
Author Topic: Axel (vs. Mitsuru)  (Read 500 times)


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Axel (vs. Mitsuru)
« on: January 05, 2008, 11:54:07 PM »
This is it! The time has finally come for Axel, Dark Hero, fashion plate and all-round cool guy, to make his triumphant comeback! His opponent? Some silly schoolgirl who thinks she can play with swords. She shouldn't be any trouble for a seasoned Dark Hero like Axel. He innately resists damage dealt by human opponents and iwll have no problem keeping Mitsuru on the defensive with his counters and powerful fist techniques. After all this time out of the spotlight, this is almost anticlimactic! Couldn't they have given him an opponent more worthy of such an august personage as himself? Ah well, scoring chicks is part of a Dark Hero's work too. He'll just have to set aside some time to thaw this frigid maiden's heart while she recouperates from her defeat!


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Re: Axel (vs. Mitsuru)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2008, 03:39:16 PM »
This is it! The time has finally come for Axel, Dark Hero, fashion plate and all-round cool guy, to make his triumphant comeback! His opponent? Some silly schoolgirl who thinks she can play with swords. She shouldn't be any trouble for a Dark Hero like Axel. He innately resists damage dealt by human opponents and will have no problem keeping Mitsuru on the defensive with his counters and powerful fist techniques. After all this time out of the spotlight, this is almost anticlimactic! Couldn't they have given him an opponent more worthy of such an august personage as himself? Ah well, scoring chicks is part of a Dark Hero's work too. He'll just have to set aside time to thaw this frigid maiden's heart while she recuperates from her defeat!