Author Topic: RPG quotes quiz! Round 9 (Snowfire time!)  (Read 22117 times)


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RPG quotes quiz! Round 9 (Snowfire time!)
« on: January 07, 2008, 04:40:14 AM »
Rules for this are the same as always. PM me your guesses, and you have two weeks to respond.

1. "Men such as you can not make history."

2.  "Because... you are a puppet."

3. "[Redacted] had himself another night of wine, women, and song. Just between you and me I think I had a little too much of the wine, but the women didn't complain!"

4. "I'll kick yer sorry arse so hard you'll kiss the moons!"

5. ""FINALLY! At long LAST! I thought this day would never COME! But it HAS, and with great FANFARE! The time has come to let those FILTHY DEVILS know that [redacted] does NOT belong to them! We'll SMASH the FILTHY  DEVILS' castle to TINY, UNRECOGNISABLE bits!!! We'll STOMP it! And CRUSH it! And CRUSH it! And STOMP it! And then CRUSH it again! Until NO EARTHLY TRACE REMAINS! ...And then we'll PAVE over the site, just to rub it in! HA HA HA HA HAAAA! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAA!!! You could say I'm looking forward to it. "

6. "Is there some way to fix it? Well you got to do something!"
"I think you're screwed."

7. "To be forgotten is worse than death."

8. "Why.. why didn't you come for me? I waited for you! Oh, how I waited... But... it was [he] who came for me! He always suffered in your shadow... You could never understand how awful it was to be the loser!"

9. "Oh dear, not one of those. I find men who go about claiming they speak for gods insufferable."

10. "Look at the camera... ready... say fuzzy pickles!"

11. Stand tall and shake the heavens!”

12. "Hmm, should I force him to open his heart with a chainsaw?"

13. 'Call it what you will-
a revelation from god, or a curse of the demon king.
The fact remains that our world came to an end.

A heretic called upon an unearthly light, and devastation ensued.
Chaos crawled out of the depths of the ocean, from the black abyss.

Death upon death... Nothing but death in this barren land.
Who can we pray to! There are only demons and fiends here.

A voice in the dark beguiles me.
"Truth is a mystery, unraveled by the candles' flames."

14. . "Weren't you also born without the legitimate blood of your father?"
"Why would you ask that?"
"Because you interest me. Your eyes are different. Just below the surface, I can see the darkness inside you. Surely you must feel it too.
"But I... I am grateful to my father for taking me in."

15. "No mercy for the damned. Thus, you have no escape from the grasp of catastrophe!"

Bonuses: Sitcoms.


2. "They're real and they're spectacular."

3. "Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. "

4. "Let me tell you a little story. It was 1994, and I was ice climbing when I fell into a crevasse and hurt my leg. There was only one way out, so fighting every natural instinct I have, I did the thing I hated the most. I climbed down into the darkness. And when I came back to camp, I went to the person who cut my line and said, "Connie Chung, you saved my life."

5. "I've seen her from the front, i've seen her from the back.
I've seen her in a chair, i've seen her in a sack.
I've seen her stand, i've seen her crouch.
I've seen her on her stupid couch.
I do not like her in the mall, I do not like her in the hall.
I do not like her in my life, I do not like my big red wife!"

You must give me the game/name of the person in the quote. This will be open for two weeks.

1. "Rend, slaughter, devour your foes!"
2. "Then go talk to a wall."
3. "My external appearance is down 5%. [redacted], I need to be cleaned."
4. "I'm pretty confident in everything from the neck up."
5. "Nice reflexes, princess. Unfortunately, we're not out here to pick berries or nurse hurt shrews. Next time, you might want to duck and cover. Most bad guys won't stop killing you if you're trying to kiss their ouchies."
6. "Brats like you are so damned naive... you piss me off. [...] S-stupid teenagers! you have no idea what kinda shit I've been through!"
7."Suffer my pain! Grim Vengeance!"
8. "You called me a dark god again! How would you like it if I called you a dark bag of organs? I don't want to talk to you anymore!"
9. "I thought he was too arrogant to have an escape pod!"
10. "Yeah, well if you want me in a tin foil mini skirt and thigh-high boots, I'm gonna need dinner first... Uh... sir..."
11. " "Commie ghosts, trying to steal our rockets and fly to moon, so they can paint it pink and put Lenin's face on it."
12. "THIS is what I would call frue destruction!"
13. "Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeee!!!! Yellowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!"
14. “I was lost in the darkness. I couldn’t find my way. As I stumbled through the darkness, I started forgetting things–my friends, who I was… The darkness almost swallowed me. But then I heard a voice–your voice. You brought me back.”
15. "I'll turn you into a beehive!"
16. "Hurrumph! Better yet... Why don't YOU give me YOUR stars. Why, then I could easily conquer this world! Then we could get rid of wishes, and create a world filled with... WEAPONS!!"
17. "Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements. "
18. "What exactly did YOU do to help? All I remember YOU doing was digging through the backpack for cheese and crackers."
19. "Do you... want my carrots?"
20. "The world is veiled in darkness. The wind stops, the sea is wild, and the earth begins to rot. The people wait, their only hope, a prophecy..."

Worth one point each. These are from various things (Books, songs, video games, etc).

1. "I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can
 watch you weave then breathe your story lines"
2.  "There was a strange serenity about him now, but it had a dark edge. Like the serenity one saw in the eyes of a condemned man the moment before he stepped up to the hangman's noose."
3. "When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What the hell are these?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give me lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!"
4. "Oh, criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in, huh? WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN?"
5. "If drafted, I will not run; if nominated, I will not accept; if elected, I will not serve."


2. "Some of us here are just overflowing with the chaos you're causing with this fight. That might be part of it... But, to be honest, there's a part of me that can hardly believe how much fun tearing your head off will be. "

3.  " You... idiot!!! The pen is mightier than the sword, but the fist is mightier than the pen! If you've got a complaint with our editorial direction, show us what you've got... then we'll talk!"

4. "I am beyond him in every respect. I'll get 100, no 200 princesses." [...]
"I'm afraid..."
"Don't worry, Gina. Now we'll have eternal joy together. I have the power to do it."

5. "Princess, your tutor told me that you plan to go out alone. That's so reckless! If something happens to you, I... I mean the King will be devastated."

6. "Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! "

7. "We should practice with our swords."
    "Hey Hey Hey!!"
   "What's wrong?"
   "Are you gonna swing your sword around in my house!?"
   "What's wrong with that? You have such a big house."
   "It's not right!!"
   "Just kidding.... Tut!"
   "I heard that! What is that tut about!?"
   "It's all in your head."

8 . "Please wait for me... And... please... don’t let a lecherous young king, who shall remain nameless, near you!"

9. "I hope your efforts were fruitful... or veggieful!"

10. "But, if you slow us down or just piss me off, your butt will be skipping down Lollipop Lane on its own."

11. "I wanted to erase the sadness that lies hidden deep in your eyes. The sadness of one who cannot accept others. I loved you. But that was a mistake. It was my only mistake. But it cannot be forgiven. As a result of my mistake, I lost my Empire. What kind of

land will you create in its stead?"

12. "…I swore I would never fight with these hands again. This time, I used them in order to save you."

13. "I will overpower the darkspawn with my rosy scent!"

14. "Adios, assholes."

15. "Oh, this and that. Basically, I'm consumed with melancholy after a particularly debauched midnight tryst."

16. "That loosened me up! You need more practice! But hey, you know that! I'm out of here. Smell ya!"

17. "You did nothing!  You just watched and waited while someone else did all the work.  What have you done for [town] and everyone in it?  A coward has no right to condemn someone else! What do you mean by pride?  How precious is your belief without

the backbone to accomplish something?"

18. "So! The little knight has a little sword! But does he know how to play with it?"

19. "Any sound can shake the air, my voice shakes the heart!"

20. "This drawn out chat is ruining a good cigarette. I think it's time to wrap things up."

1. "Die monster. You don't belong in this world!"
2."Pretty unreliable for a diety. If you want to keep your job as supreme overlord, you should keep your naughty/nice list straight."
3. Then we will fight... and we will save our people. Make your peace with whatever the gods worship. Your end is near."
4. "This has been fun. Maybe I can renovate my castle to be like this.
"Where's your sense of fun? Where's your spirit?"
"Let's go back inside! That place was cool!"
"Let's keep going."
5. "What the...What's happening out there? Who would interfere with the heroine of the story?!"
6. "This is ridiculous. Worst Birthday Ever. Hmph."
7.  "Noooo! My precious Black Fenrir!"
"It's a shovel,  you don't need to name it!"
8. "Taste my refreshment!"
9. "Wh-why...? Why did you.."
"Because I wanted you to be here for this."
"Damn, kid. This is just wrong."
10. "What?!  This crystal is the life extending agent? It's so... big!"
11. "Didn't we swear on our swords when we were kids? We would fight to make people smile."
"Even if we follow different paths."
"Even if we bear different burdens."
12. "Ooohhh... I get it. What you're really trying to say is, "will you please beat the shit out of me?"
13. "Always listen to a hot babe. That's the law. Beep blip beep..."
14. "Doesn't that just beat all?"   
15. "You've got to be kidding me. These are your friends? These are the dregs of Giga city!"

Literali- Fantasy novel quotes, each are worth 1 point each. I just need the series/book name for this, or the character name.

1. "[He] had been extremely impressed with the warranties offered by the computer industry, and had in fact sent a bundle Below to the department that drew up the Immortal Soul agreements, with a yellow memo form attached just saying: 'Learn, guys.'"
2. "The bird let out a slow chicken cackle. It sounded like a chicken, but in her heart she knew it wasn't. In that instant, she completely understood the concept of a chicken that was not a chicken. This looked like a chicken, like most of the Mud People's chickens. But this was no chicken. This was evil manifest."
3. "You should know this by now." [He] said, bringing his armored forearm up and smashing it into the other person's face.  Though the bone had resisted his fist, it crunched with a satisfying sound beneath steel.  "Nothing I do is just for show."
4.  "Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain."
5.  "Go then, there are other worlds than these."

Bonuses: Worth two points each.  Just need the game each quote is from.

1. "Wait!"
"It's okay, there's a place out there where I'm needed. A place that I have to illuminate, with the shining light of the astra, that lies sleeping within my heart."
"Don't do it!"
"I  must do this. And it's for the person who means the most to me. My life is nothing compared to his. Doing this is easy if it's for him."
2. "Finally, you've fulfilled my wish. Finally I can escape from this forest."
3. "Gnash them snappers, kid; I got a sock that eats like a meal. This putrid, unwashed, puss-soaked, blood-crusted sock was fermenting around a gangrenous stump of a foot for eight and half months. This is the chewiest, smelliest sock you'll ever have the luck to nosh on. And you're just a short Q&A away from suckin' this baby dry!"
4. "R u Ju57 h0n357, 0R R u Ju57 4n idi07?"
5. "There is one method to change this reality... it is what you did on that summer night in order to wipe away the event that occurred... The evil thread of cause and effect that he spun started on that day... If you erase just that one incident, this tragedy will not occur, and you will forget everything from that day onwards. The world will be born onto a different Wheel of Time. "

1. " That's it! I quit. To hell with the exams! 'S time for my animal crackers. "
2. "'My kind'. Right. I'll just sit over here and and think filthy, unclean thoughts, then."
3. "Savor the beauty amid the battlefield's gore."
4. "Princess! No need to worry. I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man: he never dies."
5. "Wha…? Hey, did I hear you correctly? Did you just call me a Musclebound Peabrain?"
6. " It’s you who doesn’t understand! No matter how high a level of existence they try to reach, they’re still nothing but fabrications! Data should obey the will of their creator and submit to deletion!"
7. Lost? No way out? Is it hopeless? Use this spell to exit! (Just need the game here)
8. "Good god, I'm smack dab in the middle of Crazyland! I can't take two steps without stepping in a pile of wacko!"
9. "I'm a! A shield!"
10. "POSSE... We are. We always will be. Because we're a posse, we want to help you. Whatever it takes to fulfill your dream, we're willing to do. But... You're being manipulated."
11. "Liar! I was a perfect lady last night! Uhhhh.... why does my tummy hurt? "
12. "How was I supposed to know you could shatter my magic with a primal scream?"
"Wait until you see what I can do with my tongue!"
"Tempting, but... perhaps later."- I'll take either side of this for full credit.
13. "I'm fluent in helpless victim."
14. "I did everything I could to get that man to love me. All the sins I committed, all the pain I suffered, was to steal his heart. He came seeking my heart and my body. I have come to occupy a large place in his heart. What will happen to his heart if I am destroyed by you all? I can imagine the expression on his face when he hears I have been destroyed.  Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.  By stealing his valuable "Me".  I get my revenge."
15. "I'll chop you up! Grind you up! Dry you in the sun! Break you to pieces! Bury you in the ground! Piss on you! Then I'll dig you up! Pull you! Stretch you! Drag you around! And then, and then, in any case, I'll never forgive you!"
16. "When there's light, there's darkness... sword of the dark moon!"
17."Oh... I remember! The bunny outfit. Of course I remember. I told you I'd wear it for you once things settled down <3"
18. "Wheee!  A crash landing!  Cool!"
19. "I'm notoriously bad at taking orders."
20.  "Our weapons are love..."
"Will you stop!" (Just need the game)

Bonus 1: You know, now as I look at you, you're quite the rum-duchess, aren't you? Seems to me as you'd earn a lot more selling that tinder-box o' yours than them flowers! (Just need the game)
Bonus 2:  "I do not intend to negotiate with you, and I will not allow you to stall for time. I ask you to respond to my demands, and nothing more."
Bonus 3:  "Such loyalty to a corpse... In truth, there is nothing in this world more humorous than a knight."
Bonus 4: "The planet has forsaken me..."
Bonus 5: "My wish is for you to embrace God."

1. "They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say nice try."

2. "Yay! We're in parm. Now where's this seagull restraunt?"

3. "Let's test it. You, or the empty me. Let's see which side the world wants to survive!"

4. "While one old man's life may not be enough to atone for what we have done, still I offer it. For it is the nature of mortals that they pass quickly through this world.  This time comes to all of us--it is up to us only to choose when and how."

5. "*sob* Sh, shut're an enemy. I can't trust anyone..."

"Stop talking. And trust this."

6."Now you mock me."

"No, I've been mocking you for the last half hour. A little slow to notice, aren't we?"

7. "You little hoochees!"

8. "It is rare to be able to talk to a real schizophrenic. As a scholar, I am extremely intrigued."



"I hate you."

"I know, I know. You know what you have to do."

10. "For her sake, I will not fail!"

11. "Well, it's like this... Out on the Western Isles, there's a stone giant that men call Kelles.  He's thrice the size of the tallest man, and he can swallow you whole, from your head to your--"
"He's dead."
"Huh? Really?"
"...Seems like I heard about him only recently.  You must get news quickly."
"Wait...I just remembered... There's a mage in Ilia who has the power to freeze your blood in its veins.  He found an ancient ice tome that--"
"Yeah, he's dead, too.  About a month ago."
"I... Well, that's... Are you serious? How could you know that?"

12. "It was a dog I used to have as a child. He was the best... He followed me everywhere. I had an armor made for him which looked like mine. I loved him so much. When he died, I was going to have all the Knights kill themselves."

13. "Listen to me, punk. History doesn't flow! It moves... in leaps and fits! Sometimes it must be pushed along by men like us. If a bit of suffering is the price we must pay, then pay it I will!"

14. "Man, did you see my awesome death scene? ...It's kind of embarrassing to see you guys so soon after, though."

15. "That dirty-minded pervert of a father! I've come to grips with him leaving me, but what about Mom? How could he do this to her?"

16. "Let me take a rest inside your head for a while..."


"Like the moon over
the day,my genius and brawn
are lost on these fools."

18. "Well then. Does this mean that you are currently…single?"

"Yeah, you could say so—but why do you ask?"

"Ah, perfect."

"Wanna marry my daughter?"


"What’s wrong? Some problem with my daughter?"

"No, that’s not it. But isn’t that the sort of thing that people usually decide from themselves? Even if I said sure, what would she say?"

"What are you talking about? I know my daughter well. She would not say no. So it’s settled, then! And the family line is assured."- See 5.

19. "That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers."

20. "Why should the world exist without me? That wouldn't be fair."

For the bonuses with the exception of 4, you just need to cite the game. 4 needs the game and the characters. You can also score a point by correctly guessing the theme of the Bonuses this time.

Bonus 1. "As you hold the eight gems to the sky, four dragons descend. The blinding rays of light given off by the dragons create the ninth tear drop."
Bonus 2. "To be judged and punished by my own creations.. Thou hath refused my extended hand of salvation. Without me to guide thee, dost thou truly think thou wilt be able to find thy path? But remember this.. humanity is not strong enough to live without one to cling to or rely upon. As long as people continue to seek my salvation, the will of the universe will recreate me, again and again..."
Bonus 3. "For the...both of us..."
"Both of us?"
"That's're gonna..."
"You're gonna..."
"Live. You'll living legacy. My honor, my dreams, they're yours now.."
"I'm legacy.."
Bonus 4. "I leave you to speculate, forever without answers. I can think of nothing that will harm you more."
Bonus 5. "You... I'll make you pay for this! If you go down, I'll take you with me! You'll never win, I'll be back!" Rival, we shall meet again!"

"I'm grateful that you fulfulled my wishes. You've saved the people of this world. He may have destroyed your flesh, but I will not let you die. I will give you my flesh, and let you be reborn as my descendant."

1. "Look what the slavish devotion to sanctimonious bloodshed dragged in. What brings you here - or did I answer myself?"

2. "I didn’t expect you to corner me like this.  I guess I underestimated you.  I will retreat this time to show my respect for you.  But you’re not going to win next time.  I must attain the summit of the mountain and I don’t have time to be interrupted.  If you get in my way again, I’ll show you the real me."

3. "Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn tea!"

4.  "What a load of crap… Get off your soapbox! You act noble and preach about humanity, but in the end, they’re just equipment as far as your company’s concerned."

5. "No one, not even a demon, can deny a man his Pizza Shack Teriyaki Pizza."

6. "Where's your honor?!"

"Ahahahahaa. Honor? Hmph. What the hell is honor? Who do you think you're talking to? We are soliders, we've got no need for the lofty ideals of the queen's knights." -I'll take either side of the conversation for full credit.

7. "Thanks.. you've really helped, you know. I feel a lot better now."

"Humph, I am great at swordsmanship, But I'm also great at cheering people up, you know?!?! - I'll take either side for full credit.

8. "A god.. is not as almighty as I expected."  "Now you see.. nothing can rule another's heart."- See above.

9. "What the hell am I supposed to--"

10. "She's just pissed 'cause her girlfriend got killed."

11. "You blabbing old fart!  Do you tell every single fool who comes here my measurements!?"

12. "It all started with this incident. 6 days that were to become a nightmare for all...It was pure terror, but it was also 6 days filled with familiar memories.."

13. "Now, I.. well... It's going to seem like I'm running away, but perhaps I'll just sneak away to another era to think about my next plan."

14. "Isn't it beautiful? Love comes in so many different shapes."

15. "...Bah. I suppose you want some kind of congratulations now, right? Well, too bad. You're a snot-nosed whelp, and I'm still better than you. Don't ever forget that."

16. "No one, NO ONE, is authorized to kidnap her except me! It just wouldn't be right!"

17. "A world of facades and concessions is a cold one indeed...I just walk the path I believe in."

18. "Geez, what's with the hairdo? It looks like something a cheap <beep> would wear!"

"Cheap wig?  Excuse the <beep> out of me! What about your hair? It looks like shrimp tails or something!"- I'll take either side of this for credit.

19. "This battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!"

20. "You have heard that they want to take our land! They want to rule over you! You can you forgive that?  No need for compassion! Death to those who oppose us! Crush them! People, learn the ways of the dark! If you do, you earn my protection! We are an empire built on the Dark! We will use that power to create an invincible Empire! Look! Worship me! I am one of the gods come to earth! Power to our Empire!"

Bonus 1: "Of course you will.  The breeze that runs through the plains...  It never forgets those that it loves."

Bonus 2: "People don't complain because they are weak, they are weak so they can complain."

Bonus 3: "Sleeping all the time, are you sure you aren't really a cat?"

"OUCH! That's uncalled for?!"

"It's the only explaination I can think of.."

Bonus 4: "Wasn't that ship explosion a blast? I destroyed one of the two remaning ships left, you're the last one now!"

Bonus 5:  "At that time, He shall be revived, and a new order will be established.  An order that does not rely on undead and freakish children, I might add.  I find it somewhat ironic that your childish plan would be foiled by......CHILDREN!  It's almost too delicious to bear.  Ahhhh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Yep, Cid inspired me to do this. There are 20 questions, and 5 bonuses. PM me your responses- I'll be ending the contest in two weeks or so. I've edited out specific names in these that wuold give away the game of origin, but otherwise these are word for word from the source material.

1. "I don't care about breeding. A sword doesn't need fine lineage, it just needs to be sharp."

2. "You asked me what I thought of war. This is my answer! I believe in me. I believe in the power of my sword. I am a warrior! I fight for all that is due to me as a warrior. The acclaim. The honor! I have no time for doubts and second guessing. Wavering cowards like yourself mean nothing to me! Yes, you stand there and tremble like a child. That's all you're good for!"

3. "Well, it would seem the leader of our little group has impregnated the impressionable circus child. And here I thought she was merely getting chubby without the ring master's whip to keep her in shape."

4. "What ARE you two doing? I thought you said something about a nice little slideshow?"

5. "Whoa there, gumshoe! I don't recall 'hunting down reawakening God of Evil' as being part of my job description."

6. "True genius always gets recognition eventually."   "Yeah. Waaay after they're DEAD!" - I'll take either side of the conversation for full credit on this one.

7. "According to my calculations, you don't need a bra."

8. "Things are...disasterrific."

9. "Animals have no god!"

10. "That was interesting. But dropping a warship on me is cheating. Take it back!"

11. "What's happening to me? My heart is pounding. It can't be. I'm ashamed of myself."

12. "At least I've set foot in a school, you dumb bastard!"

13. "I'm gonna help her get whatever she wants. I couldn't care less if this world is destroyed! As long as I can be with her, I can be happy. This kind of talk really isn't my style.. If you go against her, I'll cut your hearts out. Now that's my wish. This won't be like last time!"

14. Forest fire? Hah hah! Like that'll ever happen. And even if it did, it wouldn't be my fault. It's the one spewing fire all over the place.

15. "I'm not going to eat you, even if I had picante sauce and mild seasonings."

16. "I don't know. I don't know what I should do. I'm tired. I don't want to hurt anymore. None of you saved me. Only he has made a place for me."

17. "I got to know the gal who brought us tea. After a while, she just blurted out the whole crooked plan."
"So... you finally hit pay dirt, eh?"
"Watch your mouth! There're ladies present! I was a perfect gentleman!"

18. "Think you're the only one who can fight in the air?"

19. "No. I won't let you die. You will go on living, knowing that the brother you despised your whole life took pity on you."

20. "People find you so annoying, they probably wouldn't look for you if you disappeared...So I stay with you to make sure you don't..."

Bonus 1: "Nonsense. I don't need rest to walk my path. If I do rest, that shall be on the day of my death. When it comes to me, you're not able to rest either. I'll lend you this sword if you wish to rest. You can kill me right now. What's the matter? This is your last chance. Should I not expect you to wish revenge on the man who upset your fate? I'm not the kind of man who intends to lose. However, you're special."

"....No. You should go on living. Even you are human. Even if not by that that sword, you will grow weak and die someday. Until the day you truly rest, I will go on living with you."

"Hmph.....If you want to see how I die, then go ahead." I'll take either side of this conversation for full credit.

Bonus 2:  "You truly know very little, about very little. Have you bashed your head against every rock that has fallen from the Mountain of Ignorance?"

Bonus 3: "Quit your moping already and have a good time!  You're so uptight, the women have been saying maybe you swing the other way."

Bonus 4: "The gods of this world gather for a moment of silent salute. Then they depart and laugh."

Bonus 5:  "Thanks to you, I won't have to marry someone I despise. If she was a man...What am I saying....Please forget what I've said."

1. Luca Blight, Suikoden 2
2. Cross Ward, Radiata Stories
3. Edwin Odesseiron, Baldur's Gate 2
4. Crono, Chrono Trigger
5. Ryudo, Grandia 2
6. Precis and Precis's dad, Star Ocean 2
7. Mio (to Saki), Grandia
8. Yuna, X-2
9. Algus Sandalfas, Final Fantasy Tactics
10. Id, Xenogears
11. Asellus, Saga Frontier
12. Jessica De'Alkirk, Lunar:Silver Star Story
13. Killer, Shadow Hearts 3
14. Luke fon Fabre, Tales of the Abyss
15. Advocat/Mephistopheles, Grim Grimoire
16. Shion Uzuki, Xenosaga 3
17. Edgar and Sabin Figaro, Final Fantasy 6
18. Kain Highwind, Final Fantasy 4
19. Angelo, Dragon Quest 8
20. Erk, Fire Emblem 7 (A path, Serra)

Bonus 1: Esmeree and Zemeckis, Brigandine: Grand Edition
Bonus 2: Lother, Planescape Torment
Bonus 3: Gilti, Vandal Hearts 2
Bonus 4: Wizardary 5, Heart of the Maelstrom. You get this message when you find the secret door in hell.
Bonus 5: Princess of Endor, Dragon Warrior 4

25 responses. Very cool. And ID is scary good at this. Comments?

Oh. 15 was the only question that no one guessed. Play Grim Grimoire! Other notes: ID was the only one to get bonus 2, Trips was the only one to get bonus 1 and question 2, Ciato was the only one to get bonus 3, Uno was the only one to get bonus 4. Several people got bonus 5.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 09:50:27 PM by superaielman »
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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 11:10:33 PM »
I hope you like fire so that you will enjoy burning in hell for number sixteen.

So yeah, I have...maybe four or five? Yeah, I suck at remembering lines from games.


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 12:02:22 AM »
I'm only a little better than Cid.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 01:02:00 AM »
I'm confused, what all do we have to include in responses? Game of origin? Specific characters?


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 01:36:54 AM »
Name/game is enough. Just give me enough to know what you're talking  about.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 03:44:30 AM »
Did better than I expected too, I think like 10-11 with a whopping 0 on the bonus.  I'm just curious to see how I did on games I've actually played, since half of RPGs that are ranked are automisses.


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 03:52:32 AM »
Would you get partial credit for guessing the right game (or guessing the right character if the character is in multiple games ala Suikodens, Xenosagas, Yuri from SH, what have you), OOC?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 03:58:35 AM »

EDIT: No one's topping VSM's half point though.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2008, 05:59:48 AM »
Gah I think I know where 16's from despite never even having played the damn game.

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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2008, 09:30:56 AM »
For including 16, I hope you get raped by a clown. A sad clown, that way he wouldn't even look like he was enjoying raping you despite that he is one of nature's lowliest creatures.


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2008, 01:58:01 AM »
I concur on the number 16.
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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2008, 02:56:07 AM »
I wonder if I just haven't seen 16 or if I'm intentionally blanking.  >_>


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2008, 03:37:13 AM »
I don't know myself, but I get the feeling I'll want to join in on torching Super once I find out.  Well, we'll see.


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2008, 03:39:43 AM »
Hey,it's a perfectly valid quote and you all fail for torching me. ;_;
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2008, 08:25:07 AM »
I know 16 and haven't even got that far.  You are all pussies though.  Super > you right now and he is emo.

Edit- Clarifictation, I know Number 16 and have not got that far in the game it is from.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 01:41:56 PM by Grefter »
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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2008, 11:39:50 AM »
Er... blame Cid he started it?

Also, I think I only got like... two right. Maybe made a good guess somewhere for an extra point.
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2008, 02:35:42 AM »
Uno and Elf tied for the lead so far.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2008, 06:26:35 PM »
Closing this in six days. Send in your responses!
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2008, 01:19:12 AM »
I want to join in on the Super hate.

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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2008, 05:32:38 AM »
Closes sunday. Send in your responses now.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2008, 03:41:23 AM »
1. Luca Blight, Suikoden 2
2. Cross Ward, Radiata Stories
3. Edwin Odesseiron, Baldur's Gate 2
4. Crono, Chrono Trigger
5. Ryudo, Grandia 2
6. Precis and Precis's dad, Star Ocean 2
7. Mio (to Saki), Grandia
8. Yuna, X-2
9. Algus Sandalfas, Final Fantasy Tactics
10. Id, Xenogears
11. Asellus, Saga Frontier
12. Jessica De'Alkirk, Lunar:Silver Star Story
13. Killer, Shadow Hearts 3
14. Luke fon Fabre, Tales of the Abyss
15. Advocat/Mephistopheles, Grim Grimoire
16. Shion Uzuki, Xenosaga 3
17. Edgar and Sabin Figaro, Final Fantasy 6
18. Kain Highwind, Final Fantasy 4
19. Angelo, Dragon Quest 8
20. Erk, Fire Emblem 7 (A path, Serra)

Bonus 1: Esmeree and Zemeckis, Brigandine: Grand Edition
Bonus 2: Lother, Planescape Torment
Bonus 3: Gilti, Vandal Hearts 2
Bonus 4: Wizardary 5, Heart of the Maelstrom. You get this message when you find the secret door in hell.
Bonus 5: Princess of Endor, Dragon Warrior 4

25 responses. Very cool. And ID is scary good at this. Comments?

Oh. 15 was the only question that no one guessed. Play Grim Grimoire! Other notes: ID was the only one to get bonus 2, Trips was the only one to get bonus 1 and question 2, Ciato was the only one to get bonus 3, Uno was the only one to get bonus 4. Several people got bonus 5.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 03:52:35 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2008, 03:41:51 AM »
Xeroma: 3/20- Got all his guesses right.
Cmdr: 11/20- See Xer.
Shale: 11/20- Guessed wrong on 11, and I gave him full credit for 7 since he guessed it was the Grandia sargents. Good enough here for me.
Meeple: 9/20- Missed a couple. Surprised he didn't get 2.
AAA: 11/20- First person to get 2. I blame RS's human path for being so fucking horrible. Got the Brig:GE Bonus.
Chapin: 11/20- Actually got the SO2 one, not many did. Guess that quote's more obscure than I thought.
Cid: 4/20.
Nama: 2/20.  First person to get the Tales of the Abyss one right. Got both of his guesses.
Uno: 13/20- Woah. He got two points for getting one of the bonuses. Uno got half for the FFX quote. He didn't specify X-2 or the right character, though Rikku does say Disasterrific once or twice. Also got half credit for his XS3 guess- he sent in a wrong guess first then guessed XS just based on topical responses.You
VSM: 6.5/20- Gets half credit for his response to 16:

~That's sweet. This is either SARAH (Suikoden 3) talking about Luc, or some other deluded bitch.
Nitori: 5/20. Got all five guesses right.
Monkey: 9/20. At least he got the BG2 quote. Strago missed that.
Sage: 11.5/20. Got half credit for the bonus (1) and half credit for the BG question (.5).
Ciato: 12/20. Got Bonus 3 right.
Excal: 7/20
metroid: 1/20, but got the only one she guessed right.
Ultradude: 3/20
Taishyr: 5/20
Elfboy: 13/20- Good, well rounded response. Missed 16 though. Aww.
Doma: 12/20. Got half credit for bonus 2.
Scar: 3.5/20. Half credit for 1. How did you miss a Luca quote, man?
Shihali: 6/20. Got bonus 2.
Twilkitri: 6.5/20. Got half a point for smartassery.
Snowfire: 9.5/10. I can't believe you missed the XS3 quote, man.
InfinityDragon: 16/20. Jesus CHRIST. Got the torment question.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 06:10:48 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2008, 08:17:20 AM »
I missed eleven quotes from games I've played. Most of which I actually liked! And damn, I knew the fifth bonus seemed familiar.

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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2008, 08:30:26 AM »
I, for one, am proud I blocked out #16. I was vaguely sure I'd heard it, but it was hard to pick an angsty loser to pin it on, all their dialogue blurs to me and there are a lot of them in RPGs!

Also missed 6, 7, and B1.

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Re: RPG quotes quiz!
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2008, 08:32:23 AM »
Knew I was forgetting something.  So 16 was what I thought it was anyway, and I haven't even played the damn series.