
Author Topic: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid  (Read 54010 times)


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #425 on: January 20, 2008, 03:13:56 AM »
HAMMER, that is the game.

I'll leave the final information for OK to post, but the last of the VILE and EVIL has been lynched.
- Have you ever contemplated suicide?
 - Frequently. But only for others.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #426 on: January 20, 2008, 03:31:03 AM »
...and I made perfect timing.  Thanks again Hal.  I was stolen to go on a shopping spree for 6 hours and then proceeded to get sick.  Fabulous. post will be the end.

Congratulations, town.  Give me a bit to put the final touches together.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #427 on: January 20, 2008, 04:01:38 AM »
One remained.  One final, vile bitch remained to be slain. 

The roll call came in:

"I am a giant bear, protecting people at night from murderers!" exclaimed Andrew.

"I'm the reason the dodo is extinct" claimed the one called EvilTom. 

"I've returned from the dead...with a subpoena!" called the distinctly dead-sounding voice of Ciato.

"I'm a fat snobbish prince!" called out Meeple, further adding, "Damnit, why does my role sound so weak here, even compared to all the others?"

"And I'm...uh...Ricky Martin!"  Dhyer exclaimed.

The group stared. 

And stared. 

"Ricky Martin?!" cried Yakumo.  "That sounds like a girl to me!  Get her!"

As the group jumped the one called Dhyer, a terrifying shriek arose from his body.  His visage melted into that of the final, most certainly evil person in their midst - Colbie Caillat, who immediately broke into what can only be deemed as the horrifying combination seventeen tortured cats screaming through a meat grinder in the bahamas being run by thirty deaf kids watching The Passion of The Christ while dancing Lord of the Dance.  The sound tore into the souls of the remaining heroes, debilitating them. 

"Fools!"  the vile woman cried.  "You shall learn the true meaning of terror when I'm done with you!  You'll be extras in my next music video!  You'll suffer for all eternity!"

A collective scream from the disabled group was drowned out by the awful scat.  They were helpless before the terror of the vile siren's song. 

But, as is typical deus ex machina, a light of hope shone out from the sky!  Though faint, there was...a shadowy figure, flying towards the disabled group.  The horrid bitch continued to sing as the shadow grew larger and closer.  As her song reached the high point, the shadow echoed throughout the void:

"And baby said...DIE!"

And on the spot, Colbie Caillat disintegrated into nothing. 

The group of heroes, battered and worn, looked up at their saviour, the all-mighty Goblin King.  Bowing down, they gave respect to the greatest hero the world had ever known.

Dean Venture (Tai) - After joining with David Bowie, he assisted in defeating the vile Zombie Tesla like any Venture would - jumping up and down and calling for Brock Samson to help him.  After this victory, he returned to his brother, father, guardian and robot and continued on his adventures, accomplishing nothing, as usual.
Chuck Norris (EvilTom) - After roundhouse kicking Zombie Tesla in the face, Chuck Norris continued to make a name for himself.  When he finally disappeared from the face of the world (obviously leaving to kill more people on other planets), there were exactly 65535 Chuck Norris facts in existence.
Seven Bundy (Yakumo) - Sadly, after the defeat of Zombie Tesla, Seven Bundy once more faded into obscurity, just the way he was meant to be.
Zombie Cochran (Ciato) - Zombie Cochran went on to once again, successfully defend OJ Simpson with his newly patented M. Night Shyamalan defense.
Prince Charmles (Meeple) - After the battle with Zombie Tesla, Prince Charmles' actual use in saving the world legitly brought him true fame, and several women eventually came wooing him.  Yes, PRINCE CHARMLES GOT THE CHICKES.
Iorek Byrnison (Andrew) - Iorek, newly materialized in the real world, proceeded to maul the executive producers of The Golden Compass movie for butchering the book on the big screen.  President Hilary Clinton presented him with a medal of honour subsequently for his heroism and bravery and defense of decency.
David Bowie - The great Goblin King had many more adventures, but those are better saved for another time...

So yes, wonderful playing from everyone.  More to come!
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #428 on: January 20, 2008, 04:15:29 AM »
Go town!

Man, that's the first time I think I've been NK'd on day 1. h8.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #429 on: January 20, 2008, 04:16:55 AM »
The roles!

Quietrain - Treckie Monster (from Avenue Q, the sex-crazed puppet)
Tai - Dean Venture (from the Venture Brothers - Dean's the chicken wuss in red)
EvilTom - Chuck Norris (from Walker, Texas Ranger - he's fucking Chuck Norris, after all)
Smodge - Hercule (from DBZ, the failure martial artist)
Alex - Superman (from...uh...Superman)
Carthrat - Elitard (from Fire Emblem, the guy who can't wield his sword)
Yakumo - Seven Bundy (from Married with Children - he appeared in the seventh season and then was promptly written out, because people hated him)
Ciato - Zombie Cochran (my own creation I've used before - the zombified version of OJ's super lawyer)
Meeple - Prince Charmles (from Dragon Quest 8 - RANK CHARMLES)
Andrew - Iorek Byrnison (from His Dark Materials series of books - the giant fucking armoured bear)
Zenny - Brave Sir Robin (from Monty Python and the Holy Grail - he's actually afraid of everything, hence the irony)

Otter - Shion Uzuki (THE WHORE OF BABYLON)
Dyhyer - Colbie Caillat (She sings the song, "Bubbly", which is currently my pick for most annoying song in the world)
Excal - Paris Hilton (Uh...yeah)

Everyone was vanilla, except for Andrew, who could guard one person for a night, preventing a kill.  He did this fabulously.  

So, why did I do what I did?

I purposely set a lot of these patterns people were thinking about and looking for.  Hal and I had talked this over a bit, and originally, I had thought to use a lot of powers, but the balance was...annoying to get.  So, Hal suggested 1 doc person, the rest vanilla, everyone must rely on their own deductive abilities to get by.

I set a lot of these things up (the thought that "failure" tied everyone together by making half the group failure, though no one picked up on the "awesome" tie, but that's probably because the failures were revealed earlier), and the male/female thing was random, as I didn't realize until a bit in that it ended up that way.  But it works - really, why would I make women all evil?  >_>  

I do apologize if I drove people nuts with some of that.  I think overall it went well, besides the somewhat auspicious start.  I wanted to get some experience reading more mafia myself, and this helped me a lot, and I hope it was good fun for everyone else.  I tried to stay as quiet as possible, hoping to see people pick up on things as time went on.  I do also apologize for apparently missing large time periods of activity - seemed my schedule didn't agree with that.

But yes, thanks to everyone for playing.  Any comments and criticisms are welcome.  Thanks mucho to Hal who helped to set this up, and who helped take over for me as needed.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #430 on: January 20, 2008, 04:46:55 AM »
Man, I really am sorry I had to drop out there.  It would have been interesting to play in a game that wasn't role crazy.  Especially one where two of the scum basically didn't self destruct.  Ah well, congrats Town.  Next time...  next time it shall not go so well for you!


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #431 on: January 20, 2008, 06:09:59 AM »
Woot, I voted for Dhyer first! On page 2!
And picked Excal! :D (OMGUS works! >.>)

GG OK, I enjoyed it!
It was disappointing for Chuck Norris to be vanilla, but any power you gave him would be unbalanced *nods*

My only complaint is that sometimes you forgot to say whether the slain were town or scum, but you fixed that up real quick so no biggie, GJ!
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #432 on: January 20, 2008, 06:51:35 AM »
Cheered for the hammer at Hal's.  Yay town!

Good game, all.  Very fun.  Gameplaywise, it kinda crashed with the two suicides and a modkill, but those things happen.  I liked the setup a lot.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #433 on: January 20, 2008, 08:36:56 AM »
Man, observing mafia?  Way more fun than playing it on the town side.  Apathy... wasn't helped that I got annoyed when one of the scum were killed night 1 and started figuring that the result of the game was predicted from that very night.  Which it was!  Go fig.  Once again, apologies to town, but anyone who's seriously pissed at me needs to re-evaluate their perspective on the whole mafia gig.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #434 on: January 20, 2008, 10:02:53 AM »
I'm not honestly pissed, just kind of generally annoyed in the game sense because, yeah, it does suck to have things go unfavorably like that. Just get a modkill in the future, a'ight?

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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #435 on: January 20, 2008, 05:43:56 PM »
Goooo Andrew! You realy kicked some ass there.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #436 on: January 20, 2008, 05:49:57 PM »
A combination of Andrew's whole Role Claim post and Yakko's getting eyes on Dhyer is what won the game here, really.

...granted, I must say...Ricky Martin?  Was that really the best Role Claim you could come up with <_<?
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #437 on: January 20, 2008, 06:17:15 PM »
It's OK, Meeple.  Would you be that surprised if that role claim had turned out to be real?


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #438 on: January 20, 2008, 08:43:42 PM »
Seeing a Ricky Martin isn't someone I see OK talking about that much and kind of doesn't mesh well with OK's train of thought?

Yes, I kind of would be surprised <_<
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #439 on: January 20, 2008, 09:03:05 PM »
OK has a train of thought now?


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #440 on: January 20, 2008, 10:36:44 PM »
Ooh, go town.
Confusing game but a fun one.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #441 on: January 20, 2008, 10:40:05 PM »
A combination of Andrew's whole Role Claim post and Yakko's getting eyes on Dhyer is what won the game here, really.

...granted, I must say...Ricky Martin?  Was that really the best Role Claim you could come up with <_<?

Um, considering we didn't get a list of fake roleclaims and OK never answered my PMs about it, yes.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #442 on: January 20, 2008, 10:41:00 PM »
I thought it was believeable; kind of a cross betwen Paris Hilton & Brave Sir Robin, really.
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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #443 on: January 20, 2008, 10:44:27 PM »
It was essentially the male version of my scum character. If I had successfully found the doctor before end, I would have claimed the doctor position with some character from Scrubs.
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« Reply #444 on: January 20, 2008, 11:16:36 PM »
I'm kind of surprised you kept skipping me, honestly. Even not knowing I was doctor, I fit the optimal NK criteria pretty well, I thought.