Tai: Wow that is quite a large series. o_o I'll have to see if I can find a copy of Gardens of the Moon at the used SF/F bookstore. Thinking from the description it may get a little too gritty for my tastes, but it's worth a look.
Shale: Sharing the painful experience is the only way to survive the memory of it. :p My continuation with the series is a study in literary masochism, I guess.
Dhyer: Oh good lord. What series have I read and liked? Um...
Unabashed Neil Gaiman fan-girl. Specifically, I absolutely adore Neverwhere (hence the board name, hurr) and really liked American Gods and, to a lesser extent, Anansi Boys. I own a lot of Sandman (still collecting the Complete volumes -- 1 down!) and seriously loved Endless Nights. (Says a lot because I don't normally enjoy American graphic novels too much. They feel so ... flat most of the time.) Also really loved Good Omens and I swear, one day, Andrew WILL read that damn book.
Speaking of: read an awful lot of Terry Pratchett and enjoyed. Particularly like the Sam Vimes stories (who doesn't?) and those involving Death.
Harry Potter. Totally unashamed to mention this and that I did the midnight releases for the last 4, including receiving the first copy of the final book at the store downtown (where my awesome English professor was also waiting for a copy).
Still waiting on the next book in Song of Ice & Fire.
Gave up on Wheel of Time around book 5 or 6. Will probably come back to it later, but I was pissed off at the circularity and how goddamn SLOW everything was. Still, I really loved the world and a few of the characters.
PERN! I mentioned I'm a sucker for friendly dragon stories, right? MARY SUE AND HER BEAUTIFUL SPESHUL SHINY DRAGON AHOY! Got into it around 7th grade and kept up with it through high school. It's not all bad -- it's what introduced me to internet fandom and online RP. (I know. That's more painfully dorky than D&D.) -- Also liked the Brain & Brawn series, the Crystal Singers, and a few books from the Talent series. I swear to god if anyone recommends something based off of those, though, I'll give up reading altogether.
The Dragon Quartet. I put up with the ridiculously heavy-handed environmentalist message because I liked Erde and Ndoc and the dragons.
The Death Gate Cycle. <3
Dragonlance Chronicles Trilogy. Just those three.
I've also read a number of one-shots and short stories thanks to leads like wandering randomly down the romance aisle looking for the corniest book ever, talking in the hallways waiting for office hours with a prof and getting recommendations of books to read for fun, short story mags like Analog and F&SF, and going "Hey, everyone's STILL talking about this book, maybe I should read it?"
I'm open for suggestions, but I'm picky for no goddamn reason, too.