Marta and the kid in her hands*
Marta: Why did you save me!?
Colette: cause you were someone in need!
Alice: Crap! Colettie is here, and she seems to still retain some of her plot powers from the previous game! Monsters, get them!
*the monsters lose*
Colette: Ok, glad to see you're all ok! Anyway, I got somethings I need to do, good bye!
Marta: ...I have to go thank her, lets go find her Emil!
Emil: You hated her though...
Marta: BUT SHE SAVED MY LIFE! I need to repay the favor!
Emil: *sigh*
*They catch up*
Marta: Thank you for saving us, Chosen of Regeneration!
Colette: Oh, now we can be friends! Call me Colette! *she actually says something like this*
Mayor: Ahem! There's still that problem with the Stone Dais!
Colette: Oh! Right! I promised to look into that for the sake of the wind!
Marta: Well I'm helping, even if you say no! I have to repay the debt!
Colette: I wouldn't have it any other way!
Tenebrae: Aha! She seems to have gotten over the hatred pretty quickly!
Emil: Uh, yeah.
Colette: Oh! That's a cute Doggie!
Tenebrae: I am not a dog! I am a Centurion! My name is Tenebrae!
Colette: Ok, I'll call you Tenebie!
Tenebrae: This is going to be a long journey...
*Colette Joins, she's several levels above the other characters, with god damn awesome stats and equipment, at the Stone Dais*
Colette: Hm...doesn't seem to be anything here...nope, no Fake Summon Spirit of Wind like last time!
Emil: Huh?
Colette: Oh no-...aaah! *she trips, knocks Marta down, a large bird flies over both*
Emil: Whoa! A monster!
Marta: That must be the cause of this problem! Lets kill it! We'll succeed with you by my side, right Emil :)
Colette: Everyone, get ready!
Emil: Uh, ok...
Marta: Damn it Emil! YOu're blushing when she speaks >:(
*They fail to beat the Garuda, and retreat*
Marta: You saved us again! That bird almost got us!
Colette: All I did was trip...
Tenebrae: We need a Wing Dragon.  They're the natural enemy of the Garuda! They can cut through the Garuda's defensive hides!
Colette: I know a dragon Tamer in Hiam! He'll tell us where to get one!

*at Hiam*
Emil: This place is overrun by monsters!
Tenebrae: Well, the Devil Powers here make that so...alternatively, its a convenient excuse to have another cheap dungeon.
Colette; IT...wasn't like this before...we must hurry!
*atop the mountain*
Emil: That's one big Imp...
Tenebrae: Would you believe me if I said he is not a boss fight?
Marta: Lets kill it anyway!
*they beat it*
Emil: Did the Dragon Tamer?
Colette: Hey! A Wing Dragon! I hear one!
*it comes flying in*
Wing Dragon: Caw caw caw caw!
Tenebrae: He's saying thank you for beating that pathetic boss and avenging his dad.  He also says the Dragon Tamer got away.  Oh, he's going to help us...yet not join our party...
Emil: but I thought I can capture monsters and make them our allies! What's the point of befriending a monster if its not going to fight for us?
Tenebrae: Plot Device.
Emil: Oh.
Colette: Lets go back to Asgard!
*at Asgard*
Tenebrae: Our Dragon friend is too small to attack the Garuda head on; he's just a child, though he can still break the defenses!  Lets use someone as live bait!
Colette and Marta: I'll do it!
Marta: NO! I'm gonna do it! I'll prove a bigger woman to Emil than you!
Colette: Its my duty as Chosen, to help protect everyone!
Emil: ok, look, how about I do it!
Marta: Oh, you will!? MAN, Emil, You're so brave and awesome and ^_^_^_^_^_^
Colette: Oh, well, if you insist, that'll be alright.
Emil: ...funny how they stop arguing once I volunteered...
Tenebrae: To understand the mental psyche of a female is but an impossibility even to us Centurion...

*one Minigame and boss fight later*
Emil: Huh? The wind didn't Stop.
Colette: Hm...seems the Garuda wasn't the cause of it.
Tenebrae: Must be a different source, one that is of a different nature than my own which is why I can't sense it.  Though, Garuda usually are docile...
Colette; Well, lets look into this more shall we?
Emil: Yeah, I...guess...

Find out next time on...
Note that Marta actually is this obsessed with Emil.  I'm not taking liberties, she's pretty blatant about the whole "I want in Emil's pants!"  This isn't a flanderization, SHE'S ACTUALLY LIKE THIS.

Also, yes, I know I failed to capture Tenebrae properly, but uh...its really hard to work with someone like him.  I'll get better at him, I promise!  Its also hard to truly make Emil the wimp he is <_<

If people want me to stop this...I will...but if no one says anything...well, expect more to come <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3104 on: June 23, 2009, 07:03:17 AM »
ChinaFE: WoGaE Replay:

Hi Fiora, Bye Tana i let her die, sorry tana fans ;_; also tethys, but who cares about her

On a serious note, I just hit Chapter 11. Celica as usual, mows down people, as does Isadora, but after I recruited Fiora, I feel I have a triumvirate set up 'n everything. Once Isadora hits 20/20, going to use the Ocean Seal on her to give her Master Knight class. I also recruited Nergal but he's already Necromancer so I'm not going to use him as MUCH in the current chapters, since you get him in Eirika route earlier than Eph, so. Seriously though, I do not remember steamrolling through the game this fast, but that must be because I did Ch5 Arena Abuse. Whoops!
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3105 on: June 23, 2009, 07:08:35 AM »
Meeple's Abridged ToS2 makes me want to play it. I'm a sad sad Tales fan.

WAXF - Sacred Slayer is so ridiculously effective. The VP system is starting to bug me now that I'm dealing with reinforcement units. It makes defensive strategies pretty difficult. Maybe I'm missing some method of restoring it?

When do I get more Skill slots? 4 just isn't enough to make the kind of broken I like.



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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3106 on: June 23, 2009, 07:23:22 AM »
1) you can restore 100 VP with a Nectar. Use with Mystic for best results.

2) Level up more. I'm not sure of the exact formula, but that's what triggered additional slots. If you want even more, master the plot characters' base classes.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3107 on: June 23, 2009, 07:30:11 AM »
I think you get 1 Skill slot for every 10 levels.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3108 on: June 23, 2009, 07:38:50 AM »
Ar Tonelico- Started this up cause I had nothing better to do. Yeah, it really does look like the easiest game ever and I'm less than an hour into it. I liked the opening plot sequence in a B-Movie sort of way. Worldbuilding is a plus, Lyner is a definite loss of about 2 points.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3109 on: June 23, 2009, 07:44:16 AM »
Cool that people run out of VP, I never really did. I assumed the mechanic was fairly useless beyond boosting a certain PC's speed and getting you owned by a certain boss' sword. I take a fairly offensive strategy, though. Shale's right, use Nectars, Mystic + Item Effect Up would see you restoring 150 VP to a party in a single action.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3110 on: June 23, 2009, 08:36:06 AM »
...dammit, I need an actual copy of FFX International

You really really don't.  Fuck you Square.  Fuck you and your bad design.

Bought Eat Lead and Prototype, dunno why but I guess I am in a smash shit up mood or something.  Prototype is PC version, so I imagine it is going to be another shitty port just to piss me off.  Expect more swearing and vitriol in the future! (I don't actually know anything about the quality of the port this time.  Last time I did this though it burned me hard.  Velvet Assassin PC version is pretty bad on that note).

Oh and dunno about hard mode Shale, but in normal so far,  Osmose >>>>> Magic twinking.  Edit - Errr I mean MP twinking obviously.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3111 on: June 23, 2009, 09:30:47 AM »
EF - [05:17] <Elecman> T-ELOS IS IN ET?

Sums it up. She was sorta fail in-game due to not liking to use good damage (MT is sorta lacking, her ST overkill she just used too late and the support was easy to one-round). Having Reiji didn't help, though. Soul solves so many problems.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3112 on: June 23, 2009, 09:36:10 AM »
If people want me to stop this...I will...but if no one says anything...well, expect more to come <_<

You should give it its own topic.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3113 on: June 23, 2009, 09:53:36 AM »
Meep- Remember to comment on how ToS2 created even MORE discontinuity for ToP.

To SO4 people- All the PC's ending can be gotten by having high enough affinity, just make bunch of love potion and it should fix the problem. While Crowe and Faize require you to see all their character specific PAs. And.. Lymle is such a plto device.

As for the after game dungeon, remove all mages but Sarah. Mages tends to make things worse later on. Make Sarah your primary healer and Edge your secondary. Than toss in Erumat who shall pay no attention to anything else but to spam Dragon roar to kingdom come. While Reimei is your rush attacker of hell.

On FF super boss-

Omega Weapon is internally flawed even without Holy War. In one hand, it is patternized, which makes it predictable to hell. But they have no other choice, because Terra Break is supreme overkill without G.F. meat shield or Holy War, if randomized, it'll be the same deal with Ozma's OHKO meteor, which pissed a good deal of people off when it is the first move he use. And Omega's offense isn't really that spectacular outside Terra Break, so it just end up as an uninteresting one trick phony.
FF10 also have the problem with Zenmatou, and Der Richter is just a grindfest and war of attrition outside it.
FF7 has the problem with mimic and counter command. Tweak atk a little and a hero drug, counter spam limits ends everything like in 5 minutes >.>


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3114 on: June 23, 2009, 03:00:36 PM »
I think you get 1 Skill slot for every 10 levels.

This. Additionally, the plot PCs' unique classes grant them +3 skill slots when at max level (though only when they are actually in that class).

I had some of my speedier fighters run out of VP due to extra turns + heavy equipment, but it was never a concern for the mages.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3115 on: June 23, 2009, 03:06:01 PM »
Meep- Remember to comment on how ToS2 created even MORE discontinuity for ToP.

When I get that far, I will!  As of now, its too early so anything can happen to the point of "This story is completely meaningless in the timeline!" to "Hey, this just fucked up everything remotely canon like the FF7 Compilation does on a regular basis!*"  Its just ToS2 seems like it'll be perfect bait for an Abridged series like SO4 was.  Unlike Grandia Xtreme which has so little plot in it, you can't even MOCK IT PROPERLY with a parody (hence why I didn't bother)

*Crisis Core need not apply to this line.

And from what I understand...
Terra Break is technically physical, so Defend lets you survive it as well.    Though, didn't he have Light Pillar, for that ST OHKO?  OR was that just an Ultima Weapon thing?  I know, ST OHKO in FF8 isn't the most threatening of things, but it does slow down the fight even more -_-

Still Omega Weapon was a poorly designed boss.  He's just done in a style that makes him take a while, and there's no reason for it, he's just boring.  Contrast to Nemesis where the HP felt completely appropriate.  If you want to make a good FF10 boss, you need to either:
A. Give it a Gimmick to get around Quick Hit Spam, which they already did with Neslug.
B. Make Aeon's unusable...which Shinryu already did.
C. Give it loads of HP so it can actually OUTLAST all your Aeon Meatshield Strategy.

C is the least gimmicky, most straightforward, and generally the hardest to overcome, its not shocking Nemesis was given that being the Ultimate Super Boss in FF10 (before International.) 

Ok, I guess some of the Dark Aeons found new ways to be tough, and Penance seems to be multipart, which adds in more actions, but well, yeah.  Nemesis' Massive HP worked cause it was his counter measure to just constant Meatshields, which meant that if your offense wasn't good enough, you'd have to figure out some other strategy than Aeon Meatshields; its kind of like a Pseudo-Time limit, which was neat.

Minerva's just really well done cause even with all the broken you can scrounge up, all the best stuff you can get your hands on...she still makes you work for that victory.

Edit #2:
Regarding Crisis Core MP?  Ethers tend to work well and you can restock on them easily enough cause they're dirt cheap, and CC's store system is awesome like that.  Never really played around with Osmose or its variants (like Osmose Blade), so I can't speak for that.

I suspect Osmose Blade would be good though in Hard Mode, as it lets you replenish MP in addition too dealing damage.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 03:27:58 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3116 on: June 23, 2009, 04:13:54 PM »
Mana Kehmia: Is fun.  Brewing stuff is a nice way to spend my time.

Suikoden Hahahaha no way am I typing out that second name: There's a major glitch with this game.  All the dialog boxes have spaces after words.  It's completely unbelievable!


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3117 on: June 23, 2009, 05:59:34 PM »
Omega Weapon is internally flawed even without Holy War. In one hand, it is patternized, which makes it predictable to hell. But they have no other choice, because Terra Break is supreme overkill without G.F. meat shield or Holy War, if randomized, it'll be the same deal with Ozma's OHKO meteor, which pissed a good deal of people off when it is the first move he use. And Omega's offense isn't really that spectacular outside Terra Break, so it just end up as an uninteresting one trick phony.

Eh...if Terra Break is randomized, you could potentially set up one PC with Auto Potion/Defend/Initiative so they do nothing BUT defend for the entire fight. This prevents Terra Break death and eats through Megiddo Flame as well, so the only issue is Light Pillar. You have 2 other PCs to do the damage work. Makes the fight longer sure, but still strikes me as less of an issue than Ozma's Meteor.

The problem really is the second thing you said - Omega Weapon just doesn't have a good way to deal with Uber junctions/Triple Triad bullshit. The patternized deal makes it so one sided and about the only two threatening moves outside of Terra Break are Megiddo Flame and Light Pillar. The former where after he uses it, he leaves himself in prime position to get SMASHED by 12 second duels from Zell and Lionhearts from Squall.  The latter is ST so unless you're slow, you can easily revive someone. You're basically never THREATENED by him if you know what you're doing. Again, I re-emphasize that you can blitz him to death (ie: Kill before he uses Terra Break), which shows how he cannot deal with the broken you're given in game.

...Granted, part of the problem is that Holy Wars are so easy to come by. Unless you gave him a move that by-passed it or gave him a move that locked item use, he's screwed regardless >.>

This is more or less why I consider Ultima Weapon better in many ways. ST Light Pillar is pretty much his only offense, but he's SO fast that he can actually take advantage of this.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3118 on: June 23, 2009, 09:52:02 PM »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3119 on: June 23, 2009, 10:40:40 PM »
You could make OMega Weapon hard by using the same kinds of shit that makes Demi Fiend fucking horrible.

Sure, you could also make a boss that is only vulnerable to Doom and have the timer set to 9999999999999999999999999 but it would still be fucking retarded making the player use shitty moves that are worthless for the rest of the game (THREE of them at that.  Initiative is the best of them and it is still pretty bad).
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3120 on: June 23, 2009, 11:13:23 PM »
Well, Initiative has one very useful purpose, actually:

Hunting Cactuars.

Hand Squall Initiative (or Selphie, if she has her Ultimate), and you're insured to kill at least one Cactuar per fight.  Otherwise, there's a good chance they may all run before the fight is over.

This is, sadly, probably the best use you'll have for Initiative...well, it MAY help against Marlboros, I guess, if you can get a good Limit off to destroy them, when trying to hunt for Marlboro Tentacles for Phantom Train and such.

Otherwise, yeah, struggling to see a use for it.  Its not so much a bad skill as much as FF8 doesn't really have cases where going first really matters too much.  Contrast to FF10, where there's shit like Great Marlboros of Omega Dungeon who can just kill you dead with their 100% Ambush, and First Strike lets you cheat them out, getting one turn before they bullshit you.
Its not an ATB thing, mind; FF5 had an equivalent thing with Masamune, and that's actually very handy, since Initiative Mighty Guard can save your ass in a bunch of cases.  FF8 just sort of lacks moves that you'd really give a shit about using before the enemy goes, what with the lack of Hastega (Triple Haste is the best you get, but that requires at least 2 turns to set up, thus kind of defeating the purpose...and this is ignoring that Auto Haste exists anyway), Mighty Guard being a Limit only, GFs actually taking enough time that the enemy may sneak a turn in anyway, etc.

To say nothing of how Auto Potion and Defend are EVEN WORSE.  Just curious, but Auto Potion works like FFT/9, where if you're out of potions, it'll use the next worst, right? So you can get Auto X-potion, OOC?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 11:18:26 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3121 on: June 24, 2009, 12:05:55 AM »
Yes Meeple. IIRC FF8 Auto Potion starts with the worst potion and works its way up. If you only have X Potions, then you will only use X Potions. Thanks to Triple Triad, getting a whole bunch of X potions isn't exactly the hardest ask in the world. Alexander having Med Level Up also helps getting potions that can do relevant amounts of healing.

Pass that, Initiative isn't necessary. IIRC, Omega's speed is something like 65-90? Ultima's the crazy asshole with something like 150 Speed >_>. I can think of situations where Defend and Auto Potion can be useful in theory (Ruby Dragons/T-Rexaurs/Grendels all hit pretty hard. Auto Potion is nice to avoid wasting turns healing). I would say that Defend is more useful than Auto Potion and Initiative though, for all that all three skills are pretty bad in comparison to things like HP+80% and Auto Haste.

Note that I'm not defending Omega weapon as a well thought out boss. I'm just saying that if Omega became randomized, you could still deal with him. They didn't have to make his entire fight pattern scripted. Something like every 2-3 turns could've worked. Fact remains though that Holy Wars are piss easy to get and there's no way for Omega to actually cheese pass all the Triple Triad broken available.
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3122 on: June 24, 2009, 12:21:16 AM »
Full status cancel comboed into Terra Break?
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[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3123 on: June 24, 2009, 12:31:35 AM »
150 speed? Is that all? I seem to recall getting to 255 speed and realizing the primary limit of my ability to do damage was now the length of my attack animation, making all characters but Irvine and Squall rather gimped.

If I had any kind of notion that this was intentional I'd call it some hilarious metahumor or something.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #3124 on: June 24, 2009, 01:30:34 AM »
Ultima weapon has 145 Speed, which is pretty obscene.  Consider that Triple is +60 Speed, I believe, and level 100 PCs have 45~ Speed at base, this means you have to use a Spd+% equip or a bunch of speed boosting items to reach that level.

Auto Haste helps of course, but yeah, its base speed is obscene.

That, never noticed just how slow Omega Weapon is; 61 speed.  In fairness, its 61 at ALL LEVELS!!! so he's idiotically fast at level 1! Ultima weapon has 27 speed then >_>
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A