
Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 686021 times)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4575 on: September 13, 2009, 12:18:45 PM »
Eh, it not only fills a niche Terra sorely needs filled (direct HP attack), but the fact that it can bust through a lot of stuff is useful, as is the three different settings since they all have their uses.  I mean, hell.  Using Meltdown level 1 to blast things that dodge too soon before they can dodge again is just fun.  And if somebody wanders into the enclosed area in Pandemonium and you just happen to find a nice shot into it?  The look of panic on your foe's face when he realizes there's a flaming pinball bouncing around in there with him is priceless.

Granted, I haven't taken a look at what the general multiplayer opinion is, but I figure that if Meltdown is useless in the long run, then my brother will get to the point fairly soon where he can negate it fairly easily.  And if that does happen, then it will have at least given me a lot of fun before that comes to pass.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4576 on: September 13, 2009, 01:06:55 PM »
No, we couldn't pretend Ameno Sagiri was doing everything, we have to add in some freak with a God Complex instead just for one more dungeon!"

This is funny because Izanami actually is a deity.

Anyways, seconding the "For the love of god, don't play P3 if you disliked P4" sentiment.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4577 on: September 13, 2009, 02:44:30 PM »
I'd like to add that I probably back attacked around 2/3 of randoms over the course of P4, and I'm pretty darn sure that I couldn't have been all that overlevelled. Seconding Soppy on the 'P4 doesn't really do anything worse' than P3 aspect, and again add that they're two of my favorites.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4578 on: September 13, 2009, 03:30:06 PM »
Yes, Niu...EVERYTHING in Dissidia is predictable to some degree.  Meltdown has actual range, and comes off faster than most HP attacks.  You can pre-empt a lot of shit with it. 

"Too easily intercepted"?  No, no its not.  If you're firing Meltdown first, you are not getting stuff like Rough Divide off before it.  Its good for mind games too.  Meltdown Level 2 -> Dodge Cancel -> Meltdown Level 1.  In small areas,  dodging that is a whore.  Don't go "You can reflect it!" since pulling off something that actually reflects it fast enough when it comes out is very hard. 

I don't see how Meltdown can be "predictable" when just about every god damn HP move has the same issue.  Furthermore, the blast radius in the English version is improved, near as I can tell.

The lag is not attrocious either; considering its range, and Dodge Canceling, you get out of it fast.  Level *3* Meltdown has attrocious lag, but level 1/2 are easy to get out of.  Again, I just don't see your argument; you're slamming it for things that so many other moves have as well.  You go and hype Nightglow as being this godlike move...when it doesn't even have priority over Melee HP Attacks (I was just facing Golbez with a few characters recently, slammed into nightglow...both staggered.  Wonderful HP counter there, its also SLOWER THAN MOST BRAVE MOVES, whether you like it or not), and is so easy to just side step out of, for example.  I can make the same claims you can, doesn't mean they're necessarily destroying the move.

Its true, though, that Terra's big thing is Holy Combo in EX Mode.

(for the record, Niu, I've watched tourney videos involving Terra...people actually hit with Meltdown.  Its not an AI thing, its that the move on paper is a lot easier to dodge than it is in practice.  The idea of "Mind Games" is huge here, and its the exact same reason Exdeath as UBER GODLIKE TOP TIER fails as an argument)
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4579 on: September 13, 2009, 03:32:55 PM »
I had the ambush by enemies thing too but hmnn. Heh.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4580 on: September 13, 2009, 03:34:19 PM »
I didn't really have a problem with the enemies getting the jump on me after the Bathhouse.

EDIT: Althought damn did I curse the game out for it before that.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 03:46:53 PM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4581 on: September 13, 2009, 05:26:11 PM »
***P4 Spoiler Warning*** (And FF6 and FMA, if people care for those still.)

P4 stuff; FF6 and FMA mentions.

I have to agree with you on the Disney Death thing. I mean, they even had the perfect opportunity to pull that off if they'd gone with the bad ending, but they don't! She still miraculously recovers, when they could have feasibly killed her and then gone to the ending as normal.

I'll agree with you on the FFVI point as well - I started getting bored of P4 around Magatsu Inaba/Mandala, because I had no reason to care about the villain. My reason for playing to that point was to find out the motivation behind the whole serial killing thing, and then the reasoning turned out to be terrible. At that point, I kinda just gave up, 'cause he'd done nothing worth caring about. With Kefka, him killing the people of Doma was enough reason to hate him. In P4, threatening the whole of Inaba did nothing, because... he'd done nothing even worthy of being a respectable villain before that. Again, back to the previous point on the Disney Death here.

FMA... FMA's an odd example to use. You said yourself, that seems to be just setting the audience up to know "Yes, we will fuck with your light-hearted plot and give you serious storylines every so often." P4.. it's not quite the same. And Nina wasn't really the same as Nanako in that style for me, in that you knew who was responsible the second you realised Nina had been killed. With Nanako, I think it would have been worthwhile having her killed solely for Dojima's reaction - you're definitely right in that it meant nothing after the 'miraculous recovery' thing.

Admittedly, these points were my only major problems with P4 - I loved the rest of it, personally, and I thought some of the characters and S-Links were -amazing- - Kanji's, of course, stands out in particular for me, but I didn't find any especially bad.

***End P4 spoilers.***


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4582 on: September 13, 2009, 07:31:14 PM »
Honestly the only point I'd give P3 over P4 is emotional impact.  The whole ending sequence knows what it's about and really milks it, that way.  Even then, though, P4 has no shortage of high emotion sequences itself and over the course of the game probably does more to manipulate the player's feelings... just never hits the same level.

But I mean, P3's story is so marginal and disjointed that it fundamentally doesn't have one until well into November, and even then I hesitate to say it's better than P4's; "The unstoppable avatar of death is awakening" is the sort of plot that rides heavily on your character writing, and for reasons I can't really beging to imagine this part of the game decides to drastically reduce how much inter-party interaction you have.  P4 meanwhile did a lot to show the party trying to work out how the killer operated, who it could be, and once Naoto joined them how best to counter them.  Nevermind that, from a twists and turns perspective, there's just a lot more you can do with a murder mystery plot (For all that, as Meeple aludes to, it's common for people to correctly guess the killer fairly early).

On the note of Adachi... *shrug*  Him being pathetic was the point I think.  Ignoring various artsty-bullshitty thematic reasoning, he's basically got the mindset of an Internet Troll; the world exists to serve him, and because he can never truly be caught he'll get his jollies however he damn well feels like.  I mean, I'm sure you know more than a few internet personalities that, if they found an untracable means to kill people and the ability to manipulate people into doing the same without them knowing, they'd do it in a heartbeat.

Although Yoshi does raise an interesting point.  Having Ameno jump in after you fight Adachi does make the True Ending seem more tacked on, in retrospect.  While, yes, the fact that he never claims to be the one to set off events is suspicious and leaves the possiblity of "wait, someone else started all this" open, if you don't have anything happen at all, it becomes clear that, no, nothing you've faced so far can really explain how Souji, Adachi, and Namatema got their powers and leaving now would be a mistake.  I mean, this would make the True Ending existing more obvious, which seems to be against some weird design mandate in the game, but I could still see people ignoring that detail and figuring that with the killer gone there's nothing left so it still fits.

Despite P4's enemies being more agressive on the map, I never had much problem with them scoring ambushes on me that I remember; getting on even footing wasn't really too bad.  But... I also used Yosuke, so 'even footing' wasn't an invitation for enemies to get in a free attack.  I also felt like Wind was the safest overall element in the game, plenty of things weak and not too often nulled or reflected.  That could just be bias in my memory though.  Granted, enemies being fast enough to outrun a majority of you party is still really annoying so the point stands really.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4583 on: September 13, 2009, 07:49:15 PM »
Ugh. Meltdown is just terrible for so many characters. Like, say, Tidus. (Thank you not having any quick mid-range moves, or any long-range moves) Meltdown v.1 is too fast to just close in and attack on, Meltdown v.2 has too much range and not enough cool down to close in the distance, and v.3 is just too finicky to try much of anything on. Hell, v.3 is the ONLY one you can easily close in on. No. Meltdown is quite decent enough against anybody without decent-good range moves. AKA: Long-Ranged Magic.

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* +Hatbot --> "King_Meepdorah rolls 1d999 for "It was beauty...that killed the mage"? and gets 999."12 [1d999=999]
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<+RandomConsonant> ...
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4584 on: September 13, 2009, 08:35:25 PM »
MK 2- Raze chapter 3. Game got off to a really rocky start, but it's even out at least. Guess I forgot the lag that MK games have in terms of battle system; marginally more bearable though. Still, between Lily, Et, Ulrika, and maybe Ulrika and her supporting cast so far (from the little I've seen) minus Chloe, there could be a lot of grating. Also grinding my teeth a little over trying to make the right type of item for jobs, since it might just be wanting 100 E-levels (Blah).
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4585 on: September 13, 2009, 10:03:17 PM »
MK 2- Raze chapter 3. Game got off to a really rocky start, but it's even out at least. Guess I forgot the lag that MK games have in terms of battle system; marginally more bearable though. Still, between Lily, Et, Ulrika, and maybe Ulrika and her supporting cast so far (from the little I've seen) minus Chloe, there could be a lot of grating. Also grinding my teeth a little over trying to make the right type of item for jobs, since it might just be wanting 100 E-levels (Blah).

FAQ which ranges are which. I can tell they're never something you can't make with relative ease (Refreshing Preservatives are 60-70 range, cool Le Merou Cogs are actually low-purity, etc.), having done all available jobs so far. Et entertains me sorta because of how epically ditz she is (the bag incident is um impressive), Lily is so insanely tsunderella that I can't really see you having any other reaction to her (I share the sentiment to a degree, but I also like how far into her mouth she sticks her foot in a regular basis). But it's MK cast, they're flanderrifically animetastic by nature. Being grated by them is hardly unexpected or not understandable. At least Flay has managed to become more insane. >_>

Speaking of which!

MK2 - C4 start. Man, Enna, how did you manage to live that long with Et as your sister. Puniyo is my damage cannon off freaking Common Skills, which is impressive, but Et remains my overall MVP.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4586 on: September 13, 2009, 10:37:36 PM »
Finished WA:ACF. Tempted to re-play WA4, buuuuuut I think I'll just go re-play Star Ocean 3 again. I restarted it a while ago and... I have no fucking clue what I'm supposed to do. I'm at Aquarius. The trade city before that had Maria remark to me that "fighting a Verdeeni spaceship with a primitive means as a dragon" blah blah...

I've completely forgotten what it is I'm supposed to be doing. ;_;


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4587 on: September 13, 2009, 11:44:47 PM »
FAQ which ranges are which.

Nah, even that's not really necessary. Most of the jobs that asked me to make items with a specific value popped up after I'd synthed the item with a rating of 100. And if you've done that, the game will remember all the ranges you passed by to reach 100 (or anything you passed to reach whatever your highest rating was, if you couldn't reach 100), along with their corresponding characteristics, and display all of these the next time you go into IC mode to create the item. If the characteristic you've been asked to provide doesn't show up on the list, I've found that this usually means you have to aim for a rating of 0, which is not difficult. My only real problem with these requests is that I dislike having to go back and synth the item up to 100 all over again once I'm done with the job (you don't have to do this, but: A) I'm obsessive about stupid details like this; B) if the item is something you'll use as an ingredient for something else, you want the rating maxed to make future synthing easier).

Granted, it's easier to do this at my point in the game because I have the benefit of second path bonuses (leftover inventory from first cycle + encyclopedia + item ratings already being set at 100 for the most part). However, I believe that it's quite easy to start getting your entire range of IC items at 100 fairly early in the game. Ulrika's path has Pepperoni's Gift of the Earth, which pretty much guarantees that you can max out the rating of anything that uses earth-element ingredients (so, anything using fabric or basic metals; I.E., almost everything). Admittedly I haven't found anything quite as abusable on Raze's path yet, so it might be harder if you do him first. Et's innate bonus is nice, though, and Lily's "add the rating of the last item" gimmick basically ensures success if you have one high-quality item in the mix.


Bard: Try talking to the queen of Aquaria and/or her jerkface adviser for an update? Or the king of Airyglyph. Probably you're supposed to be getting them to cooperate in regards to getting that big cannon set up on the dragon. I'd guess your next destination is the volcano/lava caves/whatever it was called.


PST: Replaying this because I got sick of MK2, and PST writing is a good antidote to Gust tropoclysm. In the clerk's ward now, trying to be really thorough this time but some sidequests I think might be wigging out on me (I can't pick up Trist's documents at the vault, and nor can I get in to see the Silent King; done everything necessary for both but the dialogue options just don't appear. Oh well; Warrens of Thought kind of suck, not broken up about not being able to complete that area). Morte backstory conversation is still made of incalculable amounts of win and awesome.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4588 on: September 14, 2009, 12:52:46 AM »
But it's MK cast, they're flanderrifically animetastic by nature. Being grated by them is hardly unexpected or not understandable. At least Flay has managed to become more insane. >_>

Minus that I basically liked most everyone in MK 1 to some degree! So this is serious downgrade (Although...I feel like under the hands of capable writers, I might not hate Lily). No saving Et though, as I'd question how she didn't get herself killed before age 5 at least.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4589 on: September 14, 2009, 01:43:49 AM »
P4 Spoilers, etc

Generally speaking, there is a decently solid reason for not actually killing Nanako off.

Making Namatame a forgivable antagonist/mislead fool and, by extension, raising the twat factor of Adachi significantly.



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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4590 on: September 14, 2009, 04:03:51 AM »
More P4 Spoilers, etc

There's another good reason as well.

If anyone's ever read Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose, they may know what I'm about to say.

Murder mysteries suck when the detectives only figure out what's going on too late to save anyone.  Sure it's edgy and unconventional to have the bad guys win in a game (and if she dies, they do, whether you beat them in the end or not) but in a game like P4?  It'd be enough to make you punch your TV.  Hm, actually that'd be kinda interesting given the game.  Shit.

EDIT: I can see the headline now: "Tyke loses hand imitating Video Game; parents sue"
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 04:05:27 AM by NotMiki »
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4591 on: September 14, 2009, 05:50:59 AM »
More P4 Spoilers, etc

There's another good reason as well.

If anyone's ever read Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose, they may know what I'm about to say.

Murder mysteries suck when the detectives only figure out what's going on too late to save anyone.  Sure it's edgy and unconventional to have the bad guys win in a game (and if she dies, they do, whether you beat them in the end or not) but in a game like P4?  It'd be enough to make you punch your TV.  Hm, actually that'd be kinda interesting given the game.  Shit.

EDIT: I can see the headline now: "Tyke loses hand imitating Video Game; parents sue"

But you WERE too slow to save Nanako from the kidnapper. It wasn't your competence that saved her life, it was freak luck.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4592 on: September 14, 2009, 06:48:49 AM »
P4 Spoilers, etc, cont.

I think the general thrust of the idea stands, though. Whatever you want to account her survival to, it kind of turns the game into a serious downer, which... isn't really the point of the story. Yeah, I know, gutsy and edgy to kill off the cute little girl, but, frankly speaking, it would kind of turn the story into a swing and a miss.

On the whole (even moreso if you get into counting P3), the story really isn't equipped to deal with a tragedy like that. It is meant to be a story of triumph in the face of adversity, of high school life and the bonds of friendship/family. Killing Nanako off kind of chucks these ideals to the wayside, in addition to really screwing with the rhythm of Namatame and Adachi.

I generally feel that, as it was, it'd be a fairly cheap sucker punch purely for "we're gutsy" factor.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4593 on: September 14, 2009, 07:15:26 AM »
You guy are really over-glorifying Meltdown?
Mind game? Unpredictable?? Nonononono. No matter what version of Meltdown the opponent is using, just treat it as Lv.1 and you are done. As long you know how to get close to Terra when she is firing a lv.1, you can do the same to other versions, because if you intercept things at lv.1, you don't have to worry about the other versions. It isn't that hard either, lv.1 still takes a second and half to charge, and a frontal dodge from lower diagonal can get you right pass if you are close enough when she start up the move, and frontal dodge is not even need for those who have mid range move (note, long range move actually arent as good as mid rnage ones to intercept Meltdown, long range move's travel tiem or start up actually give Terra Enough time to flee). And if you think you can't make it in time, just dash away. If anything, Meltdown is easy to run away from. And if enemy shot a lv.3, there is actually a good way to counter it as it lags the most post shot and it actually charges long enough so you know it'll be lv.3 and you aim for an safe intercept as lv.3 can't be hold on forever and now you can tell when it'll eventually come off.

>>If you're firing Meltdown first, you are not getting stuff like Rough Divide off before it.

This is not entirely true, this only happen if a moron is using Squall. Rough Divide has roughly the same start up as Meltdown. At mid range aka, the distance where the opponent must fire a lv.2 or 3 to reach you, yeah, rough Divide won't go off before Terra can fire, but it'll go off before the ball hits. And due to its higher priority, smash right through the ball, and hits Terra who is in middle of her lag.

>>(for the record, Niu, I've watched tourney videos involving Terra...people actually hit with Meltdown.  Its not an AI thing, its that the move on paper is a lot easier to dodge than it is in practice.  The idea of "Mind Games" is huge here, and its the exact same reason Exdeath as UBER GODLIKE TOP TIER fails as an argument)

From my own observation, at least, I find that is happening as the players are treating the moves separately according to the three versions. Which, is indeed going to fell into the mind game.  That is why I only treat it as lv.1, and I run if I find myself unable to intercept it in time and wait for a counter if the opponent is bold enough to use a lv.3
Really that is the only mind game Meltdown has, it has 3 levels! And it is none existent if you treat lv.1 as your minimum threshold.

Really, the biggest worth of Meltdown that I find, is to bait the enemy to dash away from you, which bring them to Terra's most favorable fighting range.

>>You go and hype Nightglow as being this godlike move...when it doesn't even have priority over Melee HP Attacks (I was just facing Golbez with a few characters recently, slammed into nightglow...both staggered.  Wonderful HP counter there, its also SLOWER THAN MOST BRAVE MOVES, whether you like it or not)

I did hype Nightglow, but as a counteroffensive move and nothing else. I never remember I have it as a good direct offensive move or a defensive move. And the both staggering is not the question, as the pillar will still hit once Golbez reached the stomping animation that summons the pillar. Got it, this is why I never hype it as a defensive move or a direct offensive move, the dark barrier that starts the hit box is slower than average block. It is easy to read from afar and not quick enough in a close defensive combat.
But why is staggering bad, I do not understand. The moves that make Golbez stagger in Night Glow usally have no way to stop them out side Exdeath's All Guard. Consider Golbez can get it out just by both staggering, I think that is good enough, especially the stagger also push Golbez back into his favorable combat distance. Yes, I won't argue Night Glow is a bad defensive move, but whether you like it or not, Night Glow's still came out fast enough to intercept some hard to dodge close range HP attack like Jecht Blade or Sutra Circle even if you are half a second slow.
But then, still Night glow's true worth is in counteroffensive, where you purposely clash your attack with the opponent's when you can fully ready the attack. In that case, even Golbez is going to stagger, he'll have enough time to stomp before hand, and can add in the mind game on whether you are using the move as a direct or counter offensive (but I won't recommend it, it is a situational thing instead something right off the bat). This is also why Golbez wants to stay in mid range, so he have time to fully ready his attacks, and thankfully, Golbez has enough trick to keep the enemy at that distance.

Ugh. Meltdown is just terrible for so many characters. Like, say, Tidus. (Thank you not having any quick mid-range moves, or any long-range moves) Meltdown v.1 is too fast to just close in and attack on, Meltdown v.2 has too much range and not enough cool down to close in the distance, and v.3 is just too finicky to try much of anything on. Hell, v.3 is the ONLY one you can easily close in on. No. Meltdown is quite decent enough against anybody without decent-good range moves. AKA: Long-Ranged Magic.

.....................You are not serious do you? Lv.3 is a counter bait , just get Tidus above Terra when she charged along enough then prepare a counter with Energy Rain, even easier if you are good at reverse dodge cancel, and you can get Tidus into his move's counter range once you figure out the motion of lv.2, and lv.2's slow trvaeling speed at the beginning, give you the time to adjust for the range you need.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4594 on: September 14, 2009, 09:06:30 AM »
trying to be really thorough

Good luck with that.  I am pretty certain there is still some sidequests and dialogue paths I haven't seen in Torment.  The game is fucking brilliant like that.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4595 on: September 14, 2009, 10:59:23 AM »
Finished WA:ACF. Tempted to re-play WA4, buuuuuut I think I'll just go re-play Star Ocean 3 again. I restarted it a while ago and... I have no fucking clue what I'm supposed to do. I'm at Aquarius. The trade city before that had Maria remark to me that "fighting a Verdeeni spaceship with a primitive means as a dragon" blah blah...

I've completely forgotten what it is I'm supposed to be doing. ;_;


Do you have skinny bishie swordsman yet? If so then yeah what Cid said you're heading for the Barr Mountains/Ruins of Barr/Lava caves. You can pick your first optional character at that point too. Do nothing for Nel, sleep at the inn and say you don't hate him for swordsman or visit the house across from the shop in Suferio for Roger. If you're not heading to Barr and are at the point before that arc you're doing the Mosel Dunes/Ruins of Mosel arc where you eventually pick up skinny bishie swordsman. Oh and if you are heading to Barr then you face the joys of Robinwind before the lava caves. For the love of god equip Maria with the gun the boss before that drops~
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4596 on: September 14, 2009, 11:06:56 AM »

I AM ADORED, I AM LOVED, YAY~ -frames it above his bed-

Do you have skinny bishie swordsman yet? If so then yeah what Cid said you're heading for the Barr Mountains/Ruins of Barr/Lava caves. You can pick your first optional character at that point too. Do nothing for Nel, sleep at the inn and say you don't hate him for swordsman or visit the house across from the shop in Suferio for Roger.

I have Albel and Roger. I... think I missed Adray. ;_; Didn't pick him up before Fayt goes "lol ^_^", and Maria already joined up with me. What Inn should I sleep at?

If you're not heading to Barr and are at the point before that arc you're doing the Mosel Dunes/Ruins of Mosel arc where you eventually pick up skinny bishie swordsman. Oh and if you are heading to Barr then you face the joys of Robinwind before the lava caves. For the love of god equip Maria with the gun the boss before that drops~

I've managed to ascertain that the King and Queen will work together, and that I must indeed head to some LAVA VOLCANOES. I just wish this damn game had a useful map of some sort to point me in the right direction. Hanging around grinding for money also seems to work.

Clear Tranquil

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4597 on: September 14, 2009, 11:47:26 AM »
 :o :P

I have Albel and Roger. I... think I missed Adray. ;_; Didn't pick him up before Fayt goes "lol ^_^", and Maria already joined up with me. What Inn should I sleep at?

Peterny ... if you pick Albel first though you can't pick up Nel/Roger till disc two (say no to Peppita - or don't and you have an Albel/Peppita duo ^_^ Not a bad combo as it stands - Power Dance makes it looks like Albel actually has an offence + Albel's Aura Wall locks for your damage dealers) If you're going for an Albel/Roger duo which is what I'm getting from your post then ... hmnn ... I'm not sure whether you're better off taking Albel or Roger first. Albel strikes weakness on early disc two bosses w/th Air Slash but Roger has Charge for general purpose brute force. If you're considering Nel at all then her Ice Daggers strikes weakness on the majority of early disc two enemies and her Whirlwind hits weakness on those wind weak bosses. A levelled Whirlwind is of course much more powerful than Airslash too.

If you go Albel first, Nel disc two then for the love of GOD tell Nel you DON'T have time to talk! >_>

Yeah Adray is before the war (you can have him for Vox! *did an Adray vs Vox solo once <_<) ;_; Nevermind you can pick him up early on disc two instead of him barging in right at the end now!

I've managed to ascertain that the King and Queen will work together, and that I must indeed head to some LAVA VOLCANOES. I just wish this damn game had a useful map of some sort to point me in the right direction. Hanging around grinding for money also seems to work.

Buying Airyglyph weapons?

Edit: I should probably make this clear since people have screwed up on getting Nel before (dunno why - she and Peppita are the easiest to recruit) - if you want Nel first do not do anything i.e don't tell Albel you don't hate him and don't trigger Roger's event in Suferio.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2009, 11:55:56 AM by Clear Tranquil »
"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4598 on: September 14, 2009, 11:54:23 AM »
I don't like Albel. I want to get Peppita to see your hype and raise a flip or something. IDK.

Albel's joined my party only temporarily now. I don't intend on picking him up permanently. Psychotic killers with a stupid dresscode don't make it in my List of Cool Characters. (seriously, the least he could do is wear clothing that cover his entire body)


Clear Tranquil

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #4599 on: September 14, 2009, 12:07:30 PM »

Yeah well just ignore Albel then and carry on with teh plots.

You won't be raising a flip if you follow my advice  ;-) Anything bugs you I'll fix it.

Maria/Nel/Peppita party!?

... it's funny how many people at the DL winded up w/th a Maria/Nel/Peppita party now that I think about it :o

Fayt (Ice Blade + Increase HP damage/Nel (Ice Daggers) and PC Peppita (Power Dance > Frozen Daggers) is also an absolutely brutal party for the many ice weak enemies on disc two, maybe even the best for those area specifics.

Oh yeah! Pick up those Health/Magi berries from Roger's book quest thingy if you haven't already (before disc one ends) and keep them till post game if you're planning on doing. Their best effect is at L255 >_> They're worth it though!

"A Yeul that loved to sing. A Yeul who wished to travel. A Yeul that collected flowers.... Every one of them was unique"