It's not just an issue with translating from Ye Olde Ingles. Translation from any language is like that; everything is filtered through the Translator, so his/her goals for the translation, writing style, and editorial decisions will always have a major impact on the translation. Because of this, it's really... stupid to talk about how "accurate" a translation is, because to a degree all translations will be unfaithful to the original. You can argue that it's all impossible anyway, because language is arbitrary and merely a signifier for something outside of us, which we can only interpret through our language-driven mind, and thus not fully understand. And because we can never reach this objective definition and comprehend it, because we cannot stop relating things in terms of our native language, translation is both imperative and impossible, because we can never fully bridge the gap between languages, because we can never reach an objective truth.
You can argue that, but then you are Jacques Derrida and must be killed because he is dead and if he's walking about arguing about translation on an internet forum he must be killed for being a zombie and wasting time.
too pretentious;dr: translation is interesting and a much more challenging subject than you previously thought.
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