Author Topic: WTF?! Questions  (Read 15766 times)


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WTF?! Questions
« on: February 20, 2009, 06:29:18 PM »
Not to be confused with Nosy Questions, I am using this topic to answer mostly really obscure bits of life. Here we find out the REAL goodies.

1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

8)How about Robot? Why?

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Captain K.

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2009, 06:48:54 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Raphael, because he's a moody loner.  I used to beat the first two levels of the arcade game without losing a life using him.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

I have no idea what these terms mean, and I am NOT looking them up on the internet.

EDIT:  Oh, the frozen treats from Dairy Queen etc.  Butterfinger Blizzard.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Uh, I don't watch a lot of foreign movies...  I guess Tie Me Up!  Tie Me Down!  because it has a woman masturbating in a bathtub with a windup submarine.  Actually I'm not sure that's even the right movie.

EDIT:  Duh, forgot Japan wasn't one of the restrictions.  Kiki's Delivery Service.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Burning to death.  I'm from Texas.  We laugh at extreme heat.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

I suppose the second choice would be a very... singular... experience!  I thank you very much. </Austin Powers>

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Dolphins, because So Long and Thanks For All the Fish.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Alice from Twilight, because she's perky!

8)How about Robot? Why?

Number 5 is alive!

9)What is your favorite lame joke?


10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Second.  Let them do the hard work.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 06:53:11 PM by Captain K. »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2009, 06:50:46 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Leonardo.  In olden times I was very much with Don, but over time I find that Leo stays with me better.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

While other candies may have their day in the sun, dependant upon mood and weather, the true path always leads back to the peanutbutter cup.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Princess Mononoke.
Because I feel this is probably not the sort of answer you were looking for, the only 'foreign' movie I can remember ever watching is Pan's Labyrinth, which was pretty good (although I"m not fond of the ending.)

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death. (I always imagined I'd die via being run over by a car.  That seems closer to burning to death of these options.)

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity (just seems more likely)

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Dogs.  Ultimately this leads to the best results for our mutal properity.  Your average human already attributes considerably more emotion and intelligence to the dog than they probably actually have, so (we are presupposing that knowledge of their sudden sentience is spread quickly) the transition should be... well, considerably smoother than anything else.  As well, as our species have long been allied, I suspect even sapient dogs will have no real ill will towards us once the whole ownership issue is dealt with, and they will be well aware that humans, given our considerable lead in fields like technology, will be well equipped to aide them in setting up their society.
(Alternatively the Dolphins, simply because really they are about || close anyway.  They however are rather a lot more likely to declare war on us.)

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?- Hum.  Honestly, the only vampire I can think of I'd even apply the term to is the big guy himself.  Vlad can vary heavily from setting to setting, sure, but every other vampire tends to fall into either monster completely slave to bloodlust or emo wanker.  The few exceptions just lack Drac's style.

8)How about Robot? Why?- Data.  Since I've given the speech before, he's a character type I have a strong weakness for and I love the character.  All I need.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?-Your MOM was a lame joke.  Last night.  Twice!

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

I'll skip my reasoning and simply say them.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 07:00:32 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?
Mike. Why not?

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?
Yes. Mainly with some kind of fruit - strawberry/banana, for preference.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?
Ghost in the Shell. Live-action? Probably The Lives Of Others.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.
Drowning, just to be different.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.
Black hole, definitely.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?
The platypus. Because even if they rose up and declared war on the human world, decimating the entire race in an apocalyptic conflict, it would still be funny.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?
Dracula. Can't argue with the classics.

8)How about Robot? Why?

9)What is your favorite lame joke?
"I see," said the blind man, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
AUXILIARY BACKUP JOKE: Headline of a newspaper article about a mental patient who raped a nurse before escaping: "NUT SCREWS AND BOLTS"

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?
Me. I picked by flipping a coin.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 07:32:59 PM by Shale »
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-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2009, 07:27:45 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Donatello.  Whee, gadgets!

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?


3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

(It's a French movie about little girls who wear ribbons in their hair and dress up as butterflies.  And also plays all sorts of psychological mind-games with the viewer.  It's awesome on every level).

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning: I hear it feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

Black holes are sexy, I'll go with that one.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

I feel like it should be an animal with opposable thumbs, since you run into all sorts of problems otherwise.  Granted, other primates are kinda boring, so...Racoons.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Darla (from Buffy).  Just generally badass; not kept around so long that her gimmick gets old unlike...most of the vampire cast, really >_>.

8)How about Robot? Why?

Data.  Surprisingly I'm having a really hard time thinking of robots I like, though Data's alright.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

(Warning for QR: imminent pun)
When the short fortune teller broke out of prison, she was a Small Medium at Large.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Oh, let them have the superhuman power.  I know absolutely nothing about seduction.

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2009, 07:33:47 PM »
Side note: why is the restricted list of countries for movies Canada and America; wouldn't America and Japan make more sense?  (I mean, yes some hollywood movies are filmed in Canada, but I'm using the assumption that hollywood movies filmed outside of America still count as American movies--like Lord of the Rings doesn't count as New Zealand, for instance).

And uhh...actual Canadian cinematography is really weird.  You have stuff like "A Sense of Snow" and "Le Grand Seduction" as the more mainstream among Canadian cinematography.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 07:36:50 PM by metroid composite »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2009, 08:03:14 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Mikey. I like his enthusiasm.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

Yes, though they are too expensive. I like Butterfinger innards the best.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Seven Samurai

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Burning to death.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

First human to be compressed into a singularity.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Pandas. Maybe then they'll stop being such an evolutionary dead end.

Actually, you know what, Pandas are a lost cause. I like zebras. Let's go with zebras. 

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Dracula. Every other vampire I can think of is Anne Rice or Twilightish.

8)How about Robot? Why?

Optimus Prime; Is Optimus Prime

9)What is your favorite lame joke?


10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

I want to be able to reconigze them.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 08:04:48 PM by AAA »
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.

Hunter Sopko

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 08:29:45 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Donatello. He was the smart one, plus the reach rocked for the arcade game.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

Yes. Usually M&Ms

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Paprika by Satoshi Kon

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.


5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

COMPRESSED INTO A SINGULARITY. Didn't even have to think about that one.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

If it's an entire classification, I'd say canis (dogs). As much as I like cats, I don't trust them. Plus we don't eat them. If it's just one specific species, I'd say hawks or eagles. I avoided saying Birds cause I like chicken, but SMARTHAWKS sounds like a cheesy superhero group from the 60's. Plus, we generally stay out of each others' way at this point.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Arcuied from Tsukihime is cool. Not a huge vampire buff.

8)How about Robot? Why?

Mecha- Dai-Guard- Office workers, saving the world!
Sentinent Android/Humanoid Robot/Etc- Tough one. R2-D2 is a classic. Motoko Kusanagi is awesome... but Bender rises up to the top for comedic value.

Okay I'm done here

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

Two guys are sitting at a bar. They're really drunk. One guy turns to the other and says "I HAD SEX WITH YOUR MOTHER LAST NIGHT!" Everyone just kinda stops and turns away, not wanting to make the guy more angry. The guy keeps going though, "I HAD SEX WITH YOUR MOTHER LAST NIGHT!"

Finally the guy next to him turns to him. "Dad, let's go home. You're drunk."

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Them to me. It's much easier that way. Plus it's better than pining over someone for the rest of my life if I can't obtain their love.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 08:33:32 PM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2009, 09:14:03 PM »
Topic asking me to pick one favorite among many: LOL I SAY, LOL. I'll give it a try though.

1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Mikey was always my favorite.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

They're okay. Butterfinger is the superior innards of course.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

To make it easier, I'm adding Japan to the list. Thus, Legend of the Drunken Master. Classic Jackie Chan.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning sounds less painful...

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

... maybe I can strap instruments to myself during compression. If I go down, I might as well contribute to science!

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Hmph. Can I cheat and pick like, a plant or something? So that way we'll never actually find out about it and go on being the dominant species.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Nosferatu because he is ugly and has all kinds of cool powers. And a creepy movie. I guess.

8)How about Robot? Why?

Not many robots I'm a huge fan of, and haven't watched much Star Trek. Oh I know! HARO. The original. Awesome.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

I'm lucky to remember a joke the day after I hear it. Suffice to say, I'm generally not the funniest guy in a group.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Totally give them the job. Really.
"Turning into bats? Laughable!" says sparkly telepathic Volvo-driving vampire who spent century in high school.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2009, 09:41:13 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Donatello. Gadgets are fun, and I've always found the quarterstaff to be a very stylish weapon. Interesting that so many of us tend towards Don, here.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

I'm extremely fond of the Concretes produced at a little NYC institution called the Shake Shack. They're constantly changing up their (very bizarre and interesting) flavors, but my favorite innards (which sounds wrong) are consistently hot fudge and shortbread. Mmmm, crispy, buttery, delicious shortbread. SPECIAL EXCEPTION: Shake Shack was offering Pancake-flavored custard for a while this past Fall, on top of which they would bestow, should the customer so desire, crispy smokey wonderful pieces of bacon. Yeah.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Interesting question. Though on a given day I might well say Yojimbo or Seven Samurai, today I think I'll propose The Science of Sleep. Really delightful French movie - and this means something, for me to say this, as I despise the filthy French. Kiss-kiss, Fenrir, wherever you are.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Ugh, way to ask the hard questions. Let's say drowning. Although psychologically I can imagine it being worse, it seems to me that it would be shorter and less physically painful. And if I'm dying anyway, I don't feel too concerned with my extended mental health.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

Huh. Frankly, I don't think I'd want to subject my family and loved ones to the gross media circus and constant questions to the effect of "DID YOU EVER THINK HE WOULD DIE THIS WAY" and "WHAT DO YOU THINK HIS LAST PRE-COMPRESSED THOUGHTS WERE" invariably resultant from the latter death. So I'll go with a quick, painless, sleepy one.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Otters. Oh my god I think otters would be so cool and fun to hang out with. Teach me to swim good!

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

There are no cool vampires. Not even VtM:B has changed my hardline stance on this fact. Fuck vampires and their endlessly irritating aesthetic.

8)How about Robot? Why?

Now here's a question. I'm going to go with Cavil, from Battlestar Galactica. Dean Stockwell, motherfuckers.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

Q: What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you?
A: Not-yo cheese.


10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

I'd absolutely choose to recognize them. You think this charm is somehow resistible?

Nice set of questions. Guess it had to be, getting me to de-lurk for a non-Mafia post of more than three lines.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2009, 09:42:13 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Donatello. Brains of the outfit. Raph and Mike usually needed to be punched in the face.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

Yes, Reese's pieces.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Can't think of one, I don't watch many  movies.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning. Burning to death, to quote Stephen King, is a screaming horror. Drowning is fast and fairly painless, though scary as hell.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.


6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Something that would not physically or mentally be a threat to the human race. Anything else is irrelevant.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Spike. Too many awesome lines from Buffy.

8)How about Robot? Why?

The Terminator. I may be blanking on a good serious character.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

Ask Ciato that, she's suffered through them all.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Former. If they're a 'true love' or destined to be together, however you're defining it, why would you make them go through that kind of hell?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 09:44:23 PM by superaielman »
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<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2009, 10:15:29 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Raphael.  The angry one.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?


3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Kung-Fu Hustle.  You all earn fail points for not saying it.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Fire.  It means I can set someone else on fire during that time.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

DEVOUR!  Singularity.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Turtles.  Even if they gained speiance they would never be a threat.  Plus, we can get real teenage ninja turtles.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Alucard from the super obscure Symphony of the Night.

8)How about Robot? Why?

Mr. Roboto

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

The one at the end of "Coming to America".

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

They should get it.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2009, 10:17:52 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?
Leonardo.  I've always had a fondness for Donatello, but Leo's the leader and so he edges out Donatello.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?
I do, and my consistant favourite is mint oreo.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?
I forget the name of it, but it's this cop movie from France that involves a naive rookie getting teamed up with a corrupt vet, and it had this neat seduction of the innocent vibe going on.  The interrgation/torture tutorial was also nifty.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.
Drowning.  Sam McGee I am not.  I'd rather have the chilling depths than the raging inferno for eternity.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.
Quick and painless.  There's nothing wrong with being boring.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?
Dogs.  They already fit very well into our family structure, and ours into theirs, so they're the ones that would best be able to integrate into society.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?
Vamps are cool now?  Oh fine, Vampire Sherlock Holmes.

8)How about Robot? Why?
See above, except...  eh...  Let's go with the Mark 5 from Sluggy Freelance.  Nothing quite as neat as a robot whose battlecry when firing anti-demon lasers is "The Cow says MOO!"

9)What is your favorite lame joke?
I'd rather die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather than screaming and panicking like the passengers in his car.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Didn't take a second of thought on this one.  Me.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2009, 10:24:53 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Leonardo. SWORDS.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

I have no idea what they are.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Whisper of the Heart.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning. I'm aquaphobic, at least I'll be right in the end.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

Quick and painless death. I'm not interested in becoming famous.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

"You already made a mistake making humans sapient, now you want to err again?"

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

-doesn't know many vampires- Well, Darren Shan or something? I dunno, I recall something from there, otherwise defaulting to Alucard.

8)How about Robot? Why?


9)What is your favorite lame joke?

You: "What's the first letter in the Alphabet?"
Other: "A."
You: "Don't say 'eh', say 'pardon'!"

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Myself. Imagine all the emo poetry I'll be able to write! It's a paradox, though: if they are my match, then why the fuck are we not destined to be? Isn't my match the one destined to be with me? Screw destiny, I'll go right against fate.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2009, 10:47:38 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Leonardo. To quote fighter from 8-Bit Theatre... "I Like Swords!"

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

The Ice Creams? My favourite was always a Reese Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard :D

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Easy. Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo. (Or, for those who can't speak Italian... The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.)

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning, I guess. I can't take heat, but can take cold.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

Quick and painless... since I'd rather not take out the world world me.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

The platypus should reign supreme because of the way they've been discriminated against their whole existence!

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

I'll say Vamp, from MGS2/4. Close enough.

8)How about Robot? Why?

XS1 Kos-Mos. She wields duel miniguns. And looks awesome while doing so.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

A baby seal walks into a club. -Ba Dump Cha-

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [FEMALE] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

I'd rather go for them recognizing me. Just because they're my perfect match doesn't mean I can't find someone else out there thats close. Knowing that the girl is perfect for me would destroy me trying to win her over if I failed.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2009, 11:18:01 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

I always liked Donatello as a kid because he was the team geek.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

Never had one.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail, naturally.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning. Burning's always seemed like one of the most horrific ways to go.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.


6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Not dogs, for the love of all that's holy.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

I don't think I need to answer this one.

8)How about Robot? Why?

While I second all the Data nods, I'm going to be different here and say Joe Pi from Top Ten. Why him? For talking an invincible pedophile into killing himself. That's for starters.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

Dammit, CK.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

I'm pretty sure the latter has already happened.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2009, 11:33:26 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?
You know?  I haven't really watched Ninja Turtles since I was like 7, and I don't remember much about it.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?
Oreo, or Cookie Dough if they have it.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?
OLD BOY.  How is it that none of you have listed this yet.  Wait, maybe you haven't seen it.  Go see Old Boy.  Now.  It's a mystery movie that is actually very well written and the twist isn't even trite at all and it is all kinds of awesome.  Koreans know how to make movies, man.  Well.  One Korean does.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.
Well, I really don't know.  Burning to death sounds excruciating, but I think you might black out or your nerve endings fry up before too long.  I think Drowning sounds less... every single bit of me is in pain-y.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.
How is this even a question.  Black Hole.  Shit.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?
Well, I'd kind of like to give the award to Bonobos, since they're almost there anyway (we've taught them how to drive.  And light fires.  Look it up).  I mean, think about it from their perspective:  You're so close, you've worked evolved your way almost to the top, and then, BAM, some sucker punk ass from the mail room lizard family gets promoted to management sentience over you.   What a kick in the teeth.

However, life isn't fair and I think having conversations with dogs would be OK times.

But only the white ones.  The rest have to be subjugated in some way, until the great canine civil rights movement of 2262.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?
Dracula.  Every vampire that has come after Bram Stoker's genius has been... Well.  Anne Rice and Twilight.

And those of you who list "Every Vampire sucks" while generally being right, either outright forgot or have no appreciation of literature.

8)How about Robot? Why?
Do Daft Punk count?  >_>  Data, because of Star Trek fanboyism and an appreciation for the actor.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?
Me. (See, I'm so lame I had to steal from Cap'n K...)

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Them.  Easily.  Seducing other people for me is, like...  Well, you know how whenever you're a scout, and you're pretty good at doing some things, and then you're mediocre at most things, and bad but you still can manage most of the time at the rest, but then a Soldier or a Heavy comes at you and you've got to drink more until you don't remember things run away or have an anxiety attack eat Rockets and Bullets?  That.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 11:34:57 PM by President Bill Richardson »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2009, 11:41:32 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Always liked Donatello, cause he was always pure awesome in the Video Games.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

Probably Cookies and Cream ones? I don't have them very often.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

I haven't seen many movies outside of the US...that aren't pretty sure one of those win!  No, I refuse to pick one.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning.  You eventually just black out and feel nothing, supposedly.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

...yeah, lets go with quick and painless.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Turkeys.  They're so fucking stupid, they need all the help they can get.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Don't really have an opinion on coolest vampires...though, I suppose by default, VP Brahms wins since I kind of like him and all other vampires are varying shades of "Whatever"

8)How about Robot? Why?

I...uh...shit, I know there's one I like, but fuck if I can decide who that is.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

Don't really have one.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

...latter, only cause ignorance = bliss.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2009, 11:47:41 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?  Raphael is cool (Give me a break).  I mean seriously guys, Donatello does machining.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?  You are a slurry.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?   eeeehhhhh could either be The Professional on some days or Hot Fuzz/Sean of the Dead.  But lets just go with Paprika.  And Old Boy because Zenny also has a good point here.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.  Burning to death.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.  First human being compressed into a singularity.  I will be making sure the rest of the planet is going down with me when I unleash it though.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?  I would ask him what the fuck is wrong with him and question what kind of downs syndrome deity asks mortals for help.  Retard.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why? Dracula for obvious reasons because he is a smooth pimp.  Edit - Note specifying the original here because for some reason people felt that was needed, as if there was an adaptation that was somehow better?

8)How about Robot? Why?  No.  Wait!  Zenny brings up a good point.  Daft Punk.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?  VSM.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?  Recognise them.  Obvious choice.  If you are gunning for someone that you know isn't your destined one for whatever reason, they are just a fuck and you know it.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 01:16:25 AM by Grefter »
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2009, 11:52:27 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why? - Donatello.  For his homoerotic statue of David standing on Goliath's head, which I find hilarious.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

I like whipped ice cream with stuff in it, whatever you call it.  Oreos are a good filling, I suppose.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Princess Mononoke

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning.  Duh?

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

Let's go with sleep.  If I do anything amazing, it needs to be something I can tell the grandkids.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Not hamsters, for God's sake.  You've played Valkyrie Profile, so I assume no explanation is necessary

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Larva from Vampire Princess Miyu.  Love that mask.

8)How about Robot? Why?

hm.  Lots of cool robots to choose from.  For now, I'll go with Bishop from Aliens.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

Q: What's the difference between whipped cream and pea soup?
A: Well anyone can whip cream...

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

I don't believe in soul mates, so I'll abstain.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 03:49:39 PM by NotMiki »
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2009, 12:41:45 AM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?
~As I grow older, I find myself more and more drawn to the style of the fearless leader, Leonardo. I find he has more emotional depth than any of his brothers, except for maybe Raph, but fuck Raph. He's a wanker. As leader, he's the one turtle who has any sense of responsibility, and he generally manages to keep a cool head despite all this. Outside the cartoons, he generally still has a sense of humor, but he's tightly wrapped. I can identify with that.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?
~Put M&Ms in anything, and I'll try eating it once. (DOES NOT APPLY TO SEX JOKES)

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?
~Hero. Absolutely fantastic movie. Note that I asked this question to get ideas for things to rent in the future. I have conned you all.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.
~I'd pick burning to death because I have a fear of drowning AND I'd totally try to learn how to do it like a Buddhist Monk. That shit is bananas.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.
~Compressed into a singularity. The way I see it, is if the time slowdown effect kicks in before the "You're crushed to death" effect, and the timing is JUST RIGHT, you'll be forever experiencing that last endorphin STORM while you die. It just might be heaven.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?
~I was originally going to say Dogs, but if they had human-level intelligence, I think that would make cuddling them much more difficult for me, especially since I have an anxiety disorder. And since cuddling dogs seems to HELP my anxiety disorder, this is like, a double whammy. So I'm going to go with the "Not a threat to humans, not likely to cause humans emotional distress from eating them" stance. The SLOTH thus gets sapience, because hahaha. What the fuck can a sloth do to us? And there's probably no bad blood between us.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?
~Spike. "You won, all right? You came in and you killed them and you took their land. That's what conquering nations do. That's what Caesar did, and he's not going around saying, 'I came, I conquered... I felt really bad about it. The history of the world isn't about making friends. You had better weapons and you massacred them. End of story.

8)How about Robot? Why?
~Tom Servo. The voice alone can crack me up, but that little gumball machine was a brilliant humorist.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?
~I asked a fitness trainer to teach me to do the splits. He wanted to know how flexible I was. I told him that I couldn't do Tuesdays.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?
~Probably me. By now I'm OK with feeling like an idiot, and if they COULDN'T love me, then I'd probably have justification to get some whores or something.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2009, 01:04:59 AM »
Your MOM was a lame joke.  Last night.  Twice!

Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

Captain K.

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2009, 03:52:37 AM »
Kung-Fu Hustle.  You all earn fail points for not saying it.

Meh, Kung Fu Hustle isn't that good.  Shaolin Soccer >>> it for starters.

And I thought of several dozen other foreign movies that I have seen, but sticking with Kiki.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2009, 08:38:48 AM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?
- I'm going to say Leonardo here. And that's partly because he's the only memorable one to me, as I haven't watched the series (or anything of it) in quite sometime now, and he seems to stick out most in mind. How memorable a character is is pretty important to me with regards to whether I consider them a favourite or not.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?
- Oreos or something.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?
- Byousoku 5cm (because Japan is not a restriction!)

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.
- Drowning to death.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.
- Compression into a singularity. That sounds like a fun way to die.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?
- Sapience must be granted to another species on earth, and He asks me for advice. Dude, what? I honestly have no idea here. Maybe I'd say hermit crabs, because I'd like to see how that works.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?
Coolest Vampire? Eyyy. Defaulting to Symphony of the Night Alucard because I can't think of anyone else. Most vamps are pretty uncool, though there certainly are some awesome ones, they're probably ones I've either: a) neglected to think of or b) forgotten entirely. The vampires in contemporary novels are ewwww.

8)How about Robot? Why?
Hmm, favourite robot... I... I don't know who to choose. Gaaah. Perhaps... I'll just... ...Do Daleks count? Those are awesome!

9)What is your favorite lame joke?
So many things I could put here right now, so:

1: What can Windows do that Mac can't?
2: Right click.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Definitely me. I'm not the kind of person who'd let someone, let alone my so-called "significant other", suffer like that.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2009, 12:11:09 PM »
1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

My favorite what?

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?


3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Would require me to watch movie- wait, no. Battle of Red Cliffs.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Burning to death.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

I pick both.

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

Whatever would cause the most short-term pain to humanity.

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?


8)How about Robot? Why?

R. Daneel Olivaw.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

Mohandas Gandhi walked everywhere in his protests, and he had a rather unhealthy and spicy diet that left him rather weak and with bad breath.

That'd make him a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

Myself. The humor would be exquisite.