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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #350 on: January 18, 2008, 06:03:45 AM »
I'm... not seeing much at all in Dhyer's early posts, either to condemn him or let him off the hook.
Day one, he had a jokevote, a comment that he though it was odd that Tom would leave a jokevote when he didn't expect to be back, and a post voting for Zenny for lurking.  In fairness, though he didn't vote for scum, both were lurking and Otter had more votes, so trying to pressure both makes sense.
Day two, he has a post saying he didn't find Zenny any more suspicious than Otter, but he wanted to put more pressure on Zenny because Otter had pressure already.  Then he responds to Alex asking him why he stayed on Zenny near the end, when the votes on Otter had gone from lynching a lurker to lynching a liar.  Third, he posts commenting on the Smodge affair but not picking a side, and notes that Zenny's lurking again.  His fourth and last post of the day was calling out Zenny on lying and voting for him.
Day three, his first post is a minor defense of Excal's near-hammer post, but also an admonishment to pay more attention.  Also has some minor defense of Smodge.  His second is a generic comment where he acknowledges points on the Alex/Smodge affair, but doesn't pick a side.  Third post is a vote for Smodge, saying that of the three people with votes at the time(Tom, Smodge, and Excal) he sees Smodge as scummiest.  Fourth post is just a short note that QR had unvoted.  Fifth and sixth posts are explaining to Ciato which actions of Smodge's he sees as bad enough to vote.  Seventh post is special.

First of all, I'm not deadset on lynching you. I think you've brought up some good points on how focused Alex is and have helped put Alex higher on my list of suspicions, but I still see you as the most suspicious choice. The issue isn't that you wouldn't reveal your thoughts, the issue is that you led down a random wild goose chase, which didn't really have any benefit for town but could have had several benefits for scum.

Even when voting for Smodge, he still somehow tries to sit right on the fence on the issue.

I'm still not seeing a whole lot that points directly at Dhyer being scum, but he seems, in my opinion, to be deliberately avoiding making strong opinions that people could call him on later.  There's also a few minor things like voting for the townie lurker instead of the scum one, but those are too WIFOM to really use for evidence.  For now, I'm at least going to put a vote on him to try and get him to MAKE some opinions.

##Vote: Dhyerwolf

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #351 on: January 18, 2008, 06:12:40 AM »

Ciato... well.  She was getting on Alex's case about the tunnel vision, then seemed to almost snap when he attacked her at the beginning of the day.  She did have valid points against him, though I didn't exactly agree with them.  I dunno, if not for the OMGUS look to her vote on him she probably wouldn't look bad, but that reaction makes me look at her a bit funny.  Not at the top of my suspicion list, but she's on it.

It wasn't OMGUS. I voted for him the day before for the exact same reason... if anything, his vote was.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #352 on: January 18, 2008, 06:19:44 AM »
Well... I do have to say I agree with those particular points. Dhyer's biggest strike is, ironically, that he has been completely inoffensive.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #353 on: January 18, 2008, 06:26:20 AM »
I've been talking from a scum's point of view? I tell everything how it is. I think YOU are playing the same way as you did in the PW game, all this closed-minded aggressive BS is frankly stupid. Just because I was willing to tell you people that you were wrong doesn't mean anything other than (guess what) you were wrong! If preying on easy targets isn't scummy then I  don't know what is.

Please tell me why I'm the target of your attack and not the people who were hounding someone who is a suspect target. I have defended myself and posted as much as many people here. I have been trying to analyze every situation but you convinently ignore that. Since you're, y'know, scum.

##VOTE: Alex

Perhaps I misspoke a bit?  I mean to say that this post just looked wrong.  It looks like an OMGUS vote, because you kinda snapped here and started yelling at him when your other posts were generally more levelheaded, I guess is what I'm trying to say?  I know you voted for him before, but then he votes for you and you just kinda go off on him.

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #354 on: January 18, 2008, 06:28:18 AM »
Mmm. I do see your point here. I mean, I feel that I was pretty justified in being angry, since I felt like the case against me was pretty, well, bad. (It irritates me even more in hindsight really. <_<)
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #355 on: January 18, 2008, 06:31:39 AM »
Also, sorry for the self-defending only posts. Tomorrow is Friday, which means I will have time to do some topic-tackling, but right now I'm just trying to relax and chill after a long, boring Physics lab. (Physics is the devil.)
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #356 on: January 18, 2008, 10:25:39 AM »
First of all, I'm not deadset on lynching you. I think you've brought up some good points on how focused Alex is and have helped put Alex higher on my list of suspicions, but I still see you as the most suspicious choice. The issue isn't that you wouldn't reveal your thoughts, the issue is that you led down a random wild goose chase, which didn't really have any benefit for town but could have had several benefits for scum.

Even when voting for Smodge, he still somehow tries to sit right on the fence on the issue.

I definetely wasn't trying to sit on the fence on this issue. Smodge had asked almost immediately before why we were so focused on lynching him (He actually used the terminology of "you" but also noted Alex separately implying that he was speaking to non-Alex voters. Of course, since my posts were the ones directly proceeding it, it made it appear that he was aimign the question at me). I wasn't deadset on lynching him. The only person who was deadset on lynching Smodge was Alex. If someone appeared scummier that day, I would have changed my vote because I was not deadset on lynching him. But I did vote to lynch him.

"Adds in another bit about Alex/Ciato, but it basically says to me that he doesn't want to get involved."

I noticed this in post 349. This is nothing like what I said at all. I said my suspicions were going in several ways, not that I didn't want to get involved. Why did I not switch my vote? Because you were still on top of my suspicious list, so it made perfect sense for me to stick with my vote. If I had to choose between Alex and Ciato, I would have voted for Alex. I had many issues with him for a lot longer because of how focused he was on Smodge, which made me question him during day 3. That doesn't negate that he pointed out that Ciato misrepresented her actions during day 3. But neither of them was still at the top of my suspicions list!

On Some Stuff With Meeple last round.
Okay, if I'm being called wishy-washy because I was not blatantly attacking Smodge but noted that I found multiple people suspicious at that time, that would imply that a number of other people including yourself should fall into the same category, as these next few posts show.

1. Meeple notes that Smodge was acting suspicious and it might be a cover-up, and it's hard to hell.
2. Basically a summary of the activities of the few days before. Meeple notes that Smodge is the scummiest, but he seems reticent to name him that throwing in a "seems" and an "I guess" indicating that he didn't feel strongly about this at all.
Finally, at the end of the day, he votes for Smodge and says that he still doesn't know how he feels about Smodge, and that he was choosing to lynch to help town and not because of any strong feelings of his. If I'm reading the times correctly, there was still around 21 hours left until the deadline, so if Meeple wasn't feeling confident enough on his vote, then there wasn't a true rush. Yes, Meeple was more decisive on Smodge day 2, but he also unvoted pretty quickly based on Smodge's role claim. Yes, I didn't take the strongest stance on this, but I was hardly the only one.

Things I find curious at the moment: Yakumo's stance on Ciato.

Yakumo votes on Ciato, noting that he finds the case against her to being the strongest. He doesn't really say anything else on that measure. Ciato asks in her next post what case that was. Yakumo never addresses this question again; his only activity later is to come in and switch his vote without any other real conversation attached. Today, he implies that his main problem with her was that she appeared to snap at Alex. Was that the cause for his vote, and why did he never go in-depth and only generally mention the arguments around her without going into detail? I will find it odd that the was the only justification he gave on his vote for most of the day.

Since people want my opinions!
Meeple- The number of posts still saying that they have no read on Meeple is a little scary. My gut reaction from some of my above readings is that he's not as decisive as he's appeared to others. Note that like Ciato, he also missed that Zenny wasn't really silenced, and a lot of his posts seem rather heavy on reviewing the past couple of days.

Yakumo- My unease from yesterday is still there pretty strongly. The way he frames some of my posts definetely skew the meaning. On day 3, he didn't speak any thoughts about Smodge/Alex. At all. In fact, his only posts have to do with Tom, and he seems to be the only one who is focusing there at all. He doesn't mention anyone else in any manner on that day.

Ciato- Generally have town feelings about her. She at least called out Alex's tunnel vision, but I would like to hear her explanation of her day 4 presentation on her day 3 actions. Her frustration at Alex seems pretty genuine considered that he strongly pushed a lynch for several days saying nothing else could be revealed until that happened, and then going after her for because she called him on his tunnelvision. That said, like many others, she really didn't say much on day 3 either!

EvilTom- While many parts of his case against Yakumo were really flimsy, I get the sense of a townie trying to piece things together. He did try to deal with Smodge's questions on how the game would play out if Smodge flipped town/scum/third party, and I think he was the only one that did. That strengthens my feelings of townie effort from him.

Andrew- Day 1 lurking/WIFOM voting times. Day 2 he goes after Smodge rightly. He's more in the background day 3, eventually noting that he finds Smodge and Tom to be the more suspicious 2. Day 3 and 4 he's somewhat dropped off my radar though. Day 4 he seems to fall somewhat into LAL mode.

Tai- Still not too read on him at all.

##Vote: Yakumo
Guess my two main issues now are the way that he was framing some of my actions to make my look more indecisive when some of the times I was answering questions posed, and that he had was only focusing on a single person for all of day 3 while not dealing with most of the matter at hand at all. The EvilTom thing is likely something we just don't see eye to eye on, but I find the other two things reasonably suspicious.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #357 on: January 18, 2008, 12:51:48 PM »
What I'm wondering at this point, is what's going on with the metagame.
How many doctors do we have? Roleblockers? If a roleblocker has stopped someone twice in a row, they should know who scum is. I mean, no deaths? What's going on? Did OK forget to announce town win or something...

Oh I guess it could be body-armour too. Quite a few possibilities I guess. Scum must be getting very anxious.

Suspects.... I dunno. Anyone seems as good as anyone else at this point. Maybe a trawl through voting records might reveal something, but I'm feeling a bit burned out and unmotivated, so I doubt that I'll be able to find anything.

##Vote Ciato

I don't like the way Alex took down Smodge, but Ciato did the same thing to Alex. Which doesn't prove much.
But Ciato is usually a lot more helpful. I'm not seeing it here.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #358 on: January 18, 2008, 03:31:04 PM »
Yes, other people have been wishy-washy at times, but you're taking it to an art form.  You had yet to put up a solid opinion of your own, you handwashed your way through the Smodge issue(Voting for him while not taking a strong part of the debate) then latched onto Tom's crusade against me while adding nothing yourself.  You still haven't added anything but a weak claim of misrepresentation to the case against me, everything I said there is how it reads to me and I made it easy for people...bah char limit


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #359 on: January 18, 2008, 03:37:14 PM »
...easy for people to go look for themselves.  Hell, I even said that I didn't really have evidence you were scum, but I wanted you to start making opinions of your own so we could make informed decisions on you, instead of you just kinda floating in a vacuum.

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #360 on: January 18, 2008, 03:56:05 PM »
I don't like the way Alex took down Smodge, but Ciato did the same thing to Alex. Which doesn't prove much.
But Ciato is usually a lot more helpful. I'm not seeing it here.

Yes, but there is no way to predict that someone isn't scum unless you look into a crystal ball or consult a psychic. I thought I was being helpful by unrooting our last scum (and I stand by the fact that I have never seen anyone act scummier in any Mafia game ever, which is a feat considering I have played with Super (<3)). I wrote some stuff about others, Andrew in particular, but I will remind you that I was sent on the almost immediate defensive in Day 4, and I won't -back down- from (what I consider) a ridiculous argument. It's not my nature to just sit with my thumb in my ass waiting for everyone else to do something. If there is something I feel strongly about I will hammer it relentlessly.

Of course the scummy-chu was/were (I assume was) laughing because townies were fighting townies but what can you do. Mistakes are made.

Bigger post coming after class, which I am about to be late for~
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #361 on: January 18, 2008, 06:17:17 PM »
I do agree with Yakko that Dhyer's been playing in a style that could easily slip under people's radar.  Post just enough to avoid lurking, but at the same time, the content brought up isn't exactly much, avoid bringing up strong opinions...yeah.

Really, the only big contribution I can think of offhand is noting Zenny was lying...which only ended up hurting us in the end, as Zenny suicided, meaning we couldn't get any read from the lynch (or avoided him getting Modkilled, meaning we wasted the Lynch on him instead of a potential scum, etc.) Yakko, meanwhile, brought up something similar, in how Otter was clearly lying.  This ended up getting Otter lynched.

Its a risky move getting one of your own lynched THAT EARLY (which was Day 1, so can't get earlier than that), even if Otter suicided, the fact is, Yakko is what, in effect, started the Otter is lying thing, which I followed up and agreed upon.

My vote stays on Tai for now; he needs to speak up and explain his actions in the past.  His biggest thing was the in depth attack on Alex...which didn't really do us much good, combined with the way he's been acting before.

FoS: Dhyer though.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #362 on: January 18, 2008, 06:32:46 PM »
Though, something occurs to me regarding Ciato.

Alex goes after Smodge rather harshly, who ends up Town, and despite Alex's claims on how this will help us, it only hurt us in the end, it feels like.

Ciato goes after Alex in a similarly strong light, for what appears to be rather legit reasons too, though in the end, Alex was probably thinking the same thing as Ciato; Smodge is Scum, he's dead sure of it, he knows it, he needs to die.  Ciato seems to have had the same mindset for Alex, though had more of a basis for her argument.  Alex was just "Bah, Smodge played badly, SCUM! HE MUST DIE! KILL KILL KILL!" He was like this on Day 1 when Smodge when Smodge's actions weren't really THAT bad even, so it wasn't something that emerged on Day 2 when Smodge started pulling those Idiocy stunts ("I see a connection but I won't tell you!" for example.)  Alex kept going after Smodge, and didn't really reflect on other arguments much, beyond ones aimed at him.  This kind of tunnel vision definitly deserves looking into, and Ciato was pretty much correct in that its a really bad way to play; it only brought more suspicion on Alex, and he tried to explain why it wasn't that bad, even though it clearly was.

So basically, here's what's happened, is what I'm getting at...
Alex goes after Smodge, which got Ciato on him...both ended up Town after getting Lynched.  So...wait, does this really sound like a scum ploy?  I suppose the argument is "Hmm...if I pull Alex's little stunt, they'll see a pattern, and thus, lay off on me!" which...sound WIFOM.  Frankly, I think its best we *NOT* go that route a 3rd time, and let things play out a bit better.

Here's what also hurt Alex's case: He basically OMGUS Ciato the instant Smodge was gone.  Holy, wait, a minute.  So now that we got rid of Smodge, Ciato placed an actual decent case against him, and Alex basically goes "Wait, she's onto me? I'm a town, she must be scum, TAKE THAT!" ...when he was doing the EXACT SAME THING TO SMODGE.  He tried to dress it up, but in the end, that's what his vote amounted too.  Ciato did respond harshly; no way to ignore that, does deserve some looking into.  Difference is, though, Ciato's following up on her mistake with Alex by actually saying "Oh crap, that sucked" and trying to work from there.  Alex basically went for the exact worst possible target after his initial goal was complete.  That's bad Town playing; if he indeed was smart, and he really did believe Ciato is scum (and he may have), he should have at first merely brought forth arguments.

Also, while I didn't mind the haikus at first...they really hurt Alex in the end, I can't help but feel.  It limited his style of post (couldn't link to others, couldn't really quote, had to say "Post 66" and what not...) wasn't hard to understand, but egads was it something he needed to break out of it he was getting into a serious argument.  You don't put forth evidence on someone and get stuck on brevity based on writing style.

I have a feeling one of the reasons Yakko broke out of character is also cause its hard to keep in character for these big posts, and frankly, don't blame him; he probably wanted serious contribution, and being forced to stay in robot speak AND do that at the same time *AND* be coherent is hard.  The joke had long since run its course.  If Alex was truly serious, he'd have broken the haikus and brought forth a better, more coherent argument for Ciato, and not have jumped the gun and voted on her like that, as the vote did come off as a flowered up OMGUS.

(Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, Yakko <_<)
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #363 on: January 18, 2008, 07:27:52 PM »
...Meeple, you've pretty much hit on why I went against Alex so strongly. He didn't say anything regarding Smodge, he didn't comment on how that lynch actually helped us, he just went full-bore on Ciato. That transition more than anything else made my hackles rise.

As for my behavior? Busy/sick days 1-3, finally getting back into this but suddenly internet went floomy today, making pages take like five minutes to load. There is no further justification. Should I put this in my sig for the record or something? >_>

As for now, stomach is still oscillating on EvilTom for the comment I pointed out yesterday, Ciato I'm looking over (still, yes. It takes a while since I read stuff like seven times before it all sinks in), and trying to get a read on other people. My vote will likely land on EvilTom, but I want to think about this first.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #364 on: January 18, 2008, 09:47:25 PM »
I'm going to play numbers here, because I'm not confident enough to imagine I'll live through the night at this point.

We have Tai, Dhyer, Yakumo, Tom, Meeple, Ciato and myself alive. There is, if I'm not wrong, one scum remaining. This means we have three chances to nail scum. As such, I think it is time I reduced this to four real suspects.

Yeah. There are four real suspects. I'm roleclaiming. I'm Iorek Byrnison. I can choose one person each night and guard them from night attacks. I'm effectively a doc. This means I've stuffed scum twice, and I want to say that they've been ridiculously predictable style-wise and should be ashamed of themselves. My night actions went something like this: Night 1 was Excal, Night 2 was Ciato, Night 3 was Tai, Night 4 was Meeple.

Right now, Evil Tom just shot up my suspect list for trolling for roles, and totally missing the obvious potential of there, you know, being a single doc. I'm going to go back through and see what I can dig up on anyone, but try not to waste this chance guys. I've given you four targets and three chances to win this. Make it count.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #365 on: January 18, 2008, 09:53:34 PM »
Yes, other people have been wishy-washy at times, but you're taking it to an art form.  You had yet to put up a solid opinion of your own, you handwashed your way through the Smodge issue(Voting for him while not taking a strong part of the debate) then latched onto Tom's crusade against me while adding nothing yourself.  You still haven't added anything but a weak claim of misrepresentation to the case against me, everything I said there is how it reads to me and I made it easy for people...bah char limit

Adding nothing? Again, the reason that my suspicion of you remains high is your day 3 and 4 actions, which Tom did not bring up at all. Day 3 you completely ignored anything happening but Tom, not even taking a side on the Smodge/Alex debate. Day 4 you throw out a vote which little explanation, only saying you find the case against Ciato the strongest but not all that strong. When Ciato prompts you to put that in your own words, nothing is said until day 4, when you imply that Ciato's issue was her lashing out an Alex (Which in effect, was different than the argument against her the day before).
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #366 on: January 18, 2008, 10:14:37 PM » I was right, there *WAS* a Doc, and Andrew did a damn good job of it.

Unless Scum are so stupid as to NK themselves (and really, why the hell would they?  They need to know there is a Doc to begin with, and its especially stupid when they're already down one scum), that pretty much confirms Ciato as a Town as well.

There is one flaw to Andrew's confirming Ciato that I can think of offhand:
Alex was Superman.  I really wouldn't be surprised if Alex being Superman was Bulletproof, and they went after him.  Now, to follow up...why would they go after Alex?

I don't know; Alex was laying suspicion on himself with the whole Tunnel Vision thing, Ciato was vocal about that, and frankly, he was going after someone who was Town, and didn't get lynched.  All things considered, going after Alex was a bad move.

In any event, to further help Andrew's Role Claim, I guess I might as well Role Claim too.

I am Prince Charmles.  Naturally, if its not obvious by my name, I am a Vanilla Townie, given who I am.  Not sure WHY I'm GOOD AND JUST, given you know, Charmles isn't exactly that but...well, it does go along with both Smodge's failure theory (though Superman goes against that...) and my "All Townies are Male" theory.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #367 on: January 19, 2008, 12:53:58 AM »
Good job to Andrew then, if you're telling the truth. No counter-doc claims yet, so it looks like it thus far.

I think that an NK on Alex would be quite smart. It would place Ciato under suspicion, methinks.
There is one other possibility, and that is that scum chose not to NK. Could be part of a gambit, kind of like what Alex tried at the end of PW IIRC.

I might look at the whole doc thing in closer detail after a re-read of the whole thread later on.

Meeple's 'Girls are evil' theory seems to be holding up so far. Everyone else is roleclaiming, so I may as well too, to further help the theory;

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet, just in case I'm there.
I'm the reason why Waldo is hiding.
I can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.
I don't get frostbite. I bite frost
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures that I've allowed to live.

I am Chuck Norris. In some parts they know me as Walker, Texas Ranger.
(Vanilla Town)

I've breadcrumbed Chuck Norris facts in quite a few of my posts. You should be able to find them! - This is the reference I used :D

This begs the question - were scum informed of the male/female split? Or did they work it out? If so, then this claim doesn't really help me. But if not, then it provides a lot of evidence for me to be town.

Oh and lol Andrew, I wasn't trolling for roles, I was just thinking out loud, trying to work out why scum weren't making any kills. Trolling usually requires asking for roleclaims of some sort, or at least trying to work out who has what role. Quote me if you think I did either of these. But it looks like a mass-roleclaim can only help town at this point anyway.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #368 on: January 19, 2008, 01:46:09 AM »
First: 2 of 4? That's an impressive doc ratio, and it does trim the options down greatly.

Discarding the Ciato case for now... (a possible case of Alex targeted night 2, as Meeple said; unlikely? Yes. Must it be considered? Yes.)

That leaves me, Dhyer, EvilTom and Yakumo.

I know I'm town (lol is this roleclaim?!?!?!111) so this trims my options down to Dhyer, EvilTom and Yakumo.

Yakumo I have a decent town gut feeling on.

Dhyer... mmm, lemme relook over Dhyer.

This leaves EvilTom, the one my gut was getting into a twist about before.

For now? Even this is good enough for a vote, though I will need to relook over both Dhyer and EvilTom even more.

(also woo this makes my little Meeple analysis obsolete. Blaaaaah.)

##Vote: EvilTom (tenative)


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #369 on: January 19, 2008, 03:05:24 AM »
To make this clear, there is no question that I'm being honest about my claim. Do the math. If I fake roleclaimed, counterclaim happens, one of us gets lynched, then the other.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #370 on: January 19, 2008, 03:28:23 AM »
You're not the person in question; pretty much trust you're telling the truth, though, if you aren't, and the real Doc isn't counter claiming for whatever reason, we'll know if you somehow live through the night (Doc Claiming basically paints a big red target on your head, after all, and unlike other roles, you can't hope an unclaimed one can save you...well, there's a much lower chance.)

Its just the question that the day Ciato was guarded, was perhaps Alex the target of the attack? Being Super Man, I can so see him being Bulletproof.  Chances are, though, given the way Alex was playing, he wasn't.  Alex was aiming at Smodge, a townie, and rather heavily, and clearly not the greatest of town playing as he was getting suspicious (see Ciato noting him)...

So yeah, willing to believe that Ciato was the end of an attack and Andrew saved her.  The rest of her actions make sense from a Town Perspective too, so yeah, willing to take that as enough proof.

[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #371 on: January 19, 2008, 03:40:39 AM »
But wouldn't we have been told if alex had a power? Or is this 'no role flip' and I just never noticed o.o
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #372 on: January 19, 2008, 03:43:56 AM »
To make it clear, that was more a response to Tom than you.

And I also feel the need to say, no, me not dying isn't proof of anything. Don't fall into that logic trap, or scum may well leave me alive. Remember the numbers. There should only be one scum left (and flavor responses on my guards further support this). We have three chances to lynch scum. If I were lying, there is NO reason for the real doc not to claim because you all would get through both of us without problem.

I will also say that my flavor response to blocking Ciato and you flatly said that I scared off the attackers, which was different from what I got on misses.

Anyhow, will get to some serious logic breakdown soon.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #373 on: January 19, 2008, 03:47:14 AM »
Ah, well that flavour response rules out my other theories then. Good to know.

>>Asking again, 'cos I want to know;
-do roles flip on death? I can't remember having seen mention of that sort of thing yet. Sorry if it's stated somewhere, can't remember or find it >.<
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #374 on: January 19, 2008, 04:03:16 AM »
I think that an NK on Alex would be quite smart. It would place Ciato under suspicion, methinks.
There is one other possibility, and that is that scum chose not to NK. Could be part of a gambit, kind of like what Alex tried at the end of PW IIRC.

But what would the motivation of this gambit be? To... clear whoever the doctor protects? Which gives the scum a 1/6 chance of being cleared!!! Alex's was really quite beautiful in PW Mafia, but the reasoning to do this here is so incredibly weak. It clears someone who is probably a townie. It allows town to have an extra day to work with. (With 7 to lynch town gets three lynchings, with 6 it only gets two). So this is really really unlikely.

I’m not sure why you’re so quick to discount the possibility that what probably did happen, you know, happened. <_<. Alex said he was a vanilla townie in his final post and there’s no reason why one wouldn’t believe him. You could assume that he wasn’t told about the role and think that he’s bulletproof (which I find to be an incredibly weak case) and you could say that scum targeted Alex despite the fact that he was bringing forth the most effective smokescreen possible for them.. And no, it wouldn’t place any suspicion on me because I didn’t even regard Alex til Day 3. It doesn’t do anything in fact except remove the person who is strongly targeting a townie for them. (I targeted Andrew, who in turn trusted me enough to doc me). Good play on Andrew’s part for the doctoring and the very effective staying in between zones of being lynched and being NKed as a doctor.  So in short, KISS~
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