* Taishyr throws a Wobbly at Grefter. Wobblies were the red stupid things in EB weren't they?
<mild rant present, government's managed to piss me off lately so the ire's directed toward them. ducking out of the topic afterward, need to take care of my heart and all. <_<>
super: On the one hand, sure, it's irrelevant. On the other hand I don't particularly care anymore about what the government does outside of foreign policy since I'm convinced any action by anyone there, either side will fuck shit up, they're trying to solve a intricate puzzle with a hammer but that just makes it harder in the end and this applies to both sides.
The right had eight years to object to the accumulation of, let me see if I can find the number... at least 2.5x the amount being proposed here? Maybe more, these tables don't include 2008 and I always did suck at this. EDIT: Estimates I can find say the national debt's about doubled, but that the amount was far higher than I anticipated anyway (we're apparently past 10 trillion) anyway. Yeah.
Put plainly, you're right, super: it should be in the budget. It's not, it is being handled in a different procedural format at an arguably inappropriate time. In the end ideally it ends up the same way but the government isn't stalled if this shit doesn't go through like it could be if a budget isn't passed, unless I misremember my entire government class learnings which is possible! But returning back to my point, ohnoes different procedural format. I'll agree that it probably should be in the budget, but frankly getting it done now doesn't matter all that bloody much, either way either it's passing or the Democrats will fold like a wet blanket again and the timing or where it's being done doesn't really matter jack of shit from what I can tell unless the Republicans plan a coup during the next uh... month or two? So eh.
And this is why politics can go fucking burn.
Zenthor: If I didn't suspect at least 3/4ths of Congress was involved in tax evasion on some level, I'd be more in agreement on that criticism too. But blanket disrespect for them and all.