Way of Kings - I enjoyed it and I want to read more. Certainly am not yet willing to put it on Mistborn's level, but it's not like I think Eye of the World is the greatest thing ever either, and... this could certainly go places.
What I didn't like as much:
Some of it is pacing. Basically there are three main characters; cool fine. Two of them disappear for large portions of the book, so there are really two at any one time, and those two constantly swap. For some reason this bugs me a bit. It probably doesn't help which the one PoV that stuck around the entire book (Kaladin) was also the weakest. Just has a few too many Gary Stu traits (He is an amazing fighter! So amazing he kills a shardbearer! And he is the saviour of Bridge 4! Basically nothing can really stop him and his only real enemy is tendency to doubt himself.) and none of his supporting cast is especially interesting. (whereas the other stories have Jasnah and Sadeas who are both pretty cool) I think the only thing which prevents his story from being super-generic is his backstory being thrown in there. Rounds him out a fair deal.
What I did like:
It kept me reading certainly! Whatever I thought of the different points of view I never really wanted to put this book down, I finished it in about a week or so which is fast for me even before considering that this is, like, the longest book ever. Some very solid plot twists, blah blah Sanderson is good at these. Morality and honour is a big theme of the book and I like the way it was explored. The last ~50 pages was exceptionally good and I generally haven't -ever- said that about a Brandon Sanderson novel before (well, aside from The Gathering Storm if that counts). And I like that the book sorta has this overarching feeling of dread; the surface stories are mundane enough but there's some seriously epically Bad Things Waiting to Happen which all the points of view hint at and I generally liked the mood and how it sets things up for a longer series. All in all it... generally does everything a first book in a mega-series can be expected to do. I just hope future books either have less Kaladin or his PoVs get better, but both feel very possible.
Also, despite my aforementioned anger at the fact that Dalinar and Shallan are dropped for a long time? The fact that Shallan is dropped in part 4 pays off in a big way as the entire bread-jam-poison sequence is revealed to ahve actually gone down nothing like we thought when we finally get back to her, and I don't think this would have worked as well without 300 pages of us assuming we knew what had happened there, but there wasn't really much Shallan stuff that could have been put in the middle.
Top five characters (alphabetical order, although... could be the real order too! Certainly #5 is #5):
Dalinar, Jasnah, Sadeas, Shallan, Szeth
Top five scenes (major spoilers). These are in order.
1. "You soulcast while I had your soulcaster stolen"
2. Dalinar slaps sense into Elkohar. The entire scene, with bonus points for being punctuated with "by the way I am dating your mother".
3. Dalinar and Sadeas' chat after the betrayal. Mm politicky goodness, I am going to enjoy this.
4. Jasnah's entrapment soulcast-murderers-in-the-face episode, and the discussion that follows.
5. The prologue (millenia ago). Can't really justify this one, but I thought it was a good hook and set up an intriguing world.