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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5775 on: November 15, 2009, 03:00:41 PM »
I did, she wasn't on the official pole and forgot to do that.

Shale is pretty cool and a good character to use, might use her in mage run as tank, but maybe not.  Will probably want someone with Shield Wall so they can stay standing up when I drop paired fireballs on their heads.

Also forgot to mention it but FUCK enemy mages.  The number of deaths I had due to Spirit Prison and Curse of Mortality is infuriating.  You can't move for 20 seconds you can't heal for 20 seconds, you have 4 guys beating on you and 2 DOTS ticking.  Have fun.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5776 on: November 15, 2009, 05:32:43 PM »
I don't actually have Shale, sadly. Redemption code, for whatever reason, does not work. It could be that I stupidly forgot to log in before trying to use it and the Bioware database marked it as "used" after my first abortive attempt. In any event, no golem for me.

Did you enter it into the right place?

And use the right code? (The shorter, 16 digit one)

Yep, that's exactly what I did. I know it's the right place because I just tried using the redemption code for the blood dragon armor and that worked just fine. I'd guess I forgot to either be logged in or have the game running or something when I entered the Shale code, and it failed to execute but nonetheless got marked as "used." Lame, but that page does warn you that that can happen, so I guess it's my own fault.

Also forgot to mention it but FUCK enemy mages.

This. So very much. Not as obnoxious as BG2 mages with their Contingency: Every Defensive Spell in the Game bullshit, but still the highest priority target in any enemy mob. Misdirection Hex pisses me off so much.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5777 on: November 15, 2009, 05:36:30 PM »
Anyone have Borderlands for the PC? I wouldn't mind playing with someone else!

My user name is Rad_Shadow

I'm castolari on Borderlands. I'll add ya.

Cool. I added ya!
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Anthony Edward Stark

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5778 on: November 15, 2009, 07:40:54 PM »
So I'm playing the FF4 sequel some more, picking it back up now that I've totally knocked out ToV and Dragon Age. Got to the second "main" story chapter, where Edge, Rydia, Golbez and Luca run around trying to solve everyone's problems. And all I'm going to say is whoever came up with the idea of having Edge be my only character with a heal, while the group stuck in the castle has THREE people with White Magic, is a bastard.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5779 on: November 15, 2009, 09:24:54 PM »
Huge boring post:
NBA 2k10

So I just started my third year with the Kings. Last season's goal of the playoffs was more than a little optimistic; I just faced the easiest competition early on in my season. I wound up trading Jason Thompson to the Bobcats for an expiring contract and a 1st round pick, "Ramon Lopez" ran away with Rookie of the Year, because he's just too awesome to not hand the award to. No CPU rookies really came close. In the off season I picked up one "Herman Kirkland" by virtue of magically winning the second draft pick. He's a small/power forward with great hops but is, in theory, a three point specialist. It's very odd. My Bobcats pick was turned into "Pete Flemming", a 7'3 athlete with no real potential, but hey, 7'3 and fast is good enough to bump Hawes from the starting position. I have a lot of spare money, and I made a huge run at Al Horford which lasted for most of the free agency, but he resigned with the Hawks. I get the distinct feeling he was using me to get a higher contract from a team he had no interest in leaving, but that's probably giving the AI in the game too much credit.
Biggest not-VSM news in the offseason was that Carmelo Anthony signed with the Jazz.
The Lakers won the Championship over the Hawks, who still managed to reach the finals even though Joe Johnson signed with the Nets.

My Season 3 lineup looks like this:
PG "Ramon Lopez" ~ Magically lower in rating from last season, despite having an A+ potential. I'm convinced this game makes players have a Sophomore slump, because nothing else can account for this. NOTABLY, he was rated higher than his original rating during the offseason, and now he's several points lower? What the fuck. Anyhow, I trained up his jumper so he's a legit threat if you leave him alone, and I trained the hell out of his finishing ability, so now he's even stronger at laying up, and since he's always had hops he didn't bother to use, he'll now pound it home on people who don't expect it. This is a really gifted player. Shame he's not a real person.
SG Kevin Martin ~ Same as always. He's rated slightly higher than the past two seasons, which is nice, but really, he's just Kevin Martin. A great, volume scorer that gives me a threat from all over the floor. Works well with my slashing style of play.
SF Herman Kirkland ~ Dunno what to make of this guy. He's multitalented, but I'd almost prefer if he were a specialist. But maybe not. He can get a lot of points in a lot of fun ways, and that's important.
PF Kevin Cohen ~ Upgraded to starter after the Thompson trade. Cohen is a great energy guy. He's got a high offensive awareness rating, and the AI loves to roll him to the basket whenever I'm doubled, so this athletic specimen gets a lot of easy buckets for me. Every team needs a garbage man.
C Pete Fleming ~ Yep! 4/5s of my starters are players that don't exist. He's fast and he's tall. I like opening games with him and closing them out with Spencer Hawes, who gets way more minutes by virtue of being more versatile.

My bench in rough order of how they come off:
6)Spencer Hawes ~ Hates being a sixth man, but I think the way I have his minutes programmed will make him come around. He's irked because when I resigned him, I had told him he'd be a starter, but then I got a slight "upgrade" of sorts at Center, and I thought I'd better run with it. Besides, Hawes multitalented nature makes him a really great sixth man in this game.
Francisco Garcia ~ No comment
Tyreke Evans ~ Regenerated some of his lost player rating from his sophomore year, but is still not as good as when he was a rookie. I don't get it. Was the rookie/sophomore MVP which frustrates me, because he's got loads of potential but has randomly regressed in this game for NO reason that makes sense. Nevertheless I gave him a shooting touch, so he's like a shittier Lopez for when Lopez hits the bench.
Andres Nocioni ~ Hates me because I demoted him twice over the offseason. I'd love to have him off my bench, but if he fucks with my chemistry too much I'll have to trade him, likely for less value.
Sergio Rodriguez ~ Is fast. Passes.
Lee McCarthy ~Another fake player. Is in the main rotation even though he kinda sucks. I'm hoping to trade him because I think I can swindle more than he's worth.
Rudolph Mitchell ~ Fake player. Still a prospect. As god is my witness I -will- turn this man into a terrifying defensive presence the likes of which this fake league has never seen.

I run a primary slashing game. Lopez can still get into the paint almost at will, but I give this game an awful lot of props for AI because enemy teams seem to actually scout you, because I've been noticing defenses collapsing in on him more and more. My chosen style is to try and push the issue anyhow, because if he can beat his main defender off the dribble, he'll still give me my points, but otherwise, I'll kick out to someone else (Kirkland, mostly) who has a good slashing game. If someone gets doubled, Martin, Kirkland, and Lopez are all reasonable outside threats, and Cohen is smart and likes to run to the basket for easy dunks. Neither of my starting big men are post threats, although Cohen can hit mid-range jumpers. Hawes is more talented than either of them, but he's less athletic. When he comes off the bench, he gives me a whole different style of play, where I can run some pick and pops and the like. He's also a good passer in his own right, so I'll play through him some and see what the defense gives me.

I'm less optimistic about reaching the playoffs this year, because I'm still a fairly lowly rated team. The past two drafts have been astonishingly good, which I'm hoping doesn't continue, because that would make the game kind of silly. Nevertheless, my team rating has jumped something like seven points in an offseason where I didn't meet all of my primary goals, so I'm happy with the progression of my team thus far. I'm hoping to land a big power forward in free agency next year, but we'll have to see what's available.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5780 on: November 16, 2009, 12:16:31 AM »
Is it sad that Sergio Rodriguez is the only person on your team that I've heard of?


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5781 on: November 16, 2009, 12:32:54 AM »
YES, for one reason alone:

Kevin Martin. Kevin Martin is just dynamite. He's one of the most efficient scorers in the league, and pretty much the only reason to tune in to a Sacramento broadcast.

A disturbing amount of my team doesn't even EXIST, though. So I wouldn't expect you to know much of it.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5782 on: November 16, 2009, 01:17:17 AM »
P4: Finished Naoto's dungeon. She had a cool discussion with her shadow self that actually seemed reasonable instead of... well, hiimadaisy's comics sum up the ridiculousness of most of the Shadow-self confrontations. However... I can't bring myself to like Naoto for some reason. I'm weird. I think I just hate the child detective trope. Also, I was kind of hoping they'd play out the SPOILERShesagirl thing a lot less dramatically. It wasn't too bad considering the way the trope usually plays out, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.

Chie-Yosuke-Kanji team is still working out well, so I think I'll stick with it. Yosuke needs a new healing spell soon to continue being a decent back-up healer. Souji fills in all the gaps.

Currently dating like 5 of the female characters... It's kind of weird. It's not that I want to be dating 5 video game girls... but there's this obsession with getting 'the best ending' thing... (The reason I got 100% on FFX-2, dear god...) It actually strikes me as kind of weird, but I like that I don't have to play the game a bunch of times to see each character's 'best ending'.

GameFAQs Social Link guide is a dirty liar. My Social Links are all like 2 behind and I've been following it exactly >_<+

Persona fusing is still fun and I think I've spent more time doing that than SLs or dungeon time... >.>;;


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5783 on: November 16, 2009, 01:19:47 AM »
Chie-Yosuke-Kanji team is still working out well, so I think I'll stick with it. Yosuke needs a new healing spell soon to continue being a decent back-up healer. Souji fills in all the gaps.
Don't hold your breath.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5784 on: November 16, 2009, 01:25:51 AM »
Damn... I was really hoping he'd pick up Diarahan or Mediarama.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5785 on: November 16, 2009, 01:28:30 AM »
Yosuke ends at Diarama.  Only Teddie and Yukiko and Soji get access to stronger healing.

The social link FAQ is accurate - the problem is that you probably will fall a little behind because you'll make a small mistake and not realize.  You should still have a month left to fix things up, so no worries there.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5786 on: November 16, 2009, 04:44:54 AM »
Can't say I recommend using Souji as your primary healer. He has the best damage potential in the game; make use of that and let someone else do the healing is my approach.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5787 on: November 16, 2009, 05:02:49 AM »
Yeah, and Yukiko's damage gets pretty good at endgame because of her gamebest magic and amp skills.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5788 on: November 16, 2009, 05:16:16 AM »
ToS2: Beaten.

Let's see here. The overall game is kind of fun but of course the plot is miserable. Well, it is a Tales game so this is to be expected. That it is the sequel to Tales of Symphonia, possibly the worst Tales when it comes to Tales BS plot makes it even more expected. That said I still enjoyed the game.

Well, the world is the same as ToS1 just... more compact, so that doesn't really need comment. The half-elf thing is as stupid as ever but is not focused on enough to warrant boundless hatred. The reappearance of the first cast makes the game a definite buy for big fans of ToS1. The new cast works rather well in the roles they are cast in. Particularly, the villain cast is much stronger than in the first game and is generally decent rather than rage-inducing. The game's gradual shift in focus from two kids who are running away from problems by seeking vengeance to the resolving of their personal conflicts in a grander scheme works, even if it is punctuated with typical Tales BS. That their personal conflicts are fairly decent is a  testament to better storytelling from Tales than I am used to.

Combat is fun. At times it feels like TotA combat (i.e. rather dull), but the addition of the element grid and the ability to twink far more easily than in that game shines through and makes the game much better. The Unison gauge makes for a good element as well, since it plays an important role in cancelling enemy spells early and unleashing devastating MAs later (or healing everyone in a pinch AND doing devastating damage, in Marta's case).


Emil: Starts out as Shinji Ikari who happens to be harboring a red-eyed clone of Gig inside himself. His single-mindedness and inability to deal with others are obvious character flaws, and of course they get worked out. Still, I did like the way they made the stark contrast in his personalities become more and more of a focal point as the game progressed, coinciding with Emil himeself becoming more and more important to the overall plot. Green-eyed Emil gradually gets more manly and decisive, while Ratatosk Mode Emil changes as well. If I hear "Courage is the magic..." one more time I am going to smash something in the face though. Overall Emil probably turned out in the top 3 for Tales leads up there with Yuri and Luke. I tend to like his relationship with Marta too, since that plays out differently depending on which 'mode' he is in and it goes farther than most (any?) other Tales romance I've seen! Says little. I was getting nervous towards the end worrying that they were going to throw away the well-developed conflict between the two personalities, but they managed to avoid doing just that. Gameplaywise, Emil starts out as your standard Tales swordsman (i.e. boring) but shifts to aerial combat soon enough and his niche becomes firmly in place. Switching between aerial and ground combat gives you the option of picking out one foe from a group to put the hurting on while avoiding being knocked around by it's friends. Once he gets elemental mods to his Artes you can start controlling the field element for monster recruitment/preventing enemies from getting bonuses. Works out much, much better than some standard Tales swordsman. Oh and he's blazingly fucking fast too. (DL note: Oh-my-god-my-face-what-did-you-do-to-my-face!? damage with fantastic HP and ways to twink both at the cost of the other. Status immunity).

Marta: Fun times. Marta makes her role as Emil's would-be-girlfriend known very quickly and she never lets up. The girl is dedicated, I'll give her that. That the game doesn't JUST play this for jokes and turns their relationship into a serious focal point of all the events they get mired into is something I actually respected it for. Marta herself is likable enough, if you don't mind her voices being a little grating sometime. She is insecure in several respects and in a kind of attempt to compensate forces herself on others (namely Emil). She frequently tries to force Emil into the mold of her 'knight' while ignoring what he really is. This gets fixed as the game progresses and the two characters confronting the problems with her puppy-love causes them to mature some. It's not exactly groundbreaking but I liked it for the most part. In battle, Marta is a weird changeup on a Tales healer, a) being fast, b) having physical skills worth talking about, c) not having MT healing, and d) getting easy access to things that make her casting times laughably short. While she brings the typical frailness to the show, several of her Artes feature "gtfo of here" movement to go with them, so she has means of avoiding being gang-raped. Auto-blocking when being smacked out of a spell helps too (although not being able to cancel a cast is HATE). Endgame she had 1-second casting times with all spells costing 1 TP. The result was a Pyro with a very wide smile on his face and oh-so-very-fucking-dead-enemies complete with full healing. Basically she could heal the entire party with ST healing, brutalize the enemy with spells, and buff people with auto-reraise in the time it takes Tear to cast Revitalize. (DL note: 2HKoing damage if she sacrifices the 1 TP cost equip, can re-raise herself until she hits a Oh-my-god-my-face-what-did-you-do-to-my-face!? Mystic Arte)

Tenebrae: Hell yes. Old dog that refuses to learn new tricks and delights in making everyone around him suffer. He has a lot of personality for what is essentially an elemental monster guardian. Tenebrae is best described as 'loyal but enjoys screwing with people'. He serves Emil and Marta fantastically, but he does so while making them both want to strangle him. He is the master of making innocent-seeming comments that provoke negative emotions ranging from jealousy to mind-engulfing rage. Ranging from simple things like cooking to the foundations of a character's psyche (Marta's overbearing drive to make Emil her 'knight'). Just generally delivers on comedy while serving his purpose fine in the plot.

Richter: Rar villain. If you can't figure this out quickly you fail at Tales games. Well, in fairness to him he serves to develop Emil a good bit, and his motivations, while dumb, are just plain unique enough to warrant intrigue. Very possibly the most convoluted revenge plot ever. But regardless, he serves his purpose as a mysterious villain well enough.

Alice: Spiteful little bitch. The game makes this abundantly clear within the first few seconds of meeting her. That said she manages to mix outright cuteness with immense spite so she got my attention. Effective at what she does, even if at times she just isn't THREATENING like she should be.

ToS1 cast: Meh, that was a lot to write about. Maybe later. I will say that Regal is VASTLY improved by virtue of no longer being an emo wanker who has to bind himself for retarded reasons. Biggest character improvement of the lot. Combatwise they weren't worth much other than being another PC you could throw Life Bottles around with. Fighters (with the exception of Lloyd) are obviously worse than Emil and the mages can't equip two Mystic Symbols like Marta can. The lack of equipment twinking also meant that they didn't have the offense stats of the mains. (DLwise none of them want these forms. Some of them may have better stats possibly but the lack of elemental/status blocking variety in the first game is just not worth whatever paltry gains they may get. Except maybe Genis.)


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5789 on: November 16, 2009, 06:03:58 AM »
Yosuke ends at Diarama.  Only Teddie and Yukiko and Soji get access to stronger healing.

The social link FAQ is accurate - the problem is that you probably will fall a little behind because you'll make a small mistake and not realize.  You should still have a month left to fix things up, so no worries there.

Of Teddie and Yukiko... which one is faster/better for Randoms? Yosuke's speed is what sells me on him (And Dekaja has been useful in every boss fight so far...). And I just plain like Chie and Kanji too much to take them out of my party... ;_;


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5790 on: November 16, 2009, 06:07:54 AM »
*shrug* They both have their merits.  Yukiko has better stat distribution (despite being faster, Teddie still tends to go after many randoms anyway) and the more favorable elemental setup (Lightning tends to be a common element on the enemy end), but Teddie has the MT buffage.
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5791 on: November 16, 2009, 06:09:01 AM »
Teddie also has better options for boosting that speed straight off (+4 Speed Weapon). But yeah, a Yosuke/Chie/Kanji party was not yet a setup I had heard of yet!
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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5792 on: November 16, 2009, 06:12:39 AM »
WAoO - Welp, up to Halloween Town, where I'll meet Oogie Boogie and chill out with Jack Skellingt- wait a minute this isn't Kingdom Hearts and we have a fanfic writing witch instead of Oogie Boogie. Okay. Right now, I'm preparing my party to get their final skills in a heated fight with another dragon guy, this one being a total meanie and having Battle Wind+dispel. Let's see if I can get a buffed Battle Wind of my own here to slaughter the fucker.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5793 on: November 16, 2009, 06:26:03 AM »
Teddie also has better options for boosting that speed straight off (+4 Speed Weapon). But yeah, a Yosuke/Chie/Kanji party was not yet a setup I had heard of yet!

It does blitz well! Which has been fine against bosses and randoms so far.

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5794 on: November 16, 2009, 06:35:18 AM »
DA: Brood mother dead. High dragon dead. Flemeth dead. At the Landsmeet now. VENGEANCE looms.

I was really disappointed. You can kill Arl Howe, but you can only THREATEN to kill his family. I wanted to rape his daughter in front of him, partially because of the sadistic joy but partially because having an audience would get my rocks off.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5795 on: November 16, 2009, 07:19:45 AM »
DA: Brood mother dead. High dragon dead. Flemeth dead. At the Landsmeet now. VENGEANCE looms.

I was really disappointed. You can kill Arl Howe, but you can only THREATEN to kill his family. I wanted to rape his daughter in front of him, partially because of the sadistic joy but partially because having an audience would get my rocks off.

Dude. o_O!
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 07:31:02 AM by DjinnAndTonic »

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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5796 on: November 16, 2009, 07:34:10 AM »
What would you do for revenge? Kill him? Don't be a dullard, you gotta get creative with this shit. Like those dudes in Star Wars that tortured people by putting them in a bacta tank and running electricity through it until they experienced fourth-degree burns, then turning it off until they healed and doing it over again, or when I got that little kid to kill his whole family in Fallout 2.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5797 on: November 16, 2009, 08:14:10 AM »
What would you do for revenge? Kill him? Don't be a dullard, you gotta get creative with this shit. Like those dudes in Star Wars that tortured people by putting them in a bacta tank and running electricity through it until they experienced fourth-degree burns, then turning it off until they healed and doing it over again, or when I got that little kid to kill his whole family in Fallout 2.

Just kidnap him and lock him in a hotel room for 15 years.  Give him anti psychotics to keep him sane.  Hypnotize and manipulate the shit out of him. ??????.  Profit.


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5798 on: November 16, 2009, 01:10:43 PM »
Of Teddie and Yukiko... which one is faster/better for Randoms? Yosuke's speed is what sells me on him (And Dekaja has been useful in every boss fight so far...).

You're not going to find any other PC that will match Yosuke's speed. He is game fastest (outside of Souji cheating the averages with varying Persona). Naoto comes close, but she can't heal. If you want a dedicated healer, you will have to settle for someone who's slower and not as good for pure random smashing. Don't worry too much about S.Links - I was behind for a few pretty bad (like haven't started one until the last month bad), but still managed to get all S.Links to max. P4 is notably more lenient on it, as OK has noted.

I also wouldn't remove Yosuke myself since he's probably the best of the non-support Souji PCs (No lag, fills varying niches, good equips, no weaknesses after Persona upgrades, etc.). But if you're dead set on using Chie/Kanji and want to move Souji to offense, here's some notes between Teddie and Yukiko. As CK already mentioned, both have merits, so it kinda comes down to what you value more importantly.

Yukiko's advantages:
- More resouces  (stronger bases and +SP fans)
- Better stat distribution (Her MAG in particular, trumps his. Which allows her to do more damage via spells)
- Better equips (Late +10 MAG fan is notably awesome. +SP fans also fit her well, since Speed boosts are lost as they won't really let her go before enemies)
- Non fixed S.Link growth (This is big. Usually a pro. CAN be a con if you're late in the game and haven't started Yukiko's S.Link.)
- Healing is learnt faster (For example, Mediarahan is earlier than Teddie's)

Teddie's advantages:
- Slighty more durability, slightly more speed (often not enough though)
- Last skill learnt faster (Yukiko doesn't learn Fire Amp until 78, Teddie learns all his skills by 74 IIRC)
- Damage boost learnt a bit faster as a result (Amp arrives quicker for example)
- Better supporting options (Gains Mataru/Maraku in particular)
- One extra resist on upgrade (Yukiko resists Lightning, Teddie resists Wind AND Dark)

Usually, Yukiko's non fixed S.Link growth is a huge advantage (she can get her upgrade before Teddie even gets a level 3 or 4 rank or something just as drastic). SP Issues are obviously more importantly early on as well. Later on, you're basically looking at Teddie's extra resist and support options compared to Yukiko's superior stat spread and equips for damage. You might end up considering Yukiko's earlier healing upgrades in this case as well.

Oh Um...replaying FE7 due to plane ride to Hong Kong. Brought some other stuff with me (like Crisis Core) but nothing big at the moment.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 01:14:25 PM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« Reply #5799 on: November 16, 2009, 01:32:33 PM »
#4 on Teddie is the only one that really matters and makes the choice obvious.