Author Topic: WTF?! Questions  (Read 14747 times)


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2009, 09:08:06 PM »
You're not Alexander.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #76 on: March 15, 2009, 02:01:26 AM »
This is stupid, cut this dumb shit out and be less retarded all fucking around.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #77 on: March 15, 2009, 02:16:10 AM »
This is stupid, cut this dumb shit out and be less retarded all fucking around.

Look, you talk about your favorite historical figures, what you're generally doing is mentally putting yourself in their shoes.  All Scar is saying is that he doesn't want his mental penis in another man's butt (or vice versa).  I can see why you'd be tempted to take offense, but I disagree.  You can legitimately ask people to respect other sexualities, I think you should in fact, but don't ask them to embrace them personally.  If a man isn't comfortable with the visceral idea gay sex, that's between him and his dick.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #78 on: March 15, 2009, 03:38:54 AM »
Even if he was theoretically putting himself in Alexander's shoes, he didn't really need to tack that on. We weren't going to think he was harboring secret man-love if he didn't. At best it's just an unaware thing to say.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #79 on: March 15, 2009, 04:44:39 AM »
Even if he was theoretically putting himself in Alexander's shoes, he didn't really need to tack that on. We weren't going to think he was harboring secret man-love if he didn't.

Maybe you weren't!
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2009, 05:20:15 AM »
Argumentation means its time for a new batch.


1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #81 on: March 15, 2009, 06:26:49 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Very rarely; They have full color and sound, but no other senses.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

I assume you mean FPS, in which case the obvious answer is the shotgun. Just a very psychologically satisfying weapon. The fact that it's often very good is just icing on the cake.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

I can write with my left hand, so let's go wtih the arm. No it does not change.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

I don't get what you mean by fusion. I mean, am I inhabiting their body like a body snatcher or something? Are we physically fused into some sort of horrendous gigantic lardbeast? Are they aware I'm there? Do I have any control over their actions? Are we in contact with one another?

Eh, I'll go with lifetime without contact for simplicity's sake.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

Funk, because it's awesome.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

28 minute long jazz oddsey.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

I love too much.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Yes, to a significant extent. I wouldn't touch foods that have bad texture, since that's equally as important.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

I wouldn't play one before, I won't now.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

When I first started working at the hotel I was in the same wing as a guy who started masterbating, but left the door unlocked so housekeepers would see him. One girl fell for it and it was up to me to go in and clean the bed up.

Alternately: A teenager flooded the toilet with about a half roll of toilet paper and violent diarrhea, and let it overflow to the point where there was solid shit floating around on the floor in toilet water, and then decided now was the time to ask housekeeping for help. Luckily my sister fell on that grenade and spared me the trouble.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #82 on: March 15, 2009, 06:55:31 AM »
Wasn't going to post here, but I'm bored, why not.

1)Who is your favorite Ninja Turtle? Why?

Donatello, the only remotely intelligent one, and consistently the best in the games.

2)Do you like Flurries? (Also called Avalanches, Blizzards, and Concrete) If so, what's your favorite Flurry Innards?

M&M Blizzards keep me happy for days.

3)What's your favorite movie that is not from your home country, the US, or Canada?

Appending "and not anime,"  .... ..... Oldboy, I guess.  I don't watch many movies.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Drowning or burning to death.

Drowning.  Burning is less fun.

5)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A quick and painless death in your sleep, or being the first human being to be compressed into a singularity.

Singularity!  Who wouldn't?!

6)Assume God or some other divinity comes down to Earth and tells you that for reasons beyond your mortal ken, sapience must be granted to another species on Earth other than humans, and He asks for your advice. What do you tell Him? Why?

"What, you mean cats don't count already?"

7)Who is the coolest Vampire of all time? Why?

Togepi, for being yet another entry in the list of things that made the Pokemon anime fun to watch instead of mindnumbing.  Every time it waved its arms and stole another piece of Misty's lifeforce, I smiled.   For a serious answer I'd have to be boring and conventional and say Sacchin.

8)How about Robot? Why?

Data.  Watch the show and you won't need to ask why.

9)What is your favorite lame joke?

So a cripple walks into a bar, and the bartender jumps up and shouts "It's a miracle!"
... what, you asked for a lame joke.

10)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Yourself and the [gender] of your dreams are perfect for each other, but not destined to be with each other. One of you has the superhuman ability to know exactly who their match is the instant that they meet, but have no way of convincing the other of this power whatsoever. Do YOU want to be able to recognize them, and risk failing to seduce them, or do you want THEM to be able to recognize you, and risk them being unnoticed?

I'd give it to them.  Anyone comes up and tells me a story like that, I'd at least be intrigued enough to go out with them a few times.

1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

Blue Mage/Oracle.  I like variety and weird tools.

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Dwarves.  Don't know why.

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Sure, I'll go with Caesar Augustus.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Yes, obviously.

5)If you're having sex?

Kick on the speakerphone.  At the very least it would be amusing to anyone I'd be doing such things with.

6)If you're in the shower?

Sure, why not.

7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

Of course not.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time? If they're made for a particular sport, do you partake in that sport?

Comfortable slipons.  

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Fall.  Couldn't really say why.  It's pretty.

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.

I walked into a classroom, one day, and came across a lady reading a book.  

A less courageous gentleman might have fled, perhaps, but I must admit a certain hedonistic streak compelled me to remain and watch her as she continued to enjoy herself.  She certainly did not mind, in any event - nay, quite the opposite.  Even engrossed as she was, she clearly took note of my presence, acknowledged it with a lascivious giggle and the bat of an eyelid, and began to flip the pages differently than before.  Deftly working her fingers over the silky-smooth alabaster paper, her breath catching now and then as her eyes passed over a particularly stimulating sentence, over the course of a few minutes she teased and wriggled her way across the desks before finally spreading the tome wide for my own hungry eyes to see.  

... ahem.


1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Rarely remembered, but fully sensory.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Rocket launchers.  Self explanatory.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Arm, certainly.  Huge advances are being made in the field of prosthetic arms recently, approaching full natural function.  The more humorously inclined might say the same of prosthetic genitalia, but loss of those would also be accompanied by large hormonal changes.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

No problem with scenario A here.  I'd be fine with fusion with someone I like, too, but it'd have to be someone I REALLY like.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

It is minimalistic ambiance involving neither traditional instruments nor vocals.  So ha!  Why?  Why not.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

It sounds good.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Oh, everything.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

This already exists to an extent, look up the Miracle Fruit.  I eat reasonably healthily anyhow, so probably no change.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

These exist.  I enjoy them.
There are quite a lot of good ones out there, and I highly encourage others to check them out.
This man in particular writes some amazing stuff.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

.... her book was glorious, and together we touched its pages and found new heights of ecstasy.  Softly whispering to each other, we spoke of many things, and I brazenly inquired as to what particular techniques and literary positions she found most exciting.  
Until she commented, offhandedly, "Oh, science fiction?  Well, that isn't really literature, so..."

The air temperature in the room immediately dropped dozens of degrees as I dropped the harlot back to her filthy desk, sadly and solemnly lectured her on the heavenly bounties to be found in the blessed spheres of sci-fi, and marched out of the room.

And yes, this actually happened (though obviously not so dramatically.)


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #83 on: March 15, 2009, 07:37:44 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Very rarely.  The only instances I can recall with more than visual data and dialogue involves a couple semi-lucid dreams, where touch was involved.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?


3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

So you're asking us to choose between video games and sex?  Sadistic.  More seriously, arm is a much larger lifestyle change and requires relearning innumberable basic skills.  Genitals however can permanently derail a person's lifecourse.

This is the long version of "I'm not answering this question", because I figure reasoning is more important than answer here.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

On a cynical day I might say "well, I'm already doing both."

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

I can't really think of anything off the cuff.  I might come back to this.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

Hm.  I'm imagining a march, mostly strings but with a fuller sound for the crescendo, largely understated but highly melodic.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Actually I'm pretty sure my best attribute is being one of the most decent people I know.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Ehhh.  Not much really?  Quantity.  And... hum.  Dissociating food from its taste is pretty abstract, I can't really think of anything I'd dislike in this scenario but I wouldn't put bets on it.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Depends on design.  If we're talking full-blow typcially designed RPG here, but rendered in raw text and menus and stats, then fuck no.  Navigation would be hell.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

I got nothin'.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #84 on: March 15, 2009, 09:31:27 AM »
This is stupid, cut this dumb shit out and be less retarded all fucking around.

Look, you talk about your favorite historical figures, what you're generally doing is mentally putting yourself in their shoes.  All Scar is saying is that he doesn't want his mental penis in another man's butt (or vice versa).  I can see why you'd be tempted to take offense, but I disagree.  You can legitimately ask people to respect other sexualities, I think you should in fact, but don't ask them to embrace them personally.  If a man isn't comfortable with the visceral idea gay sex, that's between him and his dick.

I meant people need to stop chucking a tanty over what Scar said.  So I agree with you and extend that to people need to shut the fuck up about it and grow up, WAHHHH SOMEONE HAS A DISLIKE FOR A SEXUALITY.  Fuck that, grow up and get used to the fact that not everyone is going to be personally open to Furry BDSM watersports.  Scar wasn't villifying it, denying that it happened or anything.  He accepted that the man was into the men, accepted it, acknowledged that he doesn't really like that, but whatever, still thought he was the greatest leader on the planet that isn't American.  Taking insult to that is stupid and petty.  

1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?


2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Painkiller has a lot of neat weapons, but flamethrowers still win.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Genitals, no.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

Hermit and no.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

What?  I am going with you mean it has lyrics here (other than everyone's theme music is Spoken Word which would be AWESOME), that said, Industrial and it is my theme because I am retarded.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

Tom Waits.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Because I hate people.  Especially you.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Yes, yes, it is a texture thing, anything with bad texture.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Clearly, yes.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

I watched Niu and CK playing Kingdom Hearts 2 this one time.
NO MORE POKEMON - Meeplelard.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #85 on: March 15, 2009, 12:25:13 PM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?
Incredibly rarely. When I do, there's colour and all, but nothing else in the way of senses.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?
Ehh, not a fan of shooters, so don't have one.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?
Yes, it does. If pain, arm. If no pain, genitals.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?
Same answer for both, and that'd be option B. I'd end up wanting to kill myself either way, but Option B presents the possibility for other people to make me want to less.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?
Uhm, I have no idea on this one. I'm never too good at judging things about myself. ^^;

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.
Again, no idea. Although I once got told that Jesters of the Moon (FFIX) was my theme song. o_o

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.
Brutally honest. I'm happy to say things as they are -at times-. In other words, I'm not gonna lie to someone just for the sake of their feelings, but I'll try to be nice outside of that. People apparently see this as a bad thing. >_<

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?
Almost certainly - I only eat the way I do because I eat what tastes good and not what is good. Assuming this ray-gun was free, I'd be using it every time I ate/drank anything. And I wouldn't eat some things for how they looked, even if they tasted different. If it was that taste in something else, then maybe - but I'd never consider eating haggis or liver just for the look of them.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.
Prob'ly, although never really considered it. Got enough graphic RPGs I haven't finished. -.-

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.
Yikes, nothing to compare to the first one posted. >.> Uhm.. The only thing I can think of is people watching "2 Girls, 1 Cup". (Which I've thankfully avoided seeing so far. >.<)
Edit: Yeah, Bard's answer just reminded me of something slightly less disgusting, but also more recent. Random guy at a train station walks into the corner of the platform and starts peeing there, burping and coughing the whole time. I was about 5 metres away at the time. >.>
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 01:28:10 PM by Yoshiken »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #86 on: March 15, 2009, 01:08:35 PM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Full colour, sound, alongside with touch, smell and taste. Even pain. Damnit.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Rocket Launchers. Can't ever go wrong with a rocket to the face, or to an area distinctively nearby a face.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

I can't answer this question.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

Eh, let's go with body fusion. I'm fairly sure that if we share the same body surely we can come to some mutual understanding about how things work, and otherwise I'll just have to suppress his idiocy. Shouldn't be too hard.

If I -liked- the person? Oh gods, what, uh, I don't think I'd want to share a body with someone I like.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

PIROS, PIROS, PIROSHI-SAAAAAAAAAN~ Because it's uh, weird?

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

I have no idea what sort of music fits me, really. I imagine something with guitars and whistles.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

I'm not a horrible person, so yeah.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Nah, I already eat healthy enough, and I still wouldn't eat liver or beans.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Sure. No problem.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

Someone once pranced around naked, swinging his willy left and right before peeing around on the streets. Yeahokaynothanks.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #87 on: March 15, 2009, 01:21:28 PM »

1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

On occasion, and they're full color/sensory.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Lasers or machine guns.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Genitals and no.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

A. And if I like the person...? Eh, I'd have to consider it for a lot longer, but this is a buffet and not a grand meal, so next question!

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

...Take One Winged Angel, turn the latin phrases into "I like cheese! The hippopotamus is the grandest of all euclidean matter transferance magical powers!" and stuff like that, and make it even more sillilly dramatic.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

Jazz/techno/trance fusion. Perhaps more appropriately speaking, the former would be the theme song when dealing with people I'm not fond of, this would be the theme song for people I am fond of/alone.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Well I've been preparing you for the surprise ambush by myself and colleagues where we brainwash you and turn you into a horrible killer. Does that count?

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Definitely. And... some texture-based foods I still wouldn't touch, but most my issues with, say, fish, is the taste and not the texture - so this'd probably turn me full-out vegan in many ways.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Sure. I've played Wishbringer recently, so.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

China. Open sewer holes. People literally fishing out this white... stuff that smelled even worse than the open sewers.

Yeah, I didn't eat those days.

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #88 on: March 15, 2009, 01:50:06 PM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Yes, full sensory. I can even read text during them. I usually remember them. In fact, my subconcious does as well. I've had dreams begin at the same place they left off months later. I have a few reoccuring settings that bear little resemblence to anything I know as well. I've even figured out a few things that help control the subject matter and lucidity, as well as vividity.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Grenades. HM to the Gears of War chainsaw

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

This is really a hard one. Screw up the rest of your life and be deemed a freak, or lose your dominant arm. Probably lose the arm, I guess. Whats the point of HAVING a dominant arm without genitals?

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

I'd go with the Birdy the Mighty scenario (option B), depending on how it plays out.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

Funk music makes everything better.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.


7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

I'm self-absorbed and selfish.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Not really. My main turnoff to foods is texture, not taste.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.


10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

*Warning, really gross* A guy on my hockey team in high school told a story about how he ate out a girl while behind the dumpster at a convenience store... and ended up pulling out a bloody tampon with his teeth. I do not for the life of me know why he told us this story.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 01:54:01 PM by Hunter Sopko »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #89 on: March 15, 2009, 02:28:21 PM »
Quote from: Token Zenthor joke
Whats the point of HAVING genitals without a dominant arm ?
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #90 on: March 15, 2009, 02:38:51 PM »
Playing catch up -

1)What's your favorite Final Fantasy Job Class?

Haven't played FFT for Dancer class hype so White Mages/support types like Aerith, Selphie, Eiko, Yuna, Porom, etc. Holy nuke!~ Blue Mages like Quistis are pretty nice too *^_^*

2)What's your favorite fantasy race that is not Human?

Velbysian's from SO .. *is shot* Ahem. Dragons. I really like dragons a lot, their strength, their intellect, their magesty and grace *^_^*

3)Who is your favorite historical leader of a country not your own? Why?

Nelson Mandela was pretty nifty.

God can call you on your cell phone. He appears as "GOD" in big friendly letters, and he has a personalized ringtone. Sometimes it's important, more often than not, the divine dude is just bored and talks about things way beyond your ken. Do you answer your phone...

4)If you're having a bad day?

Sure. I like to listen to ramblers, it distracts me from thinking about the bad things and often makes me think about more positive/interesting things.

5)If you're having sex?

If I have a choice no. Remember me to turn my cell phone off next time ;)

6)If you're in the shower?

Eh why not?


7)You are given the power of perfect empathy. Not only can you immediately tell what someone is feeling, you can tell everything they're feeling. Sometimes, you understand things so beneath the surface that the people you're dealing with don't even comprehend it yet. Eventually, you realize that all of your friends think you're an intrusive dick. Do you willingly give up your power if offered, you dick?

No. There's bound to be people out there that appreciate the help and advice that the knowledge enables whenever the need might be.

8)What kind of shoes do you wear most of the time?

Boots. Usually get by just fine in them but damn you can get sore doing hard core walking in them if they aren't boots made for walking.

9)What is your favorite season? Why?

Eh I don't really have a favourite. I can find something good to say about all of them >_>  Spring is crocuses and snowdrops, then daffodils, apple and cherry blossoms, Summer is lush, vibrant and toasty, Autumn is glorious multi colours, cold crisp winter days with clear blue skies are win, etc

10)Tell an anecdote about someone doing something inexplicably hot (in the attractive sense) or, you know, don't if you don't feel like sharing.
No =D
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #91 on: March 15, 2009, 02:55:13 PM »
Miki got it right. At least that was what I was trying to get across. I don't have anything against gays or lesbians or bisexuals...unless they try to hit on me or rape me. I'd love to be in Alexander's shoes for a day and conquer everything ya know? I just wouldn't sleep with men is all. That's all I meant to convey! Alexander loved humans equally. It's a trait that I could work on I suppose. But them again I think I do a good job most of the time. There's no real reason for anyone to get mad, but I'll be the bigger man and leave an apology.



1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

My dreams suck. The good ones, like me having sex with someone gorgeous all end right before coitus. When I have nightmares I usually die in my dreams and then experience some out of body mumbo-jumbo before I eventually wake up in a cold sweat.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Chainsaws. Nothing better then in the midst of a fire storm to run up on yer enemy and gut them like a complete reckless bad ass. If that doesn't work or apply, pump handle shotguns for the win!

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Bye bye arm.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

Option B I suppose. Wouldn't I have to learn to like this person eventually? Or maybe they b3come my eternal omni-block to everything I enjoy. Hmmmm If I tried to murder them would I die? heh

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

Mexican flare. think "Day of the Baphomets" by The Mars Volta. My cape would flow in the wind like a baller son!

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

I would imagine a flute would fit in nicely here.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Cause I'm honest and say things unintentionally that offends and hurts peoples feeling all the time. Also, when I realize this, I try to salvage what I said by offering an explanation, but those usually just make the situation worse. That usually leaves me laughing rather nervously which is just me trying to pause while waiting for a solution to pop up, but in those situations no one likes to be laughed at so yet again the situations gets worse. It's one of those slippery slopes I suppose.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Probably not. I eat pretty healthy right now, but I may chance some foods textures if I could. Corn and onions still make me gag, so if I could make them taste like.....candy of some sort I might add them to my diet.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Yes. The Suikogaiden games! I don't need pictures just let me read Nash's whole story already dammit!

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

My cousin told me this story, and it's pretty

He told me that when he was getting a blow job by this girl he suddenly had the urge to pee. Well he wasn't going to get up and


Gross enough for ya!?!?!
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #92 on: March 15, 2009, 11:34:12 PM »
The dude in Scar's story deserves to never have sex again. Seriously, get some class.


1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Pretty regularly remember them. I believe I've posted a few on the board, and they are typically that odd. Color, sound, no other senses.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Pheremone pod thingy in Half-Life 2. Because there is nothing quite like summoning a swarm of giant insects to destroy your foes.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Arms are more useful so I will be keeping them, thanks. There's too much reproduction going on already anyway.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

Scenario A. I have a fair amount of experience with this already. Would probably change this answer if I was stuck with someone I liked.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?


6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

More silence. Hey, it was "music" when John Cage did it.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Stubborn insistence on wasting my time on stuff like this rather than taking the effort to work on anything that might actually improve my life.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

It would, but I'd still avoid foods I dislike the texture of.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Dunno, haven't tried such a game since the golden days of Zork.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

Can't think of anything worth mentioning.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #93 on: March 15, 2009, 11:47:57 PM »
No, it was "art."  And even then only because he did it first and wrote an essay.  Doing it after him just makes you pretentious.


1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Very rarely, but when I do they are fully immersive.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?


3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Eh, I'm right armed, but left handed, and could make a living with my mind and my writing.  So, yeah, arm all the way.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

I'd rather be alone.  I'm enough of a self-aware introvert that I could probably find equilibrium and stave off insanity.  But if you took away my privacy, I doubt I'd last a month.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

The Eagles, Wasted Time

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

Something classical, stately, intellectual, but slightly discordant.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

I'm apathetic, lazy, and arrogant.  I suppose I could go with honesty, but at least one friend has a policy of "If that came from anyone else it'd be horribly offensive, but I know from you it just means you're strange enough to mean it as a compliment."

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Not really, I can't see myself using this ray, ever.  Maybe eating at places that use it, but not using it myself.  I mean, sure it tastes different.  But you still know how things are, and like many things, what you expect is as or more important than what is.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Probably, yeah.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

I try not to remember these.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #94 on: March 16, 2009, 01:22:08 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Rarely. Color? Sometimes. Sound yes, rest no. They're almost always sensations more than solid dreams.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Sniper rifle. I'm just partial to that weapon type.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Arm. Removing the entire gentials would cause a hell of a lot of bad physical side effects even ignoring the loss of sex. Losing an arm sucks but you can work around that.

<i>4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?</i>

B. 99.95% of humanity would likely go insane in the former case, myself included.

<i>5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.</i>

This feels like a question other people are better qualified to respond to about a person than the person you're asking.

<i>7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.</i>

Really horrible sense of humor.

<i>8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?</i>

Yes, duh. Everyone would eat healthier. There would be no need to regulate calories now (You could make celery taste like anything). You've just ended world hunger in a blow, there's no more need for resource heavy meat production. 'Real' food would become a thing of the past. And probably, but it's hard for me to say that I'd eat anything but the precise dietary requirements in that case and mess with flavor as need be.

<i>9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.</i>

Doubtful. I don't have the attention span to play most games nowadays.

<i>10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.</i>

Tampon misuse is a horrible thing.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #95 on: March 16, 2009, 03:50:26 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?
I hardly ever remember my dreams. The one recurring dream I remember involves orange penguins, so there's really only one color and not a lot of sound.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?
Crossbows. Medieval flair in modern weaponry.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?
Arm, no question. I like sex too much, though it really sucks losing my drawing arm.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?
Eh, I wouldn't mind being fused to someone I hate if I have control over the body. I mean, it worked out pretty well in Soul Nomad and how is that any different from reality, right?

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?
Not instrumental? The only thing that's coming to mind are the kiddie English songs I use with my students... Obviously, my theme song is 'Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes'...

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.
But if we're talking instrumental, I'm instantly reminded of Soul Nomad's soundtrack. Particularly Roll'n Rocks, though it would get repetitive.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.
I'm oversensitive, and when I get offended, I act like a prick. I'm aware of this, so I'm working on it.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?
I already eat just about anything - I live in Japan after all and they eat weird shit. The ray gun would just speed up the process and enjoyment of eating it. I haven't met a food texture that didn't have -some- merit to it.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.
I'm sure I -could-, but I don't know what the incentive would be. I'd rather simply read a book in that case.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.
It's depressing how many more responses this question has compared to the last #10 question.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #96 on: March 16, 2009, 04:25:34 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Yes, yes, dunno, hrmm, hrmm, yes.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Genitals as long as I still have a pee hole >_>

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

B) Hatred's pretty easy for me to ignore and would eventually become so even with someone I disliked more than usual. Again I could ignore him/her/it in favour of more positive things or try to find something positive about him/her/it

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?


6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

Probably bagpipes/other jig suited intstruments. Thinking.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Er ... lemmee think ... I get cranky when someone interrupts/distracts me when I'm on the computer!?

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

I find my diet of eating healthy plenty bland so yeah that would be pretty nifty. I'm still not sure if I'd touch Mountain Oysters, sheep's eyeballs, etc though.

Edit: Oh and they aren't Scottish - Mountain Oysters are North American and sheep's eyeballs are ... Middle East I think? >_>

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Sure, I'm reasonably decent at visualisation
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 04:45:37 AM by Clear Tranquil »
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #97 on: March 16, 2009, 04:57:23 AM »
Can't believe I've been missing this.  Anyway, will do the first 2 sets later.

1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?
Fully in colour, visual, sensory...yeah.  Honestly, you'd think I'm on psychotropic drugs or something how "real" they are.  So real that I usually get confused and think I've done things that only happened in the dream >_>

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?
Explosions, the bigger the better.  Tactical nukes are my favourite.  Missiles that blow up large areas, or even heavy calibre rifles of some sort.  Fuck accuracy - enough saturation will take down anything

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?
Genitals removed.  No change if pain is involved.  I can survive without my genitals, but my arm...I'd still need it to type and do other stuff.  Unless I can teach my penis to type.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?
Mmm...well, I assume I wouldn't have complete control in scenario B, which...makes things interesting.  Is it like a Siamese Twin thing?  If so, I'd probably go with option A - at least I would have complete independence in that scenario.  If I like the person...I can probably do it?  Have to think about it some more, but leaning yes.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?
Opera.  Very slow, dramatic, epic opera.  Mostly because I think it would be hilarious.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.
Heavy on the French Horn and Piccolo.  It would ideally start out strong, epic, similar to, say, a heroic theme, but also have a percussion aire of mystery and confusion, predominantly with timpani, triangle, and chimes.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.
I...mmm...least private makes this a bit interesting.  On the surface, I'd have to say it's because I take control and can overwhelm peoples' personalities, especially at work.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?
I generally eat healthy, but this would help, yes.  I'd not have a problem eating nothing but super healthy, small portions (or, hell gigantic portions of celery that tastes like peanut butter cups).  I eat anything anyway, so the latter part matters not >_>

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.
Hell yes.  I played many when I was younger, and still love older games.  Text games generally are pretty badass and creative.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.
OK was very much a delinquent in high school.  So, here's a story: Most of my friends are female, and one of my closest friends (Ashley) in high school was a year younger than me.  We were both in the musical, Grease, my senior year.  Now, our auditorium was a bit separated from the school, and the bathrooms were broken that day.  My friend was a bit exhibitionist, very energetic, very...can't even think of the word to describe it.  It's a Saturday rehearsal, and it's break time.  We're talking, and she tells me she has to take a shit.  Well, bathrooms are broken, and try as we might to get into the rest of the school, it's locked.  So I tell her the best bet is to walk to the closest retailer, about half a mile away.  She says that won't do.  We walk outside to the front of the school, a bit away from the auditorium.  Now, our school had a lot of shrubbery at a decent height near the entrance, and no one but the cast members was around at this point.  Plus, she also is somewhat short.  So she tells me to keep a watch, as she runs behind a large crop of bushes, and proceeds to drop her pants and empty herself.  Of course, two minutes into this, the principal of the school is randomly walking around outside, and walks over to talk to me.  Cue me talking loud enough to make sure she heard me and didn't stand up at an inopportune time, and what proceeds is a very uneasy few minutes of conversation before he leaves.  Once he's away, she yells for me to get her toilet paper - which, unfortunately, I can't grab!  So I walk over to the nearest tree, and grab her some leaves, which suffices. To finish the story off, on Monday, there's an announcement in the school about the pile of poop left in the bushes, and how no one knows who did it, but blah blah blah don't do it whatever.  Needless to say, an interesting experience.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 05:05:39 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #98 on: March 16, 2009, 05:08:28 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Colour, all senses active. They're similar enough to real life except that they completely do not obey laws of reality. So not that similar. This total disobedience of reality is the only way I can realise I'm in a dream, though.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

I always fanboyed over energy weapons, generally. Things like the Marathon fusion pistol, the Quake thunderbolt, the Descent plasma all stand out as favourites offhand.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

I could train myself to write just as well with my left arm, although having only one arm would suck. The alternative just involves giving up even more, I think.

Pain wouldn't change the decision here; "worst pain I've ever felt" either way, I don't feel like speculating which is worse and a decision that affects years should not be decided on the pain of a few days.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

B, because A would just be mind-numbingly boring and unfufilling. Also I imagine with B I'd gain a certain amount of empathy for this person I hate, at least.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?
6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

Pass on these, for now.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

To a certain degree I dislike both giving and receiving gifts, which makes me feel like a pretty bad person sometimes. Former because I have needless stress over getting a gift that I think the person will like, latter because symmetry is fair play (plus the possibility of getting things I don't care), and both because I find the idea creates a lot of unnecessary buying of things people don't need which is very wasteful.

The more obviously the person receiving the gift wants it the less bad I feel about it, but I feel guilty checking because it's supposed to be a surprise for some reason.

This doesn't really make me appreciate the leadup to Christmas much (love the day itself though, more as a family thing however), though I try not to let it get to me. But yeah, it makes me feel bad because I can't shake the feeling that part of this is pure selfishness on my part.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Is the raygun free? If so, sure. Never eat garbage food again; whenever I feel like one I'll just raygun my healthy diet into it.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Absolutely, if I had time for it. I've never found old technology a huge blocker for playing things. Old polish, perhaps, but if the text game was well put together (well thought-out key shortcuts) then sure.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

Nothing that horrible comes to mind. The worst is people who obviously haven't showered recently.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #99 on: March 16, 2009, 07:14:00 PM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?
~Yes I do. Usually they're full color, but visual only. Sometimes, I pick up other senses... sound is very common but not a certainty. PART of my sense of touch stays... generally my sensation of space..... the sense of touch is really several different senses... I keep some of them, like I always know where my arms are and if I'm floating/falling/whatever, but tactile sensation isn't always there.
I can lucid dream. When I lucid dream, it's almost MORE real than reality. It's like I experience everything but at a much slower, more deliberate rate.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?
~I'm very partial to Sniper Rifles, but my absolute favorite is dual-action pistols with high accuracy. If they hit in their cross hairs more often than not, then I love them very, very much. Just spam click or trigger button and watch shit die even though it's on the other half of the map. It's a beautiful thing.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?
~God, you know, this is one I keep going back and forth on. When I asked it, I thought it was a pretty straightforward "Well, I tend to use my off-hand for that anyhow" answer, but the more I thought about it, the less I liked the idea of not having that symmetry.... like, my whole body would feel like the balance is off. And then I thought about how awkward it'd be to do even the simplest of tasks I enjoy, and how little action I get ANYHOW, and I started leaning toward, you know, removing my dick.
And THEN someone mentioned the hormonal differences, which I didn't even think of when I wrote this question, and, I mean, speaking from experience as someone who has out-of-whack brain chemistry? It SUCKS. So Yeah. Fuck sex. Fuck having an arm. Fuck EVERYTHING. I'd keep my junk if only so I could keep my sanity. I work hard for it.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?
~This is another one I go back and forth on. It really depends on what no contact is. Can I still anonymously surf the Internet, just not interact with it? Or is that considered human contact?
If I can still dink around online, even without actually speaking to anyone ever, I think that might be more doable for me.... I'm pretty lonely anyhow. The idea of actually sharing a body with someone... not being in control of myself... that seems terrifying. I'll take being the last man on Earth.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?
~I want to say Funk, because, who the hell WOULDN'T pick Funk? Squares, that's who. But unfortunately, I think it'd probably be some kind of quirky Piano Rock that jumps around in its meter and tempo.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.
~Something along the lines of the New Faces Team theme ("Bloody") from King of Fighters '97. Brutal, screeching guitar played in a herky-jerky style that is suggestive of frustration, boredom, anger, and formidable competence.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.
~I'm impossibly vain, especially considering how often I've let simple things derail my life... if I deserved my vanity, I'd be more successful and mentally stable.
Also, I objectify women. But to be fair, I consider them the BEST objects.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?
~For the most part, no. Smell and texture would still throw me off. The most I could see this doing is working laterally. Make one thing taste like another version of itself. I wouldn't eat healthier, but I would use it to switch around flavors to things I just can't find. Why bother buying anything but vanilla ice cream? Then I don't have to eat Carton Superman or Blue Moon, which is for some reason awful, unlike when you get it at a parlor.
One thing I WOULD do, however, is make caffeine free Coke taste like Cherry Coke. I can't drink caffeine more than once in a while, but Cherry Coke is my all-time favorite drink.
I would also do this to drink "Whisky" and "Rum" without getting drunk. Because they are yummy.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.
~Sure. But I really WAS implying something menuey and with a battle system, as opposed to Interactive Fiction. Imagine it being like early Dragon Warrior combat, only your enemies are just named in text instead of shown. Outside of combat would be IF like Zork.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.
~There were these two girls I knew shortly after High School. Back when I was a mallrat, I'd run into these girls all the time. They were a lot like me and my friends---we had nothing to do, we didn't want to go home, so we bummed around town at all hours of the night. Sometimes we'd be out until 2, 3 in the morning, just chilling in parking lots or at Meijer, or whatever. They were pretty cute, and they were bored.
Well, there were two of them, and three of us, and my one friend, well, he can't win a beauty pageant, but he can do math. He eventually got pissed off at all the attention we were getting from these cute, bored girls, and out of nowhere one day, he leans back in his chair, and snorts up, what had to have been the biggest loogie I have ever heard. I mean, if he'd have spat this thing out, it'd have been the size of his eye. Except he didn't spit it. He swallowed. Right there, after making the horrible, ENDLESSLY LONG horking noise.
The girls never talked to us again in friendly circumstances, and I am still a virgin at 24. Fuck that friend.