PS1 (small cast)
Rolf (main, has history), Nei (memorable female lead), Josh Kain (only one with an interesting spoiler skillset vs. Robots),
Kharg (main), Darc (main),
Max (main), Jogurt (godlike), Domingo (iunno), Bleu (Light needs more dragons),
Bowie (main), Peter (memorable),
and all bosses from PSes & ShFs (far more memorable than most of the PCs)
EDIT: super makes a good point
Darksol (main villain), Mishaela (memorable lackey)
OddEye (best part of ShF series?)
Abstain on:
Bebedora (eh, she's kind of funny),
Rudo (first non-Nei partner, somewhat memorable), Amy (apparently used by a lot of people),
Anri (sort of like a lead female?),
Ramladu (kind of important/memorable)
Sarah (sort of like a lead female?)
Barbarossa (maybe just rename him Sovereign Rune Incarnation?)
BGs (apparently not drawing at all),
The rest of ShF1/2 PCs (definitely not drawing well),
The rest of ShF1/2 bosses (memorability not really there)
PSII PCs (forgettable, but I could be argued to keep 'em)
Is there any way we might cull some CC, VP1, or FE7? They aren't horrible at drawing, but there's just so much fluff from these games that we wouldn't rank these days. Just some ideas:
CC: A bunch of non-requisite PCs without much impact (if any) on the story.
Doc (splitpath), Funguy, Greco, Grobyc, Janice, Luccia, Macha (splitpath), Mel (splitpath), Mojo, Neo-Fio, Orcha, Orlha, Pierre (splitpath), Skelly, Sneff, Turnip, Van, Zappa
Glenn is also splitpath, but if I'm remembering correctly, he's popular and decent a dueller. Nikki and Korcha are also important to the story, though splitpath PCs.
Starky, Pip, Draggy, Miki, Guile are also nonimportant to the story, but I have this impression that they're popular. Note that while Starky is unimportant to the plot, he's apparently not optional (wow, I never knew). Sprigg is also an auto-recruit.
Garai... I just don't remember him well.
Dart, Hawkeye, Heath, Isadora, Legault, Renault, Vaida
- all later game pick-ups who don't really stand out in stats or have much effect on the story.
Gandar, Janus, Jayle, Jun, Lyseria, Nanami, Yumei
- later game einherjar who don't have direct connections to storylines outside of their own. Don't know which, if any, are fan favorites.
Llewelyn and Belenus don't have any connections to storylines outside of their own, but they are fairly standard earlygame pickups.
Shiho and Suo's storylines only connect to eachother's. But I get the impression that Shiho is popular for some reason.