
Author Topic: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.  (Read 685759 times)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5425 on: October 27, 2009, 08:15:44 PM »
*shrug* I assume as a matter of course that most writers suck at plots.  You tend to get either predictable or derailing the train trying to avoid predictability, so that Grandia II boils down to "People > Gods" isn't something that bothers me.   Similarly, that Grandia III's plot involves... actually I'm not sure what the plot is, because it's entirely character focussed.

The problem is that, by the time Grandia III came out, I'd played Grandia II and the Lunar games; games with likable casts that produced some of my favorite characters (notably Ryudo).  Hell, even Grandia 1 had Mullen.  So the entire game being dominated by the Alfina and Emelious Incest Power Hour just... blarg.  And, of course, as previously noted I don't really find Grandia III's gameplay more fun despite its objective superiority, so on the whole disappointing.

Keep in mind though that I still have Grandia III resting comfortably at 7/10.  It's just that Grandia II's a 9.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5426 on: October 27, 2009, 08:53:47 PM »
I can see G2 > G3. I don't agree largely because I'm not terriby impressed by G2's plot... but then, I did play it after the Lunars and such, so even as a character-focus game it doesn't stand out (the fact that it really drops the ball on the character stuff as the game goes on doesn't help). I will say that I liked the "My god is dead, so I'll just have to worship the other one!" plot twist (even if Zera himself could have had better execution) but it was, sadly, a good idea wasted by a bad overall storyline, much like SH3's big plot twist.

G1 > G3 strikes me as outright odd taste, since it doesn't even win writing... you just have to really dig its "adventure!" theme to the point where you can overlook all its deficiencies. Obviously some people (Djinn, Super) do, but I don't fully grasp it myself. After this replay I honestly prefer G3 over G1 for pure story concerns (because it's funnier) but that says rather little, since they're both stuck in the "at least they're not XS3" tier, and the gameplay separation is staggering to me, as are the graphics and music.

Anyway, update!

Grandia 3: This update is officially OK-approved.

So yeah, my plane crashed. :(

DAHNA IS ALL ALONE. Fortunately the enemies here are terrible.

White Bunny - They are OHKO bait to decent magic, and mainly use physicals. I guess Cold might be dangerous but the only time I see them use it is on Yuki/Ulf while I am killing them off.

There's another enemy, but you only fight one here so I will save it for later.

Anyway, Raflid. This town, fortunately, has everything except a casino, so I restock everything except MP restoration, fuse literally all my remaining eggs to get high level spells (a Galactic Bang, two Absolute Zeroes, an Astraea Zap, a Crystal Wall) and doubles of some stuff I already have. Fire Mastery and Earth Mastery are finally storebought, huzzah!

SKY CAPTAIN SCHMIDT IS EMO. Yuki flies a plane, and crashes it. Again. Fortunately he crashes on the spot to find THE ITEM WHICH CURES SCHMIDT OF HIS EMO. Take that, plausibility!

Oh yeah, and OH DEAR GOD SOLO YUKI HAS TO MAKE HIS WAY THROUGH A DUNGEON. Fortunately it is one screen long and all the enmies are bunnies who run away from him. Still, frightening, given that said bunnies could easily overkill him with regular physicals. Having less than 200 HP is bad.

Anyway, Schmidt is cured of his emo and tells me that there is still one plane in the world that works because it runs off some principles of aerodynamics instead of an unexplained mystical flight unit. Unfortunately that plane is hidden in the mountains featuring some of the strongest enemies in the world. Okay.

A Hect draws near! Well, sure, why not, I could use a second PC, and her MT cancel Crimson Shock and Armageddon, along with her game-high magical stats, ensures she has use. After some experimentation, Hect ends up with Mind/Body instead of Mind/Tech, because giving her Revenge (~40% counterattack to any string of damage with a cancel special move) is very valuable as it can randomly cancel all enemies instead of annoying the enemy who just attacked. Sweet! Body also lets her get full value from Life Up, which she needs pretty badly, and block IP damage. Both PCs get Sharp Eyes, Guru's Way, and Fire Mastery, Dahna gets Perception, and some other filler skills are also present.

Raflid Alps time...

Bigfoot - Their HP scores are pretty impressive, but bad defences and a fire weakness means they drop in three Boomors to my party of magical might. They like to cluster up, too! They're pretty dangerous, with their most common move being a fast, high 3HKO cancel tech. They also have a weaker, slower GT physical in which they cosplay Roan and throw a giant snowball at me.

Gilled Caveman - What are the fish people doing in the mountains? Oh well. This particular version is annoying because their big physical tech, though not overly damaging, inflicts Confuse 100% of the time. Blocking status with Anne's Necklace and the Golden Ring becomes a good idea.

Caveman Archer - The final time bomb-obsessed foe in the game. This one mainly plants Ultra Time Bombs, which, like the others, go off after a round or so and trigger any nearby bombs in the process. Fortunately the damage they do is laughable. Unfortunately, Archers have a second time bomb, the Flash Time Bomb, and THIS one does about 1600 damage, which is extremely painful. Finally, they have an immediate spell, Bomb, and a GT physical tech, Catapult, because they don't have enough moves already. Not too bad by themselves, but they make excellent annoyers when paired with the above enemy and...

Caveman Warrior (3 resets) - Deceptively deadly. 7000 HP is just enough to take a hit from anything and live, and they're very fast. They'll use Wow to buff their own offence as well as their buddies', as well as Earth Shaker, which does either 3HKO or 2HKO MT damage depending on Wow. This is very problematic. Fortunately there's never more than one at a time, although each fight does increase the number of grunts he comes with (from one to four). They're not so objectively tough that they deserve 3 resets, but I make a few mistakes against them. Once I have them down, though, I often kill them off as quickly as possible with Galactic Bang + something else from Hect, which usually involves them getting one attack off (often a Wow), and then cleaning up from there. These fights also merit Hect's Armageddon, when possible, which kills off all the scrubs immediately and inflicts all stats down on the Warrior. Awesome tech.

Throughout the dungeon I make a point of levelling Hect's Crimson Shock and Armageddon, since they both rule. I feed her SP boosters when I have free time at the end of battles. Once CS reaches Level 3 it's a really mean counterattack, and Armageddon is always a great trump card.

Plane get! Yuki and his bff doubt Schmidt's plane, but Schmidt bitchslaps them into line. He takes my party up by towing them in a glider while flying his plane. LEGENDARY PILOT! Then his plane explodes randomly. Yuki has to choose between saving Schmidt and Alfina/THE WORLD. Fortunately he makes the right choice. Wait a second, saving Alfina AND the Grandia 3 world? Do we want to do either? Make that the wrong choice.

As if punishment, I get a boss right after a full restore and no save point.

Omega Breed

He comes with two Pico Omegas and one Zeptol Omega, and can summon both them and Aton Omegas. More on the individuals later. Omega Breed has good speed, as you might expect, and Omega Ball, his summoning move, is pretty fast. He also has Crackle Fang, which does about 800 to all, not too bad. He might have more stuff, but he doesn't show it off.

Omega Breed 1 is, frankly, a terrible boss. With 15000 HP and a fire weakness he isn't lasting long, even with good defences. He's 3HKOed by Galactic Bang/Heaven's Gate, and killing him kills all his flunkies. Armageddon is powerful enough to OHKO said flunkies and ruin him. You can see where this is going.

The ONLY thing which makes this battle at all tense is defending while waiting for Yuki/Ulf to die, since the enemies seem intent on hurting the girls instead. It means when I finally get to start attacking, there are eight enemies around and I'm injured. Fortunately, Revege gives me the opening I need to start kicking ass. Given that most of the challenge comes from the silliness of the challenge and not the fight itself, I have nothing more to say about this fight. It's a practice run, anyway, as you'll see.

Time for the Xorn Shell. A similar setup to the previous dungeon works, here. I give Dahna Verse Hunter but it doesn't really feel worth it. Everything is weak to fire, Boomor/Ba-Boom/Burnblaze domination ensues, with Hellburner and Burn to take care of singletarget beats. Have I mentioned fire is the best element in this game?

All the enemies here are updates of enemies from the first half of Surmania and they largely function similarly:

Aton Omega - Still the dangerous one. Their fast ST cancel tech, Skewer, is now reaching ridiculous damage levels... 1200 from an enemy who can swarm? What the fuck? They also cast Craze, proving that confusion is the chosen status of lategame. Still blocking that nonsense. Burnblaze -> Boomor/Crimson Shock them to death.

Pico Omega - Their Vulcan Cannon does some low physical damage (300) that also cancels, and they can cast Howlslash. They make fairly effective annoyers but they're very fragile and you have too much good GT/MT fire magic damage.

Zeptol Omega - The magically tanky snaky is back. Unfortunately, they are 2HKOed by most fire magic (Boomor on up) despite the tankishness. Their own turns aren't very good... they still have nothing but a weak cancel tech.

So aside from letting Atons get out of control there's really not much to fear here. After a bit, it's time for another boss. Or... wait... didn't I just fight you?

Omega Breed v2

Somewhere in a sequel I'd rather forget, this Omega Breed must have beaten up some losers in Yggdrasil who drop Green Fire, because he and everyone else in this fight have doubled HP. He starts with two Zeptols and an Aton (now with 6000 or so HP), a more dangerous setup than the first.

Stat-wise, aside from HP, he is pretty similar. He has gained one new summon, in addition to the usual Aton/Pico/Zeptol: Gigas Omega. I have little to say about this enemy having not fought them as randoms yet, but it has 13000 HP here (I never bother killing one, with that durability) and a borderline 4HKO cancelling regular physical. Ouch!

He's also gained a new spell, or maybe I just killed the previous incarnation too quickly: Meteor Strike. It does solidly 2HKOing magic damage, easily the most powerful ST magic attack used by any enemy so far. This catches me totally off guard and certainly creates trouble.

Hect's Armageddon is the crucial trump card here. It no longer OHKOs much of anything (comes very close on Picos, though), but it allows me far, far greater control of the battle. So valuable is this All Stats Down that, if Hect is healthy and Dahna is dead, I use this rather than reviving immediately. I probably use it three times over the course of the fight. Occasionally if enemies are weak I take a few out with Ba-Boom or Boomor, but for the most part, knowing that all I need to do to win is beat the boss, I focus on him. Galactic Bang/Heaven's Gate take out just under/over 20% of his fire-weak HP respectively, so it's again, not a terribly long fight. It is, however, a moderately tense one.

I will say that I didn't expect him to be weaker than the Mother Breed back in the Eternal Corridor, but Hect makes too big a difference. Revenge->Crimson Shock is a beautiful way to transition from "oh crap I'm being owned by 8 enemies at once" to "Yesss, opening to actually attack/heal" and Armageddon is immensely sexy. Damn you OK for being right!

Afterwards, Yuki pushes the Big Red Button with his sword, and Xorn's influence on the world is suddenly gone! Yay! This means I can go back and restock on MP restoration, and grab the Expert's Book, and generally prepare for the final assault before Xorn can get his power back.

Next time, the part of the final dungeon with better randoms!

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5427 on: October 27, 2009, 10:05:03 PM »
Damn you OK for being right!

Trust me: I'm a doctor ^_^
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5428 on: October 27, 2009, 11:05:27 PM »



Hume testing done, working on Viera, I hate all life. Need to test Moon Maiden thoroughly, believe it's missing its attack buff like the Crimson Tear.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5429 on: October 28, 2009, 12:57:16 AM »
PWI:  Decided to try my luck with a single Halloween Pack.  Got a Midnight (.2% chance).

Also, I'm a flamboyant pirate for Halloween!  FABULOUS

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5430 on: October 28, 2009, 12:58:15 AM »
A midnight is... what?


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5431 on: October 28, 2009, 02:08:29 AM »
Eternal Sontana's plot is meant to be taken seriously which is one of the reasons it's not a good game in spite of all the potential it had on the gameplay front. BLAH to just how bad it was there. And I haven't finished the game.

You really need to see the ending. The amount of bullshit contained in that hour-long sequence mocks the laws of physics by breaking the saturation point.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5432 on: October 28, 2009, 02:24:54 AM »
Scribblenauts: I'll say that I'm finished with this one. Finally unlocked every puzzle, and solved a fair bunch of them. average yet fun game just royally let down by the controls.

Bioshock Hard Brass Balls Run: Up to Fort Frolic, still saving Little Sisters. I basically drain everything I have to kill off all the darn Big Daddies and then drag myself to where I can restock. After researching them, most of the Splicers are wrench fodder though I know that'll change shortly.

Magic: DotP: Just finished unlocking all the cards from the DLC. I might as well run down the decks that are in it (possibly again, I can't be bothered to check to see if I've done this before).

-Claws of Vengeance: The Unlock Deck. The deck I played against to get 90% of the unlockables, as it's probably the weakest against an opponent who can afford to wait a few turns. Tri-colour Green/White/Red built around getting quick wins by summoning cheap cost middle monsters and rushing for a win before the opponent can get it going. New DLC gives it another Wrath of God, a cheap cost +1/+1 artifact, and a fourth 5/4 for 3 mana evil stupid monster.

-Hands of Flame: The Early Burn Deck. Mono-red built around killing things with direct damage, hitting hard and fast and picking off enemies. No real late-game strategy. New DLC gives it a damage all non-flyers spell, Threaten to take an opponent's best creature out for one turn, and a discard upkeep 5/5 artifact creature.

-Wings of Life: The Life Deck. Mono-white built around flying creatures and buffing your life to obscene levels. Weak in direct damage. New DLC finally gives it something to counter enchantments and artifacts (but only one), a second kil all non-white creatures, and a second pick your protection creature.

-Teeth of the Predator: The Trample Deck. Mono-green built around swarming enemies with lots of powerful monsters that they either can't block enough or just get trampled. Has creatures and pretty much nothing else. New DLC gives it a second equip artifact,  finally an anti-air spell, and kawaii catgirl Mirri.

-Thoughts of Wind: The Counter Deck. Mono-blue built around never letting your opponent play anything worthwhile as you counter them and then chip with unblockables. No buffs or legit healing. New DLC gives it a healing artifact creature, and additional copies of the removal of all same-named counter and bring all creatures back to hand spells.

-Eyes of Shadow: The Death of a Thousand Papercuts Deck. Mono-black built to punish your opponent for doing anything from attacking to not attacking to not having lots of cards to actually killing your creatures. Lots of high-cost cards means you have to survive the start though... New DLC gives a third "punish for discard" enchantment, a second fighter who kills an enemy just by coming into play, and a "tap to hurt opponent for free" artifact.

-Ears of the Elves: The I Hate Rob Deck. Green-black built for getting lots of weenie elves and then making them not-so weenie. No real flyer defense and reliant on your creatures that buff up the others. New DLC gives the "play other creature at will" Elvish Piper, Blue = continual 4/4 swarm, and a second cheap 4/3 trample if you played a green.

-Scales of Fury: The Dragon Deck. RBG deck built for surviving to get dragons, then killing things with dragons. Triple mana means it's easy to get mana screwed. New DLC gives an exchange for land artifact, a Shivan Dragon (5/5), and a destroy creature spell.

And now the new decks:
-Mind of Void: The Deckout Deck. Blue/White deck built around surviving while the opponent loses all their cards. You get THREE halve opponent's library cards. You wall up and counter anything remotely dangerous. Weak in creatures (except for a 4/8 which becomes 8/16 if anyone has less than 20 cards left in their library).
-Cries of Rage: The Warrior Deck. Red/Green deck with every creature being a warrior that can do some serious damage.
-Relics of Doom: The Old Boss's Deck. Blue/Black deck with all artifact creatures, can either go with weenie flyers or pumping up one single overpowering creature. Everything in the deck is built around throwing about eight gazillion cards out per turn.

The moral of the story: I just spent about 45 minutes writing this, and I don't know why.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5433 on: October 28, 2009, 02:33:26 AM »
The moral of the story: I just spent about 45 minutes writing this, and I don't know why.

Well... SOMEBODY'S got to be interested in those CCG video games, or they wouldn't keep making them...


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5434 on: October 28, 2009, 04:55:39 AM »
FE Shadow Dragon: FINALLY got to this!  You'd think I'd have gotten to it sooner being a relative fan of the series, but so it goes (...also the Jeff factor <_<)

And so far?  Disappointing.  It feels like a step back compared to the modern which I mean the GBA series.  No rescuing, no form of Mounted Advantages, what have you.  It feels like its more a mid way between the SNES games and the GBA games.  Thankfully, its still an acceptible level of polish that its playable, but...meh, considering this is the second time FE1 is getting remade, I'd have expected a lot more than a graphical enhancement with a few modern mechanics tossed in (Weapon Triangle, a Con-like system and the Non-retarded Doubling Mechanics)

FF7: So I got this on my PSP, cause i've been meaning to replay it and PC version doesn't like me lately, etc.  Just got past the pillar!  Yeah, playing slowly., I never really appreciated how much the PC version fixed up in terms of text.  Barret's slang comes off as considerably worse in the PS1 version.  As a random example?

Barret says "Jus'" in the PC version.  Ok, that's easy to figure out, and works, and I can picture someone saying that, etc.  PS1 version, he says "Jes'".   That took me some time to figure out he was actually saying "Just" in slang rather than saying Jessie's name shortened <_<;

 That's not the only thing.  There's definitely mistakes where I'm sure there wasn't, oddball terminology, etc.  I always thought FF7 was a shoddily translated game overall; it was adequate, mind, especially compared to a contemporary FF game at the time (you all know which one!), but there was always many things that felt off...
But it looks godly compared to the PS1 version.


FF7 PS1 is definitely better graphically.  I never knew the Missile that Hell House fires was suppose to be a mushroom cloud.  Furthermore, animations are cleaner and smoother, and fights are faster too as a result.

Yeah, I'm just someone speaking from the perspective of being used to the PC version and playing the game in its original form, perse.

Note I did play FF7 PS1 once...on an emulator, so it still had a lot of the same graphics futz ups.  I also was rushing through the plot cause it was a stat topic run and such <_<
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 05:02:22 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5435 on: October 28, 2009, 05:18:42 AM »
Eternal Sontana's plot is meant to be taken seriously which is one of the reasons it's not a good game in spite of all the potential it had on the gameplay front. BLAH to just how bad it was there. And I haven't finished the game.

You really need to see the ending. The amount of bullshit contained in that hour-long sequence mocks the laws of physics by breaking the saturation point.

It can't be worse than XS3 plot, how matter how hard it tries. Second worst of all time sounds very possible though!
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5436 on: October 28, 2009, 08:03:44 AM »

Otherwise, best part of VPDS writing so far. Quirky anime-gag humor works surprisingly well with the overly-serious VPDS cast.

Starting over from level 1 is a little annoying psychologically, but it probably balances better this way.

Wyl+Mage harem team has been kicking ass so far, but it's going to be -forever- before I can afford to buy a new Caduceus. *sigh* ...let alone -three-.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5437 on: October 28, 2009, 09:10:03 AM »

OUCH at a belt slung that low with much bulge in that region.  I am going to assume codpiece and move on.

Quote from: People

Thanks, I couldn't have put it better with my statements that I had already made.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5438 on: October 28, 2009, 12:15:59 PM »
Stop checking out my crotch Grefter.  You know I'm too FABULOUS for you to handle.

A midnight is... what?

The black horse mount with the flaming hooves.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5439 on: October 28, 2009, 12:24:49 PM »
Ahhh yes. Now I remember that. Nice get. Maple is having a special like that too now. Gachapon is giving out Pink Bean pets that never expire. They're adorable.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5440 on: October 28, 2009, 01:50:08 PM »
Stop checking out my crotch Grefter.  You know I'm too FABULOUS for you to handle.

There was a reason I was looking.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
Don't worry, just jam it in anyway. - SirAlex
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5441 on: October 28, 2009, 02:35:05 PM »
Can someone do a quick favor for me and confirm ingame (not trusting the FAQs) that FFTA2 Red Mages learn Magick UP from Colichemarde?


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5442 on: October 28, 2009, 02:48:20 PM »
FF7 talk
You didn't realise how bad the original was? Some things are pretty well known ("There is a word you must never forget, and that is 'spirit energy'"; "I'll be stand here"; "What? You want an old man like me should go first?" - idly, Bugenhagen is possibly the biggest offender for stupid mistakes) whereas some go relatively unnoticed ("Nothern Cave" on the endgame menu; "Bizzarro Enegy"; "I'm so exited") but it's still pretty horrible throughout. From what I've heard, the PC version got rid of the most obvious ones, although still had the odd grammatical error.

FF7 HDINS (Half Day In No Saves) Challenge - Attempt #19! Currently paused at the end of the Aps fight.
Reactor 1: Blitzed through as normal. Got more randoms than usual (:() and wasted time fighting one of them. Whoops. Beat Guard Scorpion pretty much perfectly, though, and got out only 10 seconds slower than usual.
Reactor 5: Only one fight in the Subway and one in the area between the Subway and Reactor 5. Opened the door to Airbuster first try, although the Airbuster fight took longer than it should've - I used more than 3 attacks!
 - Menu time before Airbuster: 33m (+1 to best, -1 to average)
Sector 6: This whole section annoys me, just 'cause it's so damn slow. Wall Market led to lots of wasted time 'cause I kept forgetting to, uhh, pay attention. Whoops. Grabbed a few extra items for fun, and then beat Aps... relatively quickly. Not amazingly.
 - Menu time before Aps: 1h 2m (+1 to best, -1 to average)

Seems my times are pretty consistent so far. Next time check is Reno, then Sample, so I'll probably update again there. >.>


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5443 on: October 28, 2009, 02:52:58 PM »
This guy are sick.

WoW - Fuck faction champs fuck fuck fuck.  I don't hate the fight as much as the rest of my guild, but I fucking hate dealing with the fallout of said fight in my guild.

Trine - This is still good and should be played.

ToV - Think I forgot to say I got up to the third Chapter.  Well I am there now.  Not much else to say.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
The king perfect of the DL is and always will be Excal. - Superaielman
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Gravellers are like, G-Unit - Trancey.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5444 on: October 28, 2009, 02:57:44 PM »
You didn't realise how bad the original was? Some things are pretty well known ("There is a word you must never forget, and that is 'spirit energy'"; "I'll be stand here"; "What? You want an old man like me should go first?" - idly, Bugenhagen is possibly the biggest offender for stupid mistakes) whereas some go relatively unnoticed ("Nothern Cave" on the endgame menu; "Bizzarro Enegy"; "I'm so exited") but it's still pretty horrible throughout. From what I've heard, the PC version got rid of the most obvious ones, although still had the odd grammatical error.

I've never heard of any of those Bugen Hagen quotes.  I've heard of "This Guy Are sick!" and "Off Course" and such, but I've NEVER heard of ANY of the ones you just mentioned.

I played the PC version, remember, so despite playing the game a lot, most of those mistakes were not there.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5445 on: October 28, 2009, 03:02:23 PM »
Line the cursor to the item.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5446 on: October 28, 2009, 03:27:58 PM »
Does the PC version have Tifa & Aeris' amazing conversation in Junon? ("Don't you just hate this?" "You're probably right.")

FFVII HDINS: Post-Reno fight. 1h 12m for Reno (+1 to best, -1 to average. Again.) This fight is a complete joke, but it's good for gaining Limits! Hopefully I'll have Cross-Slash by Rufus. <3
Argh here goes the painful journey into Shinra Tower. I hate this section - Elmyra talks about finding Aeris, then I have to sneak into Shinra Tower, climbing the stairs is quicker than taking the main entrance, and then I have to sneak past Shinra guards before going through another 6-7 floors of nothing but text before I can finally pause again against Sample. Wish me luck. >.<
(Past this, there's only one annoyingly long plot section, and that's the Kalm flashback...)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5447 on: October 28, 2009, 03:34:40 PM »
Can someone do a quick favor for me and confirm ingame (not trusting the FAQs) that FFTA2 Red Mages learn Magick UP from Colichemarde?
The FAQs were right. Colichemarde teaches Magick UP.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5448 on: October 28, 2009, 04:00:31 PM »
Gotcha. ... asdf red mages end up Middle/Heavy border what the hell is wrong with this game.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5449 on: October 28, 2009, 04:58:45 PM »
FF7 HDINS: I accidentally wasted some time on the way to Wall Market by, uhh, not noticing the text had stopped. >.> Managed to grab the bar first try on the way up to Shinra Tower, but fucked up on dodging the security and had one fight against the Mighty Grunts there. Only had two fights from there to Sample, which I naturally ran from. Sample is so much easier when the initiative Shady Breath fails to hit everyone, because he'll then wait for ages before re-using it, and then waste a turn when you're likely to be on low health using it again. Gave me time for Cloud to heal Tifa, when she'd've been killed by one more attack. Just escaped the prisons and on my way to meeting Rufus.
 - Time before Sample: 1h 46m (+4 to best, -1 to average)

Edit: Moar progress~
I somehow managed to draw back a fair amount of time against Sample/escaping the prisons, then lost it again later. Hundred Gunner didn't get to use his 'sensor cannon' this time, which is a surprise - he generally does with Active battles and max battle speed. Heli Gunner proved problematic, actually managing to kill two party members - but Barret was practically unharmed, so revived Red, who healed up while Barret revived Aeris. w00t. Rufus was a hilariously easy fight, as always. Dark Nation has this amazing habit of casting Barrier on both of them, then MBarrier on itself, but neglecting to MBarrier Rufus, so Bio spam works wonders. Crazy Motorcycle Chase still pisses me off - hey, Square, don't make minigames that affect your battle strength where you're forced to take damage because of retarded camera angles and areas where you can't actually control your character.
Motorball itself... I'm amazed I've lost against this guy before. My last few fights against him have come down to Twin Burner -> Cure-All. Rolling Fire -> Healing Wind. Twin Burner -> next Bolt kills.
 - Time before Hundred/Heli Gunner: 2h 00m (-1 to previous best, -3 to new average)
 - Time before Crazy Motorcycle Chase: 2h 11m (= best, = average)
 - Time outside Midgar: 2h 19m (= best, -4 to average)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 06:03:12 PM by Yoshiken »