Nah, gameplay in PB and Dis1 is different enough that I'm not directly comparing them. Actually, I remembered what it is that was really giving me this impression. It's the scene skip. In Dis 1, you hit a different button depending on whether or not you want to see the scene. In PB, you select the stage and then you get the scene skip option. Only, every single time it comes up, my instincts pop in and say "Yes, I do want to go to that level. Wait... that was the scene skip... FUCK!" followed shortly by a reset. This has happened every single time. And it will continue happening, because that is what it is in every other game that sticks a dialogue box in that place, and the instinct kicks in so fast, that by the time I've finished reading the words "Scene Skip" I've already finished confirming that I want to enter that level.
And that is why I think Dis 1 feels like it was made after PB. Because Dis 1 had a very nice, very eligant solution to something that is aggrivating me to no end in PB, and feels like it should be such a non issue.