*3-Rika (PS4)* vs *Choko (AtLC)*
*Berle (SO2)* vs *Terra Branford (FF6)*
*Ryu (BoF2)* vs *Id (XG)*
Belial (WA4) vs *2-Myria (BoFs)*
*3-Delita Hyral (FFT)* vs Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6)
*Lyndis (FE7)* vs *Odin (VP2)*
Dias Flac (SO2) vs *Hero (Lufia 1)*
Percival (S3) vs 2-Athos (FE7)
*4-Jessica Philomele(MK)* vs *Virginia Maxwell (WA3)*
*Umaro (FF6)* vs Heath (FE7)
Vivi Ornitier (FF9) vs *Sheela (SF2)*
*Cleo (S1)* vs *2-Alhazad (WA1)*
*3- Jane Maxwell (ACF)* vs *Slash (CT)*
Thomas (S3) vs *Rennac (FE8)*
*Cinnamon (MMXCM)* vs *Lucia (SH2)*
*Nina (BoF3)* vs *2-Luke fon Fabre (TotA)*
Ghaleon (Champ), Belial (Ashe), Valvalis (Alanna), Naesala (Cmdr), Van Grants (Purple Outsider), Lenneth (Dunefar), Luther (Sage), Ryu2 (Pyro), Rika (Tala), Myria (Sopko), Lulu (Wakka699), Berle (OblivionKnight), Terra (Lance), Fujin (MC50), Choko (Ephraim), Mewtwo (Xeroma)/Id (Champ)
Edgar (Tala), Athos (Excal), Dias (VSM), Lyndis (Scar), Odin (Snowfire), Hugo (Dhyer), HeroL1 (Doma), Dehuai (Vortex), Lang (Elfboy), Percival (Ryogo), Sabin (MC50), Mario (Tala), Maria (Dude789), Delita (AAA), Id(Champ)/Mia(Twil), Shu (OK)/Kornell(Champ)
Koromaru (Pyro), GuyL2 (Dunefar), JessicaMK (Nitori), Colm (Hinode), Alhazad (Monkey), Charizard (Ultradude), Virginia (Ryogo), Heath (FE7), Orlha (Twilkitri), Vivi (Yoshiken), Umaro (Yoshiken), Nina5 (AAA), Eliwood (Flaya), Sheela (Ciato), Kornell (Champ)/Pip (ephraim) Cleo (Champ)/Argilla (Ryogo)
Razzely (Vortex), Louise (Bard), Dorcas (Twil), Miki (Tala), Jane (Snow), Nina3 (Chisa), Rennac (Ephraim), Luke (Ultradude), Camus (Nephrite), Slash (Meeple), LuciaSH2 (CT), Hawkeye (Twilktir), Thomas (Xeroma), Lino (Yoshiken), Cinnamon (Ephraim), Big Joe (Namagomi)/Cleo(Champ)
Thanks to Twil for his awesome spreadsheet, made things much easier.
I'm going to be out of town for the next two updates and so will some of the other writers with spring break coming up. Make sure you grab writeups and help out- everyone from people who have been here since S1 to our new members are welcome and encouraged to write. I really don't want to come back and find out that Snow and Tai did ten writeups each weeks 1 and 2. Thanks.