
Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!  (Read 4846 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« on: January 03, 2009, 04:51:22 PM »

My apologies for this taking so long... I had to think of something suitable for you. I could not simply do nothing, you see. Hahahaha!

Team Shale vs. Floor 8
Team Djinn and Bardiche vs. Floor 1

Floor 9: The Darkest Truths

"So, your team is capable of many things... But what can they do when they're seperated, I wonder? Hahahaha!"

Battle #46: Millenia vs. Zera Valmar

Zera: Haha! You think you are that which can defeat me, puny girl? Die!

Battle #47: Rand and Mint vs. Deathevans and Barubary

Evans: I will strip the flesh from your bones and feed it to my dogs...
Barubary: I will swallow your souls!

Battle #48: Tidus vs. Jecht

Jecht: Do you think you can defeat me, kiddo? Let's see...

Rikku vs. Wren, Worker 8 and Geddoe

Wren: I apologize... but I will stop you here.
Worker 8: Initializing Destruction Mode...
Geddoe: Heh... I hear you don't like the sound of thunder...

Boss Battle #9: Exdeath, Zeromus and Kuja

Exdeath: I am that which exceeds death... Hahahahaha...
Zeromus: As long as evil exists in the hearts of humans...
Kuja: Such foolish humans you are... to challenge me!

Team Djinn's Matches

Floor 2a: Generic Battle Music (Earlygame)

So you want to try something Generic, huh? Well, let's see what you think about this, then!

Battle #6: Lorenta, Jelanda, Shiho, Mystina

Lorenta: I think it's time we go, everyone.
Jelanda: Hah! These fools think they can defeat us?
Mystina: Yes, let's show them just how powerful our magic really is!

Battle #7: FF1 Knight, FFT Knight, PC Beatrix

FF1 Knight: Well, you're not Fiend, but... I guess I'll stop you.
FFT Knight: For the might of Ivalice!
Beatrix: You two are under my command. Let's go.

Battle #8: FF1 Black Mage, FFT Wizard, Vivi

FF1 Black Mage: Well, I guess if I have to bother with this...
FFT Wizard: Inscribe on the... something something. Whatever, Flare!
Vivi: I don't like this, but I have no choice!

Battle #9: Lucius, Serra, Renault and Moulder

Lucius: We must persevere. Don't give in!
Serra: Whatever! They won't beat me!
Renault: Take it easy and we'll win, no rushing.

Boss Battle #2: Lete River Ultros and Evil Gaia

Ultros: You didn't REALLY think this floor was just for show, did you? My friends and I will be sure you don't pass here.
Evil Gaia: ... ... ...

Bardiche's Matches

Floor 2b: New Age (Earlygame)

So, you want to try something new? Fine then. Let's see how you like it... I have a surprise for you at the end!

Battle #6: Justin and Ryudo

Justin: Heh! This is a real adventure!
Ryudo: Skye, take flight! Let's beat these guys into the ground!

Battle #7: Cloud, Zidane and Tidus

Cloud: Hmph. You're not Sephiroth, but you'll do.
Zidane: Heh heh, if I take you guys out, I'll get a nice bonus.
Tidus: THIS IS MY STORY! ...What?!

Battle #8: Stahn, Reid and Luke

Reid: Err... Let's go!
Luke: Uh... okay!

Battle #9: Ashley, Virginia and Jude

Ashley: Well, if we have to fight... we have to fight.
Virgina: I won't give up! Let's go!
Jude: I bet you guys are friends with adults. Blech!

Boss #2: Malice Edna and Ricardo

Edna: Ricardo... I am... sorry...
Ricardo: It is okay, my love... we shall defeat them together!


Team Shale | Rikku, Tidus, Millenia, Rand, Mint
[Floor 9]
*Millenia has a Fairy Egg
*Rand has his Holy/Earth fusion.

*If any member loses a battle, they cannot be used in the final fight for this floor, but the rest continue on.
Millenia vs. Zera Valmar
Rand and Mint vs. Deathevans and Barubary
Tidus vs. Jecht
Rikku vs. Wren, Worker 8 and Geddoe
Team Shale vs. Zeromus, Exdeath and Kuja

Team Djinn | Miakis, Arc, White Rose, Lyn
[Miakis: Fire, Water]
[Floor 2a]
Team Djinn vs. Lorenta, Jelanda, Shiho, Mystina
Team Djinn vs. FF1 Knight, FFT Knight, PC Beatrix
Team Djinn vs. FF1 Black Mage, FFT Wizard, Vivi
Team Djinn vs. Lucius, Serra, Renault and Moulder
Team Djinn vs. Lete River Ultros and Evil Gaia

Team Bardiche | Maxim, Tidus, Songstress, Crowley, Raja
[Floor 2b]
Team Bardiche vs. Justin and Ryudo
Team Bardiche vs. Cloud, Zidane and Tidus (No Sonic Steel / Caladbolg)
Team Bardiche vs. Stahn, Reid and Luke
Team Bardiche vs. Ashley, Virginia and Jude
Team Bardiche vs. Malice Edna and Ricardo
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 06:20:12 PM by Nephrite »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2009, 05:06:17 PM »
Djinn vs Dungeon- Maybe I'm kneejerking too much respect for the first fight, but seems brutal to me.
Bardiche vs Dungeon- Crowley is sufficent.

Shale... well.
Millenia vs. Zera Valmar- Yeah, you can do this DL-legally in-game, damn near.
Rand and Mint vs. Deathevans and Barubary- Evans and Barubary may not be much, but what they can do is sponge up hits and take advantage of two offensively inept fighters with no ID protection.
Tidus vs. Jecht- Jecht Beam.
Rikku vs. Wren, Worker 7 and Geddoe- Even if this is W8 (as stated in flavor)... uh... yeah.  Rikku against two largely status immune and fairly damaging opponents?  No.
Team Shale vs. Zeromus, Exdeath and Kuja- Which makes this fight a Millenia solo.  Millenia could probably beat any one of these guys here!  But not all three.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2009, 05:30:31 PM »
Songstress + Crowley should push me through good enough. Remember Maxim can Heal pretty potently, too!

Where can I get a list of what floor contains what, by the way? I mean, I understand we should PM what floor we want, so I sort of want to make sure I go the proper directions not to get whipped mercilessly... heh.

Pass to myself, hurrz, and looking at the rest still. Part of me wants to say Djinn's Miakis should do some pretty good damage, but I have to check stats and everything for everyone to be entirely sure. Hm, tentative pass I suppose. If I change my mind later on, I'll surely do so.

Shale is... Idk yet.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2009, 07:45:10 PM »
Team Bardiche | Maxim, Tidus, Songstress, Crowley, Raja
[Floor 2b]
Team Bardiche vs. Justin and Ryudo - Sure.
Team Bardiche vs. Cloud, Zidane and Tidus (No Sonic Steel / Caladbolg) - Evil Tidus Slowgas.  Zidane Soul Blades Raja, who is now a statue and I believe that this team has no status healing?  Crowley's Wind Rune certainly doesn't.  Cloud hits Songstress and dang near OHKOs her (Good Tidus probably hits him first to damp down the Ultima Weapon).  What happens now?  Team Bardiche really wants to kill Zidane now before he can stone more people.  I'm fairly certain Zidane has Insomniac so Songstress Sleep might not be a winning strategy, though she can at least Slow them in return.  I guess Maxim and Crowley could do the job?  But they're the two healers, and then Songstress will die for sure next turn with no revival.  Okay, perhaps Tidus and Crowley?  Maybe?  Depends on earlygame Crowley respect, I guess, and Maxim heals Songstress, who now absorbs the full brunt of the Ultima Weapon.  Checking... okay, she does survive, she's got 70% average HP and the Ultima Weapon does ~60%.  But Raja is still Stoned, so no revival.
Team Bardiche vs. Stahn, Reid and Luke - Songstress I guess.
Team Bardiche vs. Ashley, Virginia and Jude - Ashley accelerates and shoots the Songstresss, and Jude Assault Buster/Silver Launchers, whichever is better.  If needed, Virginia toss in a wussy shot herself (or even just Gatlings immediately).  I suspect that's fatal to her.  Two down.
Team Bardiche vs. Malice Edna and Ricardo - Tidus hits Ricardo, and then Crowley casts a spell?  Can that knock Ricardo out of the fight immediately?  If it doesn't, Ricardo probably Gales Edna, or Heals somewhat, though Maxim then knocks him out afterward.  Edna uses her starting stock to physical Crowley + Shock Max the team, probably knocking Crowley out.  Still... she just hosed her own speed, Maxim heals back up, and Tidus and Maxim take out Edna?  A lot easier if Edna wasn't Galed, naturally.  I think Team Bardiche wins, but it's close.

Team Shale | Rikku, Tidus, Millenia, Rand, Mint
[Floor 9]
*Millenia has a Fairy Egg
*Rand has his Holy/Earth fusion.

*If any member loses a battle, they cannot be used in the final fight for this floor, but the rest continue on.
Millenia vs. Zera Valmar - Yeah.
Rand and Mint vs. Deathevans and Barubary - Death is ST, so...  so long as both Rand and Mint have Life2 style full resurrection they're fine, right?  Looking it up...  okay, so they don't (never got very far in ToP myself).  Both have cruddy 25% resurrection which Barbuary can occasionally prey on by just re-killing the revived one with MT damage when the time is right.  It might still take awhile for the turns to line up right, but with Rand providing the only offense here, the bosses have that time.  Unless there's some kind of ID resistance the pair can get?  The ToP aftergame equipment is probably legal by floor 9, if that'd help them.
Tidus vs. Jecht - Does Talk cancel Jecht's turn?  I think it only nuked his overdrive, in which case Tidus burns.  He might vaguely stand a shot with artful use of Talk against DL-scaled Jecht if it does cancel his turn.
Rikku vs. Wren, Worker 8 and Geddoe - The stat topic says that Wren is immune to "many forms of instant death."  Which ones?  Would it stop Steal?  Anyway, looks bad, even assuming an initial item-haste, but I don't know Rikku's items well enough to comment.  If she can Haste then ID both Wren and Worker, she's still getting zapped by Geddoe, so she needs to waste a turn shelling or something, and IIRC her non-Mix healing is still an Al-Bhed potion, which is horrible by this floor.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 07:18:59 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2009, 08:18:43 PM »
Against that first fight... It may not be the awesome S2/S3 version, but Silent Lake should work just fine against a group of VP mages that can't block Silence. Alternately, Miakis-level damage should be enough to take out at least one of them before they can gang up on WhiteRose (who's still pretty durable at this point anyway... and who always is pretty durable against magic). Lyn's speed and decent crit rate should also give me a decent chance at taking out two of them before they move - and Shiho's not exactly a threat. Leave her alive while WhiteRose, Arc, and Miakis heal anyone who was hurt up to full.

I see Bardiche's team as durable enough that he's only going to have lost Raja OR Songstress by the final fight, which should allow him to skate through Malice Edna, even if he loses one or two more people there. Still, he only needs Maxim to survive it, I suppose. Pass to Bardiche.

No clue on Shale here. Will do some stattopiccing and get back to you.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2009, 08:41:24 PM »
Uhh ... doesn't Silent Lake also nerf your own magical offense? ;p

Edit: Yep. As I thought field effect. NOT a good idea. No to Miakis damage hype at this stage either. You're pinning a lot on her but her respect isn't *that* high considering most of her hype/respect comes from sharpened weapons and rune twinking - Power (Fury)/Boost/Double Edge~
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 08:53:17 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2009, 08:55:37 PM »
Also, if you allow the Resist Charm to block one status, that throws S5 SL out the window. It also needs Miakis to have an L4 charge essentially 1/7 of the way into the game, which would need she'd need at least 180 MAG or something.

Shale's team loses overall. Evil floor for a team that was very much about buffing synergy.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2009, 09:14:14 PM »
Talk does indeed cancel Jecht's turn. Also Stoneproof is legal, though Tidus may even be able to win without giving Jecht a turn with Haste, Talk, and enough Quick Hits, and an Overdrive at the end. Stoneproof makes it easy though. Or heck, even Stone Ward if you don't allow -proof, allowing him to safely take one turn.

So I'm pretty sure it's Tidus/Millenia vs. the boss. Granted, suspect that's not enough to win. Zeromus spoils Tidus' nonsense a good deal (and arguably Millenia's too), making him the logical first target, but then you have Kuja + X-Death KOing someone.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2009, 01:04:15 AM »
Rikku vs. Wren, Worker 8 and Geddoe - The stat topic says that Wren is immune to "many forms of instant death."  Which ones?  Would it stop Steal? 

I believe Wren is immune to all forms of instant death except ones that only hit mechs.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2009, 04:00:36 AM »
Uhh ... doesn't Silent Lake also nerf your own magical offense? ;p

Edit: Yep. As I thought field effect. NOT a good idea. No to Miakis damage hype at this stage either. You're pinning a lot on her but her respect isn't *that* high considering most of her hype/respect comes from sharpened weapons and rune twinking - Power (Fury)/Boost/Double Edge~

Silent Lake would nerf my magical offense, true - but against four mages who can't use physicals at all, it's still an instant win. Lyn and Arc can deal physical damage just fine.

And yes, while Miakis' -physical- damage is based on rune twinking, part of her hype is that she's both a great melee fighter AND a good mage. Fire Rune damage at this point is pretty brutal.

Also, if you allow the Resist Charm to block one status, that throws S5 SL out the window. It also needs Miakis to have an L4 charge essentially 1/7 of the way into the game, which would need she'd need at least 180 MAG or something.

Yes, if you allow Resist Charm, S5 Silent Lake is useless, that's true. I don't know how many people allow it, though.

Also, Miakis is a fairly late-joining star, she comes with an L4 charge I believe. While her stats may be scaled, I was pretty sure she would be allowed to keep some MP. I mean, don't most people allow Crowley to use some L4 charges on floor 1, even if they scale the rest of his stats?



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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2009, 04:30:27 AM »
I could have sworn you have Miakis in your party for Lymsleia's little rite-of-cleansing mission.  She's level 20, which is way better than Prince/Lyon/Sialeeds, but probably not enough for a level 4 charge yet anyway.

I don't know Djinn's team well enough to comment, but I will say that Lyn should go before any mage and should probably double average.  And if this doesn't kill a mage, then Miakis support certainly can.  So Djinn should at least avoid a horrible Great Magic-induced demise.  Still, I'm not of the LOL VP mages school, so if two mages + Shiho live, they might take out White Rose or something?  Beats me, I don't know WR.

I believe Wren is immune to all forms of instant death except ones that only hit mechs.

Okay, so Wren gets disassembled, but...  yeah, Geddoe is still a huge problem.  Glancing down at Rikku's item options...  wait, she's got Reflect off one of her items.  Still, checking her initiative...  Geddoe will still cast first (something like 69 clockticks for Rikku's first turn, then 40 for her second turn even hasted as a total of 109, and Hammer of Raijin is faster than average speed for 96 clockticks or so).  So Rikku has to open with Reflect rather than Haste, and then she gets mauled by all three of their attacks, and if she's even alive after that she can't full heal.  Just too much stuff she needs to do alone - buff herself with both Haste and Reflect, ID the bots, and heal.  Plus there's the constant specter of Worker's own ID.

Team Shale fails.  He needed to have Rikku win.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2009, 05:38:33 AM »
Rikku can also immune Lightning by endgame.
-Fireproof + Iceproof + Lightningproof (chest in Besaid Ruins)

EDIT: And... gut says Rikku can handle W8? I may be seriously underestimating him, though. Did Lightning Balls (the thrown objects) hurt W8?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 05:40:06 AM by Taishyr »

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2009, 05:40:31 AM »
This being said we kinda want to know what Worker it is.

Rikku vs. Wren, Worker 8 and Geddoe
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2009, 05:41:59 AM »
Yeah, hadn't actually checked to see that had been fixed, since earlier versions had 7/8 confusion. Whoops, sowwy, blah blah blah.

Anyway, Rikku likely still can't outslug W8 unless you give her an ID+Lightningproof armor for aftergame or something, it'd be easily done but uh. This being said, does Rikku have any Deathproof armor in the aftergame dungeon?... probably not enough, though; she really needs that ID+Lightningproof armor or she's not surviving to her second turn.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 05:56:49 AM by Taishyr »


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2009, 06:05:10 AM »
Hmm...  checking initiative, Wren's reasonably fast.  So Rikku can't Haste first.  She opens with Steal on Wren instead (else she dies for sure to the combined attacks of all three).  Geddoe and Worker 8 beat her up...  Next turn, Rikku Hastes I guess?  But is about to get beaten up even more.  Actually, checking...  Worker 8's damage is better than I thought, and Rikku is mildly below average on durability.  Geddoe's physical when he's set up for that is about average damage too.  They might well just kill her outright, and even if they don't, she's at death's door...  if she has some way of full-healing herself, which I don't think she does, she'd be nearly heal-locked by the two anyway and waiting for double turns, and that's not a winning strategy against Geddoe's Freeze (and possibly Worker's ID if Worker's best damage can't just kill outright).

Yeah, standing by my vote against Team Shale.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2009, 08:09:15 AM »
I could have sworn you have Miakis in your party for Lymsleia's little rite-of-cleansing mission.  She's level 20, which is way better than Prince/Lyon/Sialeeds, but probably not enough for a level 4 charge yet anyway.

Miakis is in fact at the party at the time.

Also, agree that the threat of 33% Stun coupled with Worker's potential ITD damage makes things scary for Rikku. Doesn't help that I guess most of the more Wren like FF X robot enemies are the ones she can't insta-kill.
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2009, 01:04:03 PM »
Yeah normally I wouldn't see Steal hitting ID on Wren but if there is a type of ID that is specifically designed to hit mechs in Wren's game though ...

Miakis -

If a temporary character joins your party in the normal game with a skill or spell, they will have that skill or spell in the Dungeon when they join. Their stats, however, will be scaled to level 1. They will also not be allowed the equipment they start with until they were to "join" in the normal game.

To me that means that Miakis starts the dungeon the same way as everybody else. So the average level for floor 2 is 14 - 18 I think? *can't remember whether Tai said to divide end game levels by 7 or 8  >.>*  Yar I don't think Miakis has a L4 charge either way though. I'd load the game up and check myself if I had the PS2/game with me but ...

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2009, 01:06:55 PM »
Djinn and Shale fall. Bardiche passes.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2009, 01:49:36 PM »
See CT. I see Steal killing Wren because there is ID specifically trained toward mechs in her game, and she is vulnerable to it. Worker 8 has no such setup. (I, admittedly, also forgot how few of mechs were affected in truth by her Steal skill, but still.)

To me, the fight's just between Worker 8 and Rikku, but Rikku loses the first turn and thus doesn't have a good way to really threaten him. (Maybe if she had a lightning weapon?)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2009, 02:45:14 PM »
Does Steal get a speed bost like Item use does?
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2009, 02:56:19 PM »
Dungeon vs Teams Shale and Djinn

Unless a better argument can be made for Team Djinn in the days I'm away from a PC and before Neph finishes this round that is >.> If someone can do good math on Miakis damage and how it > the floor then I'll bite =) If not sorry Djinn *hugs*

I have great respect for Songtress speed so Bard passes
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 02:58:48 PM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2009, 02:57:58 PM »
Team Djinn | Miakis, Arc, White Rose, Lyn
[Miakis: Fire, Water]
[Floor 2a]
Team Djinn vs. Lorenta, Jelanda, Shiho, Mystina- Is SL legal yet? No.  They can nuke one PC but that by itself is not nearly enough. WR can status one and Miakis/Lyn/Arc can overwhelm another, which is.
Team Djinn vs. FF1 Knight, FFT Knight, PC Beatrix-
Team Djinn vs. FF1 Black Mage, FFT Wizard, Vivi
Team Djinn vs. Lucius, Serra, Renault and Moulder- One reviver. Lyn can kill one PC but that's it- don't see WR surviving this battle, adn the team's getting pushed hard on it's limited MP resources the entire floor.
Team Djinn vs. Lete River Ultros and Evil Gaia

Team Bardiche | Maxim, Tidus, Songstress, Crowley, Raja
[Floor 2b]
Team Bardiche vs. Justin and Ryudo- Delay hit Ryudo. Raja Blesses the team. That's fight.
Team Bardiche vs. Cloud, Zidane and Tidus (No Sonic Steel / Caladbolg)- Whap Cloud once to stop the physical from mattering, blitz Tidus (Easy enough, with his Mdef), win pretty easily after that.
Team Bardiche vs. Stahn, Reid and Luke- Blind wrecks this fight.
Team Bardiche vs. Ashley, Virginia and Jude- Blind also wrecks this one, Jude hates anything that hits his accuracy.
Team Bardiche vs. Malice Edna and Ricardo- Team should be able to blitz Ricardo. Edna is good but not good enough by herself.

"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2009, 02:58:50 PM »
Dungeon vs Teams Shale and Djinn

Unless a better argument can be made for Team Djinn in the days I'm away from a PC and before Neph finished this round that is >.> If someone can do good math on Miakis damage and how it > the floor then I'll bite =) If not sorry Djinn *hugs*

I have great respect for Songtress speed so Bard passes

Yeah, I'm really not seeing it myself. One reviver on a four person team? Where one of the PC's is very backloaded for value? Yikes.
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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2009, 03:04:45 PM »
If a team member falls in their one-on-one fight, can they be revived for the team boss battle if one of the survivors has Resurrection? I'm thinking Millenia's Fairy Egg gives her revival, and that could really sway things.

Shale's team, though... ooh, so close, I can't quite decide.

Since I allow limit meters to start half-full, I think this might give Rikku a chance during her solo fight if she stalls with a healing strategy after IDing Wren...?

Dungeon vs Teams Shale and Djinn

Unless a better argument can be made for Team Djinn in the days I'm away from a PC and before Neph finished this round that is >.> If someone can do good math on Miakis damage and how it > the floor then I'll bite =) If not sorry Djinn *hugs*

Traitor! How DARE you vote according to your own personal interpretations instead of blindly supporting me! ^_~

I guess I figured more people respected Arc's damage and level advantage, especially considering how expensive he is!

Miakis gets revival eventually... though what I really wanted was Nall...



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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon: Week 43!
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2009, 04:09:21 PM »

*If any member loses a battle, they cannot be used in the final fight for this floor, but the rest continue on.
Millenia vs. Zera Valmar
Rand and Mint vs. Deathevans and Barubary- Too much pressure, I think.
Tidus vs. Jecht
Rikku vs. Wren, Worker 8 and Geddoe- Steal IDs Wren for me, and Rikku can wall thunder. Think she can outlast the fight otherwise.
Team Shale vs. Zeromus, Exdeath and Kuja- Shale needs three of four of his team to advance to have a prayer here.

"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...