Author Topic: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid  (Read 54183 times)


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #300 on: January 17, 2008, 04:02:43 AM »
Oh right, well I never noticed that. I guess it's of little impact compared to your scummy actions though. Nothing to do with your misrep's & backing up Excal. I didn't give Excal a free pass, I attacked them both; you've been 'lurking' in a sense too. Nothing to do with trying to make me look like a scum rolecop.
You're being very defensive over the fact that I went for Tai first, then Excal, when in reality it's not important. What's important is the case on you.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #301 on: January 17, 2008, 04:18:47 AM »
Apologies, I'm trying to understand the case on Yakumo so I'm rereading again.

Also, Yakumo has the right of it re: my posting habits.

Regarding my "cliffhanger comment", apologies for leaving that out there to hang, but I misremembered a comment Yakumo had said, as well as the timing of a few comments. So it wasn't at all what I was thinking.

Murgh. Lost in thought on this, there's some things I don't get. Lemme pull them up.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #302 on: January 17, 2008, 04:21:51 AM »
What's important is that you're basing your case on me on my 'misrepresenting' you, but you're doing the same thing to me.  I think I've addressed every point you made, and totally destroyed some of them, but you won't take a few minutes to think and either ask more questions or state what you think I said that still makes me scum.  How is what you're doing any better than the case you've made against me, I ask?  You also look right past evidence that is thrown in front of your face.  For crying out loud, you're complaining about someone taking evidence you left(your speculation on Excal's role) and using it against you.  What are we supposed to think when you start throwing role speculation out there, ESPECIALLY after what happened to Smodge because of it?


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #303 on: January 17, 2008, 04:26:27 AM »
*eyes Taishyr much*
"Sorry for my cliffhanger,
now here's another"?

Please do your best to
come up with whatever you're
looking for soon, now.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #304 on: January 17, 2008, 04:36:01 AM »
ESPECIALLY after what happened to Smodge because of it?
Who's fault was that? Yours, Excal and Alex/Ran.

The thing is, I wasn't speculating on Excal's role, I was trying to decide whether he was lurking 'legitimately' or not.* Once again, you're trying to make it look like I was working out people's roles.

*Lurking is never legitimate, but sometimes explanable.

Ok, #1 is debunked.
#2 still stands, as does #2.5
#3 too.
#4 and 4.5 are circumstantial, as noted, not decisive proof.
#5 - character speak can be isolated from #1; but still more circumstantial than anything.
#6 - Ok, I'll drop this one.
#7 - It looked like you were trying to make me appear in a scummy light. I've talked on this one enough.

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #305 on: January 17, 2008, 04:46:14 AM »
If wondering out loud if he might be a vanilla townie isn't what you would call speculating on his role, you need to brush up your vocabulary a little.

2 and 2.5 require me to fear my role being guessed.  If I don't have to talk like a robot and I care that you might guess my role because I'm talking like a robot, WHY WOULD I DO IT?  It was just to have fun, nothing more.  Hence, I don't have anything to fear from Smodge trying to dig out my role.  Therefore, 2 and 2.5 do not apply.  3 is totally WIFOM, I can't defend myself against that but it's not really evidence either way.  As for 7, I did that because you were acting scummy and I thought you were scum!  The flip of Excal has cleared most of my suspicion from yesterday away from you, since it was based on you sounding like you knew his role, but you aren't acting much better today.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #306 on: January 17, 2008, 04:50:31 AM »
ESPECIALLY after what happened to Smodge because of it?
Who's fault was that? Yours, Excal and Alex/Ran.

Forgot to comment on this part.  Seriously.  We weren't the only ones to say that was a bad idea, and even scum are going to give good advice from time to time; it makes them look better to the town.  Giving bad advice blatantly is a good way to get everyone looking at you and get the wrong end of the noose.  And yet you're discounting people saying that digging out roleclaims early is a bad thing?  Well, tell me this.  Why would you say differently?


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #307 on: January 17, 2008, 04:53:14 AM »
As for 7, I did that because you were acting scummy and I thought you were scum!
If I was acting scummy, why would there be any need to misrepresent me to make me look scummy?

Re Smodge: Perhaps, but the fact of the evidence remains.

Anyway, I don't think we're going to get much more out of this. I guess it's up to everyone else...
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #308 on: January 17, 2008, 05:27:33 AM »
Eh, you're right about one thing.  There's really nothing else to say until the others chime in on this.

I should probably comment on something besides myself, too. 

Alex... eh.  The evidence against him is more stuff that I lean toward agreeing with him on.  The worst is the thing about him not hitting Otter for lying, really, but that fits with the other stuff he's been saying about trying to generate information to work with.  I'm getting a slight town read here, though it's shaky.

The case against Ciato is a little better, in my opinion, but not terribly solid.  I'm leaning a bit toward scummy, but not far.  Probably the best arguements I've seen to this point, though.

EvilTom: I was pretty much ready to drop suspicion on him, even after he attacked me, but the way he's continuing with the same attack after I feel I've addressed his points isn't sitting well.  Then again, it's hard for me to see a scum railroading a townie this hard at this point.  I'm still leaning town.

Meeple is playing like Meeple.  I haven't really noticed much of a difference between his town and scum play yet, and he hasn't made any major tells to either side yet, so a neutral read.

Tai has been understandably tied up between being sick and the Discworld endgame, but that game's done and he'd better start playing in here soon.  Not enough sitting around to read.

Andy looks vaguely townish to me, he's putting out solid opinions.  He needs to have more of a presence though; I don't know if it's low count or content but it's hard to remember a lot of what he's said and done thus far.

Dhyer, much like Andy, is kinda failing to register on the radar, but I have less positive impressions of his opinions than Andrew's.  I'd really like him to speak up more, without parroting other people.

I guess the one that looks worst to me is Ciato, honestly, so that's where I'm going to put my vote.

##Vote: Ciato

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #309 on: January 17, 2008, 07:51:56 AM »
This, and her lack of
any serious attempt
to save Smodge day 3


low content posting,
lack of justifications

I posted why I thought smodge was telling the truth and that he was getting picked on; what else was I supposed to say? There wasn't a heck of a lot to discuss. Alex is acting scummy and trying to kill smodge. I think he is telling the truth. No one else does. Should I have posted it in all caps or larger print or something the second time, since my point was exactly the same? So uh me not railroading someone (like everyone else did and apparently they aren't as scummy as me!) is bad? Oh please.

and her being the
one who assisted
Smodge's role discussion in
the first place don't help.

They might be forced to talk in their roles?

This is the only thing I said that I can interpretted as such, and that's a tenous argument at best. It seems incredibly harmless to me since either side could have to talk in roles. In other words, lol to this point.

Then in 66 she pulls
a complete turn-round,
acknowledging that Smodge was
in fact role fishing

I changed my view on smodge because he said this.
I still don't see whats wrong with a simple interest in what/who you are, you don't need to comment at all on it.

So would you please tell the whole story if you are going to mindlessly attack me with your tunnel-vision on, please? Saying "what you are" is extremely key there. What implies wanting to know actual things beyond flavor to me, whereas none of his previous posts did. This is why I commented on said post. I didn't believe it because, well, I thought it was smodge being smodge. And guess what? IT WAS! But I certainly acknowledged that this statement was worse than the others (because it was).

This "tunnel vision"
I have explained lots before.
Should I do so more?

If someone comes up
on day one, and asks you to
make a megalist,

do you do it? 

Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 is what you have done here. That is significantly different and you know it. There were no other cases because you refused to hear anything else.

The case against Ciato is a little better, in my opinion, but not terribly solid.  I'm leaning a bit toward scummy, but not far.  Probably the best arguements I've seen to this point, though.

What arguments?

It'd be a crap scum ploy. Start on day 1 and go after smodge for 3 days? So you can appear wrong? Why? It makes no sense. Sure, it's not the best town play (it's rather bad, really), but it doesn't even sound like a scum ploy. It sounds suicidal. Alex has nothing to gain if he's scum. Seriously, think it over before you jump on the Alex train. Ignore the hype, and ask yourself /why/.
So, if it's just bad town play, should we lynch him? Hell no! I'm sick of that argument "bad scum or bad town, lynch anyway!", it's rubbish. It only benefits scum, really.

Alex: Hrm... I want to say he feels scummy, but I have a hard time buying that given both his voting record and fairly single-minded attack of Smodge before this point. It just doesn't seem like solid scum play.

See, it seems like a lot of the DL thinks that no scum would take major risks or put their ass on the line. So the obvious answer is that they aren't scum. Or in Alex's words...

The DL is way
too lax about letting folks
off the hook on things.

Anyway, I guess my thoughts on the subject are this. You can say that Alex's game is pretty terrible for a scum player; I say it's pretty terrible for a townie player. To attack someone for slipping over words and then turn around and try to make things sound worse than they really are... can someone tell me how this is helpful to town?


Tai: Please please please post some content soon. I can't even get any type of read on anything without content. I am getting somewhat leery of you for this.

Yakumo also looks somewhat bad in my eyes due to a couple of things, but I'm not sure why scum!Yakko would bus Otter when it was just as easy to bus Zenny. Unless argh I guess if Otter wanted to die or something. I'm not used to having to think about things in terms of how badly someone wants to play in the game they are in. >_< EvilTom has made a few valid points on him, but I'm not sure how much stock I would put in a double-bus as the first two votes on him. It could be possible that he was trying to rid of Tom for a foul-up, but... eh. Hard to say.

Tom feels extremely well-intentioned; like he is trying to legitimately make this case. He regards that, yes, there are other people in the game and talks about them, but makes his case that he feels strongly about. He could be scum trying to make this push but I dunno. I don't think so.

Andrew has done the smodge thing, riding him very hard, and then comes out in Day 4 with an attack on Dhyer while just having nice sort of generic views on everyone else. The attack is somewhat.. I dunno. It feels very similar to what Andrew himself is doing. Votes Otter second to last before Otter hammers himself, which could be a read just about anywhere. Doesn't really credit or discredit him too much one way or another considering that was clearly how the flow of the day was going. Day 2 he has some really long posts, but the posts are just about general scum strategy rather than people followed by smodge attacking. From what I'm reading of his posts he seems to just be overanalyzing the situation as some baiting strategy by smodge rather than taking it at face value, which I can't really fault him for. He seems to be taking a pretty good stand on Dhyer, although Dhyer shows up later. Does this lower your suspicion of him?

Evil Tom isn't looking much better to me, between the all day gone vote on Dhyer and hammering a confirmed townie. Might have just been newbie play, but I would have tried to get Zenny modkilled rather then waste town's one weapon on... well... town. Not good play in my opinion.

Evil Tom: Torn on him. The lynch of Zenethor makes me uncomfortable, but the implication of Excal (who later turns up scum) looks good. I'm tempted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Mmm. Just noting mostly that I definitely agree with this sentiment, although I think I put less stock in the overall scumminess of the act. A modkill isn't really something that might come to your mind immediately, I guess, and the impulse to just end the day is there. I don't personally like the move but I can see why a townie would reasonably do it.

Meeple I have remarkably no read on at all. He seems to make valid enough points on the subjects he talks about, and is generally being fairly non-confrontational (which I can't blame him for), but he has consistently made some decent points about various things, which makes me think he's a townie.

So yeah, seems like Ciato was too lazy to really go back to check if Zenny had posted that day, and just assumed it was silencing since he hadn't posted in a while. 

Pretty much. Not really as much lazy as really not feeling up to par, which has been the case for the past five days or so. I've been trying, but the wheels of my mind are much slower when they are clogged with yucky sinuses, and it's hard to just tackle stuff at all that way. Trying to tackle math takes priority I'm afraid.

Dhyer... hard to say, really. I honestly haven't a lot of material on him, although his latest post makes enough sense. Blah. Voting for Yakko makes sense to me at this point, although I refuse to ignore blatent scumminess so I'll be keeping my vote where it is.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #310 on: January 17, 2008, 09:07:50 AM »
Dhyer (1) - Andrew
Alex (2) - Ciato, Meeple
Yakumo (2) - EvilTom, Dhyerwolf
Ciato (1) - Alex, Yakumo

Roughly 15 hours to go. I think it takes 5 to lynch, with 8 alive.

Tai is still sitting on the fence, lurking away. He's also the last to vote. We're going to have to decide on somebody to lynch for tonight, otherwise it will be a nolynch which will not help us at all.
As it stands, everyone seems to suspect (roughly in order):

Alex, Yakumo, Ciato.

Alex is voting Ciato, Ciato is voting Alex. Both of them seem to have it stuck in for each other.

I want to hear a summary from Meeple, stating reasons of voting for Alex at this current time, since it's been a while.
The same goes for Yakumo. Yakumo, you havn't really listed much against Ciato, it seems to be mainly that 'everyone else looks less scummy'.

Tai, you must come to a decision. Otherwise we'll gangbang you for lurking/fencesitting.

Dhyer, I want to know to what extent you agree with me about Yakumo. Go through the 7 points, if you must.

Common guys, we're running out of time! If we can get this right, the game's in the bag.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #311 on: January 17, 2008, 09:16:45 AM »
So, by Ciato,
I'm personally to be
held accountable

for the noted lack
of other early cases,
because I "refused

to hear anything
else?"  This is the most damning
thing she's said to date,

even more so since
in the same post she admits
to not pursuing

anything else cause
"There wasn't a heck of a
lot to discuss" then.

Way back in the first
Newbie game, Super came out
off the bat on me

trying to claim that
a skilled single player could
dominate all talk.

That was a false and
scummy attitude then, and
I promptly caught him.

The same holds true now.
You can't ascribe magical
discussion control

powers to me (or
anyone else).  Nobody
was forced to focus

on Smodge alone at
any time.  I did urge for
caution when talking

of Smodge-related
consequences, but never
any other talk.

Especially she
can't claim intimidation,
with how she's posted...

Or claims to have done.
She says she posted why she
thought Smodge was truthful,

and just didn't want
to restate that.  But, uh, where?
Wasn't on day 3.

No posts from her there
save her glib vote against me
and some wonderings

that don't read like much.
Looking back further, further,
quite a bit further...

One single one-line
mention of how Andrew and
I concern her, and....

she attacks Andrew for his
focus on Smodge, but...

still no reasons seen.
152, she says that
Andy vs Smodge

ain't town versus town,
but she can't give reasons why.
And that's all there is.

Defense of Smodge? Not
found.  Thinking Smodge is telling
the truth?  Still not found.

Near zero useful
content on Smodge past day 1.
The two posts mentioned

as flipping is *ALL*,
all else is accusations
against Andrew/me

(and mostly Andrew)
for never-backed gut instinct
and the vague feeling

that "focus is bad."
Which, for what I hope will be
the last time, is false.

Day one, day two, and
day three by game terms is "what
I have done", quite so,

but as I have said
repeatedly, the nature
of the day 1 and

2 self-lynches made
that entire span equal
day 1, info-wise.

That said, Tai's looking
worse to me as I think more.
Like Excal, I gave

him a bit of slack
due to Discworld endgaming,
but that's now run out,

and he's using a
common mainstay scum tactic.
Promising "later,"

failing to follow
through, apologizing for
something bad and then

doing the same thing
again in the very same
post.  I don't like it.

I've seen this before
with Andrew in Wheel of Time,
and other cases.

The more I think on
it, the worse I feel.  His post
had better be good. 

Edit for Tom - be
careful.  I'm not so convinced
that there's just one left.

Likely?  Well, perhaps,
but that's no reason to get
cocky at this time.

If there should be two
remaining, hopefully their
vote record today

will spill the beans, so
it's even more important
that people weigh in.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #312 on: January 17, 2008, 09:23:17 AM »
At this point, I'm thinking Tai or Dhyer are our best candidates. The arguments around Yakumo... mrgh. I'm having trouble following and will give another read. Right now though, this is where I think we should be focusing our efforts.

Dhyer has generally felt wishy-washy, which, while it does have an explanation, is overall scummy behavior. His voting record is interesting, going out on Zenny day one, Zenny day two and Smodge day three.

Tai has had no presence and keeps leaving cliffhangers. In addition, his voting record is similar to Dhyer, with Zenny day one, no vote day two and no vote day three. In addition, as a fairly neutral subject, he still hasn't been nightkilled.

My general opinion would be LAL, but the problem there is if this is scum play, it is bad scum play, which could well be true. Just because he's sick, it doesn't mean he's honest. The fact that he is still alive... eh... that's the problem to me. So. Talk.

##Unvote: Dhyer
##Vote: Tai


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #313 on: January 17, 2008, 09:53:34 AM »
Firstly. This post here...

Quote from: Ran, formatting changed
Quietrain comments on it as well, in reply 75. 
In 59, Ciato says "didn't speculate roles from this, how the hell could you do that?"
Then in 66 she pulls a complete turn-round, acknowledging that Smodge was in fact role fishing, and condemns him thus, while also commentating on his link theories.

Firstly, you fixate on Ciato's comments here, but neglect to quote or even reference them. ( [ url = sfdguwgfrn] here [/url] works wonders, in case you were wondering.) So let's actually see what was -said-, mmm?

Mentioning equals implication, just as much. See Wheel of Time game.
If I were to say "I wonder if so and so could be the doctor"
That would be quite bad. Just as an example, mind. But you get my point.
They're leading statements that encourage Yakko/me to explain ourselves

To be fair, you're right - Ciato brought up roles first. You played to her, though.
Wondering out loud is not a good thing to do unless you've a goal.
No obvious goal from those statements is pro-town. Think for yourself, there.
Ciato's as bad, almost, for joining in too. I'll remember that.
It's really not much, just enough basis for a day one vote from me.

I apologize if trying to work out if there was any motive behind the posts, correct me if i'm wrong, but don't scum sometimes have roles to? also although i have seen Alex "act strange" in both his games, it now seems to be more the norm for him, Yakumo on the other hand is the first time i have seen him do it, hence i was wondering if he was playing around with whatever flavor or if there was a link.

Query: If this does not entail wondering about my role due to my communication methods, then what method would you use to refer to that subject?

Warning:  Deliberate falsehood related to dramatic reduction in meatbag service time.

I only did after Alex brought up roles. i didn't think it had anything to do with townie roles until AFTER Alex brought it up and accused me of trying to decipher his role.
I wasn't but knowing the word of people in this is often suspect and a simple "i wasn't trying to determine your roles" wouldn't suffice, i decided to try and argue the fact that scum also have roles. Naturally that didn't work, however it is interesting how Alex pursues the issue, however he did the same in Tsukihime and was town.

(slight subnote here: I think we really really need to get some grammar clarification here, at some point. It seems clear to me that he was inquiring about character, not roles, but he used the two interchangeably here, which is a headache and a half.)

Um, excuse me? Saying that you might be talking in character doesn't imply anything at all. If you are town or scum you can talk in character... I didn't speculate roles from this. How the hell could you possibly speculate roles from this? Honestly it feels like you are just trying to make something out of very little, which doesn't sit well with me at all.

Okay. Look at this carefully. Does it contain the line Alex referenced? ... Somewhat. Yes, she is saying that she - emphasis on she, herself, Ciato - was not attempting to dig out roles. Seconding curiousity about character? Yes. I think we all were in some regard, but Smodge, Ciato and Meeple all three vocally inquired into this. It was Smodge who was singled out near the beginning by Alex (though Ciato was given a nod; Meeple stopped mentioning it). She also brings up the bloody good point that the character -does not- determine the role in most any situation. Is it possible we face an exception? Maybe. But until we have proof I would not assume as such.

-Two posts, here and here, snipped for brevity-

I will admit I mentioned the idea of roles, but it was a very superficial use of the term; it was like Ciato said, it was Role in the sense of Character.  I even followed up by saying "whether they be town, scum, 3rd party, or some unholy combination of the 3"; it was an attempt to rationally explain Alex's odd behavior (by his standards) in his topic, though I seriously think its more Alex just trying to capture the spirit of Random Mafia more so than anything else.

Ditto to Yakko.

Excal even tried to join in by making his talk style Shatner speak!  Why he doesn't just follow up and keep that up, I don't know; it certainly made things even more amusing <_< >_>

They might be forced to talk in their roles?

Simple speculation and it seems more of a suggestion than anything else, doesn't seem like a comment that could harm much.

Your last two posts, what? Don't do scum's thinking for them. Town should not out roles.

I confirm nothing. Your speculation is bad. Not good pro-town play.

I still don't see whats wrong with a simple interest in what/who you are, you don't need to comment at all on it, just talking in all haiku's seemed weird as does robot speak, which admittedly fits in with the whole random aspect but all i was curios about was if there was a link or not.

Day 1 we're often grasping at straws due to lack of information, hence we take what each other say and look at it very closely, Alex's and Yakumo's being the hardest to understand and both "acting weird" i naturally voiced my thoughts on whether there is a link or its just coincidence, then however you jump on me for something that small and continue with it.

-Post cut here -

"I still don't quite see what's wrong with an interest in who/what you are"?

This is the reason I keep posting about it. If you're town, take notes!
Scum want to know roles, both game roles and characters, for targeting kills.
Town does not want this. It is in town's best interests to conceal all roles.

This always holds true unless your game's so broken that claim/sort will win, or you've hit lategame where the scum can't get more kills. Day 1?  Worst role time!

I still don't see whats wrong with a simple interest in what/who you are, you don't need to comment at all on it, just talking in all haiku's seemed weird as does robot speak, which admittedly fits in with the whole random aspect but all i was curios about was if there was a link or not.

I'd frankly find the possibility of any potential link there being scum fairly low. In fact the possibility of a link is low to me in general. Interest in what you are is.... .... not good at all for you, I must say. "What you are" almost seems like a slip if anything.

Okay. This is the second post Alex decries. The problem here is this; read Smodge's post, two above. This is what Ciato was attacking; Smodge's terminology slipped far enough into the vagueness that he simply said "what/who you are". That implies blanket comprehension of the -role-, not the -character-; the primary problem here. To me, this simply reads as Ciato acknowledging interest in the character while doubting any relevance of character to role; Smodge's phrasing is so poor that it sounds as if he is wondering if there is a link beyond simply talking in role. Ciato's only statement on a "link" before this?

So Alex Speaks in Haiku and Yakumo speaks almost robot-like.

I wonder if theres a link.

They might be forced to talk in their roles? other words, a SIMILARITY, not a link.

So. Ciato stated that she was curious re: characters, not roles, and then yells at Smodge because he seemed far more interested in roles than characters...

Yeah, I don't see the point here; while Ciato -may- be scum, this is a line of action either side could take. In other words? I don't get the argument here.

Okay. Now for the next point; from what you have been saying, Alex, all the way until the end of day "Mega-1" (Day 1, 2, and 3 by non-Alex perceptions), we had no information. No viewpoint. Except for one. We were lost in a smoky black cage of chaos, not to have any information until the mythical "Smodge13" was slain, no?

My thoughts on others? I have none, until Smodge dies. NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.
Smodge's flip in hand, THAT will let us start to tell what to think of things.
People have backed off, jumped on, switched sides all around on the Smodge puzzle, but it can't be said what any of that stuff means until we see flips.
I could repeat this a lot, but honestly now. Not the time for lists.


The vote pile-on day 1 against lurkers.
Otter, scum.
Who commented back and forth; who voted where.
The debate thereof.
Zenthor's suicide run.
Voting records there.
The death of QR and Excal, along with your beloved Smodge13.
Debate on other actions - Yakumo and EvilTom, commentary traded there.


If you cannot find -something- in there of relevance, something that can be debated over to evoke reactions?

It is not us entertaining false possibilities, it is you refusing, within the scope of this game, to acknowledge anything else even -exists- outside your own little vendettas against anything related to the whole "role character link pisspoor wording" fragfest.

Day 1 - the day one everyone else talks about except, seemingly, you, not your megalithic volume Day 1 - did have little; Smodge, the press on lurkers, and then the lynch of Otter, scum. In this, Ciato has a point.

...But beyond that? We had the lynch on Otter, the night's result of Carthrat's death; we had the voting patterns, theories to discuss regarding why they are relevant. This is nonsensical, Alex, and I truly think you know better than this.

Was Smodge a relevant part of the puzzle? Sure. Was he the be-all end-all to it? If your answer is yes, go up and read the list again, think about how those actions might actually be relevant to the game, then continue on with this. He was not scum, he was a townie pressed against the wall and reiterating himself time and time again. Funny how townies can be pressed against the wall as easily as scum, eh...?

This being said... Ciato.

Quote from: Ciato
I posted why I thought smodge was telling the truth and that he was getting picked on; what else was I supposed to say? There wasn't a heck of a lot to discuss. Alex is acting scummy and trying to kill smodge. I think he is telling the truth. No one else does. Should I have posted it in all caps or larger print or something the second time, since my point was exactly the same? So uh me not railroading someone (like everyone else did and apparently they aren't as scummy as me!) is bad? Oh please.

Do reference this because I failed to find it as well. Will look again after this post is done, but.

And my final comment for now: testicular torsion. By Thor, testicular torsion.



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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #314 on: January 17, 2008, 10:20:48 AM »
To start off, since Tom asked me, here are my opinions on his 7 points w/ Yakumo.
1: Robot Talk- Nothing about this was innately scummy to me. However, I do think attempts to keep it up may have hindered him later on.
2: On Smodge- Yakko isn't going after Smodge at all. In fact, he says that Alex may be overreacting. He doesn't take a solid stand, and I definetely wouldn't say he was pushing Smodge hard at all. Like the first point, this doesn't read any particular way to me.
2.5: On Rat- Really circumstantial at best, this point doesn't help the case at all.
3: On Otter- Yes, this could have been a scum ploy but...the end result was that Yakumo pointed at a lie that helped sink Otter. This is my main source of reservation about Yakumo.
4: Day 2- Pretty tenuous again. Yeah, Smodge made a few random comments about Yakumo. Yeah, Smodge also played a really weird game.
5: Character Break- Again, like number 1, this means nothing. People complained about his character, so he asked if they wanted him to stop.
6: No, this really doesn't matter.
7: Finally! The part I agree with you on for reasons I've already stated.

So, the conclusion? I actually thought a lot of your arguments against Yakumo were giant stretches, but the one that wasn't definetely caught my attention.

Taishyr- Well, after the multiple cliff-hangers, he's posted now. However, again, he doesn't throw a vote, and he doesn't really even state someone he has strong suspicions on. Instead he just dissects the Alex/Ciato tangle with a lot of sources, but it feels like it's generally a rehash of things Alex/Ciato have already stated. It feels like it's still a hanging back post, and we are really starting to lack time to make the lynch today. 14-15 hours left, and our votes are pulled in 4 ways. At the same time, he's been relatively absent the last 2 days, so it's hard for me to analyze his previous stuff and see where that leaves me. I would like to see his analysis on the other matters at hand.

Alex is still leaving me fairly leery, but both he and Tai are right. Ciato never appeared to really defend Smodge, and didn't say too much during the third day on the matter at all. Given that my suspicions go in several different ways, I'm sticking with my vote now but we really need to try to get in some kind of agreement.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #315 on: January 17, 2008, 11:24:33 AM »
You want a vote?

##Vote: Ran/Alex/Sir Alex

This puts Ran at -2 to lynch, as a benchmark.

While I want to hear a bit more, my gut definitely is telling me there is a problem here.

There is one other, amusing thing:

OKAY!  Finally. Here's the long-awaited post wherein I list folks.

All of these things are my notes of what I see as relevant factoids.

Tai - "Eh."  Moves, late, to Zenny.  Sick, irritable, says the attack on Smodge had no ground, first. 

Tom - Gone for day 1.  Agrees  w/me re Smodge, votes. "Oh no, minus one!" Then hammers Zenny later.  Votes Tai for lurking. Is voted on by Excal, votes for Excal back.  Goes to Smodge later.

Dhyer - L A L on Zenny, says the Otter matter is WIFOM, agrees with QR but no vote, doesn't say much.  Goes to Smodge.  No more.

Yakumo - Second vote on Otter, votes for Tom.   Nothing else day 3?

Ciato - Says I'm too aggressive, Smodge plays bad. Reply 59, she reacts quite harshly. First to vote Otter for lurk. Reply 66, negates 59 without further commenting.  LOTS of one liners. 

Reply 130, speaks from hypothetical scum viewpoint.  Does this-

A quick interruption here: Uh. Not... so much, as she theorizes why Carthrat was killed. ...this is scummy/from scum perspective how, again? Link

-multiple times in later posts.  152, says the Smodge debate is town vs town, but can't say why.  Is noncommittal much.  Votes Andrew, reply 173.  I find this post intriguing. Takes Zenny at word.  Votes me with little comment, post 239. 

Meeple - agrees, hops on with me day 1, then moves to the Otter.  Says "I'll come up with something soon."  Agrees on Smodge.  Lots of summaries. Wavers between Smodge and Excal, then hammers Smodge.

Andrew - "Hi, I am lurking, no vote now".  Was unvoted by Otter.  Votes Otter quite late.  "Hammering scum is good!"  (how did you know he's scum?) Then goes hard on Smodge.  Consistent attack on Smodge.

That's everybody. Now what does this mean? First of all, lurkers. Taishyr, Dhyer, Yakumo, I have nothing on. Tai and Yakko both haven't posted much at all. Dhyer has said more, but his posts mostly are just summaries and such, and he rarely votes. Meeple has mostly been in line with my Smodge hate, and otherwise quiet. But Ciato, now, she sets off my alarm bells. Simply?  Lacks content. Her first flipflopping, 59 and 66, was remarked on by Quietrain, back when it happened. I found it odd, but let it go then. This is one of the things I did not want to talk about earlier. I wanted to see if she would actually come out with something thick before Smodge was lynched, or if she'd leave her 'case' there. She left it at that. All or nearly all of her posts have been too short, and lacking content. Her two line vote post said I was far too narrow, but she's not better. She voiced concern on Excal, Andrew, and myself, and thought Smodge not wrong.-

...while you focused on Smodge. And Smodge. And oh hey Smodge. Yeah, she's better, if not by much! Also, bolded line amuses me. I thought there was nothing relevant to talk about other than Smodge day 1. Perhaps a misinterpretation of what you said; however, bringing it up now makes it look far more bizarre; if you see something suspicious, say something, don't just sit on your laurels. (Says the 'lurker', yes. There's a reason I like slightly longer deadlines - I CAN ACTUALLY TALK MORE THAN ONCE, UNLIKE DAY 3. -.- But continuing on.

Now, Excal was scum, and her other arguments have never been backed. Lots of gut feeling, lots of "I'll post more later," yet nothing later. She's talked a lot from scum's viewpoint, which I always find eyebrow raising. Also telling, this is not the way she played back in the Phoenix Wright game. There, she attacked me on intuition (was right), but then backed it up. This game feels more like she's trying to play on that, and KNOWS who's town/scum. She definitely tops my suspect list right now. So ##Vote: Ciato I want to hear more, lots more, from the other three mentioned.  Time to talk!

Okay. Actual interesting comment, with something resembling a case (I have yet to fully backcheck each of his comments, but I've done it for a fair bit).

Ciato, if you were against lynching Smodge, then why were you silent? You posted hammer counting, so you were right there, but you said no more. If I was preying on easy targets, I would not be voting you! Smodge was rightly lynched. He acted scummy.  This was agreed by many. He was at the top of nearly everybody's suspect lists all game. The only people who could have KNOWN he was town are scum.
On Ciato's views: Reply number 130: "I want to say Rat seems like an awkward kill for that reason. Although he can't really be tied to others, which I guess was the rationale." Then, 152: "I think this Andy
vs. smodge thing reeks of not being town vs. town to me for some reason, although I can't place my finger on why I believe this." Then, 173: "Hounding someone who twists their words around themselves at times is profit for scum." "The focus on smodge seems like exactly what scum want to me! And I find Andrew's pressing off in some manner." 179, again, she claims gut on Zen. Scum knew Smodge and I were town all along, and so I find it likely that one went pro-Smodge but not TOO hard, declining to defend further when hammer approached!) in order to look good and get a lynch on me.

This "tunnel vision" I have explained lots before. Should I do so more? If someone comes up on day one, and asks you to make a megalist, do you do it?  Or do you look at them funny and ask them "Why are you asking me to make cases on other people out of thin air, now?" There was no case to be made on anyone but Smodge, on prior days.-

To repeat myself, admittedly far less than you have, uh. Otter. Otter NOT ACTUALLY BEING INACTIVE, WHICH YOU KNEW AND ADMITTED TO. Zenthor. Zenthor's little "lol pretend to be silenced" routine. Neither of these deserved your attention? Why not? THEY WERE ON THE BLOCK. SMODGE WAS NOT. So you refused... to actually discuss the issues at hand? Mmmkay.

NOW, yes, it is time to look around and poke at everyone.  Not then. I would like to see lots of discussion from Tai, Yakko and Dhyer.


Regarding Excal, I'm co-modding the Discworld game, where he was scum. Knowing this made me more inclined to buy into his excuses of being distracted by that game, though of course I could not say that here. For that reason I dismissed the fuss over him - at that time, at least. I think Tom was sort of overreacting there, not enough to call. In retrospect, though, he has a point on Yakko. Not for the reasons he states, exactly, but regarding reply two hundred and sixteen. This is quite the odd attack for Yakko to make. He mentions that Tom "gave Excal a pass" but Tom voted for Excal just two posts above. Tom made a misstep with the "vanilla townie" comment, for dang sure, however it is a comparative statement, makes sense to me thus. Yakko's main cited reason for his vote there was Tom's attack on Tai. But the cases on both Taishyr and Excal were lurking, and Tai had not posted, while Excal had.

Again, referencing the fact that I wasn't really around to post, but whatever. I acknowledge my fault, here. Moving on.

And Tom went for both of them, sure nuff. Yakko's vote is odd. There may be something to what Tom is saying here. Or, it could be more smoke and mirrors, the dangers of case invention when there is nothing on which to base lynch cases, save for red herrings.

O....kay. Uh. So everything aside from which you have focused on is a magical red herring? Just to get this clear, here. Since, you know. -Only the scum would know precisely what the red herrings are-. Or did you get a Magical Red Herring Detector for Christmas?

...if so, can I touch it? Please? I won't break it, really!

This will be my last post for some time, as I must sleep now and will be  gone all tomorrow till evening.  As I am apparently the top target for a lot of people for reasons I find shaky, I will say this: Stop.
Think.  If you are inclined to vote me for "tunnel vision" earlier, "Tunnel vision is bad!" is a false platitude. Think hard and try to articulate clearly how exactly focus on one lynch target hurts town, when there are no more clear cases to hunt. Tell me another case I should have been talking on extensively. I haven't seen one. I don't think there was one, and I think inventing cases for the sake of inventing more cases and chasing more tails without evidence to sustain such cases is much more town-harmful. Do not buy into "tunnel vision is bad!" when diffusion is worse.

Okay. We call it tunnel vision because you aren't just focusing, dude. You're overfocusing on one target at a time (though I seem to be creeping into your vision! Impressive, I was wondering how much -that- would take), without regards to any of the lynches, nightkills, statements or anything else going on. In other words, you are missing forest for the trees, to use anothe rote quote. Otter vs. Zenthor was an invented case? One of the two was scum. I'm not sure how the problems there were, ah, invented. I have more to say on this, but it will come at the end of this post.

*eyes Taishyr much* "Sorry for my cliffhanger, now here's another"? Please do your best to come up with whatever you're looking for soon, now.

Doing so, my little puffy-tails!

So, by Ciato, I'm personally to be held accountable for the noted lack of other early cases, because I "refused to hear anything else?"
Uh, no, you're earning ire for not really chipping in on any discussion but the Smodge one and now the case you're establishing on Ciato. When uh three days passed, other people went to the gallows, and you did little about it.

This is the most damning thing she's said to date, even more so since in the same post she admits to not pursuing anything else cause "There wasn't a heck of a lot to discuss" then.

Reference this, since I very much do not see this at -all-.

Way back in the first Newbie game, Super came out off the bat on me trying to claim that a skilled single player could dominate all talk. That was a false and scummy attitude then, and I promptly caught him.
The same holds true now. You can't ascribe magical discussion control powers to me (or anyone else).

Yelling Birds do have a tendency to distract, however. But even beside that, guess what? No one did attribute magical discussion control powers to you! Your case was, in fact, pretty much commented around and debated for the first three days. As well as other cases! Which uh you stayed mostly on the sidelines of. (Pot to kettle, reporting in!)

Nobody was forced to focus on Smodge alone at any time.  I did urge for caution when talking of Smodge-related consequences, but never any other talk.

See above comment.

Especially she can't claim intimidation, with how she's posted... Or claims to have done. She says she posted why she thought Smodge was truthful, and just didn't want to restate that.  But, uh, where?Wasn't on day 3. No posts from her there save her glib vote against me and some wonderings that don't read like much. Looking back further, further, quite a bit further... One single one-line mention of how Andrew and I concern her, and....173, she attacks Andrew for his focus on Smodge, but... still no reasons seen. 152, she says that Andy vs Smodge ain't town versus town, but she can't give reasons why. And that's all there is. Defense of Smodge? Not found.  Thinking Smodge is telling the truth?  Still not found. Near zero useful content on Smodge past day 1. The two posts mentioned as flipping is *ALL*, all else is accusations against Andrew/me (and mostly Andrew) for never-backed gut instinct and the vague feeling that "focus is bad."

A "vague feeling" shared by everyone but you, it seems to me. Still, this is a good point regarding Ciato.

Which, for what I hope will be the last time, is false. Day one, day two, and day three by game terms is "what I have done", quite so, but as I have said repeatedly, the nature of the day 1 and 2 self-lynches made that entire span equal day 1, info-wise.

...yeah, no. Also, reference where you said day 2 and 3 equalled day 1, please.

That said, Tai's looking worse to me as I think more. Like Excal, I gave him a bit of slack due to Discworld endgaming, but that's now run out, and he's using a common mainstay scum tactic. Promising "later," failing to follow through, apologizing for something bad and then doing the same thing again in the very same post.  I don't like it. I've seen this before with Andrew in Wheel of Time, and other cases. The more I think on it, the worse I feel.  His post had better be good.  Edit for Tom - be careful.  I'm not so convinced that there's just one left. Likely?  Well, perhaps, but that's no reason to get cocky at this time. If there should be two remaining, hopefully their vote record today will spill the beans, so it's even more important that people weigh in.

Fair enough; here's your commentary. I apologize that I tend not to post on your schedule though! If you pay $700 for a ticket back home, perhaps that can change. But until then, give it a bloody rest. I have things to do even on break, and while I acknowledge how bad it sounds with the way I posted it, hey. I can't edit it to make it all pretty and proper, so you get what you get.

Oh, but there's one burning question to me! A reason I reference all your posts today, a reason I quoted and commented and looked through each one. For, you see, there is one glaring problem;

what does this have to do with Smodge? Or, put more pointedly, why was Smodge's lynch neccesary for the attack on Ciato? None of your argument relies on Smodge's flip. There was no acknowledgment of what Smodge's flip told us. There is, in fact, deucedly little that we have even managed to conclude from his flip of Town.

...In other words, what has your tunnel vision on a now-confirmed townie done for us? There -is- no info you have gleamed and shown us from Smodge's lynch, anywhere in your commentary. And that is what I find the most peculiar. We lack anything from these posts on this issue, and it concerns me greatly.

Do I suspect Ciato as well? Yes. There is a definite lack of detailed commentary from her this game, I feel. But I find even the one-liners she has posted a bit more useful than the baleful gaze at Smodge and everything he said. You have neglected to show or detail or anything that demonstrates how Smodge's flip impacted anything or any cases. And it is for this, amongst the rest of the problems I see, that you truly have earned my vote thus far.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #316 on: January 17, 2008, 11:46:16 AM »
Alex: Roleclaim please.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #317 on: January 17, 2008, 12:09:27 PM »
Addressing EvilTom's case on Yakumo:

1) Pure conjecture. Plus, this is OK, he'd probably say a Dalek, whatever it is, is a good guy. Regardless, he's aping HK-47, not a Dalek.

2) The second case relies on the first one. Not buying it being relevant right now anyway.

2.5) Even more conjecture on this regard, it feels to me. Also why couldn't Smodge be killed right away? That's a bad argument, I feel.

3) Possible, assuming Yakumo is scum, but says nothing on his alignment either way.

4) Mrf. It shows Yakumo was under focus by Smodge, but... that... doesn't mean much. He may have been town, but unless he had a Magical Scum Detector and failed to notify us, this doesn't mean as much as you seem to hope it does.

4.5) Yeah, I would have jumped on -Excal- for this one had I been present. I sympathesize with Yakumo in part for this, however; running each day to deadline, regardless of my timing issues or not, is a bad thing, yes. Hell, it was what I tried to pull at endgame in Discworld, but you guys actually finished me off. Bah. >_> Ah well.

5) Oh noes someone fears roleacting is distracting. This is hardly a tell of anything, in my opinion.

6) Eh. Possible, but having been scumbuddies with him in Discworld Mafia, he was -really really- sick. Like, -really-. So it was probably mounted frustration at general play + being sick. I miss what this has to do with Yakumo, though.

7) ...I see where Yakumo was suspicious based on the 'bored vanilla townie' line. While I understand your suspicion, this is... yes, not completely Yakumo. Yeah, you said that you were 'starting to put it down to' this; this has the same effects as implying that the person is this, if subtly. I've yelled at... everyone but you and Smodge over this, so let me do it now:

while I commiserate with suspicion of what people are/questions of characters, I would like to point something out; such a statement as that is usually one of the few things I call people on as a dead ringer scum tell. Why? Because openly going "hey I think this guy is scum/doctor/cop/vanilla/whatever" is one of the single worst things you can do for town; worse than Smodge's link commentary, in all frankness; worse than most other things you can do, because if you're not scum, it acts as a way to point people out -to- the scum, and if you are scum, which I find to be the case more often than not, it is a way of focusing/distancing attention away from people as well as a good way to get reactions. In short, don't do it ever. Period. Not unless you have some hardcore role proof yourself to back your statement or he has already made a roleclaim.

Why am I not voting you for this? Well. Firstly, the phrasing, whether intended or not, gave you a bit of leeway:

You know, Excal hasn't been paying attention, which at first I found suspicious... but now.. I'm starting to put it down to 'bored vanilla townie with better things to do in Discworld'. Which could be why he jumped on the Smodge bandwagon without even reading the thread.

...since it's not as blatant as "this sounds like a scum/cop tell", which people do. Still, it is fairly dangerous to tread into such waters.

Secondly. You then caught onto a slip of Excal's and voted him, and your logic feels solid there. So oddly enough, I am inclined to give you leeway here, but please, please do avoid such commentary in the future. And I will be keeping this slip in mind for later. Still, my suspicion of you or Yakumo is not too high; I am more worried about Alex/Ciato, and want to hear more when possible from Meeple/Andrew in general.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #318 on: January 17, 2008, 01:28:45 PM »
...Rereading, my comments toward Alex got far too harsh. I do apologize for that, I got a bit irritable at the tunnel vision as I tend to do. I hope I've made my point clear regarding why it's not good, and I do acknowledge the problems involved in diffusion. The important part is in balance. I can't help but feel you could have contributed to the other issues more; standing apart from them and saying they are irrelevant does not really greatly help town's cause.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #319 on: January 17, 2008, 01:49:11 PM »
Alex: Roleclaim please.
To elaborate: I'm going to vote for you, but I want to give you a chance to squeal first.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #320 on: January 17, 2008, 02:01:52 PM »
Okay. EvilTom, before you vote... I would like you to comment on two things, myself.

1) On what grounds are you planning on voting him for? What has convinced you to change your vote from Yakumo?

2) What do you think regarding Alex's case on Ciato? (I'm still looking over this, myself, but I would like to hear you speak on it since most of your commentary today has been regarding Yakumo.)


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #321 on: January 17, 2008, 02:17:15 PM »
It's quite simple, really.

What may be surprising, is that the arguments against Alex were only a tertiary factor in my decision.

Issue #1: No lynch without majority - It's imperitive that we reach a majority before deadline.

Issue #2: Dhyer was the only tangible vote I had in support againt Yakumo, but not even he agrees with me on a vast majority of the points I thought I have. As a result, I've decided my own bias in the case outweighs the factual value (otherwise I'd have more support). In essence, I've backed off from my argument. Yakumo was dodgy and tried to get me lynched, but only because he/she thought I was scum. Which is fair enough. Since my Yakumo hunt has come up blank, there's no point pursuing it to oblivion. No point doing an Alex.

Issue #3: The points everyone else has raised against Alex (I don't have anything fresh). Though, I was heavily suspicious of him at the start of day 2 (I think it was.. so tired, can't think...)

Issue #4: Cardflip may help us determine something about Ciato.

On Ciato: I commented briefly already, but a lot of that was dependant on the Yakumo case.
I said somewhere that my top 3 scum suspects were Alex, Yakumo, Ciato..
I now remove Yakumo, and want to lynch Alex. That leaves Ciato for the following day.
Still, Andrew and Dhyer have been.. .too quiet. Not lurking, just.. quiet. I don't trust you either Tai, you're too good at appearing town. But I have nothing to back that up with.

Anyway, I want to go to sleep soon, but I also want my vote to count. So I'm going to do it now and hope everyone is responsible and allows Alex time to roleclaim (and re-assess!) before hammer.
There's no point allowing for roleclaim and then hammering straight away.

##Unvote: Yakumo (No hard feelings)
##Vote: Alex

-1!!! Don't hammer until he gets to speak please T_T
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #322 on: January 17, 2008, 02:23:50 PM »
Fresh vote count

Dhyer (0) - <Andrew>
Alex (4) - Ciato, Meeple, Tai, EvilTom
Yakumo (1) - <EvilTom>, Dhyerwolf
Ciato (1) - Alex, Yakumo
Tai (1) - Andrew

Day ends in ~11 hours (8pm EST)

5 votes are needed to kill someone.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #323 on: January 17, 2008, 02:51:03 PM »
On Ciato: I commented briefly already, but a lot of that was dependant on the Yakumo case.
I said somewhere that my top 3 scum suspects were Alex, Yakumo, Ciato..
I now remove Yakumo, and want to lynch Alex. That leaves Ciato for the following day.
Still, Andrew and Dhyer have been.. .too quiet. Not lurking, just.. quiet. I don't trust you either Tai, you're too good at appearing town. But I have nothing to back that up with.

Oookay this post is almost enough to make me change my vote. If x turns town, lynch y? It sounds like you already know the results of this flip.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #324 on: January 17, 2008, 04:18:32 PM »
Tai basically covered, in much depth, my reasons why I voted Alex.  We did have stuff to go, not a lot, but something.  Yet Alex kept going on the "Go after Smodge!" idea.  Tunnel Vision is *NEVER* good.  Heck, I seem to recall Alex in a different thread actually was against it and now he's promoting it?
There's a huge difference between "Snipe at some one" and "Snipe at some one, never lay up, even after acknowledging arguments for others!"

If nothing else, Day 3 had Excal and Tai being lurky, and Tom's response to them.  That's something to work off of, no matter how you look at it.  It turned out that Excal was scum (which sounds like it was more a twist of fate since he wasn't active due to Discworld rather than scumplay, further implied by his being Modkilled), and while we got lucky with the Modkill...what if Excal started playing seriously again? Are you saying you'd have ignored the little EvilTom/Excal/Tai situation in general just cause Smodge was acting up?

Day 1, as was noted, Smodge felt more like he was using terms in a way he didn't mean too.  I noted this back in day 1, Tai even quoted me; he was referring to characters, not roles.  This is rando Mafia; Characters would mean little.  Now, while Shion and Paris Hilton being Scum make *PERFECT SENSE* especially from OK's PoV (and also support my Male vs. Female theory which QR shot me over >_>; ) there would be no way to realize that.

Ciato was the only one who was targetting Alex's Tunnel Vision; that seemed more like "Something is up; Alex is going way too much after Smodge, and isn't even considering other arguments, even when they're there."  Reading Tai's analysis, I pretty much agree with Ciato still; she's got a point.  Something wasn't kosher about Alex's acting up there.

And again, I stand by something I noted a while back.  Alex indicated a few times that Lynch All Liars is something that matters a lot.  Yet, Otter came out and lied, and Alex didn't vote, thinking Smodge's little accidental mess ups of Characters (which are indicative of little, and you can't really (dis)prove them without the aid of a cop or a mason anyway, or something of the sort) was a bigger scum tell.

Heck, lets remember, it wasn't just Otter lying here...
it was Otter LURKING, then LYING ABOUT THAT LURKING, claiming it was more of the unavailable time.  I...don't know how much more scum tell you can get than that.  Alex basically said "Yeah, Otter's Lying, but I'm still going after Smodge!"  What kind of play is that?

Day 2, Smodge was playing poorly, I admit that, but he did role claim, and low and behold, when he finally was lynched, he was telling the truth!  And frankly, his connections do make sense with characters once he finally did say them (now, him not saying them was a stupid move on his part, no one denies THAT) but his connection made sense when he finally stated it.  Lets look at it!

Eliwood = Failure to OK.  Completely true if you know OK.
Sir Robin = Failure of a Knight.  While its a different kind of failure and its done completely for humor purposes, Sir Robin is indeed that; master of running away isn't something to be proud of <_<
Hercule = Failure Fighter in DBZ who is completely useless. If you know anything about DBZ, you'll know this is true. 

As a side note, my character also fits in with this connection, hence why I was willing to believe he was telling the truth.  Either Smodge was a scum cop and found out my role, and came up with a cover up, or he was telling the truth...and lo and behold, he was!  By Smodge being flipped town, it only makes Alex look worse.  I admit I hammered him, but that was mostly cause he was so close to hammering anyway, felt like it was Smodge or Bust (if we don't hammer, does plularity win or do we just go with a No Lynch day?)

Zenny tried a little gambit but it backfired horribly due to his own stupidity.  Dhyer caught this.  What's this say about Dhyer, not sure; I agree he's been wishy washy, and going after 2 ROLE CLAIMED Towns does feel off (though going after Zenny the second time makes sense; Zenny was a complete idiot to do what he did.)  Definitly something seems up.

Tai's come back, and shown a lot of analysis...after two cliff hangers.  Now, the cliff hangers feel off but given Tai was sick, I can understand why he was holding off.  And it did seem like he was trying to come up with good thoughts as he did promote a lot of analysis.

Evil Tom did the same...on Yakko, whose...neutral to me right now.  Robot Speak feels very "Doesn't matter" to me, and the rest has been covered; Evil Tom felt like he was misinterpreting some lines...which is fair enough.  No, it doesn't look good, but that's mostly "Doesn't look good as a person" rather than "doesn't look good as a role."  Anybody can misinterpret, its just human nature, and we don't know exactly what everyone's thinking (THEN AGAIN, part of Mafia is to figure out the other.)

Andrew...has done little to make me leen one way or another.  He's talked enough, so not lurking and had content in his posts, but at the same time, he's been playing very...naturally? Something you'd expect to see of people one way or another.  So yeah, not really looking at him right now until the Scum suspects all suddenly disappear.

SO yeah, Alex definitely feels like a good target.  He...really didn't defend himself well from the way I'm looking at things either; he basically said "Tunnel Vision isn't always bad, stop voting based on that!" and then started sniping Ciato for sniping him.

He better defend himself, and a role claim would be a good idea too, or he's not looking good at all.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A