Author Topic: WTF?! Questions  (Read 14769 times)


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #100 on: March 19, 2009, 06:42:26 PM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Er... no. Last dream I remembered was pretty boring too.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Melee weapons. Sweet, sweet melee weapons. Guns? No thanks, I'll just hack that guy's head off instead.
HM to Bore Swarms from Turok for the sheer terror of hearing someone preparing to fire them.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Arm. Hormonal imbalances are very no, and I do think I might get married someday.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

Er... either one might lead to insanity. Even if it was a person I liked. So it doesn't matter much I guess.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

Parody of Swedish death metal, largely for the lulz, but also for scaring away small children while making Swedish people laugh. Which... I guess is pretty much more lulz.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

Discordant blend of classical and heavy metal, with rising crescendos of POWAH abruptly shifting to light, lilting flute melodies and back again. Liberal application of all forms of percussion.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Lazy as sin.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

BEGONE FOUL DEMON. I'd go on a crusade to end all of these 'food rays'.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Er... I'll just go read a book, thank you.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

... I'm inexplicably hard to gross out. So there.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #101 on: March 19, 2009, 11:36:59 PM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

Occasionally, color, full sensory.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Don't play FPS that much, but you've got to love the Tommy Gun.  Spray hot lead everywhere.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

My wife would be overjoyed if I lost my genitals because then I would leave her the fuck alone.  And I need my arms for games.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

No contact with humans sounds just peachy to me.  I hope you all die.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

My theme song is "I Am a Rock" by Simon and Garfunkel.  Yes, I'm aware that marks me as very fucked up.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

A spicy latin salsa.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Because I respect merit, not authority.  I don't tolerate people less competent than me, which is a large percentage of the population.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

YES.  I want to be able to eat vegetables.  A salad *looks* tasty.  It just tastes horrible.  I would love to have the technological equivalent of a less discriminating palate.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.


10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

My wife was recently beset with boils.  On her genitals.  Considering I often eat at that restaurant, it was not pleasant to witness.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #102 on: March 20, 2009, 12:00:08 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

-Only vaguely.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

-I like weapons where a variety of smaller projectiles get pushed out and then scatter, especially if it offers much higher damage at very close range. Ex: Scout's Scattergun, Some shotguns, the almighty Flak Cannon

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

-Provided I still have a way of removing waste, genitals for both.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

-Option B for both. I can barely manage the self-sufficiency to clothe myself in the morning, I'd wind up dead in a month without humanity. Besides, I could probably overpower the consciousness of the person I'm fused with, God knows I have enough experience with doing it already.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

-I object to this question as it implies that I didn't already have theme music. My theme music is essentially thirty seconds of "It's me, it's Doma, the super-awesome guy!" in a happy ditty. While I dance.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

-Listen to the theme song of Quincy, M.D. Add accordion, speed up 25%. That's how I feel it should be. Today, anyway.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.


8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

-Nope, couldn't be bothered. I hope everyone around me pays very close attention to their food, though... ZAP.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

-*looks at his collection of Fighting Fantasy* Easily.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

-My sister can roll up her eyes where you can hardly see her pupils. It's creepy. (And yes, I know it's nowhere near what others have written. So sue me, I have a weak constitution.)


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #103 on: March 20, 2009, 12:53:46 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

I remember dreams rather vividly. They are in full colour. Sound is present sometimes, but touch, smell and taste, not so much.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

Rifles, no doubt. If I can kill in one or two hits from 200 yards away, I'm all for it.

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Dominant arm. Unlike my genitals, I have another arm to commit to, AND War-Amps is there for me.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

Option B, although, to be honest, I could picture myself pretty well in a place where only I exist. I can cope with desolation.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

It's not my favourite song of all time, but Nowhere Man by The Beatles fits me rather nicely. ;p

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

Extremely high standards, both with myself and others. Although I won't show it, I get disappointed with others rather easily, which also provokes trust issues, and, in extreme cases, animosity towards some.

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

I'd eat anything as long as it isn't a tomato. Tomatoes are the most repugnant, repulsive and revolting thing to plague the planet Earth, and I would not dare touch one, no matter what the taste.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

Possibly? If the story was captivating, I'd be up for it.
EDIT: Actually, no, fuck it. I need music when playing a video game.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

Friend of mine pissed on the floor after drinking excessively. The piss also happened to be red... he was rushed to a hospital. <.<
I understand that it wasn't intentional for him to piss blood, but boy, did I feel unwell that day. ;p
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 12:56:22 AM by ThePiggyman »
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #104 on: March 20, 2009, 12:55:47 AM »
1)Do you remember your dreams? If so, are they in full color? Do they have sound? How about touch, smell, or taste?

They're always in color when I remember them, they always have sound.  The other three senses... well, if they come up I don't remember them.  I do remember the brief moment when I was lucid dreaming and I remember feeling something when I was flying around but other than that no touch.

2)What's your favorite weapon type in 3d Shooters? Like, what are the physics behind it?

For most games, the Shotgun, followed closely by Automatics/Machine guns.  Very specifically, I am going gay for the Force A Nature in TF2.  Shotgun that blasts people away from you and in turn allows you to get away quickly yourself?  Hell yes. (Nevermind that the Scattergun is way more useful...)

3)YOU MUST PICK ONE: Removal of your genitals or removal of your dominant arm. Does this answer change depending on if there is pain involved?

Honestly, though I would lament the loss of my genitals, at least then I'd have an excuse.  >_>

And oh god the amount of time I'd save if I didn't masturbate as often as I did... genitalia in a heartbeat.

4)YOU MUST PICK ONE: A lifetime without contact with another human being, or being fused into the same body with someone you hate. (Note that in scenario B, there are STILL MORE HUMANS. Only option A removes humanity) Does your answer differ if you actually -like- the person?

Mm.  Probably the latter.  Human contact is too important, and usually if I absolutely loathe someone that changes after I get to know them better.

5)You now have theme music. It is not instrumental. What kind of music is it? Why is it your theme?

Crappy, out of tune comedy metal.  Think Dethklok if Dethklok's songs didn't actually sound good.  As for why?  Well, mostly because I think it'd be funny.

6)This time, it IS instrumental. How does it sound? Be as descriptive as you like.

See above, only now it sounds good because there is no reason to have crappy music if it isn't funny.

7)What is the main reason why you're a horrible person? Assume I mean "LEAST PRIVATE" main reason. I'm not trying to dig up any dirt, here.

I overreact to things, I'm apt to chew people out even when they're right, I drink too much, I make a lot of racist statements ironically, I'm self loathing, I'm selfish, I find it hard to tolerate people I don't know that well, I rant and ramble, I sing constantly no matter how much it annoys people around me, I'm lazy, I'm pretentious, I like to think I'm good at things I'm not, I think I'm terrible at things that I may actually be good at, I give up easily, I'm a pathological liar, I like to actively sabotage myself from achieving things I actually want to, I'm a pushover,...

Can I stop yet?

8)Mankind has developed a ray-gun for making things taste like other things. Would this influence you to eat healthier? To what degree? Are there still foods that you wouldn't touch?

Alters the taste?  Hell yes I would eat healthier.  If I could get the same taste from eating a salad as I would from eating a donut, why the fuck would I eat the donut?

I probably still wouldn't eat clams or the like.  The texture's too... uh.  Fetus-y.

9)In this day and age, could you play an All-text RPG? There are no graphics--not even ASCII graphics where @ is the hero.

I basically do; the images in KoL are fairly superfluous.  But yes I think I would play an all-text RPG.  If it was funny/well written enough.

10)Tell a story where someone did something inexplicably gross. Like, something so gross it was kind of hard to be in the same room with them afterward.

One of my friends had a particularly bad break up a couple years ago.  Like, bad to the point where the ex started spreading rumors that my friend was addicted to Heroin, etc. etc.  To get back at her, he saved his cum in a milk jug for about a month and then poured it on her door.

The really  gross part is that, after a few days, semen starts to rot.  And stink.  Bad.  For this month or so every time you opened his closet you would get a waft of rotting cum.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #105 on: March 20, 2009, 01:05:18 AM »
The really  gross part is that, after a few days, semen starts to rot.  And stink.  Bad.  For this month or so every time you opened his closet you would get a waft of rotting cum.

I'm now wondering if that explains one of the roommates in China.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #106 on: March 20, 2009, 01:09:42 AM »
A true artist would have gotten a paint brush and wrote on her door, Zenny. Your friend is a letdown.
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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #107 on: March 20, 2009, 01:14:15 AM »
Considering he's a physicist, that's stupid, Super.


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #108 on: March 20, 2009, 01:17:59 AM »
You're friends with a physicist? Wow.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #109 on: March 20, 2009, 04:04:14 AM »
Well, physics student/soon to be grad student.  Semantic nonsense.  Besides, would you expect an artist-type to actually save up jizz for a month?  More likely they would just write bad poetry about it.

And.. "Wow"?  What the hell is that supposed to mean.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 04:05:49 AM by President Bill Richardson »


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Re: WTF?! Questions
« Reply #110 on: March 20, 2009, 08:50:53 AM »
It means he is envious of you being friends with people able to spell.  That is what you get when all you hang around with is the Right Wing.

Re: Doma and his weapon choice, I direct you to 2 minutes in for the Drunk Missile from Rise of the Triad.  I might find a better version, but for a start, there.

Edit - Another one that isn't quite so jumpy also 2 minutes or so in.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 09:02:07 AM by Grefter »
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