Godlike: Gilbert, Naesala, Gades, Raquel, Ryu2, Isolde
1. Ugly.
2. OK
4. CK joined chat right when I asked for a Godlike so...
5. Boomstick.
6. Lets test-run our new Godlikes.
Heavy: Pamela, Erim, Tana, Nephenee, Auron, Mia
1. I've been waiting for this for too long.
2. Erim has also been out for too long.
3. Pretty pretty princess on a pegasus.
4. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?
5. Just finished replaying FFX so...
6. I need some form of Unlimited Blade Works hype. At least until I can get Yuri (ToV) ranked.
Middle: Adell, Anna Lemuri, Beatrice, Koromaru, Junpei, Miakis
1. Needs a shot.
2. Anna! Who doesn't like Anna? Evil little girl (if you're a ghost)
3. She may not be as effective as XF's final boss, but she is damned awesome at what she does. Also evil little girl.
4. Woof Woof bitches.
5. Less cool than Koro-chan but he works until Yosuke can get ranked and beat things down.
Light: Mia Ausa, Slash, Tim, Serra, Priscilla, Alanis
1. Smash stuff. Very possibly one of our best Lights.
2. Has been out way too long.
3. Well if I can't nom Lilka I may as well nom the next closest thing from WA2?
4. Erk love interest #1. Kinda sucks.
5. Erk love interest #2. Much better. When she isn't pining over her brother.
6. For the Supers.