Author Topic: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid  (Read 54180 times)


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #150 on: January 12, 2008, 06:18:45 AM »
To the third sentence... no, you shouldn't, but you should damn well address their points and have your arguments evolve.

Yeah well i ran out of arguments hence i didn't comment any further, they responded, and the responses satisfied me.

To your second sentence... try that again in English?

You didn't defend yourself, what defence you offered was that you got distracted hence the odd posting time, the other thing you said was that we shouldn't find whoever hammers as suspicious, Otter was going down, admittedly i tipped the scale where you decided to put them at -1 to hammer, but one had to wonder if you would have voted Zenthor if i hadn't already tipped the scale in Otters Favor.

So, presume for a moment that this theory is correct. This brings us to the question of why Smodge is working so hard to protect Zenny. There are two answers, really. Either he is sticking his neck WAY out there on pure, gut instinct for Zenny, or he knows Zenny's alignment. Given the effort put into this, as well as where it is putting HIS neck, I can't imagine it is based on gut instinct. Presuming my above logic is correct regarding Otter/Zenny, then that means that Smodge must ALSO be scum.

1.This almost sounds like an If X is scum then Y must be scum also (wasn't that one of the cases where you instantly lynch Z? or am i wrong).
2. following your hypothesis for 2 Scum to practically sacrifice themselves to save 1 then that would have to be one very powerful and game breaking role, which is unlikely.

Also i didn't defend Zenny strongly, i said i found him neutral, i said i believe his role claim because it matches the pattern that i perceived, i said i would reveal it if Zenny was close to hammer, i never said i would use it against town i would have commented if it went against hte pattern but i wouldn't have used it as the sole bit of evidence.

Zenthor - i find it hard to believe both lurkers would be scum, but is is a possibility, this would further add to confusion a lot though, he roleclaimed vanilla, which would be a safe claim for scum on day 1 because they have no idea what powers are out there. Complete Neutral feel for me at the moment.

That was what i said about Zenthor, i offered minor defence but i didn't settle it one way or the other i'm still entertaining the possibility that he is scum.

Once again people are taking my words out of context.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #151 on: January 12, 2008, 06:24:04 AM »
What's so "out of context" in how we're taking you're words? Seems to me like you're getting a bit too defensive, frankly.  Also, the connection that only you picked up feels iffy at best; that combined with your day 1're not looking good.

Frankly, have to agree that Smodge is looking the scummiest so far today.

##Vote: Smodge13

I feel that with your getting defensive, trying to force connections that aren't necessarily there and not actually indicating them to boot until you were kind of backed into a corner, *AND* as Andrew said, if you are town, you're playing rather badly at it.  Either way, its...not someone whose helping us one way or another.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #152 on: January 12, 2008, 06:24:23 AM »
THIS CONNECTION DOES. NOT. MAKE. ANY. SENSE. Look at the silly monkey!

I think this Andy vs. smodge thing reeks of not being town vs. town to me for some reason, although I can't place my finger on why I believe this. His logic can be either town or scum, smodge is hard to read for precisely that reason. Andrew is pressing very hard against smodge... which makes me leery but fundamentally I'm not sure about it. The bitching about haiku is weird.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #153 on: January 12, 2008, 06:43:26 AM »
So Alex Speaks in Haiku and Yakumo speaks almost robot-like.
I wonder if theres a link.

Oh one thing i forgot, looking at Zenthors Roleclaim, i tend to believe it as there is a similarity between his character and Rats, due to this be random mafia and no actual flavor i can see there being a possibility that scum didn't receive a sheet of safe name-claims, however there are similarities between the 2 characters (despite this being random) and so i have a tendency to believe his claim

These are the 2 things i have said that have gotten me in trouble, they do no harm, with the 2nd one i said i had a tendency to believe i never said it was a cold hard fact, same with the link between Zenthors claim, Rats and my own name i can see a similarity, i never used it as a way to attack town i said i could see a similarity and everyone has taken it as a major scumtell, i see a pattern and voice it and it seems to mean i = Scum, what am i meant to do honestly? not comment that there's a pattern don't explain why i believe Zenthors name claim?.

Twice now small things i have said have been blown out of the water, it is creating a smokescreen but only because town keeps letting it do so.

The reason i didn't want to explain is as Alex pointed out on Day 1, its bad for roles to be speculated on in case it reveals town roles, i was pointing out that i see a link between Rat and Zenthor knowing if i was killed someone would spot the link and if i wasn't it may have a chance of catching scum, but apparently unless mention what the similarity is its all BS and a scumtell, so naturally i reveal it now that i have been pressured, i never said it was dead certain, but it is a possibility.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #154 on: January 12, 2008, 06:44:55 AM »
Shion was Otter, he was scum.  When OK plays XS games, he puts Shion in his team and lets her die ON PURPOSE (...well, don't think he did this in XS2 cause team work is too damned important.)  Yes, he purposely cripples his team by putting Shion in there and keeping her dead, just for the hell of it.

As to that, i have no idea who Shion is, i only mentioned i saw a similarity between Zenthor and Rats names.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #155 on: January 12, 2008, 06:49:58 AM »
Shion is the main of the XS series.  Back in XS1, OK's hatred of her was rather vocal, and extreme.  This is long before Shion was considered one of the biggest failures in RPG history that she is now, which is due to pretty much XS3 (and most will agree her XS2 appearance was less than fantastic at that.)

Its no surprise that OK would use someone like her in a Mafia game, let alone someone like her as SCUM, if he's using nothing but everyone he thinks is a failure in one way or another.  Which is to say, even if there *IS* that connection and some people don't realize how they fit in, it doesn't help out much cause it seems it applies to the scum as well.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #156 on: January 12, 2008, 07:15:12 AM »
Granted the day hasn't been going too long, but where are Excal/Dhyer/Tai? their opinions would be appreciated.

Ok i'm about to leave for a party and won't be back for about 18 hours so i'll have to make this last post for a while.

as Andrew said, if you are town, you're playing rather badly at it.  Either way, its...not someone whose helping us one way or another.

Doesn't this appear wrong to you? this is the 2nd time you have been more than willing to vote for someone on the basis of "bad town play and no help". the aim is to be catching scum, not bad town, sure you may see logical flaws in some of my arguments but hey everyones arguments have some flaws.

1. He instilled the possibility of a pattern in our mind, and reserved the right to announce what it was, effectively allowing him to justify scum roleclaims when they come up, as well as possibly "forcing" town to accept roleclaims based on (actually imagined) patterns.

2. He has provided the possibility of a pattern... which tells us nothing. Yes, town could be named/oriented one way and scum all another. In fact, it is quite possible. But we don't know if they have safe claims (note, Otter showed us nothing by lynching himself beyond what a sample scum role was, not what a scum cover role could be). We are being set to trust role claims on the basis that they sound right by name alone, which is NOT good in mafia.

3. Accepting the possibility that the idea of the pattern is accepted, we are also forced to distrust roleclaims that do not sync with the perceived pattern. The problem with this is that there could be townies who do not fit within the pattern specifically to interfere with the dreaded mass roleclaim. In this case, we're predisposed to distrust a roleclaim that doesn't fit with the pattern.

So in other words, the matter of a pattern is... fairly irrelevant in the first place, unless the game is inherently broken by a mass roleclaim. If it is broken, well... that's that. If it isn't, we're setting ourselves up for a stupid fall by wasting time on figuring out the role pattern and using it as a noteworthy clue to an individual's alignment.

Entirely speculation from Andrew, blows things completely out of the water, a good conspiracy theorist.
I Forced no link i did none of the sort, i mentioned i spotted a pattern and didn't want to reveal it i even said it was only a minor possibility and this is the reason your lynching me?.

##Vote: Andrew

Could be partially OMGus sort of thing, but first Tom accuses you, i put some points against you myself which you don't even bother to defend well (there isn't much except "i got distracted").
I then mention a harmless similarity and all of a sudden you HAVE to know what it is? sorry sounds like a scum panic to me, the link would be harmless to everyone except scum however you had to know what it is, theres still a very slight possibility this similarity is there but its unlikely to achieve anything now so its not worth dwelling on.
Andrew you seemed so desperate to know what the link is, you push it heaps over a little thing of a similarity being spotted.
So you get my vote, sounds heaps like Scum trying to eliminate a danger to themselves ASAP.

Anyway away for 18 hours or so, be back long before deadline.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #157 on: January 12, 2008, 08:16:34 AM »
Breaking down my thoughts on everyone at this point:

Tai - Neutral read.  Nothing to say yet.

Tom - Neutral read due to him being gone all of day 1.  I'll keep an eye out today to see where my read goes.

Smodge - OK.  This one gets it's own little synopsis down at the bottom.  I just wanted to keep this in order.***

Dhyer - Town-ish read due to his responses to requests to explain his reasoning for votes and his general chatter.

Alex - I'm not touching the whole theme-speak thing because I can see a compelling reason for it to mean something and for Alex just wanting to do it.  They effectively null out my read against each other.  As for posts, a little heavy on the aggression when it came to the defense of his speak.  I don't find this to be out of character for Alex, though.  I'm getting a neutral read which I find is usual when I'm reading any game he's in.  Going to have to work on that.

Yakumo - I'm finding it hard to get a read through the speak used here.  I think I need to read back through his posts specifically and really try to decipher stuff.  So much harder when speak is used.

Ciato - Having town thoughts.  It's all gut and supposition, though.

Meeple - Great content posts.  I'm getting a town feel, too.

Andrew - 1)I very much disagree with your stance on the self-hammer, but I think it's more of just a play-style difference of opinion here.  It was a wonderful gambit when super did it in NR and perhaps Otter thought it would be just as effective (plus he got to put himself out of his misery). 2) Fabulous content in posts.  Very detailed in analysis.  Getting a good townie vibe here from what you're saying in those posts.

Excal - Shatner was fun.  You get kudos for that.  Getting a neutral read.  I think the posts you've done here in Random are a little content light, but considering that you're pouring out the content in Discworld atm, I think it's more game distraction.  Neutral read.

Zenny - I still don't like the early role claim.  But you're only carrying the silver medal for 'Looking Scummy' right now.

***And the gold medal goes to: ##Vote Smodge

OK, let's take this from the top!
1-The Over Contemplated Alex-Smodge role issue.  This has been spoken of to death.  I will not add much when all I have to say is that it wasn't the best idea for Smodge to mention it, but Alex really jumped farther down Smodge's throat than I think was necessary.  For precisely the reason Alex himself noted.  A verbal smack and moving on is better rather than keeping roles topmost in everyone's mind and giving scum more to fiddle with and try to influence.  Is this a Scum Tell (OH NOEZ!)?  No.  But it doesn't look good for him.

2 - When votes are tioed 4 and 4, it is Smodge that breaks the tie to Otter.  is this indicitive of scum?  Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  Again, not looking good.

Day 2
3 - The latch onto Tai is odd.  Not that I think Tai's a townie at the moment (nor scum for that matter), but it really reads like he's grasping at straws trying to deflect.

4 - Your massive long post was excellent.  Thank you.  This provided much information. Just a thought, though:

a) In Mafia, you really have to watch your wording.  The way you said in regards to Ciato: 'but then attacked me when i accidently incriminated myself further ' is all too easily taken to mean 'whoops, I said more scum stuff...gotta work on hiding that' just as much as it can be seen as 'wow, gotta be careful or I'll seem like scum here, and my fellow townies may lynch me'.

Now, does this mean *gasp&*  I believe Him to Be Scum!  No.  But it...say it with me now folks...doesn't look good.

5 - Trying to confirm Zenny's roleclaim for him looks...suspicious for me.  It wasn't necessary.  And as a townie, very suspect unless you have some way of knowing that Zenny's town.  It's either a slip of the investigative-role tongue, a slip of the scum tongue, or just poor thinking out loud again like #1. know, I'm not even saying it again.  Ditto.  Bad juju.

6 - This one is what earned you my gold medal.  And it also earned you my vote.
Also i didn't defend Zenny strongly, i said i found him neutral, i said i believe his role claim because it matches the pattern that i perceived, i said i would reveal it if Zenny was close to hammer, i never said i would use it against town i would have commented if it went against hte pattern but i wouldn't have used it as the sole bit of evidence.
Why reveal if Zenny is close to hammer?  I know this issue was covered by Andrew, but it really bothers me.  Why are you so certain that he is town?  This certainty reads to some (and I admit, it reads to me in this fashion) that you're sure of his alignment because you already know it by virtue of him not being scum (or being scum and you're trying to protect him).

When you look at all the little slips and stumbles, they don't look too bad by themselves.  But when you start adding them up, it's...rather bad.  So I have to ask myself, do I believe you are a bad townie with a serious case of foot and mouth disease (with possible power role that your bad townieness is prolly going to lose us in a mislynch) or do I think that you're scum?

And I don't know.  But I need to place a vote on the scummiest contender and right now that's you.

And on a final comment of amusement's factor for me:
Its no surprise that OK would use someone like her in a Mafia game, let alone someone like her as SCUM, if he's using nothing but everyone he thinks is a failure in one way or another.  Which is to say, even if there *IS* that connection and some people don't realize how they fit in, it doesn't help out much cause it seems it applies to the scum as well.
I hope this is not the case.  Because if all the characters are just seen as total fail, I am sorely disappointed in OK.  I adore the person I got. :)
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #158 on: January 12, 2008, 09:17:31 AM »
Okay, reading over this my first instincts were that Smodge was more making townie mistakes, but Quiet Rain has laid out a lot of evidence that makes me second guess that. That analysis feels pretty spot on, and he's certainly at the top of my suspicions list, but I can't quite rule out the feeling of bad townie. Since he's really the only one at the moment who has pressure on him and since I'm ambivalent about what his playstyle could mean, I'm going to hold off on voting for him. However, dragging out his theory on the matching names and then having it be so inconsequential...well, guess I'm not really sure what to read into that either.

Zenthor has basically appeared to have slid back into lurker mode. So, lurking, came back with an excuse he admitted as being bad, and now he's lurking again. I do find it odd that when Smodge's asked for opinions of a some that haven't been around as much today (myself included), he didn't ask Zenthor despite his absense being a bit notable given yesterday's events.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #159 on: January 12, 2008, 02:13:23 PM »

Why reveal if Zenny is close to hammer?  I know this issue was covered by Andrew, but it really bothers me.  Why are you so certain that he is town?  This certainty reads to some (and I admit, it reads to me in this fashion) that you're sure of his alignment because you already know it by virtue of him not being scum (or being scum and you're trying to protect him).

Back, stealing a friends internets, Why would i only say it if Zenny was close to hammer?, because i was hoping it would achieve a few things
1. Scum will be a bit cautious when pushed to nameclaim, the idea that it could slip up would dishearten them and put a bit more pressure on them
2. Revealing it early would have defeated the purpose of it possibly catching scum if they know the pattern then they would use it when they name-claim
3. If we decided to lynch Zenny it could have tipped the scales if it was for minor reasons, i now see it probably wouldn't seeing as the pattern is probably coincidence.

a) In Mafia, you really have to watch your wording.  The way you said in regards to Ciato: 'but then attacked me when i accidently incriminated myself further ' is all too easily taken to mean 'whoops, I said more scum stuff...gotta work on hiding that' just as much as it can be seen as 'wow, gotta be careful or I'll seem like scum here, and my fellow townies may lynch me'.

It's more my posting style, my defense in day 1 made things worse, as has my defence today, hence it Incriminates me, a person can be incriminated without a crime being committed.

As for Tai it seemed the worst, until i reread things, hence in my later post the finger was more pointed at Andrew.

Zenthor has basically appeared to have slid back into lurker mode. So, lurking, came back with an excuse he admitted as being bad, and now he's lurking again. I do find it odd that when Smodge's asked for opinions of a some that haven't been around as much today (myself included), he didn't ask Zenthor despite his absense being a bit notable given yesterday's events.

Honestly with that i didn't notice Zenthors lurking at the time, reading back, Tai actually posted a small amount themselves.

Ok off to bed, limited post count tomorrow as I'm at a friends and will be stealing their internets.
So Back in 8-18 hours.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #160 on: January 12, 2008, 02:18:15 PM »
Pattern is untrue.
My role does not fit those things.
I will say no more.
Same here. The pattern is bogus.

That pattern is weak
at best, more likely misleading.
Why bring it up now?
And further, why tell us that he's not going to tell us?

At what point do we
see Smodge's play as scumtells
and not "bad townie"?
This is giving me a headache. I can see Smodge playing his noob town... but... QuietRain and Andrew (and Dhyerwolf) really do build up the case.. it's circumstantial, but powerful. Smodge is usually playing the bumbling towny trying to be helpful, and this sorta seems to match that, but it's also different. It's more like "I have vital information but I won't tell you it because of scums, but don't lynch me 'cos I'm useful!" Only it doesn't work, and we force it out of him and.. it doesn't add up, it's not strong, not substantial etc.
(sorry to ultraquote you Alex, but I agree on all those points).

When Smodge went after Tai, it seemed legitimate, but it was also a good scum tactic, obviously. I can't see this one way or the other, there's arguments both ways. BUT Smodge has seemed to go after a few people with the shotgun approach. He's been sus over Meeple too, who seemed relatively town to me. He may have done the same for someone else too, re-reading thread atm.

To be honest, what really disturbs me is the way Smodge seems to steal my anti-Alex/Andrew arguments, and use them for his own self-defense rather than legitimate logic. Ever since I made the accusations at the start of day 2, Alex & Andrew have responded to my questions and provided satisfactory answers. In other words, my suspicion on them has eased, and they're looking more town. So it's concerning when Smodge tries to go back to it and use that in a defensive spat... it's almost like he's trying to make a train out of my Andrew vote. (See:
but first Tom accuses you, i put some points against you myself

Tai...Meeple.. Andrew... Alex... Zenthor... Ciato...Dhyerwolf... these are people that Smodge has shotgunned. Normally when he plays town he's helpful, but he picks a target or two, not this many. It looks like he's having trouble making anything stick.

##Unvote Andrew
##Vote Smodge 13

I really hope he's just not playing ultra-crap town, otherwise I'm going to feel stupid.
What's the vote count look like? I think that's about.. 3?

Aaaand Smodge posted while I was typing this, but it doesn't look like he's contributed anything worthwhile responding to.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #161 on: January 12, 2008, 02:23:49 PM »
Yeah...  I've mostly been quiet because I've been really frazzled for the last day, and Discworld, which I haven't been playing that well in over this time period either, has been demanding what little brain power I do have.  Anyways, just as a heads up, I am going to be sufficiently busy that I won't have time to read the thread today, which is a shame as it looks like there's some nuance going on in the arguments against Smodge.  Nuance I haven't been able to fully grasp (something about trying to foist a pattern on us that may, or may not, be utterly bogus?) and so I'm not really inclined to comment, or even really vote on him.

Thing is, I also have mostly null reads on everyone else too.  I mean, that's why I placed that vote on Zenny.  He wasn't talking when I placed it, and he had less votes than Otter.  And, given that I'm not going to be back today (Well, very late...  day may or may not be over by then, and even if it is, I have work early tomorrow as well, so I won't be able to stay up late thinking on two games) I may as well try and make a vote now.

So, what reasoning do I use?  Who I trust more.  Now, I know for a fact that the way QR is acting is the way she'd be acting if she were town, scum, or third party.  But....  that doesn't change the fact that it's good solid town behaviour, paired in with the fact that Andy looks pretty innocuous from what I can tell.  That leaves Smodge as the only other person gaining votes, so...

##Vote: Smodge13

Yay, I'm part of the process, ma.  Anyways, enjoy your days, and maybe I'll see you all later.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #162 on: January 12, 2008, 02:29:12 PM »
Well thats 5 people, -1 to hammer, not that this will help me.

I am Hercule from DBZ, weak ass useless bastard and Vanilla town.

Tom i never went after Dhyer or Alex or Zenthor.

My focus has been
Gut = Meep
Tai = Nice place to hide, small amount of reasoning + a bit of gut
Andrew = He came after me hard the second i revealed the info, he looked minroly bad (and will look worse when you guys lynch me as it seems inevitable), it seemed to me like scum trying to stop this info.

You may feel the connection is weak but 3 vanilla townies all useless weak people it seemed good to me, i didn't want to reveal it because it would defeat the purpose of making the link.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #163 on: January 12, 2008, 02:29:55 PM »
-1??!?! Crap!

##Unvote: Smodge13
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #164 on: January 12, 2008, 02:36:20 PM »
yeah you miscounted, a Vote count would be nice from OK.

Currently voting for me is: Alex, Meeple, QR, Andrew,Tom,Excal

Actually i think we hit 6, can someone double check for me.

Rereading quickly.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #165 on: January 12, 2008, 02:38:34 PM »
I am going to be sufficiently busy that I won't have time to read the thread today, which is a shame as it looks like there's some nuance going on in the arguments against Smodge.  Nuance I haven't been able to fully grasp (something about trying to foist a pattern on us that may, or may not, be utterly bogus?) and so I'm not really inclined to comment, or even really vote on him.

...That leaves Smodge as the only other person gaining votes, so...
Putting somebody at -1 only halfway through the day is.... well.... dangerous. Unvoting Smodge was a kneejerk reaction from me, I wasn't even aware I was putting him at -2. Which makes me very concerned that Excal would put him at -1 to hammer so very casually. Sure, Smodge looks dodge, and if somebody wanted to vote for Smodge because he looked like scum, well that's fine and good. But to jump on a train after claiming you havn't even read the thread? What the hell? That's... asking to be called scumwagoning. I might be newb, but even I can spot that one.

Also: Smodge's Hercule does fit the "useless" character thing, but myself and Alex have both counter-claimed on that (which would be a retarded thing for scum to do)... I can see why Smodge may have drawn the 'useless' observation, but it's still wrong.

Anyway, it's certainly not hammer time. I'm not wearing a watch, but I'm deciding it's not hammer time.


Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Uh... shit... is it hammer or not?
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #166 on: January 12, 2008, 02:39:06 PM »
Thats 6, what happens in this case when it is removed almost instantly due to a miscount by one of the players?


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #167 on: January 12, 2008, 02:40:14 PM »
I guess it's hammer. Sorry :(
No more talking till mod returns at least... I guess? Can anyone get in touch with one?
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #168 on: January 12, 2008, 02:49:55 PM »
One last ninja post before I go.

With 12 people, 7 are needed to hammer.  We're still going.

As for why I'd vote so casually, because at the moment I am bloody sick and tired of OMG TEH SERIOUS!!!  Well, that and days lasting forever and a day for the sake of days lasting forever and a day.  So...  yeah.  I'm gonna be fairly laid back here until my apathy clears.  Anyways, I need to get going now if I want breakfast before noon.  So, enjoy your day of trying to wrangle infinitesimal clues from half formed ideas and unmeant meanings.

And...  now that the OMG HAMMER?!?!?! has been brought into play, I can also be very certain that this day will still be going on when I return.  Because it's obviously scummy to end a day before timeout if you autolynch because if we waste even a second of town allotted wanking time then the scum WIN!!!  I mean, take a look at how day one ended!  Otter hammered, and he was scum!  Obvious definative proof of my last second crack pot theory!

Well, that was cathartic if nothing else.  Anyways, enjoy your days.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #169 on: January 12, 2008, 02:58:10 PM »

Well.. I don't know what to make of that now.
I'm glad it's not hammer, at least. Not yet.

I'm going to leave Excal's behaviour for others to examine... because I don't know his play.

A vote/time count would be nice, at some point.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #170 on: January 12, 2008, 03:40:04 PM »
Wow, lots of activity since I last checked this.  Awesome.  (and...only 12 hours or so?  Shit.  I should start going to bed later).

1) Quietrain (0):
3) Tai
4) EvilTom (0):
5) Smodge (5): Andrew, Alex, Meeple, QuietRain, <EvilTom>, Excal
6) Dhyerwolf (0):
7) Alex (0):
9) Yakumo (0):
10) Ciato
11) Meeple (0):
12) Andrew (1): <EvilTom>, Smodge
13) Excal (0):
14) Zenny (0):

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to kill.  Excal's vote was 6. 

Time remaining: ~32 hours, ending 6pm EST on Sunday, January 13, 2008.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2008, 03:47:17 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #171 on: January 12, 2008, 04:57:59 PM »
Breaking character for a moment, is it really that hard to read what I'm saying?  I'm not trying to deliberately confuse things, I'm just trying to have a little fun in a Mafia game for a change, I've been taking them too seriously lately and they just haven't been feeling like games to me. <_<  If it seriously bothers people I'll stop, I'm just screwing around.

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #172 on: January 12, 2008, 05:04:12 PM »
I think it's freaking awesome, frankly. The meatbags who disagree can just bugger off. <_<
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #173 on: January 12, 2008, 05:28:21 PM »
Andrew - 1)I very much disagree with your stance on the self-hammer, but I think it's more of just a play-style difference of opinion here.  It was a wonderful gambit when super did it in NR and perhaps Otter thought it would be just as effective (plus he got to put himself out of his misery). 2) Fabulous content in posts.  Very detailed in analysis.  Getting a good townie vibe here from what you're saying in those posts.

All of his "detailed analysis" have been focusing on one singular target.  I really strongly disagree with this being any type of town vibe at all; quite the contary in my view, in fact. Targetting someone who twists their words around themselves at times --> profit for scum. Coming off as a good little townie in the process. I know Andrew has used the aggressively attack tactics (being the first person to vote someone, rather than joining a wagon.)

I hope this is not the case.  Because if all the characters are just seen as total fail, I am sorely disappointed in OK.  I adore the person I got. :)

Adore I'm not sure about in my case. But profoundly amused by? Si, si. <_<

Excal "hammering" I don't see any distinctive problem with. Trying to end days is acceptable by me, honestly. Add this to the general town vibe/slightly frustrated Excal vibe I'm getting in general. However, I disagree with his philosophy mostly because NO ONE HAS TALKED ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE THE ENTIRE DAY.

Zenny needs to post again very quickly, frankly. Has he posted at all in Day 2?

Meeple has been doing some very detailed stuff in general... but it's all been very Meeple. 350 word rant on the the comparison between Eliwood and Sir Robin? I love you so much.

Yakko is good times, regardless of anything else. Keep it up. <3

Alex and Dhyer I both have fairly neutral reads on as well.

## VOTE: Andrew

The focus on smodge seems kind of like exactly what scum want to me! And I find Andrew's pressing off in some manner.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #174 on: January 12, 2008, 05:31:41 PM »
Breaking character for a moment, is it really that hard to read what I'm saying?  I'm not trying to deliberately confuse things, I'm just trying to have a little fun in a Mafia game for a change, I've been taking them too seriously lately and they just haven't been feeling like games to me. <_<  If it seriously bothers people I'll stop, I'm just screwing around.

If you ask me? No, its not hard to read.  Your posts are short, so if I have to reread them to fully grasp what you're saying (which isn't that common), its not hard to do.  It adds some silliness to the game, and hasn't bothered me at all (I will admit that initially, I was worried, but after a few of your posts, found it wasn't so bad.)

Frankly, just keep it up; adds a little flair and humor to the game >.>
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A