I'd personally DNR Tony and Renee. Somewhat mid-game bosses who aren't very strong nor very memorable in battle (Throw in lots of varying forms too!) off a game that we know isn't going to be a great draw definetely seem like the type of people we can leave off.
Anyways, I guess I actually never quite did numbers for this game (Probably because I guess I had some timedcards questions to test...), so gut checks
Vayne- 3.9. Overkill, but only like 1.25x to me, so not fullproof. Still, that+decent status blocker is good enough for low Heavy.
Nikki- 4.3. Respecting the turn 1 speed helps her a lot, and that killer turn 2 comes off really fast to me. Usuable damage 5 turns is also nice.
Jessica- 3.65. Damage is solid enough, just has that charge time (Think I'd see her getting 5 of the 2200 damage move). On the other hand, doesn't hit her healing at all! Turn 1 Silence is nice too. I could perhaps see her as a low Heavy...
Flay- 3.5. Slow 2HKOer. Time Cards help make that a great 2HKO, but still not see it as enough for Heavy.
Pamela- 4.55. Low Godlike probably does work I guess. While the magic having status immune healers give her a lot of grief, those don't numbers that many I think.
Roxis- 3.35. Another slow 2HKOer, but this time with worse durability than Flay!
Anna- 3.1. Fast 3HKO, but nowhere near the 2HKO. Throw in a choice of 1 status block, and she can swing Middle...I guess...maybe
Muppy- So...Change doesn't work on any of those random humanoid scrub opponents that have like 200 HP? If it doesn't even work on them...well, I may be seeing Muppy as a Light then!