Varies by fight of course, but in general a good fury warrior rapes the shit out of everything in raids. Of course, it helps that they get totems that buff the living shit out of them, while I get 91 mana over 5 seconds!
And you know, the absolute fuck ton of Spellpower. Throw in an Elemental Shaman and you are getting almost the same 10% damage buff from Fire totem that melee are getting from Windfury (Don't underestimate that much MP5 as well, when you stack shaman totems with Replenishment the time you can DPS before you need to Evocate goes up an incredible amount), it might not scale as well, but that is an issue for later when there is gear that actually hits that point.
As far as I know, Decursive has been around since the times of BWL release, back then it was single click to decurse anyone in the raid, it is far more interactive now. You still target people, you still pick the spell to cast, you just have it presented to you in an infinitely more processable format the the standard UI.
For Tank Rotations and whatnot, that is still there, 4 Hoursemen exists, Gluth exists.
You still have to get out of the fire and pay attention, that zoning element is pretty much the heart and soul of WoW raiding. Get out of the fire, don't pull aggro where it is sensitive (You don't have to pay attention? Fuck me Heigan Dance is still like the best part of the game). I say again, look at Sarth with multiple Drakes up and TELL me people aren't on the ball when they get those kills.
There is no really harsh gear checks in the game as of now. This is fine, it is introductory raiding and they wanted people to be able to actually raid right off the bat. 5 mans were specifically stated to not be compulsary in this because it did horrible things to BC.
Setting up groups for maximising DPS didn't matter pre BC until Naxx. If you look at all of the DPS checks and healer checks in WoW classic 40 man raids they were tuned to anywhere between as low as 25-35 people playing pretty well. Pre BC raids were tuned with mouth breathing AFK hunters in mind.
I guess we just find different things fun. If there is nothing to strive for, I don't find it enjoyable. I had a lot of fun for 4 weeks on the expansion, but then I got to the point of "what now?" There's nothing left to do unless I wanna stroke my epeen and go for achievements that don't get me anything! I guess I could try and put together all mages runs. Doing all mage Strat/Scholo/UBRS back in the day was enjoyable and different. (Yes, some classes could do runs like these with ease, Mages were not one of them.)
If you don't enjoy raiding for the actual heart and soul of raiding, why even do it anyway? Same goes for 5 mans. Just do it for the fun of it. Yeah it is farm content, yes you might not get anything, but are you getting other people loot? Are you enjoying what you are doing? If not then yeah, leave the game, but I don't quite understand why you were even playing it in the first place then. I personally don't go in for the Achievement shit either, got all my reps up a while back. Been raiding pretty consistently every week almost since early December. Do I need the loot? Not really. Do I like a fun team play game each week? Yeah. You are arguing as if the game is somehow fundamentally different than any other kind of game with constantly repeating content. Do you quit playing Deathmatch when you have killed the enemy once? Capture the Flag is over when you have capped it once?
Macros will be nerfed enough when they no longer exist. :-) Blizzard added all they needed with the F key.
Spoken like a true DPSer that has never had to heal in the default Blizzard UI before. Mouse over Macros make healing complex fights actually doable. Add in bonuses for DPS like simple things like more flexible CD management for buffs you want to stack (BF/Trinket buff in my rogue times was a blessing). Macros are not a only crutch for the bad player, they are things that help the good player function optimally. Focus macros are a real boon when you have to CC things.
We disagree again here. In Warcraft 3 I was ranked 1 and 2 in the FFA game type at the same time. Both my accounts also had 3:1 win/loss ratios, something that didn't happen in FFA, period. If you got to top 10 with a .500 record you were pro. Then came replays. I don't mind someone seeing why they lost the game and trying to improve. That's obviously not what replays were used for though. Instead, dozens of replays ended up online so my builds/strategies/items/heroes/counters and everything else could be copied. Within a month of replays coming out I couldn't even play an FFA without running into clones of myself. That's annoying... use your own damn brain to figure shit out.
I feel the same in WoW. What fun is it to go on YouTube and just copy what everyone else does? And what reward does a person/guild get for actually being good and creative? Back in the day the guild's battled it out trying to clear content first with the strats they came up with. Now, everyone just goes on Youtube and does what the other guy did. Fun!
WoW is only a competetive game at heart (in game here I am talking) in PVP. In all other areas it is a team based game. If you want to have the competetive meta game component then you need to be on the bleeding edge of content where that very feeling is. Once the world firsts are out of the way, you have a couple of weeks before refined actually full blown complete and accurate strategy filters down to us run of the mill fairly casual players. Once that shit is over and done with, quite frankly the competition can just get fucked, the game isn't even about that bullshit. Sure some friendly competition can happen, but it isn't the heart and soul of the game and unless you are competing against a friendly guild no one really cares.
Sure Hybrids can do a lot of things. If they are doing one they can't do the other. So the whole point is meaningless. Once the duel spec thing is a reality yeah sure if the fight calls for it they can swap to healer, but you aren't going to have a raid where your entire raid needs to be made up of tanks and healers where you will be left holding the bag. All the dual spec is going to do is if such a situation comes up, hey one of your hybrids can change quickly, you are only going to be forced to sit out as pure DPS if the entirety of your DPS team is pure class DPS, which is some primo shit raid balance right there. Hybrids have every much as right to a DPS spot as a pure DPS becauuuuuse, when they are DPS, they can't fucking do shit all else anyway! They are functionally pure DPS at that time.
With any worries with the dual spec system being abused mid fight. Not going to happen. Plain and simple, it is the simplest fucking thing to balance that it is dead obvious what they are going to do. Out of combat only, not in BGs, not in Arena, not in Wintergrasp probably. Any possible problems fucking solved straight away. If someone wants to have 2 specs that are ultra specific for PVE, that is up to them, but it isn't going to be made required. DUAL SPEC CHANGES NOTHING IN THE GAME IT JUST SAVES YOU TIME IN RAID AND HOLY SHIT 50 GOLD.
The Fury warrior at 5k not full epic gear is going to be in 25 man with full buffs going, everyone is pulling pretty nuts damage there (Especially on the fight, if the 5k is on anything but Patch it is a lol, because the only stand and spank other than him has gimmicks that massively inflate Warrior damage at the moment). 7k DPS Affliction locks are a reality in that environment and I know as people get more gear they are thinking of breaking 8k at least in theory so far.
Edit - I need to say something else is the heart and soul of raiding as well. Potatoes are the heart and soul of raiding.