Author Topic: Books  (Read 199534 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Books
« Reply #425 on: October 10, 2009, 02:41:20 AM »
Mistborn - yessss. I'll comment when I'm done (into Part 5 now) but this has been a very enjoyable read. Consider me officially on the aiel's hype train.

(That's part 5 of book 1, by the way. Spoil and die, etc.)

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Re: Books
« Reply #426 on: October 10, 2009, 07:12:35 PM »
So the last issue of Planetary finally exists. Truly, we are living in the end times.
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Re: Books
« Reply #427 on: October 11, 2009, 07:10:53 AM »
So the last issue of Planetary finally exists. Truly, we are living in the end times.

Thanks for the head's up.  I...never thought I'd see this day come to pass.
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Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
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Re: Books
« Reply #428 on: October 11, 2009, 07:21:25 AM »
Speaking of end times, there's a new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book coming out.  And it's being penned by Eion Colfer (writes the Artemis Fowl children's books).


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Re: Books
« Reply #429 on: October 11, 2009, 01:30:00 PM »
Mistborn - yessss. I'll comment when I'm done (into Part 5 now) but this has been a very enjoyable read. Consider me officially on the aiel's hype train.

(That's part 5 of book 1, by the way. Spoil and die, etc.)

Spoiler: It sucks to do laundry in that world?!

Glad to see you're enjoying it. Elantris is also worth reading as well, Warbreaker less so.
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Re: Books
« Reply #430 on: October 11, 2009, 09:13:12 PM »
I actually reread Warbreaker pretty recently, and I did like it better on a second read.
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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Books
« Reply #431 on: October 13, 2009, 01:56:29 AM »
Mistborn - Finished this on Friday. I don't really have time for super in-depth reviews, which is just as well since it means I can write a relatively spoiler-free version.

The good:

Very cool book overall, has the two things I look for most in fantasy: some solid character work and a believable, consistent, interesting magic system. The setting is pretty interesting; it's a pretty stock despotism, but the unique history and the philosophical questions of whether the Lord Ruler is actually justified is kinda neat. The setting also shows signs of the magic clearly percolating through society, which is very nice.

Character-wise, a few of the characters were very good. It's pretty hard not to like Vin, she makes an effective main and an admirable person even if she is at times (believably) childish and naive in a distrusting way. Kelsier I didn't expect to like much at first, since initially he seems like he's going to be the "prefect" fan insert, but his own flaws of overzealousness and overconfidence shine through at times. I found myself looking forward to any time the two interacted, in particular.

Plot was strung along pretty well. Some notes, and as it's hard to avoid the SPOILERS here...

Sanderson likes plot twists, apparently. The guy writing the entries at the start of each chapter being the Lord Ruler was one I called almost immediately, and it seemed pretty cool. I'm actually a bit unhappy that another plot twist got layered over this one so that it WASN'T him... we just don't learn enough about Rashek to ultimately care about him, and this greatly hurts the Lord Ruler who was promising to be a more intriguing character than he ultimately was. I really hope later books shed more light on him.

Kelsier's death was really unexpected, but looking back it just made way too much sense. Good show there. Marsh ex Machina was kinda random. I liked Marsh well enough in his limited screentime though, so... well, if it goes somewhere cool in later books, it'll be worth it. Solution to killing the Lord Ruler was pretty amusing.

I'm actually rather surprised that Elend ended up as uncompromisingly sympathetic as he did. Sanderson did a pretty good job of colouring expectations of him from the point of view of Kelsier and crew, I think.

The end felt very packed together, and this isn't necessarily a good or bad thing... just kinda unexpected I guess. It makes sense because those events would have to happen very quickly, just I'm not used to most storytelling, but especially fantasy, doing things like that.

Very impressed overall, so a few nagging things. One, I didn't always feel as immersed in the situations of the characters as I'd like... usually in the form of minor descriptions that seem missing (Vin doesn't have any comments about drinking a vial of metal for the first time?). Also, it seems character worth drops off fairly dramatically for the side characters compared to the mains - Dockson, for instance, is around a lot but I got virtually no feeling for him besides "Kelsier's friend". Generally, though, the concerns are small, and ones I am willing to overlook because they seem like the mistakes of a young writer. It'll take some time for me to decide exactly where Mistborn falls in my estimation, but safe to say it's very much on the high end of fantasy. Yay. Heed the aiel's word, slackers.

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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Books
« Reply #432 on: October 20, 2009, 05:39:17 AM »
Spoiler warning. Worst is concealed or skirted, but if the slightest spoilers bother you and you just want to know my recommendation, don't read past the second second sentence of the next paragraph.

Finished The Well of Ascension. Outstanding book, even better than the first. I really enjoyed some of the themes Sanderson explored in this novel. I always enjoy a fantasy story with some political stuff tossed in, but the book took it to the next level with an interesting look at leadership and what makes a good leader. I also particularly enjoyed the relationship of Vin and the kandra, which again, took some interesting looks at the relationship of master and servant. On the note of relationships, I liked Vin's and Elend's. Sanderson wasn't afraid to explore the impacts of what each is doing on their relationship, including areas such as Vin worrying about being perceived as a violent assassin, the differences between Mistborn and normal human and the tension it creates, and the more mundane but still interesting effects of duty and maturation on the relationship and the need to be needed. There is also the theme of religion and faith, and I'm not quite sure what to make of how the book handles it, that will require further reflection.

The ultimate plot twist was rather clever. As Sazed observes in the epilogue, we're hit with a big clue as to what has happened ( Nothing not written in metal can be trusted ) and we ignore it as rambling, just as the characters do. Or at least I totally fell for it. Cute. I also liked how the destructive force abused Zane; the taunt it leaves him with was one of the most memorable scenes in the book (whole fight was. There's something about Mistborn; their fights are cooler than any other I've seen in fantasy, and I enjoy them where I gloss over most fantasy action).

Character-wise... on the one hand, nobody could replace Kelsier, so Vin very much stood on her own as the book's best character. The flipside of this is that there are quite a few more good characters. Elend was handled generally well, although I'm not as sold on him as his plot importance suggests I should be. The kandra, as mentioned, I ended up liking a lot, and I didn't expect to since he just seems rude and stand-offish at first. Interestingly, turns out it is TenSoon who is the interesting character, not OreSeur. In hindsight, that was the biggest clue that a switch had happened. Breeze got some minor point of view stuff which I really liked; he is a bastard manipulator but has such a good heart, and the dichotomy is fun, not to mention he gets good lines in both word and thought. Zane was solid, a nice subversion of the mysterious badass trope. You don't expect him to be so fucked up, yet his raw charisma and planning lets him almost succeed in his plans. Lord Cett is minor but randomly badass (an honest tyrant is still a tyrant). Straff is at least a total douche and is fun to cheer against. Jastes Lekal fails more than the likes of Charmles. Sazed I still need to figure out my opinion on.

Vin, of course, remains admirable, a delightful combination of emotional strength and weakness, a total badass who is also a teenaged girl from a broken home. Sanderson doesn't shy away from exploiting just how impressive a person she is, and he doesn't shy away from the problems her personality and temperament create. She is exactly what I like in a main character and undoubtedly one of my favourites in fiction. Also, let's not overlook it: Mistborn are cool. They just are.

Sanderson is pretty much a master of plot twists. It can be argued he likes them too much, but he is really damn good at plotting them out and pulling them off. As I've mentioned, quite a few scenes are going to really stick with me.

My only real complaint, and this part does involve some general spoilers (so be warned!), is that I don't like the setup for the third book. Well had an awesome setup. The chaos in the power vacuum created by the destruction of the hated Final Empire is a wonderful setting for a sequel (as a quote on the book says, I did always want to know what happened after the good guys won...). By comparison, I am less excited going into the final book. "Now we must do battle against the ultimate evil" isn't nearly as intriguing. Also, I didn't figure it out until I started writing this post, but Elend getting the gift he got at the end of Book 2 bothers me, because it feels like it just tosses out all his character development as this combat-shy man who has tension in his relationship with a Mistborn because of their differences (already touched on the multiple ways that was interesting in the first paragraph). And I never liked the Steel Inquisitors as villains. Oh well.

Of course, less excited is no insult. I am still eager to read, because I know that Sanderson can take some mundane things and add his own interesting twists and themes and make them very much worth my while. He's surprised me enough already that I expect him to surprise me here.

Brandon Sanderson is officially one of my three favourite modern fantasy writers. Perhaps this should come as little shock, given that my other two apparently both think extremely highly of him (i.e. Robin Hobb has some extremely glowing praise for him quoted on the book jacket, and Robert Jordan liked him enough to have him finish his own prized work).
« Last Edit: October 20, 2009, 02:28:53 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Books
« Reply #433 on: October 20, 2009, 01:14:53 PM »
Oh yeah. I pimp it out whenever someone reads Mistborn, but check out his website when you're done ( His annotiations are really cool to read after you're done with the books.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 03:03:16 AM by Ciato »
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Re: Books
« Reply #434 on: October 27, 2009, 06:11:55 AM »
Furies of Calderon: This was surprisingly good. Well, it shouldn't be that surprising, since it's by Jim Butcher, who writes the Dresden Files, and those are awesome, but I didn't expect him to cross over to straight-up fantasy as well as he did. Nothing spectacular, but a good read, and I'll have to pick up the rest of the series sometime.

Variable Star: Had this thrown at me by a friend who wants to hook me on Spider Robinson's work, despite the fact that it's based on an unfinished Heinlein manuscript (I hate Heinlein). It was pretty good, although a few remnants of Heinlein's style grated, and Robinson's random filibuster against George Bush and organized religion were just weird. I'll have to borrow some more of his stuff.

Batman: No Man's Land: Holy shit that was good. The writers just take the basic principle of the story and develop it from every possible angle, and it adds up to something special. The idea is that Gotham City is hit by an enormous earthquake and eventually given up for lost and cut off by the US government, sending everybody who didn't get out in time back to the stone age. You get stories on the barter economy that springs up, stories on the gangs that end up controlling the territory, stories on the remaining police trying to keep order (my favorites), stories on the regular people trying to keep it together, stories about the neutral-zone hospitals that crop up...not all of them are good, but many of them are, and with 100-some issues in the arc not a one felt rushed. It adds up to one of the most richly developed settings I've ever seen in a mainstream comic, with some good character work for the bat-people to boot. And as a side bonus it introduced both Harley Quinn and Mercy Graves in the comic continuity, which is fun for the DCAU fans.

Still need to pick up And Another Thing...; don't have very high hopes for it, but I didn't have high hopes for Mostly Harmless, and I still read that.
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Re: Books
« Reply #435 on: October 27, 2009, 03:38:09 PM »
Gathering storm: Mine.

Life: What life?
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Lady Door

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Re: Books
« Reply #436 on: October 27, 2009, 04:24:08 PM »
New WoT book shipped to me. I'm still finishing the one before the one before that (Winter's Heart). :( Not having bus/BART time to read REALLY kills the amount of reading I've been able to get done.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 06:16:13 PM by Lady Door »
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Re: Books
« Reply #437 on: October 28, 2009, 02:46:52 AM »
Hmm, two chapters in to Gathering Storm.  Sanderson says the intro to Chapter 1 is the first thing he wrote, and it shows.  Aside from that, it doesn't just feel like Jordan, it feels like good Jordan.  Like the way he gets when everything is coming together to make one beautiful moment.  And apparently the end of Book 14 was penned by Jordan himself before he passed on.

I have a very good feeling.


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Re: Books
« Reply #438 on: October 28, 2009, 04:49:56 AM »
You should, it's probably the best book in the series. I just finished it, and DAMN.
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Re: Books
« Reply #439 on: October 28, 2009, 05:45:31 AM »
I remain skeptical that it's good enough for me to slog through book 8-11 anytime soon.


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Re: Books
« Reply #440 on: October 28, 2009, 06:06:46 AM »
Nah, I'd say wait  a few years until the series is done to do that.

That said, now around chapter 9.  Book is still good, things still happening at a pace similar to Book 11.  Which is decently impressive, especially when you realise that Book 10 was basically the week after the events at the end of Book 9.  My only complaint so far is that the writing is fairly stiff as it's coming across as Sanderson trying to write like Jordan, and the two of them have different natural patterns for writing and description and the like.  And the conformity Sanderson's doing is definately causing the very dense, flowing, prose of Jordan to be less dense.  As such I'm wondering if the parts that flow better do so because they were written later, after Sanderson had more practise, or because they're the ones that Jordan did the most work on before he died.  The comforting part though, is that the more important the sequence, the less noticable this is.

So yeah, will be finishing this in a day or two at latest, and it will have to work to be worst book in the series.

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Re: Books
« Reply #441 on: October 28, 2009, 09:48:17 AM »
Read those Ciaphas Cain books. They're a decent yarn.


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Re: Books
« Reply #442 on: October 28, 2009, 09:52:22 AM »
I actually read through one of the compendiums of Ciaphas Cain a few months back.  It almost made me like Warhammer 40k but then they go and get all serious about it and it kills it.
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Re: Books
« Reply #443 on: October 28, 2009, 08:09:00 PM »
Book 12, nonspoilers:

It blends Jordan and Sanderson's styles. The more rapid style is Sanderson's, but more than that I think it is Jordan finally getting a move on with his series. This honestly should've have been done after book 7 at the latest instead of just  meandering the way it does through path of daggers through crossroad of twilight.


"Rand walks into a room, wearing black and red."

 The detail's been reduced, as the scope of the book is much broader now. Certain scenes that would've been in previous books are glossed over.


The execution of the Black Ajah members and Elaida being nearly overthrown by her own ajah

It's missing some of the richness of the previous books, but not enough to really be a strike against it. The book is already giganic (750 pages hardcover) and some things had to hit the cutting room floor. Much as I love the series, it's fine with me. You can take advantage of the exposition and character work done in previous books and just get a move on. It focuses largely on two PoV's in the book. Two major PoV characterss barely show up, and a third isn't shown in the book. This is more of the way the book is cut, as you can see things and scenes you're missing by the way it's structured.

Major spoilers, do not read these until you've read the book:

The book just kicks ass all around. It starts off taking care of massively overdue business- Executing Masema. Points to Faile! Beyond that, 95% of this book is about Rand and Egwene's story.  Rand finally reaches his breaking point when... well, you have to read it to see it. As soon as he says the words, you know what is going to happen. It's just brutal. Egwene more or less wrapped up the white tower arc and most of Verin's storylines.

Problems: Mat's tone felt off and some of the wrapping up does feel rushed. Can't be helped at this stage, I suppose.

If it's not the best book in the series, it's close. Just so much resolves itself. It finally feels like the beginning of the end, so to speak.

Best scenes- These aren't in order, just picking the best five right now

1. Verin's confession. This doesn't surprise me at -all- and fits the character perfectly, but DAMN it had an impact. Jordan makes it very clear from the beginning that no one, not even Moiraine, trusts Verin in the least. They had good reason for doing so, but she was on the good guy's side in the end.
2. Rand oblierates Grendael and her palace with Balefire
3. Rand destroys the Choden Kal.
4. Rand uses the True Power.
5. Egwene unites the White Tower and purges the Black Ajah. More specifically, her coronation and her line about greed for knowledge. That greed led to Moghedien getting free and other mistakes.

There are countless other great scenes. Nynaeve growing up and admitting that Moiraine's method of dealing with Rand was right and her character arc in general was great. She was the last one who could quail Rand's rage and prevent him from going too far off the deep end.

Best character- Not in order

1. Rand
2. Egwene
3. Verin
4. Nynaeve
5. Uh. Wow. The first four were obvious. Faile was barely in the book but had a great scene, Min was barely in it, Mat was barely in it, Siuan/Gawyn/Bryne were all solid but can't compare to the first four. I'll think about it.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 04:25:00 AM by superaielman »
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Re: Books
« Reply #444 on: October 29, 2009, 04:19:47 AM »
emptyquoting your own post, Super? For shame.
Don't think of it as a novel. Think of it as a chance to retroactively win every argument you have ever walked away from.


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Re: Books
« Reply #445 on: October 29, 2009, 04:22:24 AM »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Books
« Reply #446 on: November 01, 2009, 01:30:09 AM »
Elfboy- If you want to read my thoughts on mistborn, scroll back a few pages. Nothing has really changed.

Warbreaker- I didn't really go into any detail about this book.  I enjoyed it, but it deserves a bit of expanded commentary which I did not do last time.

The bad: The ending. It wasn't bad in the Xenosaga 3 sense of 'are you fucking shitting me? Jump off the nearest cliff you inept assholes and land on the semen drenched corpses of your mothers), it literally wasn't there. Sanderson wrote a fine novel, but got 90% of the way through and realized he had to wrap most of it up. This feels like a flaw directly related to it being an internet novel in print form. I still consider this to be inexcusable. You literally solve the problem of the undead army in the final ten pages. The warbreaker himself was not a well done character and lacked enough camera time to be fleshed out, and for once I didn't really care about the backround of the world.

The princesses on the other hand were great. The way he breaks down the older princess to the point of her seriously considering whoring her virginity away so she can be warm and eat is belivable. It's amaizng what a few weeks of starvation and being sick will do, and he perfectly captures it in novel form. The younger one mostly grows up along a more predictable path. That's my major problem with the book. The big twists aren't hard to figure out for the most part, and feel secondary anyway to the character building .Blah.

The small merc band that the older princess works with? I just thought it clicked. THAT plot twist caught me off guard, as it was supposed to do. It felt like Kelsier/Vin again, except the kindly man taking the young girl under his wing was really a monster after all.Magic system wasn't bad, but didn't do it for me like the mistborn magic or Raoden's runes in Elantris. Good book, just needed some more work done.

Lightfoot was generally cool, but on reflection his scenes don't really stick to me the way the girl's did. The scene where he remembers/is told what he did to become a god is fantastic.

The gathering storm spoilers:
I really wish they had shown the execution of at least Sheriam.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 01:43:07 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: Books
« Reply #447 on: November 01, 2009, 01:37:09 AM »
Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut.

This is made of pure awesome and win.
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Re: Books
« Reply #448 on: November 01, 2009, 01:56:15 AM »
Kurt Vonnegut.

This is made of pure awesome and win.

Still accurate.
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Re: Books
« Reply #449 on: November 01, 2009, 02:02:52 AM »
The Gathering Storm: Read about half the book today to finish it. Awesome. Focus on only two plot threads, but they are by far the most interesting/important plot threads. Since Super prompted me earlier, top 5 scenes/characters

1. Verin's Confession- I suppose of all the things to wrap up in this book, this may indeed by the one with the longest time coming. 10 books!
2. Graendal's Death- For almost half the series, Graendal has been our eyes into the Forsaken. Even in this book, While some of them still feel like somewhat vague entities, she was the one that felt the most fleshed out. So to see her die in a split second from a long distance away in the middle of the book was definitely surprising (And awesome).
3. Egwene's holding of the Tower against the Seanchan-
4. Egwene dressing down Elaida-
5. Rand breaking the Choedan Kal above Dragonmount- This is partially just to note that the final culmination of several aspects of Rand's character development that have hopefully now been resolved. So we've probably gotten past his issues with women- although maybe not until Moraine returns next book- as well as gotten past his attempts to be hard, not to mention the permanent banishment of Lews Therin. The scene was good on its own merits, but neatly tying up several aspects at once made it worked quite well. Not so shocking: Cadsuane helps him again by failing! Although I suppose he hasn't cried yet.

Characters in order.
1. Verin- Win. I haven't really even wanted to be spoilers in here because holy crap. Not many scenes, but she rocked the few she had.
2. Egwene- Killed it in basically every chapter. She just really fully came into her role in this book, and her continuous subtle work was excellent. Earning the esteem of basically everyone in the tower, holding off the Seanchan, and really cutting off the Black Ajah were all awesome. She really should be number 1, but Verin was just special.
3. Rand- Rand had several good scenes, although it was hard to compete with Egwene's steady flow of subtle awesomeness. Still, he perma-offed two Forsaken, rubbed Cadsuane's face the mud, and appeared to overcome a few of his more headaching inducing personality traits!
Hmm...I was going to try to list five, but I feel a lot of character here are kind of in the same boat. Min, Nyneave, and Aviendha all came to either important or obvious realizations (Okay, I guess the obvious realization was Min. Although as Aviendha noted, maybe she still has a few realizations left ahead of her).
4. Okay...I lied. After writing all this, it did come to me there was someone who did deserve the 4th slot, but wasn't immediately obvious since a lot of journey was tied up in Egwene's and we're certain never to see into her head. Yes, it's...Silviana! And no, I didn't immediately remember her name and had to ask Super. It didn't mean that her facing down Elaida and almost leading to her deposement wasn't awesome, even if we didn't directly see it. Rubbing her new station in the face of Lelaine and Romanda didn't hurt either.
5. The raken that carried off Elaida into the sunset...Oh, Itulrade was pretty cool too.

To Super: I found myself pretty satisfied with the description of Sheriam's last moments, especially her breaking down at the end because even if she realized she was free from the Forsaken who plagued her so, she couldn't escape the Dark One even in death.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 02:04:45 AM by Dhyerwolf »
...into the nightfall.