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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2009, 02:31:36 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?


2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Dark elves. They're mysterious and dark. Like my soul.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Genghis Khan. Not only did he control (at the time) the largest empire in the entire world, he is also a genetic descendant of perhaps 1/3rd of all Chinese men, so he basically fucked and fought his way all over Asia. Of course his empire didn't last very long after his death, but nomad incursions never did. Plus he had a pretty interesting story, what with being basically a slave as a child and rising to rule most of the world. Not to mention how much his campagin against the rest of the world affected it, like breaking apart the united Islamic world and putting Europe in a perfect position to observe the culture and technology of other cultures they had met and conquered without having to worry about being conquered themselves.

Also his Golden Horde was one of the few armies to successfully invade Russia in the winter. Admittedly it was from East to West instead of the other way around, but still.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Yes. I have a feeling God would know just the right things to say to cheer me up.

5)If you're having sex?

No. It's impolite and if it was important he could always be more overt.

6)If you're in the shower?

Who carries their cellphone into the shower with them?

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Yes, that kind of power sounds more like a giant pain in the ass than anything.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Just regular tennis shoes, nothing fancy. I think they're Adias?

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Summer. Always fun things to do and I don't have to wear shoes.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

Sorry, nothing comes to mind.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #51 on: March 09, 2009, 02:47:15 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

FF3 Dark Knight is cool, FF5 Magic Knight is interesting/unique if useless, FFT Oracles are fun.  If you want only one answer, Oracle probably.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
Dwarves, but only if they are industrial revolution-era charicatures of the poor classes

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Serious answer, Probably Khrushchev.  So competent and temperate a head-of-state that the Kremlin canned him for not being hard enough on America.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?
Probably?  This is a stupid line of questioning.

5)If you're having sex?

6)If you're in the shower?
See Trips.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Pfft.  Give up the ability to toy with people's emotions (by knowing what they're feeling, you can play off of them and hit a nerve more easily than if not) for reputation as not-a-dick?

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
The ones my roommate was going to throw out but were perfectly good and I needed a new pair.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
End of Spring/Beginning of Fall.  It's after it's windy all the time (fuck NM spring), doesn't include the part of the year where it's too hot to go outside clothed, and just before it gets to the point where you MUST wear clothes again.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

Once, I saw this Discovery Channel special on Feral Children.  One of the segments was on this 19 year old from the Ukraine who had been raised by dogs.  She spent a lot of time running around on all fours and barking.  It was the hottest thing I've ever seen.  (Ha ha.  Is he joking?  Is he joking?!)


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #52 on: March 09, 2009, 03:04:25 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
Blue Mage. The unloved job-class. I always thought color-coding the different mage types was a neat idea. And it's a pretty unique idea to the FF series. I'll bet they could make some interesting story with a Blue Mage-type character for a main. know, actually -explain- why when they are hit with magic that they can suddenly use the spell? Are they some kind of magical sponge? Does the energy just get trapped in them? Can they still feel the Fire spell burning on their skin even after the effect of the spell is gone?

Just fascinated me as a child. Never quite lost the fascination.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

'Human' isn't a fantasy race in the first place... In the same way that 'dog' isn't a fantasy race....

Semantics aside. I always thought the Numans from Phantasy Star were pretty cool. Monster-race genes, random asexual reproduction, accelerated development, never knowing when their lifespan will simply stop. I wanted to see more done with this race.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Winston Churchill. So quotable.

4)If you're having a bad day?
Sure, who better to talk out your problems with than an all-knowing deity. He'd probably be able to give some good advice. Though, if he starts asking for favors and asking me to save the world and shit like deities are wont to do (RPGs tell us so!), I'd probably not answer the phone too much from him anyway.

5)If you're having sex?
No, never. Never ever answer the phone if you're having sex.

6)If you're in the shower?
Well, if he has a special ringtone, I suppose I could leap out of the shower and grab the phone. Seems like I'd just call him back. I mean, if I get calls from him rarely, then I'd probably leap out and get it.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?
Shit no. Think of the job opportunities with that kind of power! On a grand scale, World Peace. On a small scale, best-paid criminal reform psychologist ever.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
Just loafers.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
Spring. Cherry Blossom season. Deserves a tilde: ~

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

I once had a conversation with one of my non-gamer female friends about how she quit her job. She always teases me about being a gamer nerd, but we get along really well. She told me that the exchange between her and her boss had been really heated. I asked her 'Did you go all Street Fighter on her ass?' And without missing a beat, she replied 'They call me Hadouken - cause I'm Down-Right-Fierce!'

It was so adorable that I asked her out then and there and we ended up dating for a year and a half. Yes, I'm turned on by girls being nerdy.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 03:08:30 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #53 on: March 09, 2009, 03:07:24 AM »

1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
Uhm. Blue Mage.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
...uuuuuuuuuhhhhh... ...Totoros or bird-types.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?
Cao Cao. ...what?

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?
For the next three questions we pretend I have a cell phone. Sure.

5)If you're having sex?
Gotta be more interesting than sex, plus fulfills Evil Overlord quotients. Yes.

6)If you're in the shower?
Eh, possibly. Depends on the timing.


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Torn between Zenthor's answer and AAA's answer.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
Sneakers or sandals. And uh don't think so.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
Fall. Good temperature/mood setter.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

... I'd share, except, um. Yeah.

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #54 on: March 09, 2009, 03:24:16 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

The Trainer from FF5.  Also partial to Red and Blue mages.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

(old) D&D Shadow Elves.  Not to be confused with Drow, which are lame.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Alexander the Great, because he got shit accomplished.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

I don't have a cell phone, but I'll pretend I do.

4)If you're having a bad day?


5)If you're having sex?


6)If you're in the shower?

Uh, cell phone in the shower?  Uh, no I guess.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

No.  I wield my power as a god.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Tennis shoes, and no.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Fall.  The wind and temperature are slightly more enjoyable than the other shades of summer we have in South Texas.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.



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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #55 on: March 09, 2009, 03:27:47 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

... hum.  No one class ever stood out to me that way, although I suppose Blue Mages.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Well... Discworld has pretty cool Dwarves.  So them I guess.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Probably Churchill?  The quotability is undeniable.

4)If you're having a bad day?

Sure.  I figure that trying to work out what He was saying would be pretty distracting, at a minimum.

5)If you're having sex?

Sure.  If I have a cell phone in the first place, I must be pretty danged in love with whoever asked me to get it.  I'd like to think that anyone like that would be fighting me for the phone any time He called.  But more importantly, it's God.  He assuredly has an immensely sexy voice, and if He's calling us at random times of the day, He'd probably indulge us if we kicked on the speaker phone.
(The above may or may not be because I find the idea of asking God to sing while you have sex on the other end of the line hilarious.)

6)If you're in the shower?

Speakerphone, again.

7) Empathy

Man, why are we assuming I misuse my powers in such a way as to make people think I'm a dick?  If we're assuming they just know I have these powers and they preemptively don't like me for it, then they sucked as friends anyway.  Else... *shrug* I'm a pretty decent guy and would get a lot of milage out of this.  No way.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Uh, shoes?

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Spring.  Furthest possible time from winter.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

I... can't say I can think of anything that fits here.  Generally things that are hot to me are intentionally so, from what I can tell.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #56 on: March 09, 2009, 08:37:01 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
Red Mage, I like fighter mages a great deal.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
Hrm...  not sure.  Guess I'll go with Elf.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?
Charles Martel, I'll admit I'm a bit biased towards the guy who saved Europe for Christendom and then passed on those wacky, wacky laws of inheritance to the Holy Roman Empire that made France and Germany so delightfully fucked up until their respective unity movements.  Though, props also to Edward V for his Welsh peasents kicking French noble ass, and Hannibal because, dude, Hephalumps through the freaking Alps.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?
Yeah, I suspect stuff beyond my ken would be a wonderful pick me up.

5)If you're having sex?
I have voice mail for a reason.  That said, given he's omniscient and omnipresent, I'd like to take that as a sign that he's not being a voyeur.  And I would that he wouldn't spoil that trust with a "You Da Man" message on my service.

6)If you're in the shower?
Special ring tone would tell me it's him, so if my phone is within hearing distance, yeah, I'd answer.


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

No.  I don't think I would.  Understanding how other people work is something which is of very great interest to me, and having something so very complimentary to that goal would be worth the solitude.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
Work boots/shoes.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
The start of spring.  There's something about the brisk air, melting snow, light rain, and the smell of fresh life awakening that's just so wonderful.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

I...  can't actually think of something like that off the top of my head.  Unlike Djinn, I don't have anything quite as memorable happening after something like that.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #57 on: March 09, 2009, 09:03:20 AM »
1)What's your favourite Final Fantasy Job Class?

No doubt the Black Mage, who casts the spells that make people go down.

2)What's your favourite fantasy race that is not Human?

No doubt Faeries, so cute~

3)Who is your favourite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

King Alfred the Great. Without him we might all be speaking Scandinavian yet.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Sure. I have nothing better to do, and maybe I can have out my wiles with the Big Man.

5)If you're having sex?

Only a God-given miracle would allow me to have sex, so I suppose the Big Man will be sympathetic if I don't answer my phone.

6)If you're in the shower?

I'll be singing so loudly I won't be able to hear my phone. I don't habitually take it with me into the bathroom.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

WTB Friends.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Leather shoes. No ide what you call them in English. They're mostly formal. Second-most-used footwear are tennis shoes, and I unfortunately do not partake in it. :v

9)What is your favourite season? Why?

I only dislike Autumn. Winter has Christmas Cheer, Spring has the wonderful sights and Summer is the time of lovely short sleeves and girls in skirts. mrf.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

There was this girl, m'kay, and she was like, m'kay, or actually I don't really feel like explaining it or whatever. Because, y'know, it's weird.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2009, 09:10:16 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?


2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Elder Scrolls Orcs.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Sam Houston.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

5)If you're having sex?

6)If you're in the shower?


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Hell no.  I can blackmail people easier this way.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Tennis shoes, I guess.  Though that'll be boots soon enough.  Do boots count?

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Winter.  Most of my est memories are during Winter.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

I'm too dull to have anything like that.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2012, 03:51:14 PM by Fudozukushi »

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #59 on: March 09, 2009, 09:25:59 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

FFT Lancer. Jump and Ignore Height are cool. Ignore Height is more flavorful than Levitate or Teleport. Plus, cool armor.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Not sure. I'll get back to you.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Catherine the Great. Proves that even whores can be awesome leaders of a country.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Heck yeah. Nothing to get your mind off the bad day like trying to puzzle out a conversation with God.

5)If you're having sex?

Hell yes. I figure God would know what I'm doing and never call during sex ANYWAY, because he's all knowing and all understanding, so if he calls during sex it's gotta be mega-super-ultra important.

6)If you're in the shower?

Yes. General policy. Though I usually don't take the cell phone into the bathroom.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?


8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Running shoes. I used to run a lot! Whether it be for training, track or misc. Now I'm completely out of shape, but I still find them the most comfortable though.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

It used to be winter, because of hockey. Now I don't really have one.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

I would, but I honestly can't think of a really good one.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2009, 01:01:30 PM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?  Black Mage I guess, they are not really noteworthy.  Generic caster is good.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?  DALEK

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?  Lenin, he makes me laugh.

4)If you're having a bad day?

If I am on first name basis and talk with God on a regular enough basis that he has his own personal ring tone?  Fuck yes, because if I am that close a basis with the LORD OF ALL CREATION and I am having a BAD fucking day then God is a punk bitch and needs to fucking be called on it.  Ignoring the whole fail that is the rest of creation, whatever happened to bros before hos?  I know Otter would back me on this one.

5)If you're having sex?  No, see above how God is a douche though.

6)If you're in the shower?  Above again.  What the fuck you omniscient/omnipresent fuck stop being such a pervy fuck.  YOU CAN SEE EVERYTHING, YOU ARE LOOKING DIRECTLY INTO MY ANUS AT CLOSE RANGE.   Note: If you have got this far and are offended then you are way to sensitive and should be laughing.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

No, because I am a Super Human Dick and everyone can get fucked (by my super human dick).

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

I wear a generic arse Colorado sandshoe (Canvas top, rubber sole) fuck I don't think they have been an actual athletic shoe for a hundred years or something.  It is that or a dress shoe if I could be fucked making the effort for work.

9)What is your favorite season? Why? 

Winter because that is when sleeping is the best.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

Maths is hot as has been covered around the place here.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #61 on: March 09, 2009, 01:57:47 PM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
~I think Blue Mages look the best (I like Superheroes....), but my favorite is probably the basic Black Mage. Fire 3 is simply more viscerally satisfying.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
~Dwarves seem like they'd be chill to hang out with. So long as it's a sane setting where the females don't have beards.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?
~Otto von Bismark. Could have easily been a Suikoden tactician.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?
~Seems like I would. Although sometimes I suspect I'd get a text that reads "Get over it"

5)If you're having sex?
~"Now that's ironic, babe. Here you are calling out to God, and God is calling out to me. Let me take this."

6)If you're in the shower?
~Showers come first. If I exit and the apocalypse is raging around me, well, that's just how I roll.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?
~Possibly. I bet by then I'd have a pretty good bead on everyone I knew and a fair pattern to use on strangers.... I could be an intrusive dick forever, even without my super power.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
~I wear Nike Airs, and probably will for a long, long time. I think they're a "Training" shoe, which is generic for "Whatever the fuck" so, maybe I do. Maybe I don't.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
~Autumn. Crisp and rainy. Jacket weather. I like jackets.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.
~What was I thinking when I designed this one?

Anyhow, one time I had this instructor for English Comp I in college, and she was only barely older than me, and pretty darn attractive. Since I can't remember her real name, let's call her Ms. Smith. We were shooting the shit one day after class, and she tells me her own anecdote about her experience in grad school. She explains how her professor says he doesn't want anyone to call him Doctor, and tries to establish a first-name basis with everyone. While they're introducing themselves, they're supposed to explain why they're in Grad School. So, as she tells it, when it got to her, she looked her instructor dead in the eye and said "Because I can't wait until people have to call me 'Dr. Smith'" Badass.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #62 on: March 09, 2009, 04:05:49 PM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

Monk, because it's the only class I can legitimately name after a friend. Sadly, no one I know can shoot fireballs or has any proficiency with bladed weapons.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Argonians from Elder Scrolls have cool accents.

That or people with pretty wings, like bird Laguz.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Oda Nobunaga. Technically, his successor actually unified Japan thereby kicking the Sengoku period's ass... but Nobunaga is the famous one. Hung out with friends who were below his station honor-be-damned, liked to deal with people carrying swords via the time honored method of 'shoot them in the face', gave promotions based on talent, and was a generally interesting historical figure all around. Modern media of course has to crap all over him and make him a villain. Fffft.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Well yeah. My Big Daddy wants to help me out, of course I'm taking the call.

5)If you're having sex?

Phone would be off or on vibrate. If it rang anyways... well, it better be pretty damn loud. Then I make a spot decision.

6)If you're in the shower?

... I think God knows a thing or two about patience. I don't care who is calling me, they can wait fifteen minutes for me to get out of the shower.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Odds are, I'm not that much of a dick even with it. With this power, I will then take a bunch of psychology courses, and become capable of screwing with anyone's head.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Running shoes. All the time. And I do run, though I'm not in great shape at the moment.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Probably fall. Early fall - cool, and cross country season.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

... ya know... I honestly have.... but it would be a bit... maybe I'll think of something else more appropriate. VSM you nut.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #63 on: March 09, 2009, 04:13:03 PM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
Hrm. I'm really not sure. Instinct says Dragoon, 'cause they were always my favourite, if only because of FFIV. Since then, though, I'd lean towards either Blue Mage or Black Mage. I guess... for the actual class abilities, Blue Mage. For the look/style of fighting, Dragoon.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
Tonberry! I love the Tonberries (sp?). I've got a plushie Tonberry by my window that's one of my favourites out of my figurine/plushie collection. =P

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?
Leon Trotskii (if he counts. If not, probably Lenin for similar reasons). Why...? Probably conditioning from my sister. =P  A good leader who actually seemed to have an ounce of intelligence (can't say the same for most leaders today...) and looked out for the people. Got screwed over by the workings of the country.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Almost certainly wouldn't. I rarely talk to anyone when I'm in a really bad mood, so I wouldn't want to talk to someone who wouldn't interest me at all.

5)If you're having sex?
Hmm... Probably the first couple of times, but if it just kept happening, then eventually I'd get pissed off and not bother.

6)If you're in the shower?
Yeah, sure, why not?


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Haha, most of my friends think I'm an intrusive dick already, so this'd be an awesome power. Like hell I'd give that up.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
Uhh.. Whatever I feel like wearing, to be honest. I have, like, 2-3 pairs of shoes, and I'll randomly alternate between them for no real reason, so there's no specific type.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
Spring. I'm not good with extreme sun (not for the heat, it's just too bright) and I'm VERY intolerant to cold. Autumn & Winter are too cold, Summer's too bright, so Spring.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.
Meh, nothing to share. Unfortunately.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #64 on: March 09, 2009, 06:03:52 PM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
Hrm. Bit of a toss up here between FFT Samurai and FF5 Sorcerer/Magic Knight/whatever they're called. I've always liked the "magic swordskill" stuff.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
That I didn't create? We'll go with various forms of Lizardmen. They're pretty cool.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?
Not overly sure. Possibly Cao Cao as well, and you can thank Tai for that one. 3 Kingdoms history is pretty interesting, especially when you start seperating it out from the Romance Of stuff.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Considering I'll answer it for anyone else on a bad day too, then yes.

5)If you're having sex?
Nope. I'll check the messages later, though.

6)If you're in the shower?
Nope, but because I won't even hear it.


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?
Probably not, considering that I'm very certain I could refrain from acting like an intrusive dick even with such a power. A smug jerk, on the other hand...but hell, I already get that, so.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
Standard generic sneakers. Would like to get a decent pair of hiking shoes that would hold up better to the abuse I put my shoes through, though.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
Winter. Fall and spring set my allergies off and summer is hot. I don't like heat. Of course, winter is rainy here in Pacifica, so I'm not overly fond of that either. Hmm. Might have to be fall now, actually.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.
Inexplicably? Uh...hmm. No, everything I consider hot is pretty understanable. At least it is to me. I suppose I could echo Djinn's "girls being nerdy" but I don't have any specific stories to share.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #65 on: March 11, 2009, 01:33:35 PM »
<i>1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?</i>

FF1 Knight, for the 'oh what the fuck' staying power.

<i>2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?</i>

Steel Inquisitors. If they don't count,  Trollocs work .

<i>3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?</i>

Modern: Tony Blair. Man could give a speech and did stick with his allies in spite of everything. Historical?  Marquis La Fayette if he counts.

<i>4)If you're having a bad day?</i> Sure deal.

<i>5)If you're having sex?</i> Yes if he was a tremendous dick and was going to fuck me with me, no otherwise.

<i>6)If you're in the shower?</i> No.


<i>7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?</i>

No. The problem there isn't the power, it's the person using it.

<i>8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?</i>

Running shoes, and yes.

<i>9)What is your favorite season? Why?</i>

Fall. Football kicks ass.

<i>10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.</i>

Not in public.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #66 on: March 11, 2009, 02:05:08 PM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
Lots of things I could put here, but... Probably the Summoners. Mystical powers and doesn't afraid of anything.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
Uh... Hmm... Most likely mermaids/mermen. Not those crazy Siren-types who try to lure you with music/song to keeeeel you, though. I just generally find them mesmerizing, for some reason. Perhaps it's the whole elegance aura they seem to exude.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?
This one is actually pretty interesting, if not totally random. Uhm, I'd say someone written into RoTK, except, you know historical leader of a country NOT YOUR OWN, so. I'll go with Stalin, because he's one of the historical leaders I actually like, plus a friend of mine told me about how a friend of HIS seemed to know everything about Stalin, which reminded me of how awesome I thought he was. Seriously.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?
Definitely. I'm usually the person who keeps everything in like a bitchy person. I'd answer the call for sure, I don't want to be like a bitchy person anymore.

5)If you're having sex?
Huh. I wouldn't.

6)If you're in the shower?
I'd only answer if I actually brought my phone in the bathroom. Which I don't.


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?
I'm technically already an intrusive dick. I would never give up such a power.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
Running shoes. I do run (and occasionally swim) when I have the opportunity to. Right now, I have a pair of Nike Air Pegasus trainers.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
Winter, because I have had the luxury of living in a place with cold weather that doesn't have snow like ever. I like the cold. I hate hotness.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.
I won't share because I can't think of something appropriate here.
19:35:58 (trancehime) there's a specific spot in the game that's for item duping
19:36:14 (Sanae) o.o
19:39:11 (Sanae) I'd love to dupe a second trancehime.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #67 on: March 11, 2009, 10:18:55 PM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

FFT Oracle. Fun with status hax.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Moogles on account of cuteness. Most fantasy races that people try to write as having an actual culture come off as one-dimensional and failtastic, so cuteness will do here.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Elizabeth I. Role model~

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Sure. I'd need to bitch about stuff, and maybe he could do something about it.

5)If you're having sex?

He should know not to call then! Which, I supose, means that he wouldn't unless it was really damned important. So I guess I'd have to.

6)If you're in the shower?

I don't think my phone is waterproof. But otherwise, sure.


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?


8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

I still wear the same shoes I have since college, a pair of brown boots (Timberlands) that are now sufficiently weathered for the toes to have the hardness and consistency of wood. I suspect that they are indestructible.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Spring. I hate winter (for the dryness as much as the cold), summer's too damned hot, fall is about the same temperature range as spring (good) but I think doesn't quite match up for prettiness.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

Can't think of anything specific. Probably it involved someone I knew in college and Mystery Science Theater, because nerds are sexy.

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #68 on: March 13, 2009, 07:47:45 AM »
1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?
Time Mage. How has nobody else picked them yet? Messing with time is just such a badass concept for a spell set, and they tend to be immensely powerful without being overt about it, which I like.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?
Elves on style points. El Cid has a pretty good point about how well fleshed out other races often are in practice, unfortunately. Hobbits are good, but only because they're basically a type of short human, so that doesn't really count.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?
Probably Augustus Caesar. In my teenage years I had a period of fanboying over the Roman Empire, and within the context of the Empire, Augustus is just The Man. He was a political power player who rose to the top of a nasty civil war, then settles down and becomes the most effective peacetime leader of Rome ever, pretty much, passing all sorts of practical laws which took a decaying state and revitalised it (he created Rome's standing, impartial army, its police and firefighting forces, its efficient tax system and postal service). Though he was a dictator, he was a strong believer in the rule of law, and left Rome a less corrupt place than he found it without much question. Despite no shortage of incompetent rule in later years, the empire survived another five centuries, and that was in large part due to him, and his five decades of running one of the biggest shows of the ancient world.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?
Of course. If anyone can help put a bad day in perspective, it's a divine being.

5)If you're having sex?
No. Just shows a lack of respect to the other person involved. This isn't the only such time I would refuse to answer a call from anyone - other similarly personal times would be off limits. I'm not a man who believes in letting a phone interrupt such things.

6)If you're in the shower?
If he has his own ringtone, sure, why not. No creative answers here.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

I don't think so. I'm too much of a sucker for knowledge, even if it hurts. The real question is if I'd drive myself crazy trying to change myself to meet their standards, or if I'd just accept that people don't have to like all of me to be my friend.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?
I dunno. Uh... they're sorta semi-casual or... something. I know nothing about shoes.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?
I used to be a summer man to a bone, but of late I find my tastes creeping earlier. I dunno. Summer is just absolutely gorgeous, but there's something so satisfying about the earlier seasons where everything starts to come alive and light starts streaming in earlier and later in the day.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.
Honestly, I'm not really sure. I'm sure there are some good ones, but they're slipping my mind. Hot is kinda transient, to me, in my memory. Female nerddom is of course hot, as others have noted, but I'm used to it by now, and there isn't really one defining moment.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 07:49:29 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #69 on: March 14, 2009, 03:02:02 PM »

1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

As obvious as this is I will oblige... Calculator...duh!
or maybe....just maybe it's Dragoon....nah!
2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Dragons probably. Honestly, who wouldn't want one of those bad boys for a pet.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

I'll go ahead and say Alexander the Great...minus all the bisexual stuff.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Yes, obviously. I've always to have one of these mano e mano talks with the big guy. I'd ask him why he hated Dan Marino so much.

5)If you're having sex?

Probably not, since it would be pre-marital. But he's freaking God, he knows what i'm doing if I do or do not answer the phone. I'd let the girl answer and see what happens.

6)If you're in the shower?

I don't see why not, sure.


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Hell no! I tell everyone I gave them up and secretly rule them all ala Delita.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Sandals. Shoes have made my feet feel so enclosed. After work I can't wait to toss off my nasty smelly sneakers and let my feet enjoy the nice clean fresh air. Ahhhhhhhhhhh

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Summer. I'd say winter because I freaking love snow, but down here in Tampa it only gets cold enough to where it's cold and life sucks, but not cold enough at the same time.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

Last night the creator of the Dodge Neon rested peacefully in his soiled and hopefully ransacked grave. Not only is it almost (almost) impossible to find a comfortable position for sex in that blasted vehicle, but the occupants of that ride left with very sour tastes in their mouths and a couple bruised knee caps. On the plus side, the windows fog up nicely and drive in movies are hilarious. Though tinted windows would have sufficed.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 03:06:01 PM by Scar »
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #70 on: March 14, 2009, 03:13:25 PM »
...minus all the bisexual stuff.

I'll take that as a personal insult.  :(


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #71 on: March 14, 2009, 03:29:19 PM »
Unless you are somehow the reincarnated version of Alexander the Great, I can't possibly see why that would offend you.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #72 on: March 14, 2009, 04:37:57 PM »
I didn't mean anything to do with Alexander the Great >.< I meant the fact that... well, implying that someone is less awesome just because they're bi.  ::)


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #73 on: March 14, 2009, 05:17:13 PM »
Be less sensitive and whiny, then.  If that's enough to be an insult then you are taking the internet too seriously.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2009, 05:32:49 PM »
...minus all the bisexual stuff.

I'll take that as a personal insult.  :(

Eh, not everyone likes bi people. It happens. I'd take his comment to be more of a self-effacing homophobia than any kind of personal attack against bi people.

I mean, think of this way - Alexander the Great conquered most of the known world and he was bi... Sounds like the only thing Scar has conquered is his date at a drive-in theatre.
