So I've been mulling over Soul Nomad (probably too much), trying to sort out how I would view them as a duelling cast.
The way that seemed most reflective of in-game performance and gave characters access to their unique abilities is as follows:
Let's use Vitali and Grunsford as typical examples.
Vitali has all the properties of a Cleric generic, only with a special combo attack with Revya and slightly better natural stats.
He has three Row Attacks: Big Strike (ST physical melee, crappy, used when in front row); Heal One (ST ally 80% healing, targets lowest HP ally, middle row); Heal All (MT ally 80% healing, used when in back row)
As a leader, he can use a single Combat Skill "Bolster" (3 uses, Increases DEF&RES of all allies), which activates before a normal round of combat.
Also as a leader, he can use two Tactics skills on the overworld field map during a mission: Healish (1use, Heals 30% HP to ally); and Protect (1 use, DEF&RES +30% to ally)
Grunsford has all the typical properties of a RedFlank generic, only with a special combo attack with Revya and slightly better natural stats.
He has two Row Attacks (Front and Middle)
As a leader, he can use a single Combat Skill "Dead-on Bash" that activates after a normal combat turn.
Also as a leader, he can use the Tactic "Intimidate" (ACT-50% on one squad) on the field one time.
I think it makes sense to view the PCs as the Squad that moves around on the field rather than the individual mannequin within the Room. Logically, this makes everything associated with the Squad into equipment/materia-like accessories; including the Room itself, the Room Decor, any storebought Decors, and yes, any other generic mooks that will fit in the Squad besides the Leader.
Before you scream "broken", as long as you use the same number of generic mooks per room (I'd say 5 or the max, 9), then the damages average out. Each PC is clearly a member of one of the generic classes (except perhaps Danette and Walnut). Even Revya faces off against generic Revyas.
It also gives the characters access to all of their Row Attacks in a single battle. It also gives the characters access to more unique Combat Skills (that require multiple mannequins of the same type). It ALSO gives them more Tactics skills (and more charges for each Tactics skill based on the number of mannequins of the particular type in the squad).
So there's a lot of strong gameplay support for the PCs to be treated as leaders of a squad of their own class (grants a lot of benefits).
So let's look at what kind of PCs we'd have if we treated the Squads as a single unit (using 5-mannequin squads).
Vitali has 3 hits of his (crappy) front-row attack and 2 shots of back-row healing to maximize his damage and fully heal himself every round.
Vitali has access to two different Combat Skills "Bolster" and "Magic Fence" which activate before a normal combat round if he has the correct amount of Stamina and uses (he can use each once). Both of these are simply buffs for the squad.
Vitali can use 3 separate Tactics skills (Healishx3, Protectlx3, RestoreLife[fullhealing]x2) that he can use on the field as a leader.
Grunsford has 3 hits of his front-row attack and 2 hits of back-row attack to maximize his damage (not very accurate, but very high atk)
Grunsford has access to three different Combat Skills "Dead-on Blow", "Tremor", and "Aftershock", which activate after a normal combat round if he has the correct amount of Stamina and uses (he can use each once).
Grunsford can use 3 separate Tactics skills (Intimidatex3, Fierce Howlx2, HotRagex1) for varying stat breaks/buffs that he can use on the field as a leader.
Much more interesting duellers when you look at them this way. (The same might be said of OB characters if they were given generic mooks as equipment... just a thought).
Also, with the way the averaging works, you'd still see about the same spread ATK/DEF/HP/Damage, because by adding a few generics' damage to each of the PCs, you'd just see all the numbers inflate by 5x, including the averages.
"But they aren't alone!" Well, on the field map, only the leader exists, he's the one who uses the Tactics skills and it's only his Combat skills that can be used in battle. Also, when it comes to taking hits... just think of the Squads as something akin to multi-part bosses. You only have to kill the main part to kill the whole.
Yes, I know the DL is resistant to outside-the-box ideas like this. But I don't think SN has a chance in hell of being ranked anyway, so this is purely for a hypothetical stat topic for use with board tournaments and general discussion.
I think Danette's abilities line up with the Sepp Bandit class, but I don't have my copy of the game to check that. Also, no clue how to interp the actual unique units like Walnut, Lujei, Median.
What are your thoughts, DL?