Author Topic: Titania>Bartre  (Read 330 times)


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« on: January 10, 2009, 02:51:14 AM »
"I thought you told me writing 'Rune Cannon' on my axe would work!" Bartre bellowed at a rather peeved Erk.

"Look. Firstly, it didn't... it wasn't even supposed to work against Snowe, damnit. Secondly, Rune Cannons aren't Titania's weakness, you dimwit - you actually have to fight her. Waving your axe around like an idiot's not going to do jack to her."

"So... you're telling me that you gave me bad advice." Bartre said solemnly.

"No, I did -not- give you - well, in all point of fact it should have been bad advice but it wasn't! It's not my fault you went up against a flat-out superior fighter. Sheesh." Erk grimaced. "Look, next time you face off against her, just tell her that she's both a cradle and a grave robber. That'll make her pissed off enough that you'll win just fine."

Bartre eyed Erk skeptically, before walking out. Erk shook his head. "Idiot..."